Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 334 Shining Sakura (5k)

When Wang Daoyi and Yae Shenzi were bickering,

Ying and Paimon are lost in Raiden's conscious space.

Here, they flow together with time and space, the trees wither and flourish, and the sea changes, all in the blink of an eye.

The battle between Ying and the general never stopped. Ying recalled the instructions given to her by the Son of God, so Ying tried hard to gather her thoughts until... Ying appeared in front of her.

Separated from General Raiden with one blow, Thunder Movie looked at Ying and Paimon who came from the shuttle: "Why?"

He sighed with a trace of emotion: "How can you... come here again? And... your appearance is still the same as before..."

Ying was a little confused, but quickly captured some information: "Back then? What do you mean?"

On the other side, General Thunder and Lightning watched the conversation between the two, with a hint of approval for Ying in his cold eyes.

"This duel is very nostalgic." General Thunder's tone was calm. There was no nostalgia, but a bit of solemnity.

"It seems like I have returned to the time when the eternal law was first established. Your will now is comparable to that of that time."

"In countless battles, you have never lost, and you have not hesitated at all."

"Even if I show all my eternal enemies in front of you, you will never waver."

Lei Movie looked at General Raiden with admiration and appreciation in his eyes: "You are worthy of admiration for being able to enforce the rules so firmly."

General Raiden is the ultimate pursuit of eternity in past Raiden movies. To deny General Raiden is to deny Himself. Therefore, even if Raiden Movie wants to change General Raiden's will, it will not deny General Raiden's actions.

Because that was the path He had chosen and insisted on.

"You are worthy of the name of "Eternal Guardian]."

Hearing the praise from Raiden Movie, General Raiden did not feel any joy. Instead, the naginata in his hand began to shine with lightning again, and it became more and more powerful.

"For them to return to this space again is like an inevitable fate."

"Then let's use this decisive battle to put an end to our five-hundred-year destiny."

"Decisive battle? Did you finally..."

After hearing General Raiden's words and feeling the power of the naginata in his hand, Raiden not only showed no dissatisfaction or worry, but showed a hint of joy on his face.

After five hundred years of entanglement, the end has finally come.

"Prove to me that your changes are not wear and tear!" General Thunder said coldly.

When the two shadows overlapped and became one, General Raiden saw countless fine gouges that had appeared on the supposedly eternal will of "Thunder Movie".

Originally, He thought it was evidence that Raiden was worn out, so He continued to exert influence on Raiden and refused to allow Raiden to continue using General Raiden's body.

Forcing Lei Movie to come here and engage in a life and death battle with Him.

But five hundred years of fighting have proven that Lei Qianqian's will is still strong, not even weaker than when the eternal law was first established.

Therefore, General Thunder is willing to give Thunder Movie a chance to modify it,

"Beat me and prove to me that you are improving, not wearing out!"

A cold voice sounded in the mouth of General Thunder, and endless power rose behind him.

The next moment, lightning shrouded General Thunder, and endless images of Shura killing were displayed.

General Thunder, who controlled the initial path of the Thunder movie, finally showed his strongest and truest posture.

The eternal guardian - [Fujin Yujian Mingshenming].

As a doll that represents the power of General Raiden, he will only take on this form when fighting against enemies that threaten "eternity".

Looking at the killing statue like Shura, Lei Keqing's expression could not help but become solemn. As the creator of [Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming], Lei Keqing was very aware of the power of this gesture.

"Back away, traveler." Lei Xingying waved his hand, and the gentle force pushed Ying to the edge of the secret realm.

Ying couldn't help shouting: "Are you going to end it all?"

Lei Qiying’s expression remained unchanged, and wisps of willpower gathered behind him. That was the power of dreams: “I will become the next “beginning”. "

Then he held his right hand, and the real dream from Raiden appeared in Raiden's hand,

It seemed that he felt the passionate emotions in Lei Qi’s heart,

The dream shines brightly, exuding the thunder of joy,

It seems to be happy that Lei's movie has confirmed a new path.

