Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 340 There are no identical flowers in the world (5k)

"Here comes the wine. A glass of special concoction. It's a treat for an afternoon. Please take your time, both of you. I also have these snacks as a gift."

The bartender put two glasses of wine on the table, then brought a plate of snacks and left.

"How do you feel now that you have replaced Albedo in the city? Has there been any change?" He picked up the wine glass and took a sip gently. Wang Dao's eyes lit up. Charles's craftsmanship was indeed good. This taste was better than his. Most of the drinks I've had are good.

Of course, it may also be because Wang Daoyi has been in the desert for a long time and has not had a good drink for a long time.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's question, 'Abedo' thought for a moment and said, "Do you feel it? I don't know how to express it specifically, but it seems that the original disgust towards the world has become much less."

"Through his identity, I got to know a lot of people. Sugar is very cute, Timaeus is very serious, President Seleus of the Adventurers Association is a very heroic person, and there are many, many people. They gave me the feeling , completely different from what I felt when I was in the snow-capped mountains.”

'Albedo' became more and more excited as he spoke, and there was a little excitement in his originally calm eyes.

Obviously, these are things he has dreamed of and has never been exposed to.

Encounters and entanglements with others,

This is one of the most important things in this world,

"Very good, but what you feel is all Abedo's. If one day, you can break away from the identity of Abedo and go to a strange place to start a new life of your own, perhaps, the encounters and entanglements at that time will... It will make you more curious."

Wang Daoyi said pointedly,

Wang Daoyi naturally has some thoughts about this fake Albedo. Although he may not be as good as Albedo, as a creature of gold, there is no doubt about his superiority.

Strong learning ability and understanding ability,

He also has these things that Abedo has. Of course, he may be a little weaker than Abedo.

However, if he is a little weaker than Abe, he is countless times stronger than ordinary people.

Therefore, if he can be abducted back to the desert, then Wang Dao will have a very good helper.

Not to mention anything else, at the very least, Wang Daoyi could leave the birth and subsequent transformation of those holy warriors directly to the fake Albedo to implement, while he himself only needed to deduce and research, and there was no need to do any more trouble. thing.

Moreover, with the identity of fake Abedo, perhaps Wang Daoyi can rely on him to find the entrance to the ancient kingdom of Chahe.

Oh, the ancient country of Chahe is Kanriya.

In ancient times, Sumeru and Kanrya had some contact. The ancient Sumeru people called Kanrya the Kingdom of Chahe.

And this name has continued to this day. Even in the current Teaching Council, some scholars still call Kanreiya the ancient country of Chahe.

If 'Gold' has done some tricks on these failed products, then it is not impossible to find the entrance to Kanria through the fake Albedo.

"Getting rid of his identity? It's a very good idea, but now I don't have this idea. Being able to live in the sun with his identity is already a very luxurious thing."

Although Wang Daoyi guided him intentionally or unintentionally, the fake Abedo was still not tempted.

Perhaps he has longed for the identity of Abedo for too long. Even if he knows that what Wang Daoyi said is more beneficial to him, he is reluctant to give up his current life and identity.

"Okay, okay, if you have the idea of ​​changing your identity in the future, you can contact me. I have some status in Xumi and can provide you with a safe and comfortable position."

Wang Dao nodded, stretched out his hand, and a rock crystal appeared, floating in front of the fake Albedo.

"Please accept it. If you want to contact me in the future, you can just crush it and I will sense it."

"Okay, thank you!"

The fake Abedo didn't refuse. After stretching out, wisps of energy gathered together to form a small box out of thin air, which contained Wang Daoyi's rock crystal.

Wang Dao's eyes lit up when he saw this hand.

Although compared to Albedo's alchemy of turning death into life and creating life out of thin air, the fake Albedo's material refining is still a bit simple, but compared to those alchemies that have never been exposed to material refining in a lifetime. Master, this is already an unimaginable operation.

"By the way, since you are in Mondstadt, then Albedo is in the snow mountain?" Wang Daoyi thought of the business of coming here this time.

