Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 243 Albedo’s divine body that checks loopholes

Chapter 243 ~ Albedo’s Examination·The Vulnerable Divine Body

After arriving at the station prepared by the knights, Keqing and Xingqiu followed Kaiya. Xiangling also brought a gift and said she wanted to see Diona. By the way, she also brought Chongyun, who was left behind by Xingqiu.

Wang Daoyi met one of the targets of this trip, Teacher Abedo.

"I haven't seen you for just a year, I didn't expect you to grow to this point."

Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi in front of him. Even though he was as well-informed as he was, he couldn't control the curiosity in his eyes.

As a creature of gold, Albedo is [originally flawed and perfect], and his vision is completely different from that of ordinary people. Note that ordinary people here include ordinary Eye of God holders.

In his field of vision, Wang Daoyi was already two completely different individuals from the one he had last met.

The red and gold radiance enveloped Wang Daoyi, making him look like a god on earth, especially the thing that was emitting terrifying fluctuations all the time, so that Albedo did not dare to look directly at it.

"Yes, in just one year, I am also moved by what happened."

Wang Dao nodded. A year ago, when he was young, would he have thought that today he could control the power of a god?

"I went to Xumi before and received your letter when I returned to Liyue. I came here this time to ask for something."

After sighing for a while, Wang Daoyi told Albedo the purpose of his trip.

He and Abedo are both people who don't like too much ineffective communication, so it's best to speak directly.

Speaking of which, academic people don't seem to like nonsense. Abedo is like this, Elhaysen is like this, and Wang Daoyi also has this tendency.

Nonsense will only delay their exploration of the unknown world, and it is the worst thing.

Of course, if you are talking to people you don't know well, if you are chatting with friends, it is not nonsense.

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Abedo was also somewhat interested: "You are asking me for help. Please tell me in detail, what is it?"

"You should also be able to tell that my body is no longer what it looks like on the surface."

What Wang Daoyi was talking about was his divine body. Ever since he completed the interpretation of Skirmishers, Wang Daoyi had begun to build his own divine body, and had already achieved preliminary results.

But in the final analysis, this divine body is just a replica of the general's puppet technology, with the addition of the divine posture, the imitation of the emperor's dragon-shaped divine body, and some radiation of the Red King's authority. These miscellaneous things are formed.

It works, but it's too complicated.

At that time in Xumi, Wang Daoyi could only achieve this level unless he asked the doctor to help him transform.

So as soon as Wang Dao received Albedo's letter, he immediately decided to visit Mondstadt.

"Oh, the red-gold divine glory, but if you look closely, there are indeed many disharmonious places."

Abe looked at Wang Daoyi carefully and soon discovered many problems.

Wang Daoyi's divine body seems powerful, but there are many places where it conflicts or is disharmonious.

"Oh, maybe we can go to the library's laboratory to check first. After all, even I can't detect all the problems with my eyes."

Abedo is still rigorous. After seeing some of Wang Dao's problems, he wanted to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

Wang Dao nodded and waved to a Feiyun Chamber of Commerce manager in the camp.

The steward came to Wang Daoyi: "Are you looking for me?"

"I'm going out with this gentleman. If I don't come back in the evening, and Xingqiu Xiangling and the others ask, you can just say that I went out to visit friends."

"Okay, I'll note it down." The manager nodded seriously.

After giving instructions, Wang Daoyi turned to Abedo: "Teacher Abedo, let's go."

"Just call me Abedo, you don't have to be so polite." Abedo waved his hand. He was a little uncomfortable with the current Wang Daoyi calling him teacher.

Wang Daoyi smiled and remembered the first time he met Albedo: "Ha, I still remember that I told Keli that I was an apprentice learning alchemy with you."

Abedo also laughed, and then Wang Daoyi said about Keli: "Well, Keli often asked me later where the big brother who said he wanted to play with her was. This time, I can accompany her. Play for a while.”

Keli thought of that cute little loli who was too lively, and Wang Daoyi couldn't help but feel a little funny. He still remembered that he promised to bring grilled fish to the other party.