At the moment when Lei Movie holds onto his dream,

[Fu Jin Yu Jian Ming Shen Ming] waved his hand indifferently, and the sword light that shot through the sky slashed towards Lei Xingqing,

Evil Yao·Jiang Tian Daoguang

Lei Xingqing was not afraid at all. With a single stroke of his dream, he wiped out the light of the sword that was cutting in front of him.

Then he rushed directly towards [Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming], with his dream in mind, endless sharp edges were gathering.

If [Fujin Yujian Mingshenming] is a statue of killing,

That thunder movie is like the fleeting glimmer of light that shuttles across the battlefield,

Both sides continued to block and attack,

The sword light collided with the statue of Killing Shura, and endless purple lightning spread across the field.

After five or six breaths,

The majesty transformed from the thunder movie is separated from the image of the killing Shura,

Neither party seemed to have been harmed in any way.

Only the devastation in the secret realm and Paimon shivering at the edge of the secret realm can prove the intensity of the collision just now.

"You and I are one. I know everything about you, and you know everything about me."

[Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming] spoke slowly, but his tone was no longer so cold.

As a being created by Ray to protect eternity, in the endless battle, He began to slowly identify with Ray's new path.

However, this alone is not enough!

"Come on, Ying, use your new path to face your former majesty. If you can block the Wuxiang sword that killed the demon god, it means that your new path is not wrong."

Wu Xiang's sword, or rather the sword that Ying slashed with all his strength, was the gathering of all Ying's understanding of eternity.

Without any thought, he uses the most powerful sword to eliminate all enemies for Ina Wife. This is the shadow of the past.

Lei Qianqian's expression moved slightly, but he had no intention of escaping. No one knew the power of that knife better than him, but no one knew himself better than him now: "That knife? Come on, I've already I have established a new path, and a single blow without thinking is no longer my limit!"

[Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming] Looking at Ying's determined expression, without saying anything, the endless killing energy gathered,

"This body symbolizes supreme majesty, being granted the power to lead a country, and embodies everything about the 'Thunder and Lightning General'."

"Inherited General Raiden's pain of constant loss as he moved forward, and his determination to reach eternity."

"Determination, courage, love, hatred... will all become distorted in the long river of time."

"Only the 'Law' is eternal, and I am the guardian of the eternal law!"

[Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming] Watching the thunder movie, there is a silent eternity in the eyes.

Come on, Ying, take this last blow. If you can't prove to me that you are right, then you will perish in eternity under this blow!

——Eyao·Finally·Thousands of calamities are coming here!

And when Lei Movie looked at the [Fujin Yujian Ming Shenming] that exuded terrifying power, his eyes also had the meaning of eternity, but this is the eternity of dreams, the eternity of continuous progress.

[This body is the most special and noble body, and it should hold the power of the world]

[This body promises the subjects a dream that will be unchangeable and eternal for thousands of generations! 】

【I am Xu Chenmin’s dream——Thunder movie! 】

Come on, my past, I will prove that I have found the right path!

Gathering thousands of mantras, exhausting all the wishes of the Hundred Eyes, and slashing out the dream that shatters all curses,

With Lei Qianqian's determination, he attacked the sword that killed the gods and demons.

——Utopia·Dreams really speak!

Two Wugen sword lights collided,

No light, no sound, not even then wave,

It seemed that all existence disappeared in the light of these two swords.

Everything falls into silence, and the world becomes black and white.

But a moment later, the power of thunder bloomed again, and the roaring sound of collision resounded throughout the secret realm. The powerful aftermath of the collision made even the people on the edge of the secret realm unsteady.

The world returns to color once again.

When everything is calm,

Ying looked at the battlefield again. General Thunder and Lightning had returned to his original appearance, dispersing the image of boundless killing Shura.