Fake Albedo nodded: "Well, he has been doing research in the snowy mountains recently, and occasionally he paints."

Wang Daoyi continued to ask: "Did any of Liyue's friends come to see him?"

Although finding Abedo is also one of the goals this time, finding Xing Qiuhe is very important. A Xu is still waiting at the door of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

"Huh? Are you talking about the blue boy? Of course, he and Albedo are together, studying some novels, illustrations and the like every day. I can't understand the meaning of their conversation."


Wang Daoyi glanced at the fake Abedo curiously, couldn't this guy understand entertainment-oriented things?

If you think about it carefully, the other person is still learning to be a human being.

I can't understand that entertainment, the spiritual food of mankind, seems to be very reasonable.

After drinking all the wine in the glass, Wang Daoyi looked at the fake Albedo: "I'm going to the snowy mountains to find them. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, I want to stay with the students for a while longer. Their alchemy homework hasn't been completed yet."

The fake Albedo also drank the strong wine in the glass and shook his head to reject Wang Daoyi's proposal.

And the reason turned out to be the alchemy lessons of the disciples.

It can be seen that he really cherishes Abedo's identity.

Even if they are unknown alchemy apprentices, fake Albedo is still willing to teach them with all his heart.

"Okay, I'll go by myself then. By the way, have you ever been in contact with Keli?"

"I had contact with him once. I couldn't handle that child. He said that I doted on Keli too much, so he didn't let me have too much contact with Keli."

Wang Daoyi glanced at the fake Abedo in surprise.

Even Abedo felt that the other party doted on Keli too much, so one can imagine how good this fake Abedo was to Keli.

Noticed Wang Daoyi’s strange look,

The fake Albedo touched his nose in embarrassment and said with a little embarrassment: "When I came to Mondstadt for the first time on his behalf, the acting captain asked me to take Keli out for a walk, and then"

"What happened next?" Wang Daoyi asked curiously.

"Then we bombed fish at Yingxiang Beach. Because I increased the power of the bomb, it caused some commotion."

"A little commotion?"

Wang Daoyi became more and more curious about what kind of disturbance could make Abedo feel that the fake Abedo was too doting on Keli.

"Ahem, all the monsters nearby have gone berserk."

After listening to fake Abedo's narration, Wang Daoyi had to sigh, he could only say that it was you and Keli.

He took Keli to fry fish, but Keli felt that the bouncing power in her hand was not enough to fry the fish.

So the fake Abedo believed that as a brother, he should realize his sister’s wish, so he improved Keli’s bouncing bomb,

As a result, the monsters in the entire Yingxiang Beach were exploded by bombs and rioted. The Knights spent a lot of manpower and material resources to quell those monsters.

"Although I still think that Keli is his relative and fulfilling the wishes of his relatives is the right thing to do. However, since he said that I doted on Keli too much, I will still accept his suggestion."

Fake Abedo waved his hand. Obviously, even now, he thinks he did the right thing and doesn't understand why Abedo would say that he doted on Keli.

In his mind, fulfilling the wishes of his relatives is a good thing, but he has no concept of what wishes need to be fulfilled and what wishes should be stopped.

To put it bluntly, the current fake Albedo is a blank slate with powerful abilities but no understanding of the world.

"Ha, maybe it has something to do with intensity. Fulfilling Keli's wish is a good thing, but you have to pay attention and don't go too far."

Wang Daoyi reminded him,

It's a pity that the other party shook his head,

"He also told me this, but I can't understand it yet. Maybe I need more learning to be more like a [human]."

"Okay, I'll leave first. Remember to pay."

Wang Dao waved his hand, reminded him, turned around and left.

Since the other party was not a threat, Abedo allowed the other party to move freely and even assumed his identity.

Naturally, Wang Daoyi no longer has to worry about whether this fake Abedo will cause any danger.

"Oh, maybe you can talk to Albedo and take this fake Albedo with you to investigate in the desert. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi nodded secretly in his heart, thinking this was a good idea.

"Wait slowly." The fake Albedo had no intention of getting up to see Wang Daoyi off. He nodded slightly, then waved to the bartender, "Please, bring me some other wines, I want to try them."

