Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 206 The red sand flag is flying, the mechanism of the ruins

In the small canyon in the desert, the people of the Gilded Brigade watched in shock as the sandstorm dissipated, revealing Wang Daoyi's figure and Xi De, who was bound by golden chains.

"Enemy attack!!!"

The shrill shouts instantly spread throughout the canyon, and members of the Gilded Brigade emerged from the corners of the canyon.

Wang Daoyi just looked down quietly, watching these gold-plated brigades gathering.

Enemies of this level gathered together to deliver food to him.

Of course, Wang Daoyi had no intention of taking away all the stars in one shot.

After all, these are all human hands, all his leeks.

The Gilded Brigade, a loose group of mercenaries from the golden desert. Willing to work for anyone for reward.

The "Gilded Brigade" is the collective name given to them by people other than the Sand People. Among them are mercenary groups such as the "Sons of Farroh" and tribes such as the "Tanit".

As a nation without gods, most members of the "Gilded Brigade" will only use the martial arts of desert survivors for their livelihood and their employers.

Thinking about various information about the Gilded Brigade, Wang Daoyi slowly descended from the air, stood in front of the Gilded Brigade, and looked at a big man in the Gilded Brigade.

"Are you the leader here?" Looking at the desert man holding a long-handled axe, Wang Dao asked directly.

Greta looked at Wang Daoyi who was surrounded by wind and sand with a solemn face, her eyes full of wariness.

As the leader of the plundering group, he has more than a hundred gilded brigades that can fight. Different from the image of a barbarian who easily wields a giant axe, as a gilded brigades and thundering in the day, even though he regards fighting as his Tianshi is a true descendant of the samurai tribe. In fact, he also has a lot of research on the ancient literature and poetry of the abandoned capital in the sand.

Looking at the jackal mask on Wang Daoyi's face and the terrifying ability to control the wind and sand, Greta couldn't help but think about it.

He also recalled the legend in the desert not long ago about the priest who also wore a jackal mask and drove sandstorms to destroy monsters and save the desert tribes.

There was some confusion in Greta's eyes, but under Wang Daoyi's increasingly cold eyes, he finally lowered his head: "Salute to you, your noble lord, I am the leader here, Greta."

Wang Dao nodded and gave the same choice as when he was in the Kasak tribe: "Submit, or destroy."

The violent wind and sand began to flow, and the yellow sand was flying all over the sky, as if it would destroy everything here in the next moment.

There was a commotion in the Gilded Brigade, and everyone looked at Greta at the front. The pride of the desert people made them hope that Greta would not agree, but the fear of death in their hearts also hoped that Greta could nod.

Greta was even more confused. He had already recognized the people around Wang Daoyi as the elders of the tribe next to them. He had blackmailed this tribe more than once.

Now this elder appears next to Wang Daoyi, with an excited look on his face. It is obvious that this tribe has surrendered to the person in front of him.

If he chose to surrender at this time, he could not draw a conclusion in his heart whether his own interests could be guaranteed.

On the other side, Wang Dao's eyes became increasingly impatient when he saw that the big man had been silent for a long time.

The yellow sand in the sky seemed to feel the inner displeasure of its owner, flying violently and making a shrill whistle, oppressing and intimidating the gilded brigade in the canyon.

Feeling the gathering sandstorm, the desire for life finally defeated the inner attachment to power and wealth.

Kneel down on one knee and crawl at the feet of Wang Daoyi: "Greta will be your axe, sir."

As Greta prostrated, many of the Gilded Brigades breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the violent yellow sand in the sky, they were also very scared.

He quickly knelt down along with Greta: "I surrender to you, my lord."

A smile appeared on the corner of the mouth under the mask, and Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction: "Fengsha will no longer punish you."

The yellow sand in the sky calmed down, and the clear sky appeared in front of everyone again, as quiet as if the violent wind and sand had never appeared before.

"Go and open the mouth of the canyon to accept the Kasak tribe. Also, compile a map of the surrounding forces and give it to me."

After loosening the chains that bound West Germany and throwing West Germany to the ground, Wang Dao stepped into the air and passed by many gilded brigades: "As long as there is one force in this area, it is enough."

There was a hint of ecstasy in Greta's eyes. He finally understood why Sid, the elder of the Kasak tribe, was so happy.

For such an ambitious and powerful man, the sooner you surrender to him, the more benefits you will gain.