"That's it. You win."

"I thought you couldn't transcend the past, but it seems I was too arbitrary and underestimated your soul."

"A will that never wears out cannot embrace the future after all."

There was a hint of gloominess on the face of General Thunder and Lightning, but there was also a hint of relief, as if he felt a bit of relief. Endless eternity, for him, is not a burden!

It would not be bad if these burdens could be relieved within the provisions of the law.

"You don't need to worry about the future, and you don't need to move forward alone." Ying saw the gloominess of General Raiden and explained:

"I know your strength best. If I only rely on my own strength, I will definitely be the loser in this duel."

"However, the reason for using the sword determines the pattern and limits of martial arts. What I bear is the countless gazes directed towards the sky."

When Ying gave up the Wuxiang sword and turned to use the sword that gathered thousands of mantras, exhausted all the wishes of the Hundred Eyes, and cut out the dream sword that shattered all curses,

Shadow could feel the strange movement coming from "Dream Isshin".

This knife taken from Raiden Makoto seemed to be trying to remind Raiden... to inspire Raiden.

General Leiden followed Lei Qingqing's gaze and looked at the [Dream Yixin]:

"I also felt it. In the fierce battle just now, it seemed to have released a brand new power. This power is even beyond my knowledge."

Ying nodded, with a hint of joy in his eyes: "This is the real Saber. Maybe when I truly understand and identify with her, the Saber will respond to me with all its strength."

Holding on to "Dream Ishin", Raiden found the feeling of fighting side by side with Raiden Shin.

Familiar yet strange... Raiden Shin, who never seems to wield a sword, is always by Kage's side.

Feeling the emotions in Lei Qiang's heart, and that [Dream One Heart] was surging with the power to respond to Lei Qianqiu, General Raiden finally nodded: "I agree."

"Your new will is not due to wear and tear. I will no longer hinder your attempts to change the law."

After a pause, a flash of recognition appeared in his eyes, and General Thunder said: "From now on, I will still be your assistant."

With a smile on his face, Lei Movie nodded solemnly:

"I will never set any more laws that cannot be changed. You once represented my past, but from today on, you - you are me."

With a trace of nostalgia and some sad memories: "I have never regarded me as a fearless weapon, and I should not regard you as a tool."

General Thunderbolt's face was expressionless, but there was still a slight fluctuation in his tone: "...Ha, you have really changed. This is what humans often call "growth"."

Then he nodded equally solemnly: "I understand, I will become your shadow, just like you were the real shadow."

"The duties I will perform will not change, but as a warrior, I look forward to the opportunity to fight like this in the future."

"In terms of victory or defeat alone, you are still unwilling to accept it, are you?" Lei Qianqian also had a fighting spirit in his eyes. It was obvious that he thought that if he did it again, he would still win.

A strange expression appeared on the indifferent face of General Thunder, as if he was recalling: "It's just that I have never felt like this before. It is very novel and worth recalling."

At this time, Paimon, who came out from behind the screen, looked at the two of them and scratched his little head: "Is the fight over? Let's forget it, it's all over, right?"

Before everyone could answer Paimon, they noticed something strange.

Ying pointed at Meng Yixin: "[Dream Yishin] is glowing?"

The originally quiet [Dream Yishin] began to glow faintly.

Ying raised his hand and looked at [Dream Yishin]: "Huh?"

Ying didn't know what was going on with this change.

Before everyone could study it carefully, a voice rang out from the light emitted by [Dream Yishin]...

"Hello, Kage, and the witnesses here." The voice greeted everyone, and then began to introduce himself, "I am Raiden Jin, the previous generation of Thunder God who failed to fulfill his duties, left here for you. Caused countless troubles.”

Lei Qianqian's expression changed: "Really...?"

"I'm very happy. I know that if it were you, you would definitely get to this point."