It seems that although Abedo doesn't like drinking very much, this impostor is very interested in wine.

After saying hello to Charles and explaining that the money for the drinks was paid by ‘Albedo’,

Wang Daoyi left the angel's gift.

After chatting with the fake Abe for a while, it was getting late to see the weather.

"Oh, rest for a night, or go directly to Abedo and Xingqiu?"

"Forget it, just go find it. Taking a night's rest is a waste of time."

Two thoughts flashed through my mind:

Wang Dao walked straight to the side gate of Mondstadt.

From Angel's Gift, the side door is closer.


Longji Snow Mountain·Secret Camp

The cold wind howled by, sweeping here with ice and snow. The extreme temperatures created a harsh ecological environment in Longji Snow Mountain.

Only a very small number of life forms can survive here after adapting to the ice element.

Of course, there are always exceptions.

Right here in the howling wind and snow, two thin figures stood on the edge of the cliff,

One person writes the painting, while the other person watches from the sidelines.

On the painting paper, it is this snowstorm that fills the sky.

"You are truly worthy of Teacher Bai Chuo. With this picture of wind and snow, readers will have a more immersive feeling when they read "The Swordsman Holds the Sword on a Snowy Night"."

Xingqiu looked at the cold wind and snow reflected on Abedo's painting paper, and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

After the original release of his novel, the response in Liyue was mediocre, and it seemed that it was about to be sold out.

Take it. After I collaborated with Abedo last time, thanks to Abedo’s amazing illustrations, his novel suddenly became a hit in Inazuma.

Even reminder letters would be mailed to him from time to time.

Although I don’t know how these draft letters passed Inazuma’s national lockdown order,

However, there is always a way for readers to urge manuscripts.

After receiving a large number of reminders for manuscripts, Xingqiu decided to come to Mondstadt to visit Teacher Baichao and have a deeper artistic exchange.

And Teacher Bai Chuo did not disappoint Xingqiu. No matter what plots Xingqiu thought of, Abedo could quickly and accurately draw them on paper.

Think about it, you publish your manuscript in the morning, and in the afternoon someone turns your manuscript into a comic.

What a shock.

Therefore, in Xingqiu's eyes, there is no difference between Abedo and the immortal.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. Whether it is words or pictures, they are a continuation of the creator's thoughts. If you are satisfied, that is the greatest compliment to me."

Abedo slowly put away his brush. The wind and snow on the painting paper seemed to blend into the surrounding scenery, and were about to roar out in an instant.

"Well, an acquaintance is here." Abedo was talking to Xingqiu when he suddenly turned his head and looked at Mianlong Valley down the mountain.

He caught an undisguised aura, approaching quickly from the foot of the mountain.

And this breath was very familiar to him.

"Hey, is anyone here?" Xingqiu looked down at Mianlong Valley. There was only pale wind and snow, and nothing else.

Abedo nodded: "It's Wang Daoyi, um, he's almost there."

Listening to Abedo's words, Xingqiu looked surprised.

Then, in Xingqiu's surprised eyes, a golden stream of light pierced the wind and snow in the sky, approaching very quickly from a distance, and appeared next to the two of them in just a breath.

The golden light dissipates, just as Abedo said, it is the king's way.

"Oh, the snow in Longji Snow Mountain is really heavy. It would be great if this snow could be under the desert."

Wang Daoyi sighed, and then looked at the two of them: "Long time no see, Abeido, and Xingqiu."

Abedo nodded calmly, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes: "Come here this time, do you have anything to help with? Oh, have you already seen him?"

"Brother Dao Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time. What a coincidence. I didn't expect to meet you here." Xingqiu looked gentle and gentle, which was his most common disguise outside.

"It's nothing serious. Come and have a look. Yes, I've seen him before." Wang Daoyi nodded to Abedo and answered Abedo's question. He could naturally understand who [he] was in Abedo's words.

Then he looked at Xingqiu: "It's not a coincidence, I came here just because I knew you were here. A Xu asked me to bring you a message to go back early and learn about Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's business in Mondstadt. After returning, Deal with your father."

