Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 187 The world has forgotten me

Chapter 187 The world has forgotten me.

With a little bit of the preserved remaining material from the Dead Realm, Wang Daoyi said goodbye to Tinari.

Tinari still had the job of patrolling the forest and had to go back to Huacheng to deal with matters, so he did not continue to "tour" the rainforest with Wang Daoyi.

The same goes for Wang Daoyi. He harvested some mysterious polluting substances and felt the mysterious aura emitted by these substances. He also urgently wanted to go to an independent space where he could study these mysterious substances carefully. .

Therefore, the two of them said goodbye in unison.

Watching Tinari leave flexibly in the rain forest, Wang Dao shook the dead pollution substance in his hand and showed a thoughtful expression: "Tinari must have noticed that I extracted the dead pollution substance, but he didn't Warn me, then either these substances are of no use, or Tinari thinks I can handle them."

With a hint of smile, Wang Daoyi put away the dead matter in his hand.

"No matter what he thinks, I want to see now what the true face of this dead realm is."

With this thought in mind, Wang Dao waved his hand, and a faint blue earth vein shuttle channel appeared in front of him.

Glancing again in the direction of the rainforest where Tinari left, Wang Dao entered the ground passage and disappeared into the rainforest.

In the distance, Tinari stood on a big tree, watching the blue light door close and Wangdao disappear.

The big ears twitched slightly, and the beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"I don't know what the origin of this 'new friend' of Alhaysen is. He shouldn't be a bad person."

"Now that I have taken away the pollutants from the Dead Realm, I hope it will bring me good information in the future."

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and Tinari turned around and disappeared into the rain forest. This time he really left.


Big red sand sea.

A small ruin.

Several land-walking rock mushroom beasts were playing, and a faint blue earth channel opened. In the surprised eyes of the land-walking rock mushroom beasts, Wang Daoyi walked out of it.

"It seems that you have done a good job. I will give you some rewards." Wang Daoyi casually looked at the ruins and found that they were not much different from when he left. He praised them with satisfaction.

Then he stretched out his hand, and the rock elements were gathered together. Soon, several rock element energy crystals were formed, and they were randomly thrown to the land-walking rock mushrooms jumping around.

Although these rock element crystals are not permanent, they can also be used as materials for the ascension of these mushroom beasts.

Ignore the land-walking rock mushroom beasts that started a 'fight' over the rock crystals.

Wang Daoyi walked to the side of the Earth Veins Stone and took out the dead zone pollution material. He was going to start studying this thing.

Feeling that the dead matter in his hand began to corrode him after the seal was released, Wang Daoyi showed a little surprise: "You have been away from the mother body for so long, and you still have such a strong corrosive ability?"

"Let me see what you are."

With strong curiosity, Wang Dao held his hands empty and placed the dead matter in his palms. Then he closed his eyes and carefully sensed all the information about these pollutants with his mind.

"Let me see what's in this." Wang Daoyi analyzed the dead domain matter step by step.

‘Leyline energy’

'Elemental Energy'

‘Unknown power of filth’

There are still many broken pictures,

As Wang Daoyi sensed it, a lot of messy information appeared in his mind.

In the outside world, the dead domain material held by Wang Dao Yixu seemed to sense some opportunity, and dark red light shone instantly.

It wanted to take advantage of Wang Daoyi's mental perception and directly pollute Wang Daoyi.

Unfortunately, a golden chain appeared instantly, sealing the shining dead matter tightly.

The closed eyes opened slightly, with some sarcasm: "It's already like this, and you still want to pollute me. You are looking down on me to some extent."

Leave a sarcastic comment, and then continue to close your eyes.

Under Wang Daoyi's precise control, some successfully interpreted information was separated from the dead matter.

First, the elemental energy was expelled, then the leyline energy was extracted, and finally, the scene information remaining in it was cleared.

Finally, Wang Dao opened his eyes and looked at the tiny drop of black liquid left in his hand, which was constantly emitting a faint halo.

"Is this the most critical pollution power in the Dead Realm?"

Wang Dao had a strange look in his eyes. He did not expect that after extracting all kinds of messy things, this drop of pure black liquid did not give Wang Dao any disgusting and filthy feeling, but instead had a strange sacredness.

"It's not like some disgusting pollution, but rather like a derivative of some advanced existence."

Now Wang Daoyi's eyesight is different from that of Mengxin when he traveled to Mondstadt. After long consultations with the emperor and immortals, and after a lot of effective reading, his current eyesight has begun to gradually become worthy of a god. I belong to this status.

"No matter what it is, let me reveal your final veil."

With a little excitement, Wang Daoyi closed his eyes and used all his strength to pump the pure black liquid into his hand.


Like thunder in spring, like lightning on a rainy night.

Wang Daoyi's mind felt a violent shock, and then there was a pure white light.

In a daze, he seemed to hear a very gentle female voice saying something in his ear, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

The white light in his perception dissipated, and Wang Daoyi regained his clear perception.

It is a huge space, with soft white light scattered from the top of the space, illuminating the entire area.

In the center of the space, a giant tree stands, with very beautiful pink-white branches and leaves on the huge crown.

‘This is the World Tree? ’

Although he had never seen this place before, Wang Daoyi reacted instantly. The power belonging to God's family was constantly warning him to keep a distance and respect him. It seemed that there was something hidden under this giant pink and white tree. Great presence.

And just when Wang Daoyi was shocked, the previously hazy female voice appeared in his ears again. This time, it was much clearer.

"The world. Forgot me."

Wang Dao opened his eyes. This time, he was very sure that the sound came from the World Tree.

For no reason, Wang Daoyi seemed to have forgotten his vigilance and awe, and driven by some kind of desire, he rushed towards the World Tree.

He felt that he was about to come into contact with something extraordinary.

It's a pity that the World Tree that seems to be right in front of you seems to be out of reach no matter how close Wang Daoyi gets.

The only thing that reminded Wang Daoyi that he had successfully gotten closer was the increasingly clear sentence, "The world has forgotten me."

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Daoyi's rationality gradually returned and he gradually slowed down. He realized that he could no longer get closer to the World Tree.

In the end, Wang Daoyi stopped and stopped running desperately to get closer to the World Tree.

After regaining his composure, he thought for a moment, then reached into his arms and took out a token.

This was something Morax gave him after he received the doctor's invitation letter a long time ago and went to find his parents.

If the tree in front of me is really the World Tree, then the only thing in my body that can cause the World Tree to react is this token with the aura of the Rock God.

Sure enough, after the token was taken out, the aura belonging to the God of Rock appeared in this space.

The World Tree that seemed not far away quickly responded. Wisps of light condensed on the tree crown, and then, a hazy figure appeared in front of Wang Dao.

Warmth, comfort, softness, all the beauty blooms in Wangdaoyi's heart.

Although the figure was very hazy and his appearance could not be clearly seen, Wang Daoyi could still intuitively feel that the other person was definitely a gentle existence.

Even after just one glance, he felt endless warmth in his heart.

It's like returning to my mother's arms.

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