Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 236 Seeds of the Forest

Wang Daoyi was immersed in this endless beauty and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

This is like a melody in a dream, which makes Wang Daoyi feel extremely peaceful.

It wasn't until Nasita came back from Lanaro and poked Wang Daoyi's face with her little hand that he came back to his senses: "What a beautiful song."

"It's the tune of Big Dream. It's the favorite song of the Lannaros. It's only at important moments that everyone sings it together."

There was a hint of happiness in Nasida's eyes, "Although it's the first time I've seen him in real life, they recognized me at a glance."

When Nasida was happy, a Lannaro came to Wang Daoyi's side.

This Lannaro is all brown and looks older.

"Thank you for bringing the gods here, young Nala. Although you have the smell of sand on your body, we still welcome you here."

"You are Lanaro's friend just like the blond Nala before."

With that said, Lan Na Luo took out a small flower from behind and handed it to Wang Daoyi: "You can call me Lan La Jia. I am the elder of Lan Na Luo."

Wang Daoyi looked at the little flower in the opponent's hand, and then looked at Nasida.

Nasida nodded: "Lannaluo is my dependent. They are the children of the forest and maintain the operation of the rainforest. Dao Yi, please accept their friendship."

Wang Dao took a look at the Lannaros all over the place. The price for such a terrifying number of dependents was that most of these little mushrooms were not very powerful.

He reached out and took the little flower from Lan Lajia's hand: "Thank you for the little flower. My name is Wang Daoyi. I am from Liyue. I am very happy to be friends with you."

"Lan Laka will remember you, Nala King Daoyi, the smell of sand and rocks."

After saying that, Lan Lajia nodded to Wang Dao and walked back to the group of Lan Na Luo.

Nasida took Wang Daoyi's hand again and pulled him towards the Lannalo group.

Nearly a hundred little guys jumped out of the way, and Nasida led Wang Daoyi into the center.

"Nala, Nala, tall and big Nala."

"Black hair, black eyes, not blond Nala, not blond Nala."

"Sand and rocks, I don't like sand."

"He is holding the hand of a god. Is he also a god?"

Wang Daoyi listened to the whispers of the little guys and showed a hint of amusement. Are these little guys so upright, even if they talk in secret?

They said they were whispering, but in fact they didn't mean to avoid Wang Daoyi at all, they just avoided Wang Daoyi's eyes.

Walking to the center, Nasida raised Wang Daoyi's hand and faced all the Lannaros.

"Everyone, I want to introduce someone to you, the person at my hand."

In Nasida's words, the Lannaros all looked at Wang Daoyi,

Lanaro is naive, but that doesn't mean they will be stupid. On the contrary, as children of the forest, they are all smart.

They knew that Wang Daoyi couldn't see them at first. It was Nasida who gave him the eyes to see Lan Naluo, so Wang Daoyi was definitely not a childlike person. In addition, they could also feel the rich sand breath on Wang Daoyi's body. .

Their eyes were full of curiosity, how could such a person hold the hand of a god.

"He established a great tribe in the desert and helped many people live a happy life, so I hope everyone can help him."

Nasida did not use any profound language, but used the most straightforward and simple words to describe what Wang Daoyi did in the desert.

Then make a request to the Lannaros.

Lannalo spun on the ground, looked at each other, and finally bowed to Nasida together: "Lord of Wisdom, successor of the rainforest, Lannalo will support all your wishes."

"Thank you, it's great to have you." Nasida also bowed to the Lannalos,

Just when Wang Daoyi couldn't figure out what was happening.

The Lannaros held hands, surrounded the two people in the center, and once again danced happily.

A little green light emerged from the forest, from the earth, and from all directions.

The melody of the big dream sounded again.

Pure children's voices are paired with cheerful dance, and green light shines in this area.

In the cheerful atmosphere, Nacida also started humming.

The melody of the big dream is gentle and melodious, like clear spring water flowing, like the gentle evening breeze blowing, like beautiful flowers blooming,

It’s an ensemble of everything good in the forest.

But all good things must come to an end.

When the melody of Big Dream came to an end, in Wang Daoyi's surprised eyes, green light spots continued to gather, and a small, green, gem-like seed appeared in front of him.

"This is."

Wang Daoyi lowered his head and looked at Nasida.

Nasida's face was a little tired, but she still had a smile on her face: "It's a gift from Lanaro and I to Dao Yi. This is the seed of the forest. As long as Dao Yi plants it, it will grow into a forest."

Wang Daoyi looked around and found that the Lannalos who were jumping around just now were also sitting on the ground tiredly, as if they had spent a lot of energy.

But their eyes were even purer.

"Lannaro's power comes from memory. They are children of the forest and help the forest operate. This seed is equivalent to their understanding of the forest. Only such a seed can grow into a forest in the desert."

Nasida saw the confusion in Wang Dao's eyes and took the initiative to explain.

"Memory, then them."

Wang Daoyi was a little worried. If these Lannaros lost their memory because of this seed, then he would feel a little sorry in his heart.

"Don't worry, Lannalo is not that fragile." Nacida comforted, "Just accept this seed. Now I can't give anything to the people of the desert. Only this seed can be regarded as some of my gratitude to them." Sorry."

In Nasida's heart, she felt even more guilty towards the desert people.

As her people, in the rainforest area, the people here in Xumi City still have enough food and clothing. No matter how poor they are, they can pick some fruits to eat if they go out for a walk.

The people of the sand can only struggle in the barren desert. They will die of thirst without water and starve to death without food. They can only become desperate mercenaries to obtain some meager rewards to support the survival of the tribe. reproduce.

That anti-sand wall not only prevents wind and sand.

All in all, although the people of the sand never considered the Little Lucky Grass King as their god, Nasida still wanted to give them some insignificant compensation.

Under Nasida's persuasion, Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and took the seeds floating in front of him.

Data flashes in the black pupils


Name: Seed of Big Dream

Introduction: The forest seeds gathered by the Lannaro tribe, the descendants of the Little Lucky Grass King, are theoretically the continuation of a forest. If you plant them, you can get a brand new forest.

Note: This seed cannot be used outside of Xumi.

Note: The germination of this seed requires a large amount of water and grass elements.

Note: This seed is not a continuation of the ancient tree and cannot suppress leyline energy.


Holding the seed in his hand, Wang Daoyi felt Nasida's determination. She was ready to become a god.

This is His gift to the desert, and it is also the first step in fulfilling His divine duties.

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