Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 193 Seven Star Conference

After getting the answer he wanted to hear most from Ningguang, Wang Daoyi returned to the downstairs of Yuehai Pavilion with a smile.

Xiangling was standing not far from the door, waiting for him. The girl's pretty appearance, paired with the glazed lilies surrounding the Yujing Terrace, looked particularly beautiful.

He walked to Xiangling and held the girl's hand: "Let's go home for dinner."

The girl obediently let Wang Daoyi hold her, followed the boy's footsteps, and embarked on the way home.


Late at night, in a secret room in Yuehai Pavilion.

Ning Guang, Ke Qing, and Uncle Tian were sitting together. There were four empty seats on the huge round table, with strange devices placed on them.

The three of them said nothing, quietly waiting for the instruments on the four empty seats to light up.

But after a few minutes, all four instruments were lit up.

"Tianquan, why did you initiate the meeting?"

A voice came from one of the instruments.

Ning Guang saw that everyone had "arrived" and slowly spoke out the content of today's conversation with Wang Daoyi.

Whether it was about Bashi or about the Tianheng Mountain veins, they were all explained in detail. Finally, Ningguang said in a very serious tone: "Both of these matters are very serious, so I cannot make arbitrary decisions. You need to discuss this together."

As Tianquan, Ningguang usually decides many things in Liyue arbitrarily. Only when there is a real big event, she will convene a meeting with the Seven Stars, just like the immortals came together to question the Seven Stars before.

"Ahem." Uncle Tian coughed and then said, "Then let's talk about the Bashi issue first and how to solve it."

"Basi, the wife of the vortex demon god Osel, was also the emperor's enemy during the demon god war. Now, she has once again threatened Liyue."

There was a cold glint in Ke Qing's eyes, "We can't let the immortals take action this time. Liyue needs to prove that she can move forward independently."

Ningguang nodded: "Thanks to the casting of the ancient magic weapons, the secret library has relaxed its attitude towards us. We can now mobilize many powerful weapons. Ba Bo is not invincible to us. The biggest problem is , we actually can’t attract it out.”

After a pause, a ray of light appeared in Ningguang's eyes, and his tone also changed slightly: "So, I hope you can support me in rebuilding Qunyu Pavilion!"

Rebuilding Qunyu Pavilion. The other seven stars remained silent.

Qun Jade Pavilion is the place that covers Liyue. It is precisely because of its sacrifice and Ningguang that the immortal is willing to believe that Qixing has the ability to lead Liyue forward.

The atmosphere froze for a while before a voice came out from the strange instrument: "Osser was suppressed again by your Jade Pavilion. If the Jade Pavilion rises again, Ba Si will definitely be unable to bear it. From this point of view, I will support you in rebuilding Qunyu Pavilion. I cannot rush back to Liyue now, Tianquan, I will summon my people and ask them to follow your arrangements."

"Thank you, Tianxuan." After winning a Seven Star, Ning Guang was not happy, but looked at other positions.

for a long time,.

"Tianquan, do you still have the courage to smash another Jade Pavilion?" Another voice sounded.

Ning Guang turned to look at the corresponding seat, as if the other person was right in front of her, and her tone was full of seriousness: "Of course, Kaiyang!"

Perhaps it was Ningguang's serious tone that impressed the other party: "Okay, I will also pass the message, you can mobilize my people."

Two Seven Stars expressed their opinions one after another, plus Ke Qing and Tian Shu, Ning Guang actually had 5 votes, but she still looked at the other two positions.

"I hope Qunyu Pavilion can protect Liyue instead of covering up Liyue. Tianquan, you can mobilize my people." After a moment of silence, another Seven Star expressed his stance.

"Liyue will not be harmed before the fall of Qunyu Pavilion!" Ningguang promised as he stared at the position belonging to Yaoguang.

"In that case, I agree, Tianquan. I hope that when I come back, I can see the snowy scenery of Qun Jade Pavilion again." The last Tianji star also replied.

After receiving everyone's consent, Ningguang breathed a sigh of relief. Although on the surface, Ningguang's reconstruction of Qunyu Pavilion seemed to have nothing to do with anyone else, in fact, no one would want a peer to become superior.

Not to mention, something like a nuclear weapon like Qunyu Pavilion was floating over his head.

Therefore, although Ningguang had long planned to rebuild Qunyu Pavilion, it was not until today that he took the opportunity of Ba Shu to propose this plan.

