Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 332 The Second Holy Relic (5k)

"Hehe, no wiser than an emperor, the God of Wind did give me a sacred relic."

Wang Daoyi didn't want to hide Zhongli, or in other words, Wang Daoyi absolutely believed in Zhongli.

Most of his current strength comes from gifts from Zhongli.

Zhongli and Nasida are destined to be Wang Daoyi's most important allies in the future. There is only the deepest secret between them that needs to be hidden.

Everything else can be communicated frankly.

Stretching out his hand, a small pendulum appeared in Wang Daoyi's hand,

The pendulum of Istaru, the holy relic.

Zhongli looked at the pendulum in Wang Daoyi's hand and just nodded without any intention of taking it and taking a look.

"It's this little gadget. Istaru left Barbatos the last 'relic'. I didn't expect that Barbatos guy to give this to you so early."

Zhongli said exclamatory words, but his tone was still calm, making people confused whether this matter was important or not.

"The person you call the old dean, forget his name. He doesn't want to leave his name, so I won't mention it. Let's just call him the old dean."

Originally, he wanted to tell Wang Dao the name of the old dean, but Zhongli paused and did not say it yet.

"Just like you became my favored person, the old dean became Istaru's favored person by chance and gained a trace of the power of time."

"As you know, demon-god-level existences, even if their bodies dissipate and die, the power and will they leave behind will still not dissipate. However, some demon gods leave behind resentment that will cause harm for thousands of years, while some demon gods leave behind It is self-sacrifice, returning power to heaven and earth.”

"You have inherited Akhmar's authority. You should be able to realize that Akhmar, as a powerful god, has not left any trace of the demon god. This is because he chose to sacrifice himself."

"And Istaru is the same."

Zhongli rarely told a lot of secrets,

"In a certain disaster, the ruler of time chose to sacrifice. His power turned into a thousand winds and circulated in every corner of the world of Teyvat. And the old dean also obtained the opportunity in his own opportunity. A little gift.”

Wang Dao nodded, but another question came to his mind: "Then why didn't the old dean choose to go to Sky Island? With his strength, he is not weaker than Vanessa from Mondstadt, right?"

"Climbing to Sky Island. That is not a good choice. The throne in the sky is never reserved for mortals."

"A person with the Eye of God can be called the [Original God], but what's the price?"

"I am the God of Contract. In my understanding, everything must have a price. Mortals obtain the Eye of God through strong desire, so what is the price?"

Zhong Li said softly and turned his gaze to Wang Daoyi, with a lingering warning in his eyes.

What is the price of God's Eye?

Zhongli's sudden question stopped Wang Daoyi.

As one of the most important things in Teyvat's worldview, the Eye of God, what its price will be, Wang Daoyi has never thought about this.

But it is not that Wang Daoyi has never been exposed to the secrets about the Eye of God.

When he first came into contact with the Great Ci Tree King, the gentle god told him that after he accepted the Eye of God, the sky would no longer continue to be malicious to him.

At that time, Wang Daoyi’s understanding was that God’s Eye was an alternative kind of household registration.

But now it seems that the reason why the sky does not retaliate against him with malice is because after accepting the Eye of God, a different price was paid.

What's the price?

The conditions for obtaining the Eye of God are that when a person makes a choice at the turning point of fate, and the desire must be firm and strong enough, the gods in the sky will cast their sights and grant the Eye of God.

So, is the price just that firm and strong enough desire?

Think about it, Lei Movie collected the hearts of gods to create a statue with thousands of hands and hundreds of eyes, wasn’t it just to pursue eternity and get closer to the principles of heaven?

The pursuit of eternity in thunder movies comes from the true nature of thunder and lightning.

Thunderbolt True, this demon god whose wisdom even Zhongli admired, his god’s name is [Baal],

Although there is a deviation in the understanding of eternity between the shadow and the real ones, there is no doubt that eternity is close to heaven, and the image of thousands of hands and hundreds of eyes can help eternity get closer to heaven.

But in the pure land of one heart, those wishes gathered on the statue of Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes were used by Yae Shenzi to become Ying's helper.

