Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 224 Riot in the Desert (Fifth Day)

Soon, a group of people gathered in West Germany's tent.

"Elder Xide, what happened."

A magic rock servant asked.

West Germany held the picture scroll in his hand, with a sense of majesty on his face: "According to your Lord's order, we established the statue of the god and spread the authority. We, the people of the sand, are about to welcome a new god."

As soon as West Germany's words came out, there was an uproar below.

"Elder Xide, are you kidding me? King Red has been dead for so many years, and now you say we are going to have a new god?"

"Yes, God? Ha, this word does not belong to the Sand People."

"Is this really an order given to you by your lord? Where is your lord?"

"The people of the sand don't believe in gods, just like the gods over there in the rain forest. What's the use of such gods?"

Questions came to Sid's ears one after another. However, Sid was not angry. How could these people who had never seen God understand the greatness of God.

"Shut up and call you here. I'm not asking you to question me. If you have any objections, you can wait until your Excellency comes over next time to report me to you. But now, follow my orders."

A ray of golden light bloomed on Xi De's forehead, and the wind and sand surrounded him. Everyone suddenly felt unprecedented pressure.

This kind of powerful oppression should not appear on West Germany.

"This is the power of my lord."

After feeling the power of authority, everyone did not dare to say anything more and all looked at West Germany.

West nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand, and the scroll of God slowly opened, revealing the portrait inside.

"This is the portrait of the Lord, and we must build the statue according to it."

Looking at the portrait of the god with white hair and golden eyes wearing a crown, the Gilded Brigade fell into silence.

a long time

"This is similar to the legendary Red King." A gilded brigade said slowly.

In many legends of the Red King, the appearance of the Red King is described, just like the gods on the scrolls, with white hair and golden pupils.

It is said that the descendants of the Red King Gao Tian left behind, so these appearances represent the noble bloodline of the Red King.

And Wang Daoyi's choice to use this image also means to attract a wave of Red King traffic.

Although the Red King has passed away for thousands of years, and except for some of the Gilded Brigade, most of the people of the sand no longer believe in him, but his legend in the desert has not diminished and remains extremely popular.

The people in the desert forgot the disaster brought to them by the Red King, and only remembered that there once was such a great king in the desert.

When Wang Daoyi appears in this image, more sand people will naturally be attracted to surrender to him.

"To build the statue, a lot of manpower is needed. We don't have enough manpower, West Germany." Greta said.

He was also the first person to follow Wang Daoyi, and was the leader of the raider tribe that West Germany led Wang Daoyi to find. He later cooperated with West Germany when exploring the Holy Epiphany Hall, and his current status in Red Sand Banner is already Second only to West Germany.

"That's why I summoned you. We need more people, and I'm going to recruit from smaller tribes further away."

A dangerous gleam appeared in West Germany's eyes. As soon as Wang Dao ordered the establishment of the statue and spread his authority, West Germany knew that Red Sand Banner needed to change its development strategy.

Chisha Banner, which has been dormant for more than a month, has recovered some of its vitality. A large amount of supplies have been transported here from the rainforest area. Coupled with the recent transactions with the Order, the supplies have been enriched to the limit.

Even some coolie workers under Chisha can eat three meals a day and still have meat every meal.

In the past, the desert tribes groped in the desert every day, relied on barren oases, and had to worry about being robbed. This kind of life was unimaginable.

"Okay, I support you." Greta was the first to respond. For a martial artist like him, venturing out is the best choice.



In the following time, the tribes in the desert soon discovered that the Red Sand Banner, which had been silent and focused on dealing with Tanit, became active again.

Hundreds of warriors rode pack animals and stood in front of a tribal oasis. Red sandstorm flags fluttered and a powerful aura spread here.

"Submit or be destroyed!"

Holding a long-handled giant ax in his hand, the power belonging to the Erling in his body was boiling. Greta's eyes were filled with cruel light. In front of him was the trembling matron of the small tribe.

Greta was disdainful of the position of mistress. After the establishment of the Red Sand Banner, this position was directly abolished. Most of the so-called mistresses were assigned to manage some small tasks, and the leaders of each tribe changed. Became the most powerful warrior in the tribe.

Facing the threat of hundreds of warriors, the mistress of this small tribe could only lower her head: "We surrender."

"Hmph, you know what's going on. Come, clean up this camp and take the people back."

Chisha Banner currently does not need more camps, it only needs population, a large population.

Once the construction of the idol begins, no number of people will be enough.

In the process of expanding outward, there are those who surrender, and naturally there are those who resist.

On the other side of the desert, warriors holding high red sand flags rushed into a tribe and started a brutal massacre.

"In the name of authority, I sentence you to death."

West Germany held the Scroll of God in his hand, his eyes full of indifference.

In his view, death is the only destination for those who are unwilling to surrender to the authority of God.

"You are the people of Kasak. I know you, West Germany. Kill the sister tribe, Kasak. The sandstorm will drown you." An elder of the resisting tribe saw West Germany clearly, recognized his identity, and shouted loudly He yelled.

Then he was decapitated by a Red Sand Banner soldier from behind, and his angry head rolled down to West Germany's feet.

"You actually recognized that we are the Kasak tribe? Sister tribes, haha, when Kasak is about to die, where will you be?"

West Germany did not have the slightest favorable impression of this person who claimed to be a sister tribe. He looked at the dead head and said, "Without the coming of my god, Kashaq would have perished long ago. Oh, if you surrendered, maybe you would still be a sister tribe. It’s a pity that you chose to resist.”

After saying that, he looked up at the fragmented tribe, and West Germany said loudly: "Kneel down and avoid death."

The soldiers of the Gilded Brigade protecting him on the edge of West Germany immediately shouted: "Kneel down and avoid death."

Soon, the surviving people in this broken tribe knelt down one after another. Only a few people continued to resist, and were then surrounded and killed by the people of the Red Sand Banner.

“It’s a damn waste of so much population.”

West Germany didn't care whether the tribe surrendered or resisted. What he wanted was just the population to build the statue.

"Clean up the battlefield and take the people back."

a month later

Jiaolingyuan·Wisdom Palace

Wang Daoyi, who was observing the stragglers, felt the incomplete power that began to gradually recover deep in his soul, with a smile on his face.

[The power of authority comes from the fulfillment of responsibilities]

When he gained authority, Goldfinger reminded him, so he asked West Germany to build a statue of the god and spread authority.

Part of it is for the belief after becoming a god, and the other part is to test what one's responsibilities are.

Sure enough, the feedback from the authorities now explains everything.

As long as someone submits to his authority and is willing to carry out his wishes, he is strengthening his authority.

And by protecting these people and giving them a better life, he is also fulfilling the duties of an authoritative Lord, and it will also strengthen his authority.

[In this case, to what extent should the authority of Wendy, who gave the people of Mondstadt freedom, and the emperor, who has fulfilled the contract for thousands of years, be strengthened? 】

You know, their authority is probably freedom and contract.

[No, the power of the Seven Rulings is definitely not just that simple. 】

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi gave up on exploring the source of the power of the Seven Consuls. Even if he took the path of god, the power of the Seven Consuls was still too far away for him.

In front of Wang Daoyi, the skirmishers looked at Wang Daoyi's changing expression, and felt a bad feeling in their hearts, let alone saying that there was something wrong with their transformation.

Skirmisher: Is that okay? This guy.

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