Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 347 When the jade has not yet risen (plot chapter added) (5k)

Tianheng Mountain·On the Unnamed Rock

Dressed in thin green clothes, Mandrill stood on the rocks. Looking in the direction of Guyun Pavilion, he could feel the giant beast entrenched there.

Beside Mandrill, a huge blue wind eagle was picking at the stones on the ground with its sharp claws.

Compared to when Wang Daoyi handed it over to Mandrill, Feng Ying had undergone tremendous changes.

The most basic ones are bigger body, sharper claws, and purer color of feathers.

And deeper into the place, Feng Ying's power became more perfect, and his aura became more and more fierce.

Even more like a mandrill.


Suddenly, Feng Ying seemed to feel something, raised his head suddenly, and let out a scream into the distance,

However, there was no harshness in this eagle's cry, but instead, there was some joy.

The next moment, a golden light flew rapidly from the foot of Tianheng Mountain, and appeared next to Mandrill in an instant.

The golden light dispersed, revealing Wang Daoyi's appearance.

"Well, little guy, you are very good. Keep up your efforts and strive to become stronger." Wang Daoyi looked at the joyful Fengying, stretched out his hand, and scratched under the huge eagle's beak.

"Gululu~" Fengying made a comfortable purring sound, just like the way Wang Daoyi stroked it when it was just born.


Mandrill glanced at Wang Daoyi flatly, with a little helplessness: "I have raised it for so long, and it has never been so close to me."

He's jealous, he's jealous.

Wang Daoyi smiled and said nothing, hey, loving father and strict teacher, who do you think the child will like?

"Humph." Seeing Wang Dao smile and say nothing, Mandrill snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Perhaps sensing Mandrill's mood, Feng Ying jumped a few steps on the ground, came to Mandrill's side, stretched out his big head and rubbed against Mandrill's arm.

Mandrill's brows spread, revealing a hint of a smile.

It has to be said that as a high-level element-created creature, Wind Eagle is very smart. It has learned what it means to please and what it means to balance.

"Just now, your use of my Aerial Freedom Technique was not smooth." He stretched out his hand and patted Feng Ying's big head. Mandrill felt better and started to point out, "Although you are not using the wind element, the truth is It’s the same, if you want to fly fast in the air, you have to feel the wind in the air and integrate with the wind in the air, so that they can help you instead of hindering you.”

If someone on Aqua Blue Planet told Wang Daoyi that if you use the power of light to fly, you need to feel the wind and blend into the wind. Wang Daoyi could immediately compete with him on the 300th floor.

However, this is Teyvat. Here, wind is one of the seven radiances that make up the world, one of the forces in the human world, and light is the force in the light world. They are equal in nature.

So, after hearing Mandrill's instructions, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly: "That's it, I've written it down."

"Yeah." After Mandrill pointed, he didn't seem to know what to say, so he kept silent and looked in the direction of Guyun Pavilion again.

"Is the Great Sage worried?" Wang Daoyi patted Feng Ying and let him play by himself. Then he walked to Mandrill and said.

Mandrill shook his head: "The emperor has already told me that you will take action. I am here just to ensure that the aftermath of the battle will not affect Liyue Port."

After saying that, Mandrill paused for a moment, then raised his head slightly: "What's more, even if you fail, I can still defend the front."

Wang Daoyi: Can you please give me something good?

Wang Daoyi complained helplessly in his heart, and then shook his head slightly: "Today is different from the past. The Great Sage doesn't know me well enough. A mere boss can't escape from the palm of my hand."

Although the current Wang Daoyi and the Wang Daoyi that Mandrill knew before are still the same person in essence, the power they control are completely different species.

This is the gap between man and God.

Mandrill raised his eyes slightly and looked at Wang Daoyi. He and Wang Daoyi rarely fought side by side.

In the beginning, when Qingce Zhuang fought, the opponent could only rely on the emperor's gift to fight against the demon god's remnant.

Later, in the secret realm of Layer Rock Abyss, Wang Daoyi's power was completely different from the power gifted by the emperor.

