Explorer of Teyvat

Must-see protagonist data updated, some chapter information modified

Must-read·Protagonist data updated·Some chapter information modified

Must-see·Protagonist data updated·Some information modified

Chapter modification

Chapter 218 Hibernating and Strengthening the Red Sand Banner/Added a message about the madman, and will connect to the subsequent madman plot

Chapter 215: The Madman Linking to the World Tree/About the protagonist’s experiment on the madman, some modifications have been made, and the setting of the madman becoming demented after being studied has been cancelled.

Chapter 212 Authority·Authority/Partial modifications were made, some information on authority was added, and the element controlled by the Red King, light, was selected. (For the second set, I really can’t find any information on what elemental power the Red King controls.)——

Name: Wang Daoyi

Race: Human race - Liyue people - descendants of Gao Tian (?)

Divine Path: Unnamed/Unknown Divine Path

Seat of Fate: Explorer (Light up two life stars, second floor of the Seat of Fate.)

Level: 70/70 (current level)/(current limit level) [Normal]

Talent: Explorer

Special Martial Arts: Rock Book/Forbidden Exploration Codex/Xuanjun Secret Record (Level 90/Skill 2)

Authority: Authority (from the legacy of the Red King)

Divine Body: Original Perfect Body (comes from the self-transformation of puppet technology and the improvement of Albedo’s chalk technology)

Spiritual Knowledge:

Spiritual Knowledge·Light (lv.3) (from the legacy of the Red King’s authority)

Spiritual Knowledge·Wind (lv.0),

Spiritual Knowledge·Rock (lv.2),

Knowledge of the Spirit·Stance of God (lv.3) --\u003e (lv.5) (comes from the fusion bonus of the descendants of the Red King Gao Tian)

Extraordinary knowledge:

Five Manifestations (lv.2) --\u003e (lv.3) (from daily accumulation)

Alchemy (lv.3) --\u003e (lv.4) (from the knowledge and daily accumulation of the Order Academy),

Elements (lv.4),

Geology (lv.3) --\u003e (lv.4) (from the knowledge and daily accumulation of the Order Academy),

Rune Literature (lv.3) --\u003e (lv.5) (from the knowledge and daily accumulation of the Order Academy),

Biology (lv.2) --\u003e (lv.5) (from the knowledge and daily accumulation of the Academy of Education).

General knowledge:

Linguistics (lv.4)

Cooking skills (lv.4),

Melee combat·Fists and kicks (lv.2) --\u003e (lv.3) (from the accumulation of combat books in the Order Academy),

Long-range crossbow (lv.2) --\u003e (lv.3) (from the accumulation of combat books in the Order Academy),

Long-range·Throwing (lv.2) --\u003e (lv.3) (from the accumulation of combat books in the Order Academy).


Click to open the divine path:

[Unknown/Unnamed · Divine Road Progress]:

Element: Rock/Light (obtained)

Authority: Authority (obtained)

Divine Body: Original·Perfect Body (obtained)

Gnosis: God's Stance·Heir Form of Gao Tian (obtained)

Soul: Deification (obtained)

Zodiac sign·Six lives (not obtained)

Normal level·110 (not obtained)

Note: (obtained) only means that the minimum requirements have been met, not that it has reached perfection.


Click on the zodiac sign,

Name: Explorer

Story: This is the destiny seat of an explorer. He comes from across the world and is full of curiosity about the new world. Every encounter and every learning will make him progress. He is full of desire to explore everything, and knowledge , will be his greatest persistence and pursuit.

【Knowledge is not right or wrong】

Wang Daoyi believes that there is no right or wrong in knowledge, so knowledge will not directly pollute Wang Daoyi. Wang Daoyi can learn any knowledge, but this zodiac sign will not protect Wang Daoyi's use of knowledge. If Wang Daoyi directly uses taboos Knowledge will still be contaminated.

The first level of the Seat of Fate: When Wang Daoyi uses any elemental attack, he can increase the strength of the element by a small amount (15%).

[The light of wisdom blooms]

The gift from the Great Merciful Tree King illuminates Wang Daoyi's wisdom and will greatly improve Wang Daoyi's ability to read and understand various information, including but not limited to elemental information, earth line information, graphic information, taboos The way to read information is not limited to naked eye observation, elemental vision, and mental perception. In addition, after obtaining the authorization from the controller of the World Tree, Wang Daoyi can accurately read the information within the World Tree.

