Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 172 A touch of blue in the claustrophobic deep sea

Seeing that the attack was discovered, Wang Daoyi attacked first, and after losing more than a dozen huge sea beasts, a long and rapid roar came from the deep sea in the distance.

Suddenly, the sea around the fleet boiled, and ferocious sea beasts rushed out of the sea and roared towards the fleet.

"Oh, it seems that there is no way to eat it. Why are the sea beasts infected by the demon so weird?" Wang Dao raised his eyebrows and looked at the weird sea beasts in the sea. He remembered that when Osel attacked Liyue, he also The monsters that have infested a large area of ​​​​the sea are also so weird.

The huge and grotesque sea beast roared and rushed towards the fleet, but the fleet did not wait for death. The sails were raised, and the entire fleet quickly connected head to tail, forming a huge ring.

Each gun window opened, revealing the sharp crossbow muzzle of the new terminal machine.

Golden light gathered, and sharp golden light shot towards the sea, penetrating the bodies of the sea beasts.

Next to Wang Daoyi, Old Captain Li showed a disdainful face: "If there were such a huge wave of sea beasts in the previous voyages, I am afraid that they would have abandoned their supplies and fled. However, this time the fleet is equipped with the latest ballistae, these sea beasts, But it’s a piece of cake.”

Wang Daoyi looked at Old Captain Li's confident look and said nothing. He didn't know how long he could maintain this confident look.

In Wang Daoyi's perception, there were more and more giant beasts under the sea. Driven by the unknown demon god, more and more sea beasts were summoned from the deep sea and gathered towards the fleet.

However, Wang Daoyi still underestimated the fleet. After a while, an alchemist came out of the cabin and whispered something in the ear of Captain Li.

Wang Daoyi vaguely heard words such as "more and more", "something wrong" and "already ready".

After the alchemist finished speaking, Old Captain Li nodded and said to a messenger on the side: "Send the order, slow down the ballista fire, let those sea beasts come closer, and use the ritual to take away these disgusting things at once. .”

Captain Li also found that these sea beasts were all weird and not like the normal sea beasts he usually met. However, he didn't care. Ever since the whirlpool demon infected the sea fish in Guyun Pavilion that day and crawled to attack Liyue, recently In the Yunlaihai area, many strange sea beasts have been appearing.

Some were infected sea beasts that remained from that time, and some were sea beasts that ate infected sea beasts and were re-infected.

Anyway, there are all kinds of things. Although Captain Li was surprised by the number of strange sea beasts this time, he did not think that there was a demon behind it.

Wang Daoyi watched as the fleet gradually reduced its firepower. Some sea beasts were able to break through the defense line and rush into the fire net, getting closer and closer to the fleet.

Maybe it was a mistake, or maybe the demon god on the opposite side was really not familiar with human warfare. Seeing that the fleet's firepower was reduced, he might have thought that the fleet could no longer hold on.

A long chirping sound came from the distance, and the sea beasts that besieged the fleet suddenly had red eyes and rushed toward the fleet with increasing rage.

Seeing such a violent impact from the sea beast, Captain Li not only showed no concern, but actually smiled on his face.

He originally wanted to release a big wave, but these sea beasts gathered together, which was exactly what he wanted.

"Send the order and prepare for the ceremony!"

The messenger acted quickly, and on the ship's pole, the flag bearer once again waved the flag.

Soon, Wang Dao felt that there was a little more resonance between these dozens of large ships.

A very vague, but extremely huge magic circle took shape really quickly with these dozens of large ships as nodes.

"This is a really interesting idea to prepare the formation disks in advance and then activate them simultaneously in a short period of time to form a combined formation." Wang Dao just thought about it for a moment and saw the details of this method.

"But what effect will this formation have?"

Wang Daoyi's curiosity did not last long. After the flag bearers on all the ships had signaled their prepared flags, Captain Li looked at the increasingly turbulent sea beasts in the sea and showed a cruel smile: "Ritual, start. Bar."

The alchemist beside him nodded, took out a palm-sized formation disk from his arms, and placed a point on it.

The next moment,

A huge light curtain burst out from the ring connected at the top of the fleet, like a huge inverted bowl, firmly holding the sea area.

Before the group of sea beasts could react, light spots condensed on the light screen, turning into stardust and falling down. The beautiful light spots seemed to have their own consciousness and landed accurately on the head of each sea beast.

The huge and violent sea beast was hit by these light spots, and its originally blood-red eyes appeared blank. Then its body became soothed, its originally violent appearance became calm, and finally, it fell asleep in the sea water.

"This... is a non-lethal magic circle?" Wang Daoyi was a little dumbfounded. Captain Li kept saying that it was going to be a big one and that he wanted to kill the sea monster at once. He thought it was some kind of super-destructive weapon.

The result turned out to be a huge sleeping magic circle.

Old Captain Li laughed: "Weapons of mass destruction are naturally available on the fleet. However, we are surrounded by sea beasts. If we use that kind of weapon, we will probably be within the killing range. Therefore, use Shen Mian The magic circle is the simplest. Even though these sea beasts live in the sea, they also need to breathe. The magic circle will make them fall into the deepest sleep, and then forget to breathe, forget everything, and finally drown in the sea."

Wang Dao nodded, that's it. It has to be said that the other party is an experienced senior captain, and his ideas are more comprehensive than Wang Dao's, and all aspects will be taken into consideration.

Before Wang Dao could say a word of praise, a rapid and angry roar came from the distant sea again.

A cold color appeared in his eyes, and Wang Dao looked towards the dark northern sea.

"It's not over yet. Let me see who dares to get so close to Liyue's waters."

With a little anger in his heart, Wang Daoyi said to Captain Li: "There is a big guy. I'll go take a look. You guys, be careful of the sea beasts on the outside."

Then, with his toes tapping lightly on the deck, golden gnosis bloomed in his eyes, he soared into the sky and flew towards the northern sea.

Wang Daoyi's aura belonging to the Rock God's family spread freely, provoking the demon god hidden in the distance.

He is not afraid of the other party at all. Whether it is the divine posture he holds or the rock book in his hand, they all give him confidence.

Not to mention, there is no range for Izumo Laihai yet. This is still the sea area of ​​​​Liyue. If the opponent is really a top-level demon and dares to attack with all his strength, rock spears will fall from the sky.

If the opponent is not a top-level demon, but an ordinary secondary demon, then Wang Daoyi will just test his combat effectiveness after mastering the special martial arts.

But unexpectedly, as a demon god, the other party did not respond to Wang Daoyi's provocation. In the dark sea, the huge figure stared at Wang Daoyi flying over, and then let out an angry roar, and the multi-headed giant beast stayed behind With a look of vigilance and malice, he turned around and dived into the deep sea.

When Wang Dao arrived, he could only vaguely see a huge blue figure disappearing in the sea water.

Wang Daoyi, who was a step late, was suspended above the sea, looking at the deep sea water, his beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

"The figure just now seems a bit familiar, like Osel? No, the seal of Guyun Pavilion is still strong. So, this should be Osel's wife."

"Did you not expect that He would be lurking in the Yunlaihai area so early?"

"He sensed my aura and ran away. The remaining power of this whirlpool is more cunning than those demon gods, or in other words, even more shameless."

"No wonder only after Ning Guang rebuilds the Qun Jade Pavilion can he use his hatred for the Qun Jade Pavilion to lure him out."

"Oh, let's talk to Ningguang about this matter when we return to Liyue."

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