Judging from the information currently available to Wang Daoyi,

The Eye of God - a strong and firm desire - assists eternity in approaching heaven - assists travelers in defeating Thunder Movie.

There doesn't seem to be any particular correlation.

However, Wang Daoyi still captured a piece of information: there must be something special about a strong and firm desire.

"The world needs fuel to run!"

An idea suddenly appeared in Wang Daoyi's heart, and it became stronger and stronger.

On the other side, Zhongli's eyes showed a flicker, and then he picked up the tea cup: "It seems that you already have your own ideas."

"Is Sky Island a scam?" Wang Daoyi asked in disbelief.

Zhongli shook his head: "That's not entirely true. However, there will naturally be some price for a mortal to ascend the throne of Sky Island, so the old dean is unwilling to ascend the throne of Sky Island."

"He would rather wait for death in the mortal world than ascend the throne of Sky Island."

Wang Daoyi could not imagine what kind of price would be more desperate than watching himself die slowly.

"Well, I can only tell you so much about the old dean. If you still want to know about him, ask him yourself next time."

Zhongli ended the topic and continued, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Just as Wang Daoyi was about to speak, there was a knock on the door of the private room. It was the waiter who was about to serve the food.

"Let's talk after dinner, don't let the delicious food live up to you."

Zhongli said, then picked up the chopsticks and ignored Wang Daoyi.

One after another delicacies were served on the table.

Zhongli was very satisfied.

Wang Daoyi wanted to cry, this was all his mora.

Although as the owner of the desert, the Lord of Red Sand, he apparently owns the wealth of the entire desert, but in fact, Wang Daoyi is still very poor.

With the little oil and water in the desert, it is difficult to maintain the operation of Chisha. Wang Daoyi still needs to allocate material assistance from the Imperial Academy.

There is no way to fill Wang Daoyi's pocket.

When he thought that as a 'god', he was getting poorer and poorer, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but sigh,

Once upon a time, before he embarked on the path of God, he was also wealthy.

Are Teyvat's laws biased against gods? Why do gods fail to save money for various reasons?

After the meal, the waiter came in, cleared away the dishes, and brought a new pot of tea.

"Mr. Zhongli, today's bill."

The waiter looked at Zhongli,

Zhongli looked at Wang Daoyi,

Wang Dao waved his hand: "I'm treating you today, and you can just send the bill to the dock teahouse."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you two." The waiter wrote down Wang Daoyi's address, then left the box, closing the door behind him.

"Oh, go on now, tell me if you have any questions."

For some reason, Wang Daoyi felt that Zhongli's tone became much more friendly after he had had enough wine and food.

Shaking his head, he threw his ridiculous thoughts out of his mind.

How could Emperor Yanwang change his attitude towards him just because of a meal?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

After sorting out his thoughts, Wang Daoyi put a smile on his face, reached out to hold up the teapot, and poured tea for Zhong Lixu.

"Emperor, I want to ask about 'destiny'."

"Destiny? I don't know."

Zhongli's short answer made Wang Dao stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at Zhongli in disbelief: "You don't know?"

Zhong Li picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and nodded again in confirmation: "Yes, I don't know."

After a pause, Zhongli looked at Wang Daoyi's disbelieving eyes and spoke slowly: "I am the God of Contract, the God of Rock, and the God of Commerce. All things in the world have given me various divine names, but the word 'destiny' does not belong to My field, so I can’t give you any answers.”

Faced with the answer given by Zhongli, Wang Daoyi was silent for a while, thoughts flowing in his mind.

He never expected to hear the word "I don't know" in Zhongli's mouth.

Ever since he met Zhongli, no matter what questions he had, he could get answers from Zhongli.

Even if there are some things that Zhongli doesn't say, it's because of the restrictions of the original contract.

Rather than simply saying I don’t know.

After thinking for a while, Wang Daoyi changed the question: "What do you think of travelers? Does the existence of travelers have any impact?"

"Traveler?" Zhong Li put down the tea cup and looked at Wang Daoyi with his pale golden eyes, with a little admiration in his eyes. "It seems that you have already felt it. When the traveler walks by, some events start to happen."

