Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 217 The first meeting with the skirmishers (the third day after ten thousand days)

An unfamiliar voice came from behind, and Wang Daoyi didn't even turn his head.

Continuing to flip through the book in his hand, his nose twitched, it was really a familiar smell.

"Dotore, did you study this transformation ability yourself?" Wang Dao said.

"How about it? Are you curious? If there is a suitable price, I can teach you." The doctor said.

"That's not necessary. I have similar abilities." Looking through the advanced book "Life and Flesh" of the Biophysics School in his hand, Wang Dao didn't even look at the doctor. He just said, "Tell me, what are you doing this time?" What are you here for?"

The doctor walked up to Wang Daoyi and took down a book as well, as if he was really a person reading a book.

"I originally heard that an interesting administrator came to the library. I wanted to come over and see if I could recruit him." After flipping through the book in his hand, the doctor put the book back disdainfully, "It's a nonsense paper. This is Being able to publish things even if you plant them, the Imperial Academy is really getting worse and worse."

He raised his eyelids slightly and looked at the book that was put back by the doctor: ""The Evolution of Elements"? Although most of this book is wrong, some of the author's views are still interesting and not without merit. At least, he proposed Before the seven elements, there were wild elements.”

Then he inserted the book in his hand into the bookmark and closed it gently: "Books are the integration of knowledge. As for whether the knowledge is correct, we can only judge it ourselves. In addition, you have come out to recruit people, so, have you got the thing?" "

The doctor naturally understood what Wang Dao was talking about and nodded: "Scaramucci has obtained the Heart of God from Rice Wife. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for the information. If it hadn't been for that traveler who rashly broke into our The factory is not so easy for Scaramucci to acquire."

"Oh, Ying has a good sense of justice. Even if I didn't tell you that she went to Dao Wife, she would still be fooled by you in the end."

Sometimes, having too strong a sense of justice is really not a good thing, especially when dealing with opponents like the Fools, who easily fall into their traps.

"Ha, I thought you would feel a little bit guilty. After all, she is your friend."

Doctors are always like this, always trying to stab you.

"So did your people hurt her?" Wang Daoyi gave the doctor a disdainful look.

The doctor shook his head and did not answer. Of course, the skirmisher did not hurt Ying. The guy was so happy after Yae Shenzi took out the Heart of God, how could he continue to attack Ying.

Skirmishers have been pursuing the Thunder God's Heart for hundreds of years. Now that the God's Heart is right in front of them, they will never attack Ying without causing trouble.

"Scaramucci will come to Xumi from Inazuma soon, and our plan can be implemented."

"He hasn't set off yet?" Wang Daoyi asked.

You've already got the Heart of God, why don't you leave and wait to be struck by General Thunder and Lightning?

The current appearance does not care about the identity of Shansheng's 'brother'.

He is the guardian of the law, and all factors can be regarded as enemies by Him.

The doctor shook his head: "He said he wanted to see his 'friends', haha."

There was some mockery and disdain in the doctor's smile, and he didn't know whether he was mocking the stragglers or disdainful of his 'friends'.

"A month? That's fine, I just happen to still have some books that I haven't finished reading." Wang Daoyi felt the gnosis and authority gradually approaching deep in his soul, and nodded with a smile.

Ever since King Daci Shu gave him the correct guidance, he knew that his divine path could not be rushed. Therefore, even if Wang Daoyi had the ability to directly open the door and go to Dao Wife to bring back the stray soldiers, he did not do so.

Because time is always enough.

Aren’t you afraid of being struck by General Thunder?

After talking about the matter, silence fell between the two.

Wang Daoyi didn't care that the doctor was nearby and continued to open the previous book and read.

Although there is always enough time, it cannot be wasted.

The doctor was not annoyed, and he also took out a book and started reading.

As Wang Daoyi said just now, books are the integration of knowledge, and the things in them may not be correct. It all depends on personal understanding.

In the eyes of doctors, if these books put aside all kinds of boring experiments and wrong conclusions and just look at their inspiration and creativity, they are indeed a good pastime.

Not knowing what he saw was funny, the corners of Dotore's mouth slightly raised, revealing a charming smile.

On the other side, Wang Dao had a serious look and was completely addicted to books.

Occasionally, scholars from the Imperial Academy would pass by the library, and when they looked inside, they would be attracted by their demeanor.

Under the warm sun, two handsome men were reading in the library, half leaning on the bookshelf.

This kind of scene, if the scholars of the Order Academy were not all 'pragmatic' people, would probably cause nymphomaniacs to be in a daze.

In this way, the doctor became Wang Daoyi's only visitor today, and he didn't turn around until the sun went down.

After reading a book with the doctor for a day, Wang Daoyi understood at least one thing, and the doctor was not short of time.

Like today's Wang Daoyi, he is at least an immortal.

