Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 200 Kitchen Twisted Chef Heizi

The mornings in Liyue are always charming, just like a girl in her twenties and eighties, exuding a fresh breath.

As the first day of Xiao City's opening, Keqing, one of the Seven Stars, rarely had any free time to rest and visit Xiao City as an ordinary person.

However, as soon as she arrived in Xiao City, she heard a loud and familiar voice.

"Fine-quality stone amber, fine-quality stone amber, fine-quality stone amber has been sold at a bargain price. The original price of the stone amber ornaments was more than 100,000 and more than 80,000, but now they only cost 10,000 moles. You heard me right, they only cost 10,000 moles. Take home fine stone amulets.”

"Emperor ornaments, immortal ornaments, and Yaksha ornaments, please go home to worship them. May you be blessed with good fortune and longevity, may your family be healthy and safe, and may you be protected from evil spirits!"

The sound was like a demonic sound filling her ears, and she couldn't help but walk towards the source of the sound.

Sure enough, after taking a few steps, I saw a few familiar figures, one of the most restless people among the younger generation in Liyue.

As I got closer, I heard Wang Daoyi, who was holding a golden ornament, saying to the customers in front of the stall: "Hey, look at this emperor ornament. It was carved by a master according to the seven-day statue, and it is also of the highest quality. Shibo, it’s definitely not expensive to charge you 10,000 molas.”

"Just think about the emperor's great reputation. When our Liyue Port was first built, it was an uninhabited place. This huge Liyue Port was built bit by bit by the emperor with us, stone by tree. Come on, please bring a statue of the emperor home to worship, what a blessing it will be."

Soon Ke Qing saw that under Wang Daoyi's 'fooling', the customer happily dropped a note worth 10,000 Morads, hugged the palm-sized ornament, and walked away.

Then Wang Dao stuffed the money tickets into the cabinet next to him, then picked up an ornament and looked at another customer: "Hey, I see you have been staring at this Yaksha ornament for a long time. What, are you interested?"

The customer wore a mask on his waist. Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, he nodded first and then waved his hand: "I like it very much, but I don't have enough money. I'll just take a look. The boss doesn't mind."

Wang Dao looked at the mask on the opponent's waist, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. It turned out to be a Nuo noodle, which was very similar to the Nuo noodle carried by the Yakshas.

But Wang Daoyi can confirm 100% that the opponent does not have any immortal power, let alone elemental power.

"You like Yasha very much?" Wang Daoyi was a little interested. After all, in Liyue, there were not many people who knew Yasha.

The man nodded, with some yearning on his face: "Yakshas subjugate demons and protect ordinary people. I like them very much."

"Ah, aren't you that Xing Tianjun?" Paimeng came here to inquire about the news, but saw Wang Daoyi chatting with someone she was familiar with.

He quickly flew to Wang Daoyi's side and looked at the man wearing a Nuo mask in front of him: "Daoyi, this guy is a liar, don't be deceived by him."

Paimeng's direct words made the person opposite feel a little ashamed: "My name is Wang Pingan. I already know that I was wrong about what happened in the past. Now I am studying on a study tour, looking for stories that belong to Yaksha. I can no longer lie to others."

"Oh, okay." Paimeng floated in front of Wang Daoyi. Maybe he felt that what he just said was a bit direct. He came to Wang Daoyi's ear and softly narrated the story between them and this person.

It turned out that she had met this person when Ying first came to Liyue. At that time, he claimed to be an immortal and was driving away monsters. It seemed that he had some methods, but in fact, he relied on an all-forbidden weapon. Later, Ying and Paimeng exposed him. And they taught him a lesson together with Mandrill. In the end, this guy left behind a hundred taboos and disappeared. Paimon didn't expect to meet him here.

After listening to Paimon's narration, Wang Daoyi looked at this former liar and now Yasha lover with great interest.

"You mean, you're looking for Yaksha's story?"

Wang Pingan nodded vigorously: "After being awakened by the Great Sage of Conquering Demons that day, I have been reflecting on myself. Instead of using tricks to deceive people, it is better to find more stories and compile them into books, so that the deeds of the immortals can be spread more widely. "

"Well." Wang Dao nodded and looked at the other party. He looked quite strong and had a smile on his face. "Speaking of which, we are still our family, so why not give you a suggestion? Now Qixing has given an order to build a temple at the foot of Tianheng Mountain. , if you are interested in the deeds of immortals, you might as well go find a job at the construction site over there."