Second level of the Seat of Fate: After Wang Daoyi reads and understands the opponent's existence, the corresponding target will receive a moderate increase in damage (30%).






Click on talent,

[Inquirer]: The learning ability has been greatly improved, and the understanding ability has been greatly improved. Wang Daoyi can try to master any knowledge he can get a glimpse of, even if it is the domain of God.


Click on authority,


Category: Non-elemental divine power

Ability: Deterrence, suppression, enfeoffment, integration.

Deterrence: When you use your authority to intimidate others, you can control them after breaking through their defenses.

Suppression: You can use the power of authority to directly suppress everything, including but not limited to elements, earth veins, space, flesh and blood, machinery and many other concepts

Enfeoffment: You can give the power you control to believers, and you will lose part of the power given to you, but as the believers grow, the power will be doubled.

Integration: Under supreme authority, you can unify many forces.

Carry: Divine Knowledge·Light (lv.3)

Introduction: A trace of broken authority left by the great existence Red King Akhmar. Now he belongs to King Daoyi and is gradually recovering.

Note: The power of authority comes from the fulfillment of duties. Only by fulfilling duties can authority grow (the fulfillment of duties is for both parties).

Note: Authority contains information about some previous owners, which may cause you to sense something belonging to him.


Click on the divine body,

[Original·Perfect Body]:

Name: Original. Perfect Body

Introduction: The original body designed by 'Gold' is intended to replace the original man. After being transformed by Albedo, the son of the chalk, based on the puppet technology of Ray's movie, it was recreated on Wang Daoyi. It already has A bit of original charm.

Note: This is Wang Daoyi's real body, and the damage suffered by this body is real and effective damage.

Note: In this state, Wang Daoyi can use his own power at will, including but not limited to God's Eye, God's Stance, Authority and any other power.

Note: In this state, there is an additional bonus to certain changes (God's Stance +2).

Note: Perfect Body is just its name, not its level or status.


Click on the spiritual knowledge,

[Spiritual Knowledge·Light (lv.3)]: You have obtained the knowledge of light from the authority of the Red King. You can control the power of light, but you cannot derive more powerful powers such as radiation.

[Knowledge of the Spirits·Wind (lv.0)]: Does not control the gnosis of any wind god.

You didn't get a glimpse of the specific knowledge content, you just observed the flow of some wind. Even so, you can also use the weak wind element.

[Godly Knowledge·Rock (lv.2)]: Rock element condensation method, rock element condensation method.

You have obtained two kinds of rock god's gnosis. Your ability to gather rock elements has been greatly increased, and your ability to condense rock creations has been greatly increased.

[Knowledge of the Spirit·Stance of God (lv.5)]:

One of the countless postures of Morax, the God of Rocks, has become even more powerful now that Wang Daoyi has added information about Gao Tian's descendants.

This posture will transform into the real posture of Wang Daoyi and coexist with the divine body. The appearance is a young man with golden eyes and white hair, wearing an illusory crown, controlling the power of rock and light.

What is normal will become a daily disguise, and the appearance is Wang Daoyi's original appearance, a handsome young man from Liyue.


Click on extraordinary knowledge,

[Five Manifestations (lv.3)]:

The first is Daotong: the ability to give immortals the ability to manifest external scenes, to create something out of nothing, to transform all things, which is the ability needed to create the Chensong Pot (not yet mastered)

The second is magical power: giving immortals the ability to distinguish all things and understand world affairs (not mastered) -\u003e (mastered: can distinguish lies from mortals)

The third is Yitong: giving immortals the ability to cast spells. In the game, Mandrill once used sleepwalking in various realms in tasks, which is this ability (not mastered) --\u003e (has mastered: some immortal family buffing spells) )

The fourth report: gives the immortal the ability to change into various forms. The immortal can change between the original body and the human form. The many forms of the Rock King Emperor are this ability (already mastered: half-dragon body form/high emperor's son form)

Its five demon powers: grant the immortal the ability to attach to other things, such as the bronze bird possessing the soul on the stone statue, Zhongli holding the dream and possessing the immortal ancestor Fashu, Ruotuo's good thoughts possessing Kunjun, this is the ability. (Mastered: Consciousness Segmentation Method)

[Alchemy (lv.4)]:

Element Creation Method (Intermediate -\u003e Advanced): You can use element creation skillfully. Without using additional materials, you can directly create rock elemental creatures up to level 30 -\u003e 50.

