Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 282 Afterwards (Eighteenth Day)

Everyone left the secret realm of Fulongshu

After coming out, Wang Daoyi said to Zhongli: "Emperor, when I fought with Ajiu before, the earth veins were shaken. I will go and smooth the earth veins first."

Zhongli nodded: "Go ahead."

After receiving Zhongli's consent, Wang Dao turned around and looked at Ying: "I'll leave first. You and the emperor can spend more time with the Dragon King."

Then he bowed his hands to Kun Jun and said, "Your Majesty, I will leave first."

Kun Jun also smiled and nodded to Wang Dao: "Go ahead, the earth's veins are important."

After saying goodbye to everyone, Wang Daoyi sensed the surging earth veins and rushed towards the place where there was an abnormality.

He and Ajiu had collided one after another under the Fulong tree, and the Fulong tree suppressed the earth veins in this area. The collision between the two caused abnormal earth veins in this area.

Many monsters began to become manic, and many Qiuqiu people began to appear in groups on the mountain roads.

"Oh, clean it up as soon as possible, then sort out the earth's veins, and then go home. Xiangling should be worried again after being out for so long."

When Wang Dao remembered it, he came out to ask Zhongli for advice, and then he got involved in this mission.

"However, the harvest is good at least."

Waving his hand, the rock spears fell like rain, leaving only the wailing of the monsters.

A ley line point was cleared, and then the rock gun was submerged into the ground, and the ley lines in this area began to stabilize.

For today's Wang Daoyi, it is already very simple to clean up ordinary earth vein anomalies.


time flies

Ying and Paimon dragged their tired bodies back to Wanmin Hall and found Wang Daoyi already sitting there eating.

"Hey, you're back. Come and have dinner together. By the way, did you finally get the answer you wanted?"

Wang Daoyi waved to the two of them, indicating that they should come over to eat together.

Paimon was not polite at all, she flew over directly, took out her special chopsticks and started using them.

Ying also came over, pulled out a chair and sat down, shaking his head at Wang Daoyi: "No, Zhongli said he couldn't tell us because of the contract."

"Ha, that's something that can't be said. That's what the emperor is like. As long as it involves a contract, he will definitely abide by it."

Wang Daoyi laughed, and then asked Ying to eat together, "Let's eat, you have been tired for so long, take a rest."

Then he looked at Paimon devouring his food and smiled: "Haha, eat slowly, Paimon, there is no one to compete with you."

"No, no, I want to make up for all the delicious food I haven't eaten in the past two days."

Paimon is like this. Every time he and Ying go on a trip, they won't be held back, but when they return to the city, they have to eat.

She could endure the hunger, but she would have to make up for it later.

Xiang Ling poked her head out of the kitchen: "Paimon, do you want anything else to eat? I'll make it for you now."

"Wow, I'm so touched." Paimon was moved and tears fell from the corners of his mouth.

"If you are moved, eat more." Wang Daoyi gave Paimeng some food, then looked at Ying, "Next, do you have any travel goals?"

Ying nodded: "Yes, there is still something going on with Dao Wife. When I sent you a letter before, I accepted another commission. The reward is not bad."

Ying's main source of income comes from various commissions, ranging from delivering letters to picking flowers, to cleaning up monsters and exploring ruins. As long as the reward is enough, there is nothing she won't do.

Regarding this situation, Wang Daoyi believed that Paimon should bear the main responsibility. After all, Ying had only used the edgeless sword and had no special hobbies. It seemed that there was really no place to spend money.

As for Paimon, the food expenses of 300,000 Moras a month are too terrible.

The average well-off family couldn't afford to support Paimon.

"Well, is it Dao's wife's commission? What is it, can you tell me?" Wang Daoyi asked curiously. He wanted to see if there was anything he could do to help her, or if there were any benefits he could get.

"It's a commission from a novelist. Let's go to an island called Heguan and help her find something called a wooden reed flute."

Naturally, Ying would not hide anything from Wang Daoyi, so he told Wang Daoyi that he met the novelist Sumida in Inazuma and accepted her commission.

【Is it originally Journey to the Sea of ​​Fog?】

Wang Dao nodded, thinking in his mind whether Heguan had anything he could use. After thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing.

After all, Thunderbird is just a super monster, not a demon. Its legacy is of little use to Wang Daoyi.

On the contrary, there may be something underground in Heguan.

"It turns out to be Heguan. Then you should prepare more daily necessities." Wang Daoyi said to Ying with a smile.

"Hey, does Daoyi know about Heguan?"

Ying asked curiously.

"I know a little bit. It's already a deserted and uninhabited area. Hundreds of years ago, Narukami unified the Inazuma area. A huge monster rushed out of Crane View. Oisho killed it with an arrow in the air. Later, Crane The view has been shrouded in fog.”

Wang Daoyi gave Ying a brief introduction.

"An island shrouded in mist? It's pretty much what Sumida said."

Ying nodded. Although she didn't know the story Wang Daoyi told before, the mist behind it was that the client had already told her.

"Does Daoyi know other things?" Ying put down her chopsticks and looked at Wang Daoyi.

Speaking of which, Ying seems to be able to use chopsticks from the beginning, which is much better than Dadalia. That guy didn't know how to use chopsticks until he left Liyue.

"I know a little bit, but they are unimportant things." Wang Dao nodded, and then thought of something, "By the way, if you have any special gains in Heguan, such as ancient texts, murals and the like, please tell me After the rubbing is done, I will pay a high price for it."

"Ancient texts and murals? Okay, I understand." Ying nodded and took note of Wang Daoyi's words.

"Well, it's not just from Heguan. If you encounter any ancient characters, murals, or books that you can't understand in other places, you can have them stamped for me. I'll take them. What's the price?" Wang Dao looked at them while eating wildly. Paimon, "At least it's enough for you to raise Paimon."

Ying became even more interested now. Just now she just wanted to help Wang Daoyi take a look and collect some. Now, such a high price made her excited.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me. I'll find it for you." Ying patted her chest and said.

Paimeng raised his head blankly: "Ying, Dao Yi, did you just call me?"

"No, no, no, Paimon, go ahead and eat. If it's enough, Xiangling will give you more." Wang Daoyi smiled and looked at Paimon.

Paimon waved his hand quickly: "Enough, enough, there are already a lot of dishes. I haven't eaten so much in a long time."

"Paimon, it's like I abused you!" Ying puffed up her cheeks and looked at Paimon.

"Hehe!" Pamon scratched his head, "Because I really haven't eaten such delicious food in the past few days!"

Ying rolled her eyes: "Eat, eat, sooner or later you will be too fat to fly."

Paimon pouted, "No way!"

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