"I have left some weak will in "Dream Ishin". The moment you exert all its power, I will be released. "

There was a hint of joy in Leiden Zhen's tone, as if he was happy that his sister could embark on the right path,

Then he continued talking:

"As for why you use such a roundabout method - it's because at that time you believed in your own ideas and couldn't listen to anything."

"But I don't have time to wait for you to change your mind. Please forgive me, I can only wait for your return in this way."

Lei Movie was silent for a moment: "But you never mentioned this to me..."

The movie about Lei is about Zhen suddenly disappearing and heading to Canrea alone. If it hadn't been for this, Zhen would have had enough time to teach Lei Qi.

"Everything happened too suddenly... I'm sorry." There was a hint of apology in Leiden Zhen's tone, "I have always felt very guilty for entrusting Ina Wife to you all of a sudden."

"These principles should have been taught to you step by step by me, so that you will no longer be obsessed with "no thought." "

"Did you sense what was about to happen to Kanrea at that time?" Ying had some speculations in her mind. She always thought that there must be something wrong with Leiden going to Kanrea alone.

Raiden Zhen has never left the protection of Raiden Movie. Even if it is a gathering of seven gods, Raiden Shin will take Raiden Movie with him.

And the only time was the trip to Canria. It was this time that Leiden truly fell.

Faced with speculation about Ray's movie. Leidenzhen, who was in the heart of the dream, gave the answer: "Well, more or less. No matter which earthly ruler it is, "over there" is an existence that cannot be ignored. "

Instead of delving further into the topic of Kanria, Leidenzhen changed the subject:

"I can no longer perceive time now. I don't know how long we were apart before we met again, and I don't know what Ina-wife went through during this period."

"But I know that you must have gone through an extremely difficult road, and you must have wanted to cry many times, right?"

"...Don't underestimate me." Lei Qianqian didn't want Lei Dian to know his sadness and sadness at all.

"Look, you admitted it." Unfortunately, Lei Dian knew Lei Movie very well. He chuckled, and then said, "Considering this possibility, I left a gift for you to relieve the pain. Wife’s pain.”

Wisps of light emerged, eventually forming a small seed in front of Ying.

"Come on, accept it before my last consciousness fades away. However, the most important step must be done by yourself..."

The seeds of light clusters are planted by shadows, the concept of time gradually blurs, and Inazuma's hundreds of years of experience unfold in the form of symbols.

"The miraculous tree that protects all people is still a strange existence that no one can see."

Leidenzhen said softly: "When it lands and where it sprouts, it all depends on the heart and dream of the person who gave it birth."

"Give it life, Shadow."

"Could this be..." Lei Qianqian quickly thought of the sacred cherry tree standing on Yingxiang Mountain.

The sacred cherry tree that protected Ina-wife from countless dark disasters when He was confused,

So this is... really the gift you left me?

"Eternity extends time infinitely, and dreams make every moment shine."

"The two complement each other, and the sacred cherry blossoms will eventually bloom out of the darkness, regardless of the constraints of heaven."

"At this point, the nightmare has dissipated, reality is complete, and the scene that you and I both long for is still ahead."

At this point, there was finally a hint of regret in Raiden's tone: "It's a pity that I can't witness Inazuma's future, and I can't walk with you anymore."

"You know what? Shadow, I'm very happy now. Because my last wish has come true."

"Your sword has prevented countless disasters for me. I always feel that I owe you something."

"Although it is only a trivial repayment, this sacred cherry tree will buy you time before you really wake up and face a new encounter."

The original emotional voice changed, and Lei Deng was really a little naughty: "How about it, it should have worked, right?"

Before Lei Qingqing could answer, Lei Dingzhen said with a hint of relief: "This time it's true goodbye, Ying."

Lei Movie: "Yeah. Goodbye, Zhen."

The two gods passed each other, Shen Ying flew from "present" to "past", Shadow moved from "present" to "future", and eternity finally opened a new chapter.

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