As the second surrendered force, as Wang Daoyi continues to conquer other desert forces, he will receive more and more benefits.

Now he is just the leader of a gilded brigade of a hundred people, and maybe he will be the leader of a thousand people in the future.

"Yes, sir, I will prepare the map for you right away." Greta respectfully watched Wang Daoyi walk into the water source deep in the canyon, then turned to look at West Germany, "Elder West Germany, in the future, please give me more Take care of me."

There was indifference in Sid's eyes, but a smile on his face: "No, no, let's do things together in the future, and we need Leader Greta to take more care of us."

The two old foxes both wanted to kill each other, but they held each other's 'hand of friendship' with a smile.

They all know in their hearts that the other party will be their biggest 'enemy' from now on.

Soon after Wang Daoyi left, people from the Kasak tribe appeared not far from the entrance of the canyon. They were very cautious and did not approach. Instead, they sent a young man over to take a look and found that West Germany was waiting for them here. They safely drove away the beasts of burden and carried their tribe's last possessions into the canyon.

Some members of the Gilded Brigade were jealous and wanted to snatch it, but they remembered the man in white deep in the canyon and restrained their desires.

Under Wang Daoyi's force, the two different desert forces were forcibly gathered together.

Wang Daoyi is well aware of the discord between the two parties and will not try to make peace. On the contrary, the more discord they have, the happier Wang Daoyi will be.


a month later

Dachishahai·Holy Epiphany Hall

In the ancient past, this place used to be a fertile oasis, but now it is a ruin covered with yellow sand.

Thousands of gilded brigades occupied this place, and a red sand flag fluttered in the wind. This was the flag Wang Daoyi chose as the symbol of his power.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the Lord is waiting for our news, don't let him down."

Holding a huge long-handled ax, Greta shouted to the gilded brigade under his command.

In the huge area of ​​the Holy Epiphany Hall, there are dozens of teams active.

Driven by dozens of high-level Erling messengers, ordinary Gilded Brigades are conducting reckless excavations here.

A month ago, after gaining the allegiance of the Greta tribe, Wang Daoyi conquered dozens of desert forces. Some chose to surrender after seeing the power of the desert, while others were stubborn and clashed with Wang Daoyi.

All in all, the final result was that Wang Daoyi integrated dozens of forces in this desert area, and then took them to the location of the Holy Epiphany Hall and let them dig.

The main reason why I came to the Holy Apparition Hall instead of the Red King's Tomb is because the Red King's Tomb is located in the center of the desert, making it difficult to guarantee the logistical resources for thousands of people.

On the other hand, it was also because Wang Daoyi had checked in the Void Terminal that the Red King's Mausoleum was protected by some mysterious mechanisms, making it difficult to carry out destructive excavation, so he chose the location of the Holy Epiphany Hall.

In many legends of the people of the sand, the Holy Transfiguration Hall is also the entrance to the Golden Dreamland, the place where the wisdom of the Red King is buried.

Standing at the top of a statue in the Epiphany Hall, Wang Daoyi looked down at the entire ruins area, watching the gilded brigade like worker ants carrying out destructive development in this area, with only indifference in his eyes.

In his research, many places here have special protection and can only be entered if certain key props are obtained.

And since he is not the protagonist of the game, such a key prop will definitely not enter his hands on his own initiative.

Therefore, in order to get what you want, minor issues such as ruins being destroyed are completely acceptable.

Anyway, this is not his Liyue relic.

Suddenly, a huge firework rose from the ground. Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up. This was a set rule. If he made any good discoveries, he could launch fireworks and notify him to check.

With his toes just above the head of the statue, Wang Dao fell to the ground and flew towards the place where the fireworks rose.

The fireworks were emitted from the bottom of the Epiphany Hall. There was a very deep pit in the center of the ruins. However, driven by Wang Daoyi, the people from the Gilded Brigade used ropes to build ladders and successfully climbed down to explore.

Wang Daoyi no longer needed to climb the ladder. The wind and sand surrounded him and he fell directly to the bottom of the pit.

"What did you find?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"Sir, we found a stone tablet with ancient inscriptions and strange patterns on the side. Just when our people touched the pattern, two energy mechanisms appeared and injured several people." A man holding a red gold double blade The member of the Gilded Brigade replied.

Wang Dao glanced at him and recognized him as one of the dozens of conquered tribal leaders and a high-level Erling messenger.

"Very good, take me to see it."