"The person in charge of the construction site is Zhongli Keqing from the Palace of Purity. He is knowledgeable and has extraordinary knowledge. If you ask him for advice, you may be able to gain a lot."

Wang Pingan's eyes lit up when he heard Wang Daoyi's words. He searched for the story of Yasha all the way, but found very little.

Yaksha kills evil spirits and is covered with karma. He usually chooses to stay away from the human world. Among mortals, there are very few stories about Yaksha.

Now he got accurate good news, which had to make him happy.

"Thank you, thank you boss, I'll apply for the job right away." As he spoke, he started to leave.

"Wait, wait, what's the rush?" Wang Daoyi quickly grabbed him and waved to the girl in purple not far away, "You've been watching for so long, why don't you come over?"

Keqing did not refuse, and walked straight to the stall and looked at the loudspeaker that was always broadcasting: "I didn't expect that His Excellency Wang Daoyi would still do business. Once this thing comes out, I'm afraid the waiter hawking it will lose his job. "

"Hey, times are always improving. Isn't that what you want? As for hawking, there is no technical content. It is better to let them switch to explaining sales. At least they will make more than hawking waiters."

After casually dealing with Keqing's teasing, Wang Daoyi introduced to Wang Ping'an: "This is Yuhengxing Keqing, who is in charge of the land construction in Liyue. If you want to enter the construction site, it is only a matter of her words."

Wang Ping'an's eyes lit up and he saluted quickly: "I have met Lord Yu Heng, and I hope that Lord Yu Heng can help me."

"Give me a pen and paper." Ke Qing had just listened to their conversation and knew that this person was 'looking for immortals'. She took out a seal and wrote a letter to Wang Ping'an on the spot, stamping it: "You take it This letter is going to the construction site. Let’s be at Mr. Zhongli’s side first. Oh, we’ll go after the Hai Lantern Festival. The construction site is on holiday recently.”

Wang Pingan received the letter with excitement on his face: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Yuheng."

Ke Qing waved her hands indifferently. This kind of thing was not a problem at all to her. Anyway, it was just an extra person's salary. If this person could not be used, the person in charge of the construction site would naturally take care of the follow-up matters.

She didn't care about Wang Pingan's thanks, but was attracted by Wang Daoyi's goods.

Especially the crystal clear statue of the emperor seemed to be calling her to buy it.

Wang Daoyi followed Ke Qing's gaze and saw the statue of the Seven Heavens God on the stall, and smiled: "How about it, Master Yu Heng, would you like to take care of my business?"

"Look, such exquisite stone amber, such exquisite carvings, only costs ten thousand molad, so you can't miss it."

Wang Daoyi worked hard to sell Emperor figures to Keqing.

It's just that Keqing is not one of those ordinary guests. She is not only one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but also a descendant of a big family. In the eyes of ordinary people, the precious stone amber and the exquisite carvings are all precious to Keqing. It was readily available. What she wanted was to satisfy the special emotion in her heart for the emperor.

In her heart, Keqing had denied the emperor's way of ruling Liyue countless times. After the emperor died, there was no emperor to guide the direction. It was only after Qixing personally dealt with Liyue's affairs that she discovered that the emperor had led Liyue forward for thousands of years. What a great achievement.

Therefore, despite Keqing always saying that this is an era of human rule, deep in her heart, the weight of the emperor is getting heavier and heavier.

"Your stone amulet is quite good. It is indeed top-grade. However, the carving is too rigid. If you don't know better, you might think it is a machine carving from Fontaine or Zhidong."

Keqing first made a disparaging comment, and then said with a straight face: "However, seeing that you are determined to contribute to the Hai Lantern Festival, I will buy one."

As he spoke, he threw out a bill, stretched out his hand to hold the Emperor's Seven Heavenly Statue into his arms, and inadvertently revealed a silly smile.

Wang Daoyi looked at the silly smile on Ke Qing's face and tried hard to control his expression so as not to laugh out loud.

Soon, Keqing regained control of her expression, rolled her eyes, and walked towards Ying's territory.

Wang Daoyi ignored it and continued to receive other guests.

By noon.

Followed by a few fools and officials, Pantalone walked in the city of Xiao.

"I haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time." With a gentle smile, Pantalone looked like a genial young man, and his handsome face attracted the attention of many girls.

If it weren't for the fools around him, someone might have already come up to chat with him.