Elemental Transformation: Master the rituals of transforming different elemental materials.

Material transformation: Master the rituals of transformation of different materials.

Integration of the alchemical knowledge of the Soron School: the alchemical formulas accumulated over thousands of years by the Kyoryoin

[Elemental Science (lv.4)]:

Rock Element Control: You know the rock elements well and can easily control them to do things that ordinary people cannot do.

Original rock resonance: Rock creations resonate with each other, forming shock waves of rock nature.

Wind Rock·Sandstorm: The power of weak wind and sand is formed, which will receive bonuses in special areas.

[Lyphiology (lv.4)]:

Leyline positioning technology --\u003e Leyline precise positioning technology: Having accumulated a large amount of data from the Order Academy, you can easily accurately locate the leylines.

Leyline Energy Intake Technology --\u003e Highly Efficient Leyline Energy Intake Technology: Having accumulated a large amount of data from the Teaching Institute, you can absorb energy from the leyline more efficiently.

Leyline shuttle technology (advanced): 1. By recording the leyline channel information, shuttle between different leyline channels. 2. Locate through certain coordinate items, open the leyline channel, and shuttle. 3. Open a certain ground channel for a long time and maintain it for at least half an hour.

[Rune Literature (lv.5)]: Law runes, Immortal Ruins (Immortal Improvement Runes), Knowledge integration of Zhilun Sect runes (accumulated by the Jiaoling Academy for thousands of years)

[Biology (lv.5)]: Basic pharmacological cognition (Bubulo basic pharmacology), integration of biological knowledge derived from the theory of life (accumulation of thousands of years by the Kyoryoin)——

Click on General Knowledge,

[Linguistics (lv.4)]: Teyvat Common Language, Ancient Mondlish, Qiuqiu Human Language, Kanreyan Language, and Ancient Red King Language.

[Cooking Skills (lv.4)]: Common chef-level cooking skills.

[Melee combat·Fist and kick (lv.3): You have mastered all kinds of fist and kick kung fu knowledge collected by the Order Academy.

[Remote·Crossbow (lv.3)]: You have mastered the use of various crossbows collected by the Order Academy.

[Range·Throwing (lv.3)]: You have mastered the various throwing techniques collected by the Order.


Click on the special weapon

Name: Book of Rocks/Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration/Secret Record of Xuanjun

Introduction: The main body is woven from metal threads, with a gem-like elemental core embedded inside. Everyone who sees it can intuitively feel the ‘weight’ of knowledge.

Basic attack power: 635 points

Critical hit rate: 45.2%

Refining Level 2 --\u003e Level 3 (from the accumulation of knowledge)

Special Effects Entry: God’s Considerations

Gain a 15% bonus to all elemental effects, including but not limited to elemental damage strength/elemental shield strength/elemental healing effects.

When the equipped character uses rock elements, the elemental charging requirement required for the character's elemental burst is reduced by 30%.

After entering the battle, the magic weapon will automatically deduce the enemy's data. The longer the time, the easier it is to obtain the opponent's weaknesses. This special effect will ignore 5% of the target's defense every 3 seconds, reaching the limit 30 seconds after entering the battle.

After the battle ends, the magic weapon will automatically absorb the surrounding elemental power and restore itself. This special effect will provide the character with at least one percent elemental charge per second in the non-combat state.

Story: The newly born magical weapon is infused with emotions belonging to the demon god. Other than that, it has no other story worth telling.

Note: This is an exclusive magic weapon prepared by the explorer Wang Daoyi for himself. It is cast using a large number of precious materials. Its shape comes from the huge rock treasure book condensed with the posture of God. In order to create this handed down work, in Tianquan Ningguang With coordination, all the major forces in Liyue worked hard for its birth.

Note: Unlike other legends born from stories, this magical weapon has powerful power (level 90) as soon as it is born.

Note: As more knowledge is recorded, He will become more and more powerful.

Note: This magic weapon can be refined with more demonic emotions.

The refined demon emotion has been used: sadness/love (can be peeled off/refined layers will drop after peeling off).


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