"Is this a conspiracy?" Wang Daoyi asked. He was very worried that everything was a conspiracy planned by some existence.

Zhongli shook his head calmly: "No, this is fate."

Fate King was silent. The last time he heard this word was from the mouth of Dragon King Ruotuo.

"Fate? Emperor, I don't understand."

"Hey, you'll understand when you get to that position."

Zhongli waved his hand and started to be the Riddler again.

"Any more questions?" Zhongli asked for the third time.

Wang Daoyi shook his head. What other problems did he have?

After the day's exchange with the Riddler, he felt that his CPU was about to burn out and it would take some time to digest.

Zhongli nodded, as soon as Wang Dao had no problem, it was his turn.

"Your time has been set."

Wang Daoyi knew that Zhongli was asking him about the time when he would become a god.

Nodding, Wang Dao said with hope and desire in his eyes: "It's settled, after the Sea Lantern Festival, when Ying goes to Xumi and opens Xumi's fate line, I will use the fluctuations of the fate line to light up the last destiny star. , became a god in one fell swoop.”

He has already determined that when you go to a place, you will get entangled and encounter the people and things in that place.

So when Ying comes to Xumi, it must be the time when Xumi's fate line fluctuates the most, and he just makes use of that fluctuating fate line to light up the last destiny star.

Of course, before that, he had to make two more major choices and raise his life star to five.

However, Wang Daoyi was not worried.

With the experience of lighting up the third destiny star, he has already made a good choice of the fourth and fifth destiny stars.

Both the desert and Liyue will light up a life star for him.

"That's good. Come and see me again when you're ready. The contract with the Rock Familiar should also be over."

Listening to Zhongli's calm words,

Wang Daoyi suddenly felt a little ashamed. It was already difficult to pay off the debt between him and Zhongli.

"Don't be sad. I said it when I gave you the status of a dependent. When you step into the status of the devil, you can get rid of the status of a dependent. This is the contract between you and me. Fulfilling the contract is the greatest respect for me. .”

Sensing Wang Daoyi's inner shame, Zhongli smiled and comforted him.

Being comforted by Zhongli, Wang Daoyi forced a smile to calm his inner mood.

The two of them were silent for a long time, and only the heat rising from the tea cup proved that the room was not still.

Wang Daoyi is soothing his mind,

Zhongli was thinking about something.

a long time,

Zhongli raised his head, looked at Wang Daoyi, stretched out his hand, and a small teacup slowly emerged, attracting Wang Daoyi's attention.

"Then, my youngest dependent, please accept my last gift before ending this contract." Zhongli said.


Wang Daoyi was puzzled, and he recognized the tea cup.

"It seems that you still remember this tea cup."

"Of course I remember. When I recognized your identity in the antique store and handed this cup back to you for safekeeping, Mr. Ande was a little disappointed at that time."

How could Wang Daoyi forget this cup? Without it, Wang Daoyi would not have been favored by Zhongli. Without Zhongli's favor, Wang Daoyi would not be where he is today.

"Haha, yes, the fate and contract between you and me all started from this cup. Now that you have reached the final intersection, the contract between us is about to end, so this cup will not It should be kept by me and handed over to you again. This can be regarded as my last gift to you."

Zhongli waved his hand gently, and the cup slowly flew to Wang Daoyi.

However, compared to when Wang Daoyi handed it over to Zhongli for safekeeping, the cup now exudes an inexplicably powerful aura.

Wang Daoyi still remembers the previous data of this cup:


Name: Inlaid turquoise dragon tooth cup

Story: The establishment of Guiliji was the first peak period of Liyue, and the era of dragon tooth carving can also be traced back to this turbulent era. Dragon tooth carving, also known as tooth carving, refers to carving dragon teeth into various practical utensils. Or the technology of artwork, also generally refers to various dragon tooth products. The dragon tooth utensils of ancient Liyue were carved to imitate the patterns of bronze wares. The "Inlaid Turquoise Dragon Tooth Cup" is an ingenious ancient art treasure.

Note: This is a national treasure. Please treat it well. With how precious it is, the emperor may have used it to drink wine.


But now, the properties of this cup have undergone earth-shaking changes.