"How long can the Kingdom of God be prosperous if it is lost?" A fool among the officials answered.

Pantalone shook his head. These ordinary fools and officials did not know that Morax was still alive, so they would say such stupid things.

"Don't say such stupid things. This country has lasted for 3,700 years. Its foundation is stronger than you think. If you maintain this mentality, I will have no choice but to send you to Inazuma's factory."

Pantalone's voice was still gentle, but it made the foolish officials around him break into a cold sweat.

"Yes, yes, I am stupid, I'm sorry, sir."

He shook his head slowly, not caring about the fear of the officials, and looked towards the stall playing the loudspeaker not far away.

"It's interesting to sell the statues of Morax and the Immortals." Pantalone took a step and walked straight over, and the fools around him quickly followed.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Wang Daoyi."

Hearing the sound of greeting, Wang Dao turned around and saw that this was the person he had always wanted to find!

"Pantarone, I don't remember seeing you. You didn't agree even once we met." Wang Daoyi stared at the Fool Executive Officer in front of him, "Besides, you are so strutting on the street, don't you worry about Yelan's arrow?" Shoot you to death?"

The iconic gentle smile was still on his face: "Although we have never met, I have been close friends with you for a long time. As for the lady in the General Affairs Department, she is very abiding by the rules, and the matters behind the scenes will be solved behind the scenes."

"Today I am visiting Xiao City as a former citizen of Liyue and now a diplomat of Zhidong. If that lady were here, she would still protect me."

He reached out and picked up a statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods: "Is this small statue one for ten thousand molas? I want them all if you have them."

"Sorry, each person is limited to one purchase."

"Oh, okay, let's get one. It's such a pity that such a beautiful emperor statue falls into the hands of ordinary people." Pantalone said with indifference in her eyes.

However, Wang Daoyi waved his hand: "Others have ten thousand molas, you have to add more money."

"Huh?" Pantalone was stunned. He must have remembered that the other party was a descendant of the God of Rock. Why did he increase the price casually? He had no business spirit at all. "Why should I increase the price?"

"You have been refusing to see me before." Wang Daoyi had wanted to go to Beiguo Bank to find a rich man to get some money for many times, but this guy didn't agree even once we met.

Pantalone nodded: "I have avoided visiting you many times, which is indeed rude."

"You also told the doctor about my itinerary." The information about Wang Daoyi's trip to Xumi was given to the doctor by the rich man. As a result, as soon as Wang Daoyi got off the boat, the rich man's licking dog Elchingen appeared in front of Wang Daoyi.

Pantalone continued to nod: "It is true that you have provided your information to others without permission."

Seeing that the other party agreed with his words, Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction: "So, others have one for ten thousand, and you have one for one million."

When they heard Wang Daoyi's offer, the people around him and the fools around the rich man were all startled. This must be robbery.

Even Ke Qing, who was eavesdropping next to Ying, was stunned. Although one million is not a big sum of money to Ke Qing, but for something with a price tag of 10,000, it is still a bit too much if you suddenly increase the price to one million. .

However, no matter what others thought, Pantalone nodded: "As an apology, the price is very reasonable."

As he spoke, he gave the fools around him a look, and the other party immediately took out a bill. Pantalone took it and stamped it with his mark: "One million Mora, I hope we can get along happily in the future."

Wang Daoyi took it with a smile: "Of course, we will be very 'happy' together."

For Wang Daoyi, as long as he meets the rich man, he will dare to send bills to Beiguo Bank in the future, which will of course be very 'pleasant'.

Picking up the figure of the Seven Heavenly Gods, the rich man said goodbye to Wang Daoyi: "The transaction is completed, I will continue shopping. I have stayed in the winter for a long time, and I haven't seen such a prosperous Liyue for a long time."

After saying that, he nodded to Keqing on the side, and then took steps to leave here.

As soon as Pantalone left, Keqing immediately came to Wang Daoyi: "Do you still have contact with the Fools?"

"Ahem, there is a little connection. It's quite refreshing when the fool pays."

Wang Daoyi thought for a moment and gave Keqing an answer.

"Huh, don't get involved in the things of the Fools. They are not good people." I don't know if it was a worry or a warning. Ke Qing said something bad about the Fools to Wang Daoyi, and then left. Looking at the direction, he was going It’s Yujingtai.

On the other side, Pantalone held a figure of the Seven Heavenly Gods in one hand, and clenched her fist tightly with the other hand, with her fingertips embedded in her palm.