[Skicker, the perfect test subject, is waiting for you! 】

Wang Dao's eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

For the sake of his own divine path, he was very happy to test his ideas on that divine creature.

[When I agreed to the doctor, I just wanted to cause trouble for the fools. I didn't expect that now I would be testing my own divine way. Is this destiny? King Daci Shu, when will I get the answer? 】

His eyes returned to indifference, and Wang Daoyi continued to bury his head in the pile of books.

In the soul, God's gnosis and authority have begun to intertwine, and wisps of light turn into understandable information, revealing the secrets of the two to Wang Daoyi.

Feeling the surging and mysterious information, Wang Daoyi kept telling himself in his heart:

【No hurry, no hurry, time】

One month later, Port of Ormos.

A huge warship came here from a distant sea.

The arrogant figure, wearing a huge bamboo hat, stepped off the battleship.

Elchingen, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly greeted him: "Dear Executive Officer, Sir Doctor has already laid out a banquet to welcome you."

"Oh, that guy from Dotore actually prepared a banquet for me. Ha, that's really surprising."

He seemed surprised as he spoke, but there was a look of disdain on his face. The skirmisher knew the doctor too well, just like the doctor knew him.

Between the two they are the best guinea pigs and the best experimenters.

Of course, Skirmishers don't like the term "test product" very much.

"Lead the way and see what tricks Dotore is playing."

The skirmisher waved his hand casually, interrupting Elchingen's attempt to say good things to the doctor, and motioned for him to lead the way quickly.

Behind the skirmishers, there were several groups of Foolish Soldiers carrying various materials. Although they came here mainly to transport the skirmishers, it did not prevent them from transporting some Inazuma specialties to sell.

As for whether these specialties will cause any side effects, that's none of their business.

Following Elchingen, the skirmishers arrived at the large mansion in Port Olmos, the same one Wang Daoyi had visited.

As soon as they entered the hall, the skirmishers saw the luxurious lunch in the center of the living room.

After just a disdainful glance, the skirmisher looked to the other side, where the doctor was arguing calmly with a young man in white.

"Your design is simply unreasonable. This level of energy output is just playing with fire. Once the energy cycle is broken, it will cause the 'god body' to pause briefly, which is fatal to a god-level battle. "

The man in white sarcastically said softly to the doctor.

Not to be outdone, the doctor counterattacked: "You don't understand the stability of this energy circuit at all. It is even harder to break it than to break the 'divine body' directly."

"Oh, stability is nothing. If I just use the original rock to resonate with this kind of thing, I can shatter it." The man in white said disdainfully.

The doctor laughed angrily: "Ha, it's just you, do you think you are Morax? Your original rock resonance can't even shock Dadalia, and you want to break the circuit I designed. Are you crazy?" "

Although the two of them were talking softly, they gave outsiders the feeling of being under fire.

Seeing the calm quarrel between the two getting more and more intense, and seeing the Skirmishers enjoying themselves, Elchingen could only bite the bullet and interrupted: "Sir Doctor, Mr. Wang Dao, the Skirmishers Executive Officer has arrived. "

Wang Daoyi, whose speech output was interrupted, glanced at Elchingen unhappily. This was the first time in a long time that he and the doctor were on par with each other.

As a result, I was interrupted before I could enjoy it.

The doctor was also a little unhappy. Although he didn't get the upper hand in the 'discussion' with Wang Daoyi, this man really said anything in an argument. He could pick out more than a dozen flaws in a drawing, and he still meant what he said. material.

Compared with the previous time in Liyue's underground factory, Wang Daoyi now feels like a true collaborator, rather than a troublemaker who was deceived.

However, Wang Daoyi and Dr. Wang were both veteran actors, so their slight discomfort was quickly put aside, and smiles appeared on their faces that had been arguing just now.

"Long time no see, Scaramucci, welcome to Sumeru." The doctor opened his hands as if to hug the stragglers.

With just a slight movement, the skirmisher appeared next to the dinner table: "Dotore, is this your friend? You are really disgusting to pretend to be enthusiastic in front of your friends."

"Pfft." Wang Daoyi couldn't help but laugh, "Although I also think this guy is disgusting, I am not a friend or anything like that."

"Huh?" The soldier glanced at Wang Daoyi casually, and then looked at the doctor: "Won't you introduce me? Who is this rude person?"

"Wang Daoyi, a native of Liyue, you will be one of the designers of the transformation." Without waiting for the doctor's introduction, Wang Daoyi spoke on his own, "Dotore said that you are the most tenacious experimenter he has ever seen, ha, It’s not easy to ascend to the gods, I hope you can persist until the end of my experiment.”

[It’s not just your transformation to become a god, it’s also my test to become a god! 】

Looking at the skirmishers, Wang Daoyi seemed to see a work of art waiting for him to process.

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