As she expected, under Ba Shu's threat, the other seven stars chose to agree. After all, although this nuclear weapon was suspended above their heads and only Tianquan could activate it, for Liyue, in the presence of a demon god's wife Under the threat of nuclear weapons, there is a completely different situation between having nuclear weapons and not having nuclear weapons.

Qunyu Pavilion is both glory and intimidation.

Ningguang, who had obtained Qixing's consent, was not happy for long, and immediately moved on to the second topic: whether to agree to build a complete sacrificial temple in Liyue.

Keqing was the first to speak out: "I don't agree. Today's Liyue is ruled by humans. If we start worshiping immortals again, how will we resolve the conflict between the immortals' ideas and ours?"

It's not that Keqing hates immortals. On the contrary, she respects immortals very much. However, she is worried about what to do if immortals and Qixing have conceptual conflicts in the future once immortals return to people's sight.

Uncle Tian shook his head: "In the past 3700 years, the immortals have never interfered with Liyue's development."

In Uncle Tian's opinion, it is right to sacrifice sacrifices to immortals, just like worshiping heroes in the past during the Hailantern Festival. They are all Liyue's benefactors, and there is no problem in building temples. As for the problem Keqing mentioned, Uncle Tian has no problem at all. Mind you, after all, the immortal has never interfered with Liyue.

Regarding Uncle Tian's statement, Ke Qing immediately retorted: "That's because in the past when the emperor was there, Qixing carried out the path designated by the emperor, but now and in the future, Qixing will carry out "human" ideas."

The others listened to Keqing and Uncle Tian's arguments and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, a voice interrupted the debate between Keqing and Tianshu: "Tianquan, tell me what you think. It's not okay for Yuheng and Tianshu to continue arguing like this."

The one who spoke was Tianxuanxing, who was the first to support Ningguang.

Ningguang was called out and said calmly: "I support my idea!"

"Ningguang you," Keqing said urgently.

In Keqing's view, as the main force in human governance, Ningguang should disagree.

"Yu Heng, don't be anxious, listen to my explanation." He reached out to comfort Ke Qing, and Ning Guang continued, "I thought a lot when I just heard about the establishment of the temple."

"I wondered if the immortal was testing me through Wang Daoyi, but after thinking about it carefully, I realized that this was Wang Daoyi's own idea, and he was testing us."

There was confidence in Ningguang's eyes. After Wang Dao left, she thought for a long time, and finally she saw that this was a test by Wang Dao to the Seven Stars. No, it was not even a test, but two different paths.

Ke Qing was puzzled: "Wang Daoyi is testing us?"

Ningguang nodded: "Liyue is a country of contracts. After suppressing Osel that day, the immortals promised me to take a closer look at this era of human rule. Although the agreement was only verbal, they are all immortals who value the contract most, and they will naturally abide by the contract. , look at us instead of testing us."

"But Wang Daoyi is different. He has powerful power and has close contacts with various immortal families. He has never expressed his stance. Therefore, I think this is his test of us."

There was hesitation in Ke Qing's eyes, and she didn't want to think too much: "But, what is he testing us for?"

Ning Guang shook his head: "I don't know, maybe it's because he has some considerations."

Then back to the topic: "Putting aside our various concerns, as the people of Liyue who were once protected by the immortals, it is also a very right thing for us to sacrifice to the immortals. No matter whether there will be problems that Yu Heng is worried about in the future, for now , immortals, are not our enemies.”

"Even if one day there is a conflict between the Immortal and the Seven Stars of the future, I believe that the latecomers will solve it. What we have to do now is to smooth out all the current problems."

"And, I believe that no matter which immortal they are, they all love Liyue as deeply as we do. The conflict between the immortals and Qixing may not come."

After finishing speaking, Ning Guang looked to other places. In fact, she still had something to say, that is, if the future Qixing betrayed her beloved Liyue, then having the immortal around would also be a guarantee.

"In that case, I agree."



Under Ningguang's persuasion, Keqing finally agreed. However, to Ningguang's words, Wang Daoyi's temptation was like the stones stepped on while walking. Although it did no harm, it made people uncomfortable.

Keqing didn't understand why Wang Daoyi did this.

Obviously everyone was like friends before, but now they are making this tentative move of distrust.

Someone is going to school today, please update in advance to prevent them from seeing it, hahahaha,

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