His eyes looked at the statue of the god in his hand, his eyes full of sternness.

[Morax, is this the homage you chose? Would you rather choose such a villain than look at me? 】

Pantalone was cheated by Wang Dao for a million moras, but he didn't care at all. What he cared about was, how could the family of Morax be so unclassy and be satisfied with just one million moras? Why should such a thing be noticed by Morax?

The rich man and Keqing left one after another. Wang Daoyi pulled over another customer and began to sell figures and introduce the deeds of immortals.

Perhaps because he listened to too many storytellers, Wang Daoyi's eloquence turned out to be pretty good, and his stories were so fascinating that people around him exclaimed in surprise.

Gradually, there are more and more people here, and other friends are in pain and happiness.

The pain is that Wang Daoyi's income has far exceeded theirs, but the joy is that the customers attracted by Wang Daoyi continue to purchase their things, satisfying their desire to sell goods.

Time passes, afternoon

At the entrance of Xiao City, a young man in Chinese attire walked in with three companions of extraordinary temperament. Two of the men were wearing brown Chinese attire, and one woman was wearing a blue dress.

"Guys, how do you like this scene of fireworks and bustling people in the world?" The young man stretched out his hand towards the bustling Xiao City, as if brushing against something.

"Although the fireworks on earth are beautiful, the scenery of Hulao Mountain is not bad either." One of them said.

The young man smiled and shook his head: "You have been away all year round, so don't think about the difference between immortality and mortals today. Come and have fun with me."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked in. The other three had no choice but to follow.

Like Keqing, when entering Xiao City, you immediately heard Wang Daoyi's loudspeaker advertisement.

Even Zhongli, who was as calm as an eternal rock, was stunned for a moment.

Only one of the men behind him showed no change in expression.

After pausing for a moment, Zhongli smiled, very warm, like the warm sun in winter: "Let's go and see what that little guy is doing."

The four of them moved to the entrance of the food court and saw Wang Daoyi's huge mechanical speaker.

Zhongli nodded: "It's a good idea to use mechanical creations instead of human shouts."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun glanced disdainfully: "It's just a little trick. If the emperor likes it, I will build a bigger one right now."

Faced with the sudden competitiveness of Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, Zhongli shook his head slightly. These old friends who had accompanied him for a long time always had their own personalities. However, it was precisely because of this that Zhongli cherished them more and more. them.

"He is just a child, why are you arguing with him?"

On the other side, Wang Daoyi was receiving a special customer, a little girl who was only six or seven years old. She was looking longingly at a large-antlered deer ornament in the stall.

"Kid, do you like this big-horned deer immortal?" Wang Daoyi asked softly.

The little girl looked away from the ornaments and looked at Wang Daoyi: "Brother, this is not a big-horned deer, but an immortal. His name is Yixiao Dao Tianzhenjun."

Wang Dao was stunned for a moment. This girl actually knew Yixiao Dao Tianzhen. You know, although this year's Mingxiao Lantern is the image of this true king, many people in Liyue only know that it is the image of an immortal. I don’t know what this immortal’s name is.

But the little girl in front of her, who was only an ignorant girl, could actually recognize the immortal and was still correcting his name.

"It turns out it's called Yixiao Dao Tianzhenjun. Thank you for correcting me, kid. Do you know the story of this True Lord? If you tell me, my brother will give you this little statue."

"Really?" The little girl couldn't resist the temptation of the little figure, and a smile appeared on her face. It was obvious that she was very confident about Wang Daoyi's question.

"Yixiao Daotian Tianjun is one of the immortals who follow the emperor. Thousands of years ago, a demon attacked Liyue and punched Tianheng Mountain. Tianheng Mountain collapsed and the people in the mountain were in danger. At this time, Yixiao Daotian Tianjun stood When he came out, he had his antlers cut off and used them to support Tianheng Mountain and save the people of Tianheng Mountain."

The little girl's speech was quite clear and she roughly told the story. Although many details were missing, Wang Daoyi still picked up the Shiba figure of Tian Tianjun, the guide to Yixiao, and gave it to the little girl.

The little girl happily took the statue and said again: "Mom and dad have always told me this story, saying that we mountain people must not forget this true king."

Not far away, Zhongli and the three immortals watched quietly.

The 10,000 words will be updated in the next two days tomorrow. I will get a badge and it will also end the plot of the Sea Lantern Festival.

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