Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 270 Heavenly Law and Abyss 2 (Monthly Ticket Milestone)

"Do you know what an abyss is?"

Zhong Li took a sip of tea, then looked at Wang Daoyi and asked this question.

What is the abyss?

In the eyes of most people in Teyvat who know the existence of the abyss, the abyss is a lair of monsters, a source of evil, and the source of many disasters.

But these answers were obviously not what Zhongli wanted to hear.

Wang Daoyi was silent for a while, and then said uncertainly: "The abyss is the opposite of the law of heaven?"

Everything has two sides. Where there is light, darkness will naturally arise. Where there is evil, justice will be born.

This is not a trick, but the most normal truth.

"Heh, that's an interesting statement, but it's either true or not."

Zhongli chuckled lightly, did not nod, but did not refute, he just continued:

"The world of Teyvat has ceased to be a normal world since a long time ago."

"All kinds of people come here, leave something behind, and then quietly disappear, making the world more and more broken."

"The abyss records the existence of these broken people. It is Teyvat's deepest secret and hides Teyvat's most ancient history."

Then he showed a smile: "The Abyss Order that people usually worry about is just an existence in the shallowest part of the abyss. It is just a sect that was only founded 500 years ago."

Wang Dao was silent. Although Zhongli's words were very obscure, he still understood.

A long, long time ago, someone (god) came to Teyvat, and then did something, using a certain kind of power to modify the normally functioning planet of Teyvat.

Since then, Teyvat has been abnormal. Of course, Teyvat's initial abnormality may have developed in a good direction, but as more and more people came here, conflicts occurred, and Teyvat The upward trajectory has shifted, or even turned sharply downward.

When Teyvat was constantly influenced by outsiders, many things were destroyed and fragmented.

All these fragmented things sank into the abyss.

Among them, the 'fragments' on the surface of the abyss are the Abyss Order!

That anti-natural force composed of the elites of the ancient country that collapsed five hundred years ago.

After listening to Zhongli's description of the Abyss and the Abyss Cult, Wang Daoyi fell silent.

The current Wang Daoyi, for most people, he is indeed very strong. Powerful monsters such as King Qiuqiu and Rock Dragon Lizard are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered in front of him. He can kill them as he wants.

But raising the level to the level of gods and demons is just a little guy on the road to becoming a god. Not to mention the laws of heaven and the abyss, even in the dark sea, there are a group of losers who can easily crush him to death.

So he thought for a long time and still thought that he couldn't touch these things now, so he could only ask Zhongli:

"Then, emperor, what is your attitude towards heaven or the abyss? What should I do?"

Zhongli put down the tea cup, pondered for a while, and then said: "In the beginning, I planned to train you to be the next me, so your stance would naturally be the same, but now you have your own path, and even have Your own people, so my position is no longer suitable for you.”

"However, I am still willing to inform you of my attitude and position." Zhongli looked at Wang Daoyi with an unexpectedly serious expression. This was an expression that Wang Daoyi had never seen on Zhongli.

"The laws of heaven are not my enemy, and the abyss is not my enemy. My enemies are only those who harm Liyue and those who break the contract."

Wang Dao was silent for a moment, then raised his head: "Then it doesn't matter even the wear and tear imposed on you by heaven?"

Faced with this question, Zhongli couldn't help but remain silent, and the small courtyard fell into silence for a moment.

After a long time, Zhongli raised his head and looked at Wang Daoyi with his golden eyes:

"Wear and tear. This is something inevitable. Even the maintainer of heavenly principles himself is worn away by this great power."

"I said that the laws of nature support the movement of Teyvat, and wear and tear is something that is caused by the movement and is bound to appear. It is the price of Teyvat's 'existence'!"

"It took a lot out of me, but I don't hate it."

Zhongli's calm tone made Wang Daoyi a little silent.

Originally, in Wang Daoyi's view, Zhongli did not oppose the Ice Queen's actions, and even supported her actions. He was using his own way to resist the laws of nature.

But now it seems that what Zhongli wants is definitely not to simply resist the laws of nature, but to have a deeper desire.

After a moment of silence, Wang Daoyi raised his head and smiled: "I understand, Emperor. Anyway, I am still young and the road is still long. These things will be a headache for me in the future."

"That's fine." Zhongli sighed, nodded, and then looked serious again, "Then, there is one more thing. Do you still remember what I said when you first became a member of the Rock God?"

Um? What did Zhongli say at that time?

Wang Daoyi frowned and fell into memories

At that time, he had just become a member of the Rock God, and fell into ecstasy because he hugged a thigh.

Then Zhongli said.

"You said at that time that after I reach the level of the Demon God, I can try to get rid of my identity as a follower of the Rock God!"

Wang Daoyi's memory was very good, and he quickly found the scene of Zhong Li talking to him from his memories.

Nodding, Zhongli showed a smile: "How, have you reached this point now? I remember that you were dismissive at first and thought it was impossible to get rid of it."

With a hint of embarrassment, Wang Daoyi scratched his head: "Ha, I really didn't expect that so many things would happen this year."

At that time, he was ecstatic about hugging a thigh. How could he have thought that his strength would reach this level a year later.

"Haha, then, have you made a decision? Do you want to get rid of my status as a dependent?"

Zhong Li continued to pour a cup of tea and asked as if joking, but his eyes were full of seriousness.

Wang Daoyi:.

Seeing the child's silent expression, Zhongli did not urge him, but instead gave Wang Daoyi another cup of tea.

For Zhongli, time is never lacking, and he has enough patience to wait for the answer.

Opposite Zhongli, Wang Daoyi frowned and thought,

For him, the identity of the Rock Familiar is actually of little benefit.

As someone who is also walking on the path of God, when other gods see him, most of them will treat him as a person who has ascended to the gods.

Just like in the battle with General Thunder, the opponent was very sensitive to the fact that Wang Daoyi had given up the posture of Morax and started to walk on his own path.

However, there is no benefit, which does not mean that Wang Daoyi can give up this identity easily.

His status as a follower of the rock gave Wang Daoyi too many benefits and left him with too many memories.

Think about those immortals who regard him as their descendants. If they give up this identity easily, how will Wang Daoyi face them? Will they think this is a betrayal?

Then think about Zhongli sitting opposite, who invested a lot in Wang Daoyi, lit up the life star, taught knowledge, granted gnosis, and provided blessings. These were all given by Zhongli to Wang Daoyi.

If Wang Daoyi gives up his identity as a follower of the rock, will all these investments be in vain?


"Is it difficult to make a decision? Don't worry too much. I don't care about what you think. Moreover, even if you give up this identity, you are still a Liyue person and a descendant of the rock. It is just a rarer identity. That's all." Zhong Li smiled, he understood Wang Daoyi's worries very well.

"If it's really hard to make a choice, you can think about it for a while. I'm not in a hurry. I just need to make a choice before you ascend to the throne of God."

From what Zhongli said, it seemed that he was certain that Wang Daoyi could ascend to the throne of God.

"Thank you, Emperor. I still want to be your retinue for a few more days. You should continue to take care of me before I ascend the throne of God!"

Wang Daoyi bowed to Zhongli and said the most serious words in a joking tone.

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