The Gilded Brigade, Chiyang Ningbing, brought Wang Daoyi to a stone monument.

The stone tablet stands on a dilapidated ruins. Judging from its weathered appearance, it must be a masterpiece of ancient people.

"Sir." The gilded brigade guarding the surrounding area moved out of the way.

Wang Dao took a look and found that there were indeed many people injured. Not far away, there were two immobile Yuaneng structures stacked together. There were a lot of marks on them with slashes and axes. It was obvious that these two Yuaneng structures were After appearing, he injured many people and then chopped them up.

Ignoring these things, Wang Dao walked directly to the stone tablet.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the stone tablet slowly, carefully identifying the ancient words on the stone tablet.

The ancient text on the stone tablet is obviously divided into two parts. The upper part is neat and solemn, while the lower part has been repeatedly altered, making it almost impossible to decipher the words above.

[The tower that caused the death of old king Badana has been destroyed, and all the falcons have been buried.

Let’s sing joyfully for the new king Faramaz’s ascension to the throne, and the brothers of the old king and queen will support the rule of the new king like the pillars supporting the sky.

With the help of wise relatives, the new king's seal will not be stamped on any flawed document. 】

The content that follows is a mess, and only fragments can be deciphered.

[Because the new king was young, the regent Queen Mahela of Tulaidula summoned the ministers to discuss the matter.

Zen is located in his uncle, the lord of Turaidura and the prime minister of Varash... Faramaz left the throne and moved to the Green Palace.

Uncle Goraz raised an army and set up Faramaz again...Faramaz moved to the Green Palace, and Grand Master Goraz and Mahela jointly served as regents...

Golasi proclaimed himself king, took Mahisha as his queen, and banished Faramaz...

...The dignitaries of Tulaydura rebelled and claimed to avenge Varash. The Gora cult retreated, and Queen Regent Mahela used her head to quell the grievances of the rebels...Welcome King Falama back.

...The city of Saleh rebelled again and established Hagan... Regent Queen Pingzhi

The twelve uncles rebelled against the orthodoxy...proclaimed themselves kings one after another...wars...desolation...peasants were judged as exiles, and exiles were conscripted into slave soldiers.

The war subsided and King Faramaz was restored to power again...Queen Mahela Viper passed away in three days.

…The slave soldiers colluded with the citizens…Faramaz…exiled to the rainforest…]

Relying on the knowledge of ancient characters given to him by Elhaysen, Wang Daoyi deciphered some of the characters that were still understandable.

"This is a record of ancient history, not what I am looking for." Wang Daoyi was a little disappointed. Although this was a bit of a gain, it was not the knowledge he wanted from the Red King.

"Keep digging!" After giving a new order, Wang Daoyi left the bottom of the pit disappointed.

Before he could return to the top of the original tower, another firework exploded, and another new discovery was made.

Wang Daoyi went there immediately, but he no longer had any hope in his heart.

Arriving at the place where the fireworks exploded, this was a ruin under a huge statue of a god. It seemed that an entrance had been opened by someone from the Gilded Brigade.

"Sir, we have opened the entrance to the ruins." The person in charge here is a member of the Kasak tribe, and the person who spoke was Elder Sid.

Wang Dao took a look, and sure enough, the originally closed door to the ruins was opened.

"Very good, has anyone gone in to take a look?" Wang Daoyi looked into the ruins and vaguely saw a huge blue stone.

"I went in and looked at it, sir. There was something like a book inside. Our people couldn't open it."

West Germany answered very carefully, fearing that Wang Dao Yi would be angry. West Germany had seen Wang Dao Yi drive a sandstorm to submerge everything, so he was instinctively afraid of Wang Dao Yi.

"Okay, let me go in and take a look." Wang Daoyi was not angry. He was just pretending to be an arrogant person, but he was not really such a person.

Entering the ruins, there is a huge stone monument inside. The blue stone Wang Daoyi saw just now is part of the middle of the stone monument. When he looks up, he can actually see something similar to the starry sky ceiling.

In front of the stone tablet is the book mechanism that West Germany said they could not open.

Looking at the book mechanism in front of him, Wang Dao finally felt a little joyful. Compared with the stone tablets recording history under the huge pit, it was obvious that this kind of mechanism interested him more.

Reaching out to touch the book mechanism, Wang Daoyi first tested it with elemental power. As expected, the rock element could not enter the book. In other words, the book mechanism was not opened and closed with elemental power.