[Let Xiangling help make some grilled tiger fish. 】


The two of them came to the knights building talking and laughing,

"Knight Albedo, Captain Qin is meeting with guests from Liyue."

As soon as they reached the Knights, the knight stationed on guard said hello to Abedo, probably thinking that Abedo was here to see Qin.

"Okay, thank you." Abedo didn't explain much, nodded his thanks, and walked towards the library with Wang Daoyi.

"I have come to see Qin several times before about experimental funding. He may have misunderstood just now."

Abedo and Wang Daoyi explained, "It was also because the funding problem could not be solved for a long time that I accepted the authorization fee."

Wang Dao nodded. Abedo had explained all this in the letter.

"Well, but Abedo, you don't need to worry about funding anymore."


"What came with the caravan this time was a large amount of funds from the Knights."

[Wang Daoyi whispered to Albedo in detail about Yuheng Xingkeqing transporting a large number of molas to Mondstadt]

Abedo nodded thoughtfully: "So that's it, I understand. No wonder the Knights were short of funds before. It seems that Qin and the Tianquan star in Liyue cooperated on a big operation."

Then he smiled: "That'll be fine, as long as there are no problems with subsequent funding."

While chatting, the two entered the hidden laboratory in the library.

"Lisa should be accompanying Qin to receive your friends. Let's get started directly."

Abedo looked around for a week and found no trace of the owner, Miss Lisa.

Without worrying about anything, he directly signaled Wang Daoyi to start the inspection.

Pointing to the experimental table in front of him, Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi: "Take away your concealment, show your true posture, and then lie down."

Wang Daoyi nodded, his pupils turned golden, his black hair turned into white silk, and a vast majesty spread from Wang Daoyi's body.

True posture·divine body·form of the Son of Heaven

Abedo's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand, and a lotus bloomed, turning into a huge rock element light curtain, covering the entire laboratory.

The vast momentum was like waves crashing against the cliff, blocked by the golden rock element light curtain.


Knights and Commander's Office

Lisa's eyes changed, and then her smile returned

Jean noticed the change and gave Lisa a questioning look.

"It's okay, there's something wrong in the laboratory." Lisa whispered in Qin's ear, "It should be Abedo doing experiments."

Qin felt relieved and continued talking to Keqing.


"It's such a terrifying aura. For ordinary people, just facing your posture would be enough to break their minds."

Abedo sighed, like an artist seeing a peerless treasure, his eyes full of intense interest, and he reached out and gently brushed Wang Daoyi's body.

There was a trace of fluctuation in his eyes, and Wang Daoyi finally knew what it felt like when a skirmisher was being studied by him.

A grown man brushed against his body, even though he knew it was for detection, but it still made Wang Daoyi a little hard to accept.

"Your mood has changed, aren't you used to it?"

Abedo was very sensitive to the changes in Wang Daoyi's heart.

He shook his head and showed a wry smile: "It's nothing. It's just lying on the test bed and being studied. It is indeed an unprecedented experience."

Shaking his head and throwing away the messy thoughts, Wang Daoyi's face straightened: "Come on, I'm ready."

Abedo nodded and continued to explore Wang Daoyi: "As of now, your physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary beings. Many 'special' alchemy creatures are difficult to compare with you."

"However, this is just the appearance. There are many conflicts in you. I am not sure whether there are any fatal flaws in your state."

As he spoke, he pulled out a strange instrument from one side: "This thing can use special light waves to scan a person's inner being. It is very useful in human body research."

Abedo turned on the instrument and connected various lines: "I am going to check inside you. Please restrain your elemental power to avoid errors in the instrument."

Hearing this, Wang Daoyi calmed down his elemental fluctuations and tried his best to return himself to the calmest state.

Abedo put the instrument on Wang Daoyi's body, and the inner projection of Wang Daoyi's body was quickly displayed on the instrument screen.

"Oh, unnatural structure, you have made a lot of changes to yourself." Abedo frowned and looked at the screen of the instrument, looking at the interlaced traces on it. A large number of unnatural structures formed an unnatural cycle in Wang Dao Yi. .

Then a strong interest appeared in his eyes, "What an advanced technology, it turns out you can still do this."