"What? Does the old man know that I sneaked out?" Xing Qiu's original gentle temperament disappeared instantly, and a trace of panic appeared on his face.

"Oh, that's not the case. A-Xu is here to support you, but if you don't go back, that won't be the case."

Wang Dao smiled and said, seeing Xingqiu's panic, he was very happy.

Xingqiu panicked for a while, but soon regained his composure. The reason was of course that he saw Wang Dao's smile.

"Humph, you were just laughing at my joke, right?"

"Yes!" Wang Dao nodded, extremely calm.

"Forget it, take me with you when you go back. I'll be back in no time. Otherwise, if I go back by myself, I'm afraid it will take another ten days and a half."

Xingqiu still remembers that Wang Daoyi has the ability to open earth vein channels. If Wang Daoyi takes him back, it will naturally save a lot of time.

"Do you want to go back? I can do it at any time. The reason I came here this time is to visit Albedo and help A Xu find you."

Wang Dao had planned to take Xingqiu back with him from the beginning, so naturally he would not refuse Xingqiu.

Abedo watched Wang Daoyi and Xingqiu exchange a few words, and after seeing them finish talking, he said: "Why don't we go back to the camp first? There is a bonfire and some food in the camp. We can eat and chat at the same time. "

Abedo's proposal was naturally agreed by the other two.

The three of them packed up their easels and returned to Albedo's experimental base.

Skillfully cooking some food on the campfire, Albedo took out three bottles of shimmering alchemy potions from the container on one side.

"Improved constant temperature potion, Timaeus has modified it to have a sunset fruit flavor. You can try it. It's also good to drink as a drink."

Wang Daoyi took the alchemy potion and looked at Xingqiu. He was very calm. It seemed that this was not the first time he drank it.

He opened the bottle cap and took a sip.

My eyes lit up. It tasted really good. If there wasn't elemental power in it, it seemed like I could make money by making it into drinks.

Abedo was busy for a while, prepared a simple dinner, shared it with everyone, and then sat back next to the bonfire.

"What do you think of him?" Abedo looked at Wang Daoyi and asked.

"Except for not being like a [human] in some places, everything else is okay. You have discovered his goodness. If you keep it up, I think he can become a [human]."

"? What are you two talking about? Why can't I understand?" Xingqiu ate and listened to the conversation between the two, but found that he could not understand a word. The two seemed to be talking in an encrypted manner.

"It's nothing, it's just a small matter between me and His Excellency Wang Daoyi."

Abedo explained to Xingqiu.

"Oh~ let's talk. I'm done eating and going to take a rest." After all, Xingqiu is not a being like Wang Daoyi and Abedo. He first watched Abedo painting in the wind and snow, and then warmed up by the bonfire. Between the heat and the cold, I felt a little sleepy.

Xingqiu went to rest.

With no one to disturb them, Wang Daoyi and Abedo started chatting again.

"My teachers have created many lives. Please allow me to use the word them to describe them." Abedo said with some memories in his expression, "Many of them were born before me. However, the teacher was not satisfied and thought they were failures. So they were all 'destroyed', and the one who 'destroyed' them was my 'brother' Dulin."

‘Golden’ Reindot, a woman who pursued the ultimate in alchemy, gave birth to many children. However, the only works that satisfied her were Albedo and Dulin, who was relatively satisfied.

Those failed products were fed to the demon dragon Dulin by Reindot.

Du Lin did not fully digest these failures. With the awakening of the dragon's power, the fake Albedo also awakened simultaneously.

"At that time, he woke up from the remains of his 'brother' and was wandering in the snowy mountains. He accidentally saw me and found that I had actually integrated into the [human] world, so he felt jealous and longing in his heart, and stole my life more than once. Study the information and want to imitate me and replace me.”

Abedo talked about this as if he was not the one who was hurt, and his tone was extremely calm.

"It's a pity that he doesn't understand that there won't be exactly the same flowers in the world. No matter how much he imitates me, he can't become me."

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Then you still let him use your identity to live in Mondstadt?"

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