But Wang Daoyi didn't care. He would be surprised if it opened all at once.

The golden gnosis flows in the eyes, and in the starry sky, in the throne of destiny belonging to Wang Daoyi, the second destiny star shines with dazzling brilliance.

Various information on the book mechanism was forcibly read by Wang Daoyi.

Under the power of the light of wisdom, the second life star of the Explorer constellation, the book mechanism that is difficult for mortals to decipher is no different from ordinary books in front of King Dao Yi.

"Is it a mechanism that requires a red sand stone slab containing power to open?" As the information of the book mechanism was interpreted, Wang Dao had a smile in his eyes.

"If it were before receiving the gift from King Daci Shu, I might have given up on this exploration. However, now I am more than just a reader."

The golden color in his eyes flowed, countless information flowed in Wang Daoyi's mind, and the rock elements gathered in his palm, gradually forming a triangular stone slab.

On the stone slab, a blue square strange rune shines.

By interpreting the information in the book mechanism, Wang Daoyi easily deduced its 'key'.

Just like a skilled locksmith, even if it is a lock that has never been seen before, he can easily reproduce the key of the lock after some research.

He casually threw the slate to West Germany.

"Take this stone slab and gather people to find out everything about this ruins for me."

Now that he has thousands of gilded brigades under his command, Wang Daoyi does not need to explore the ruins himself. As long as he sends everyone in and fills up the ruins, then naturally all the secrets of the ruins cannot be hidden.

This move is also a trick that the treasure thieves often use when excavating ruins - as long as they take everything away, they won't miss the treasure.

Holding the slate Wang Daoyi threw to him in both hands, West Germany's awe for Wang Daoyi became more and more intense.

He can control the wind and sand, has a key that can condense the ruins of the Red King, and wears a jackal mask. All these seem to show how sacred the identity of the man he is loyal to is.

Ignoring West, who went out with the stone slab to gather people, Wang Daoyi looked at the huge stone tablet behind the book and magic weapon with great interest.

Unlike the stone tablets at the bottom of the pit, the stone tablets here are not engraved with history.

[Only by passing the three trials can one set foot in the palace of the audience]

Wang Daoyi touched his chin thoughtfully. It seemed that there were three such ruins in the area.

Then he thought about the huge statues standing on three sides in this area. Considering that the ruins were under the statues, Wang Dao's eyes lit up: "Here comes someone."

A young lady from the Gilded Brigade walked in from the door: "Sir."

Wang Dao took a look and saw that it was a man of the sand who was the pure water in the sand and was also the master of the evil spirit weapon.

"Tell me to go ahead and develop the ruins under the huge statue with all our strength. In other places, we can reduce manpower first."

Miss Shazhong Qingshui nodded: "Okay, sir, I'll go right away."

Not long after the young lady left, West Germany came back with a large number of people.

"Use the stone slab close to the mechanism to open the book." Wang Daoyi reminded.

West Germany was very obedient and approached the book mechanism with the slate. Sure enough, a blue light flashed, the book was opened, and a passage suddenly appeared on the right side of the ruins. A huge wind field blew under the passage, and for a while dust flew in the ruins. .

Dust rushed towards their faces, causing the Gilded Brigade to retreat continuously. Only West De, who was very discerning, stood in front of Wang Daoyi.

Although he had already read the information from the machine books, knew that there would be a wind field, and had secretly prepared an elemental shield, West Germany's behavior of blocking him still made Wang Daoyi secretly nod.

West Germany is a man who can really block things and can handle them.

"Go, open the way for me to the true Hall of Transfiguration."

When the dust fell to the ground, under Wang Daoyi's order, a large number of gilded brigades poured into the opened ruins.

Sacrifice a single heroine Genshin Impact fanfic

"The rubbing card will lead me to destroy Teyvat"

[Genshin Impact fan] [Single heroine Hutao] [Second Creation to a certain extent]

Thank you! We were in Teyvat, and the treasure group that was stolen at the beginning was used as a human ticket and was about to die.

The abyss, the crowd of fools, the weird evil spirits, this is not the game of the past, but the original god who is playing with his life!

Facing the enemy's pursuit, Kawazawa silently took out a stack of rubbing cards.

I, the eldest son of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, Kawaze, vow to eradicate Teyvat! (bushi)

It’s important to save your life, so let’s continue printing cards!

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