Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 17 Rock Law

After having enough wine and food, Xingqiu and Chongyun helped clear away the dishes and left quickly.

Zhongli on the side took out a thin booklet from his pocket.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality. I got the Eye of God today. This book of laws and regulations is based on Zhong's insights into the rock element, so I gave it to you!"

Passing the pamphlet in his hand to Wang Daoyi, Zhongli followed Hu Tao and left Wanmin Hall.

Wang Daoyi took the book handed over by Zhong Li. It was just a thin book, probably no more than twenty pages, but it seemed to be extremely heavy, which Wang Daoyi couldn't believe.

He really just wanted to treat Zhongli to a banquet because he wanted to thank Zhongli for answering his questions and helping him see his destiny clearly. He did not want to get anything more from Zhongli.

And Zhongli's booklet can undoubtedly be of great help to Wang Daoyi.

The book written by Zhongli himself records Zhongli's understanding of rock elements. This book is a physical book of spiritual knowledge, which can set off a storm in the Order Academy.

After helping Xiang Ling clean the kitchen, Wang Daoyi hurried back to the Pier Teahouse with this priceless book in his arms. He declined Xiang Ling's farewell.

It was already moonlight, and there were only a few ships arriving at night on the pier and the general affairs officer on duty.

The teahouse has been closed, and the waiter Sisi has also gotten off work.

Returning to the living room in the backyard of the teahouse, Wang Daoyi carefully took out the "Laws and Laws" and put it next to his pillow.

Then I took off my shoes and socks, went to the yard to get some well water, and washed myself.

Although he was full of expectations for the knowledge in "Law Law", Wang Daoyi first calmed himself down by washing himself.

After calming down, he returned to the room. Wang Dao sat cross-legged on the bed and opened the "Laws and Laws" written by the emperor here.

Laws and decrees are the collective name for laws and commands.

When you open the front page of "Laws and Laws", you will see the preface of this book.

Respect oneself, set the golden rule, and only be cautious when receiving orders, and must not violate them.

In "Laws and Orders", Zhongli defines the caster as the one who gives orders, while the rock element is the one who executes and obeys.

It is like an emperor formulating the laws of a country, and everyone in the country must abide by his rules.

I have to say that this is very consistent with Zhongli's identity. He is the Emperor of the Rock King.

Keep reading,

Soon, the first law was mentioned in the book.

Law Order·Shield,

Just like arranging troops, the control rock element forms a shield that surrounds itself. Different from Zhongli's Yuzhang shield in the game, this is a shield that can control its form. The person who orders it can change the shield at will, as desired. Just make it round, think of it as square.

And here, a word is mentioned again in the book, mastery of elements.

In previous games, elemental proficiency can increase the benefits brought by elemental reactions, including evaporation, melting, superconducting, overloading, electromagnetic induction, burning, ice crushing, blooming and super blooming. It can also improve the chips formed by elemental crystallization reactions. Shield strength.

In reality, elemental proficiency is everyone's understanding of elemental power. The higher the elemental proficiency, the more comfortable he is with elemental power.

In this way, the proficiency attributes that were originally unnecessary for rock-type characters in the game have become attributes that every owner of the Eye of God needs to master and improve.

Later, Zhongli wrote a lot about the rock elements in his eyes.

In Wang Daoyi's opinion, the rock element represented only by gold and stone. In Zhongli's eyes, it can be the land that breeds life, or it can be the sword that takes away life, it can be the cultivated fields under the feet of farmers, or it can be the jade pavilion above Liyue. .

It seems that in Zhongli's eyes, everything in Liyue can be connected with the rock element.

Different perspectives look at different problems. There is no doubt that this may really be just some random knowledge written down by Zhongli.

But in Wang Dao's eyes, everything is so novel and everything is so interesting.

Wang Daoyi was immersed in the joy of receiving new knowledge,

Without noticing at all, as he devoted himself, wisps of rock elements gathered around him.

Sometimes they turned into rocks, sometimes into swords and guns, and sometimes into birds that flew around the royal road, and then landed on the bed and turned into a crystal lily.

In the distant starry sky, the Explorer constellation belonging to Wang Daoyi burst out with shining light, and wisps of mysterious power were introduced from the void into the seat of destiny.

Wang Daoyi, who didn't know about the changes in the Seat of Fate, was still immersed in "Laws and Orders". Turning over the Laws and Orders Shield, Wang Daoyi saw the second law and order left by Zhongli in the book, Laws and Orders and Rock Spear.

The rock spear may be Zhongli's most familiar form. All the demon gods banned by Guyun know that Zhongli's rock spear not only has powerful lethality, but also has various additional effects such as penetration, petrification, suppression, and ban.

The legendary whirlpool demon-Oser was suppressed under Guyun Pavilion by Zhongli with a rock gun.

Guyun Pavilion is actually an isolated island that emerged after thousands of years of evolution after the emperor threw countless rock guns into the sea and exposed part of the gun body.

Perhaps it's because Zhongli just jotted it down. There is very little knowledge about rock gun suppression and banning in the "Law of Laws", only a few simple runes.

However, as for how to strengthen penetration and how to add petrification effects, the "Laws and Orders" describe in great detail. Tiny symbols are outlined through rock elements, and then arranged on top of the rock gun to form a penetrating By changing some of the symbols, this penetrating inscription can be transformed into a petrified effect.

Wang Daoyi was amazed and amazed at Zhongli's wisdom.

Teyvat has enchantment technology.

There is no distinction between enchantment and alchemy, and Albedo of Mondstadt is the leader among them.

Even in Liyue, there are many people learning enchanting techniques. There is a special enchanting room in Chihuyan, not far from the blacksmith shop, where a large number of adventurers come in and out every day.

However, like Zhongli, Wang Daoyi had never heard of using elements to outline symbols to directly form natural inscriptions on the rock spear, let alone the ability in the book to change the effect of the inscription by changing some runes.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the oldest god. The knowledge that Morax possesses is beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

With a thought, he communicated with the Eye of God, and bright yellow rock elements quickly gathered together from all around.

The rock element surged, but within three or four breaths, a two-meter-long rock gun appeared in front of Wang Daoyi.

[No, the condensed rock gun alone takes so long. If you add the time of outlining the inscription, it is almost impossible to use in actual combat]

Looking at the sharp rock gun in front of him, Wang Daoyi frowned.

This is very different from the scene described in the book where rocks and guns rained down in an instant.

[There is no problem with "Legal Law". This situation occurs because I am too weak, or in other words, my elemental proficiency is too low! 】

[To reach the point described in the book, I need to acquire more knowledge about rock elements and understand it more deeply! 】

After closing the "Legal Law", Wang Daoyi was filled with thoughts. He looked at the rock gun floating in front of him. With a thought, the rock gun shot out, pierced the window and shot into the ground in the courtyard.


There was a soft sound, and Wang Daoyi saw through the broken window that the rock gun had been submerged in the soil, leaving only the tail handle on the ground.

[It’s broken, the window needs to be repaired tomorrow! ! ! 】

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