Therefore, when Wang Daoyi said that today is different from the past,

Mandrill did not refute, because in Mandrill's memory, there had never been any immortal or Yaksha who could grow as fast as Wang Daoyi.

Thinking like this, Mandrill couldn't help but feel a little sour in his heart.


Shaking his head to dissipate some of the sourness, Mandrill looked at Wang Daoyi: "No matter what, don't worry, Liyue Port is guarded by the Immortal Family and nothing will happen."

Although he made an agreement with Qixing to witness the era of witnesses, when he encountered a threat in Liyue Port,

Mandrill and the immortals still chose to fulfill their contract with Emperor Yan Wang - to protect Liyue Port.

"That's good!"

Wang Daoyi replied briefly,

Then he didn't know what to say, so he stood beside Mandrill quietly, looking at the seemingly calm sea in the distance.

Both he and Mandrill knew that the giant beast was hidden under the calm sea.

The words are divided into two parts,

On the other side, after Ying and Paimon finished their heart-to-heart talk with Shen He,

The three of them came to the construction site together. After a night of overtime work, the construction site had changed a lot.

The Mingxia Fusheng Stone brought by Shen He before has disappeared, and the result is the Qun Jade Pavilion suspended in mid-air.

However, compared to the Qun Jade Pavilion that was suspended in the clouds before, the current Qun Jade Pavilion is only slightly floating in the air and has not risen into the sky.

"Look, look, Ying, the Jade Pavilion is flying into the sky!" Paimon saw the Jade Pavilion floating in the sky and shouted excitedly, and then saw several thick chains of the Jade Pavilion, " But it looks like it’s tied up with something…”

"Because it's not finished yet."

A familiar voice sounded from behind Paimon. Paimon quickly turned around and saw, hey, there is someone familiar.

Waving to the visitor, Paimon greeted: "Baiwen! Beidou is here too! There are... uh... people I don't know..."

"Good morning, Traveler, Paimon, and Miss Shen He." Baiwen also said hello to Ying and others,

Then he explained Paimon's previous problem: "The Jade Pavilion is very large. In order to ensure balance, we divided the construction work of the Jade Pavilion into two parts."

"Before we find a suitable floating stone, we first build the base of the Qunyu Pavilion on the ground."

"After the floating stone is prepared, we combine the floating stone with the base and let the semi-finished Qunyu Pavilion float to the same height as the top of the mountain."

"The subsequent construction work will be completed above. Once everything is ready, we will put away the iron cables and let the Jade Pavilion fly to the height it deserves..."

As he said that, a shout came from the other side of the construction site: "Miss Baiwen, we have brought new materials -"

"Wait a moment, come right away."

Baiwen replied to that side, and then turned to everyone: "The reconstruction work has progressed so quickly, thanks to the floating stone you found. Lord Ningguang also said that he is looking forward to your next performance."

After saying that, Baiwen hurried to the other side of the construction site.

It can be seen that she is really busy.

After Baiwen left, Beidou came over with a girl whom Ying and Paimon didn't know.

"Oh! I didn't expect you to find the most important floating stone so quickly. We are a step too late."

Paimon looked at Beidou, a little curious: "Beidou... also participated in the competition to rebuild the Jade Pavilion?"

According to the information Paimon knows, Beidou and Ningguang seem to have a difficult relationship.

"Ha, what's that look in your eyes? Although Ning Guang and I always quarrel, there are some things that I still have to help her with." Beidou smiled proudly, and then continued, "When we were adventuring at sea in the past, , I got a Mingxia floating stone by chance, so I brought it over."

Yingying's eyes moved, and she sensitively caught the word 'some things'. She thought of the 'crisis' that Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said yesterday, and some suspicions arose in her heart.

However, Paimon didn't have the intuition anymore. She was still thinking about the competition.

"It seems that although there are very few Mingxia Floating Stones, we are not the only ones who can find them..." Paimeng's tone was somewhat thankful. Fortunately, Shen He was there and led them to find the largest Mingxia Floating Stone.