Name: Morax's Cup of the End of the Pact

Type: empty cup

Introduction: Life, death, time, space and reason, this is the water cup that represents space.


Proof of the encounter between Morax's youngest dependent and Morax, when the young dependent returned the cup to Morax, a contract beyond destiny was established.

Now that the young dependents have embarked on their own path, the contract beyond destiny is about to end.

This cup once contained Morax's friendship with his old friends, but now it contains Morax's love for his family.

Morax gave it back to his youngest kin as a final gift.

Note: This is the last gift given by a great being to his dependents. It can provide you with a comprehensive increase, including but not limited to life strength, elemental proficiency, elemental recovery speed, elemental strength and many other aspects.

Note: This holy relic is already in a powerful state and requires more resources to grow.


Reaching out to take the floating empty cup, Wang Dao couldn't help but be moved at first glance. There was no hesitation or doubt when Barbatos handed the Sands of Time to him.

"Emperor." Wang Daoyi wanted to say some words of thanks, but suddenly he didn't know how to say it. He owed Zhongli too much. It seemed that it wouldn't matter if he owed a little more.

"Ha, no need to say more, aren't you already ready?" Zhongli smiled and said pointedly.

Hearing this, Wang Daoyi smiled, yes, he was already prepared.

With strong confidence, Wang Daoyi nodded solemnly to Zhongli: "Emperor, I will let those demons and demons see that Liyue is still powerful."

He originally had the idea of ​​blooming in Liyue as the foundation of the destiny star, but now, after receiving Zhongli's final gift, this idea became stronger.

[Let Bashi’s last tragic song be the curtain call for the Family of Rock! 】

Deep in Wang Daoyi's heart, his malice toward Ba Sha became even stronger.

Off the coast of Liyue,

In the deep sea, the crouched giant beast slowly raised its head and looked around blankly. For some reason, he noticed a hint of uneasiness.

The huge crouched body slowly unfolded, and several pairs of huge beast eyes on the heads of the giant beast showed malicious looks.

No matter what the reason for the uneasiness is, it’s all on Liyue anyway.

With strong resentment, Bashi swam slowly, and his target was Guyun Pavilion.

At this time, the top of Guyun Pavilion was completely under martial law by the Qianyan Army.

Hundreds of 'Abatuyi-1' missile vehicles are deployed here.

In addition to these missile vehicles, there are also a large number of terminal machines deployed in the positions behind the missile vehicles.

It’s not just the island of Guyun Pavilion,

In the waters surrounding Guyun Pavilion, there are dozens of warships patrolling constantly, and the warships also carry a large number of new terminals.

In the simple military tent, a Qianyan soldier reported to Ke Qinghui, who looked slightly tired: "Master Yuheng, General Panlie is back."

Her pretty eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Ke Qing was a little dissatisfied: "Pan Lie? Didn't you let him go to recuperate? Why did he come back?"

Sensing Ke Qing's dissatisfaction, Qian Yanjun quickly explained: "General Pan Lie, it seems that he has recovered."

"Recovered? Did you take some banned drugs? Are you fooling around? Let him come over." Keqing's expression changed slightly,

She was worried that in order to return to the battlefield, Pan Lie took some forbidden drugs to speed up the healing of his injuries.

That's not a good thing,

Banned drugs often come at the cost of vitality and potential.

"Haha, Lord Yuheng, don't worry, I'm not that confused yet."

A hearty voice sounded, a big hand opened the tent, and a big man like a wall walked in.

"I met His Excellency Wang Daoyi at Wanmin Hall, and he helped me." Pan Lie looked at Ke Qing's suspicious eyes and explained.

Hearing this, Keqing nodded slightly: "Wang Daoyi"

She still believed in Wang Daoyi and would not use forbidden drugs to deceive Pan Lie, the general of Liyue.

Of course, if drugs were banned, Pan Lie should be able to detect it.

"Now that General Panlie's injury has recovered, let's return to the team. The peripheral defense will be handed over to you again. These days, that guy has been inciting sea beasts to attack. General, please be more careful."

Hehe, this cup has been in trouble for so long, no one thought of it.


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