Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 299 Historical Files (seeking subscription)

Five hundred years ago, the emperor led the immortals to Kanria.

Liyue was attacked by a tide of pitch-black beasts, and the Qianyan Army held on to the front, preventing Liyue from being overwhelmed by the pitch-black tide of beasts.

As for where these pitch-black beasts came from and why they came, no one knows, and no one has recorded the history of Liyue.

In this incident, two ancestors of the Yelan family also participated in the war.

In the end, only one came back and became crazy.

Ye Lan has always wanted to find out about this matter.

So in Yuehai Pavilion, I 'accidentally' heard Wang Daoyi looking for information from five hundred years ago, and he unconsciously became interested.

Then he followed Wang Daoyi out of habit.

"Yes, I was entrusted by someone to check some information. What, do you have it?"

Wang Dao nodded and looked at Ye Lan with some hope in his eyes. If the other party had information, then he wouldn't need to go to Ning Guang. He still hadn't repaid the favor he owed Ning Guang last time.

Thinking of this incident, Wang Daoyi was secretly angry. He asked Ningguang to reveal his identity as Liyue's ambassador to Daozhu, but Kutiao Shanluo refused to recognize him because of the country's lock-down order. He owed Ningguang a favor in vain.

Facing Wang Daoyi's question, Ye Lan shook her head: "No, I don't have any information. I'm just curious about the question you asked about what happened five hundred years ago."

Wang Dao glanced at Ye Lan and realized that the other party was not telling the truth.

However, he didn't point it out, but nodded naturally: "Is that so? Then why don't we go to Ningguang and ask together? If we both speak together, Ningguang shouldn't refuse our request."

With Yelan asking along, Ningguang has a higher chance of agreeing to check the file.

"Okay!" Ye Lan agreed to Wang Daoyi's invitation. Ye Lan was also very interested in the files in Qixing's hands.

In other words, following Wang Daoyi, provoking the topic, and then finding Ning Guang together was one of Ye Lan's goals.

The two of them tacitly understood each other and came to the Qunyuge construction site at the foot of Tianheng Mountain.

It has to be said that since the start of the two large-scale construction sites of Xianmiao and Qunyuge on the Tianheng Mountain side, the prices of workers in Liyue Port have begun to rise.

Not only the prices of workers, but also various building materials and supplies have begun to rise, allowing many people to make a lot of money.

The two of them walked all the way to the construction site. Under the huge floating island building that had not yet taken off, they could still see several towering scaffoldings.

In addition, there are many smaller buildings, and I don’t know what they are used for.

There are still many people working on the towering scaffolding, and the collision of various tools makes the area quite noisy.

Under the floating island building, a graceful figure was planning something, and there were several people dressed as clerks around him who were recording.

Seeing Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan approaching, she turned around and showed a questioning look.

Wang Daoyi looked at Yelan: You say.

Ye Lan looked at Wang Daoyi: Why didn't you tell me?

The two of them stared at each other, not knowing what was wrong with them, but they just didn't want to speak first.

Ning Guang looked at the two of them, a little amused, how could such a childish behavior happen to these two people.

"Okay, okay, you two can just talk about it if you want to. If you continue to mess around, it's going to get dark."

There was a bit of helplessness in her tone, as if she was seeing the mother of two naughty children.

Sensing something was wrong with Ning Guang's tone, Ye Lan's face turned slightly red, then immediately returned to calm.

Wang Dao was so thick-skinned that he didn’t react at all.

"That's right, we want to investigate some things from five hundred years ago, and hope to access some of the files kept by Qixing."

After glaring at Wang Daoyi, Ye Lan spoke first and stated the purpose of her trip.

Ning Guang frowned slightly after listening. Qixing kept many important secrets of Liyue.

Most of these secrets should not be revealed to others at will, otherwise some bad things may easily happen.

However, since Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan wanted to see it, Ningguang didn't mean to refuse. However, Ningguang didn't know what these two people were looking for. She preferred to see the things in the past. Looking forward to the future.

"Dossier from five hundred years ago? There are indeed many files among the things kept by Qixing. As for whether there are any you want, I don't know."

"Can we go take a look?" Wang Daoyi still didn't pretend to be dead and asked.

Ning Guang nodded: "Wait a moment, I'll take you to take a look after I've finished taking care of things here."

Wang Daoyi and Ye Lan naturally have no problem.

The two of them were waiting aside.

Ningguang quickly dealt with the problem at hand and told the secretary around him some things.

Then he turned around and looked at the two of them: "Let's go to Yuehai Pavilion. Most of the things are kept there."

At Yuehai Pavilion?

Wang Daoyi was helpless. He felt like he was running back and forth again. He used to run back and forth to find Zhongli, but now he has to run back and forth to find information.

Inexplicably, it feels like making a commission in a game.

Fortunately, no wild monsters were encountered on the road, and no one called for help. The group returned to Yuehai Pavilion smoothly.

After saying hello to Huixin, Ningguang led the two of them to a secret room, and then pointed to the bookshelf in the corner of the secret room.

"Go and take a look. There are historical files over there, from five hundred years ago. They are probably on the fifth floor of the bookshelf."

Wang Dao took a look and found that there were not as many files placed here as he thought. On the contrary, there were a little few.

Ningguang may have noticed Wang Daoyi's doubts and said, "Most of the files that can be put here are major events that have affected Liyue, so the files here are only a few dozen volumes in total."

"In the past thousand years, dozens of things have happened that need to be recorded?"

Wang Daoyi didn't believe it.

"Who knows, anyway, that's all here since I took over. Oh... the latest volume was the one I added last year, about the attack on Liyue Port by Osel."

Wang Daoyi:.

He seemed to understand somewhat. For thousands of years, Liyue has been under the protection of Emperor Yanwang. When it comes to major events that can affect Liyue, they are probably various orders issued by the emperor, or natural disaster demons that can affect the emperor's actions. disaster,

In this way, it is very reasonable that there are only dozens of volumes here, and even dozens of volumes are a bit too much.

While the two were talking, Yelan had already found what she wanted on the bookshelf.

"You two, I found something."

Yelan said hello, then opened the file on her own.

There are no outsiders here, and she doesn't need to be polite.

The two of them walked to Ye Lan and looked at the file in her hand.

"Three thousand two hundred years ago in Liyue, the rocky abyss was attacked by a wave of pitch-black beasts. We were ordered by the emperor to protect Liyue and fight to the death."

Ye Lan gently read the words on the file.

"Bo Yang and Rong Zhao held the Taiwei instrument panel to assist the Qianyan Army in resisting the tide of dark beasts."

Listening to Ye Lan's reading, Wang Dao glanced at the file and quickly found the information he wanted.

[During the war, Qianyan’s army formed a formation and fought to the death, keeping the front line near the Strata Rock Abyss. The war caused damage to the mineral veins, and the mountain people who lived on it were miserable.

One day, some mountain people treated the four-armed immortal with wine and asked the immortal to help deal with the disaster in the rocky abyss. The immortal drank the bitter wine and left without answering.

Three days later, an immortal who used the power of thunder and lightning was often active on the battlefield. Someone asked his name, but there was no answer. After the beast wave, the immortal disappeared. 】

Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up, this record was what he was looking for.

Write down this record, but you don’t need to take it with you. You can just relay it to Mandrill later.

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