"I used Inazuma Raijin's puppet technology as a reference." Wang Daoyi explained.

"Is it the skill of the gods? It's really interesting, but something seems wrong." Albedo gently touched Wang Daoyi's body, and Wang Daoyi immediately felt that that part of his body had briefly lost control.

"???This is how you did it."

Wang Daoyi looked at Abedo in surprise.

"Although the technology you used is very advanced, the materials you used are too low-level and are completely unable to exert the power brought by this technology, so there are loopholes. I just attacked you on the loopholes."

Abedo explained to Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi was silent. The materials used were too low-grade. Doesn't that mean that his own body was too low-grade?

But Wang Daoyi couldn't say anything to refute it, compared to the 'materials' used by Lei Film to make Skirmishers. Wang Daoyi's body was indeed pitifully weak.

The purpose of Lei Movie's production of skirmishers is to carry the full-power God's Heart for combat, and the materials used are naturally not comparable to Wang Daoyi's body.

And Lei Movie Production General used his own divine body. That kind of existence is beyond the imagination of the current Wang Daoyi.

"Too low-grade materials and too advanced technology are used, causing holes in your body."

Abedo's palm gently brushed his hand, and Wang Daoyi's body that had just lost control returned to normal.

"Is there any solution?"

Wang Daoyi asked, "That's why you are looking for Albedo. This master of alchemy will never lose to the doctor in research on the human body."

after all

"If you ask other people, it might not be possible, but I'm an exception."

An inexplicable look appeared on Abedo's face: "The technology used to make me is much more advanced than the technology you have."

As a creation of gold, an artificial human with the goal of surpassing the original man, the technology contained in Albedo is several levels higher than that of a skirmisher.

Of course, this level does not refer to combat strength, but to the technology contained.

Lei movies make skirmishers mainly for fighting, and their combat effectiveness is indeed their strong point.

The purpose of making Albedo from gold is to transcend the original, so Albedo is better at exploring the unknown and studying science. Of course, Teacher Albedo is not weak in strength either.

"If we want to solve your current problem, we must first discover the loopholes left after your transformation."

"However, your physical strength is so powerful now that it covers up all the problems. Such a powerful and complicated power makes it more difficult for you to find these flaws."

Abedo is like a serious teacher: "Now, listen to me and disperse the ancient rock power first."

As soon as Wang Dao obeyed Albedo's instructions, the golden light on the divine body quickly faded, and the power belonging to the divine posture and the emperor's dragon body was dispersed.

"Then restrain the light of that thing in your soul. It is a little too 'dazzling'."

Communicating authority and authority, its brilliance is restrained, and the power belonging to the Red King is also dispersed.

On the divine body, the red light and vast majesty also disappeared.

The divine body that had lost all its power finally showed its truest and most ordinary appearance, like the most ordinary ordinary person.

"You have transformed your body into this. There are some tricks, but it is too rough. Just like this, without the support of those great powers, it is a little too fragile."

Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi's original body, stretched out his hand to pinch it, and came to a fragile conclusion.

In fact, even without the support of great power, Wang Daoyi's ordinary body can still beat a group of Qiuqiu people.

But compared to its previous strength, it is indeed a bit fragile.

Looking at Wang Daoyi's body, Abedo thought for a moment and then said: "There are two ways at present."

"Please tell me." Wang Daoyi said.

Abedo didn’t hold back and spoke directly:

"The first one is to temporarily stop the transformation, let those great powers continue to infect your body, and use time to complete the complete integration."

"The second option is to directly transform your current body, which saves a lot of time in getting used to it, but it will be a bit painful."

Wang Dao nodded, and the first method was actually the path he had originally prepared, which was to first build a usable divine body, and then spend a long time honing it until it was perfect.

As for the second one, Wang Daoyi thought about it and chose to believe Albedo.

"What a good choice, Teacher Abedo, I need to trouble you."

Not surprisingly, Wang Daoyi chose the second one.

Abedo smiled: "It's nothing. Reviewing the past and learning new things is also an opportunity for me to consolidate."

"Restore your disguise, let's go to the snow-capped mountains. The things used for transformation should be neater over there."

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