"Haha, I always have some ways to run on the sea." After saying that, Beidou changed the subject. Obviously, most of these ways are not very formal, at least, in Ningguang's view, they are not formal.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Yun, Yun Jin, a famous opera actor from Liyue."

The girl in costume on one side waved to Ying and others: "Hello."

Then Beidou introduced Yun Jin: "These two, Paimon and Ying, are old acquaintances of mine."

Having said that, Beidou looked at Shen He again: "This one looks a little strange..."

"Shen He. Their... friend." Shen He's tone returned to its original coldness.

Beidou thought it was Shen He who was afraid of life, so he smiled boldly and said: "Hahaha... no need to see anyone outside. Since we are friends of friends, we are all in the same boat!"

"Mr. Yun is also here to participate in the competition. He happened to want to borrow my boat, so he came together."

Beidou explained why Yun Jin came here and why he was with her.

Yun Jin nodded slightly: "I've admired these two great names for a long time. I'm lucky enough to meet you today. The same goes for Miss Shen He. Although it's the first time we've met, I have a hunch that we will get along happily in the future."

"To be honest with you, I really need the qualifications to ask Miss Ningguang questions, so I came to participate in this competition. My father still has some connections. Although the floating stone I found is a bit small, it can barely pass the test."

Paimon's eyes changed and he was a little surprised: "Wow... if you look at it this way, the three of us are competitors!"

Director Yun smiled and did not answer Paimeng's question. Instead, he looked at Shen He: "Excuse me, Miss Shen He...is she also here to compete?"

Shen He shook his head: "No. I don't have any questions to ask Ning Guang. I just want to help Ying and Paimeng win."

"In this case, I do have a better proposal." After receiving Shen He's answer, Yun Jin nodded slightly, and then proposed, "Miss Ningguang said that the first three people who find all the materials will be rewarded. Those who ask three questions The chances are equally divided between the three of us."

"Instead of competing with each other, it is better to unite and take over the top three. What do you think?"

Win-win cooperation is Yun Jin’s proposal.

Beidou, Yun Jin, Ying, Shen He, if Shen He does not participate, there will be exactly three people, and they will share three opportunities equally.

Ahem, Paimon doesn't count, Paimon counts with Ying.

Paimon: "Sounds great! How to do it specifically?"

Beidou: "Haha...I understand what Mr. Yun means."

[Next, everyone deliberated for a while. Beidou decided to go back to the ship first and find someone to ask about the materials for Qianqi Core. Yun Jin, Ying and others went to Hanfeng Ironware to ask Master Zhang and got some information about casting Qianqi Core. News about the two important materials 'Secret Stone' and 'Shattered Star Iron Ore'. 】

The group of people headed towards Tianheng Mountain again,

On the way, Yun Jin introduced to everyone the story about the opera "Goddess Pi Guan".

Everyone liked this story very much. Only Ying slightly felt it and looked at Shen He.

Unfortunately, Shen He's face remained calm, and he didn't seem to have any bad thoughts about the story.

After noticing Ying's gaze, Shen He spoke softly: "I like this story very much, but in my opinion, maybe the little girl in the opera is not as brave as everyone says."

After a slight pause, Shen He shook his head: "She probably doesn't deserve such praise."

Hearing Shen He's words, Yun Jin was stunned for a moment, and then frowned, not because she was dissatisfied with Shen He's questioning, but because Shen He made this statement, which she had never thought of at all.

"I never thought about it. Opera creation, including interpretation and interpretation, will inevitably adapt real people and events."

Then he smiled, with a hint of hope for good things: "Perhaps, when my father adapted this story, he also hoped to use the image of the [goddess] in the story to inspire more people!"

Opera is a continuation of stories, and the original purpose of stories is to warn and inspire the world.

After listening to Yun Jin's explanation, Shen He nodded slightly. She didn't mind her story being adapted, just like what she said at the beginning: "Well, I think this is a very good story,... my ideal story. !”

"Well" Paimon was stupid and didn't seem to notice any problems with this story. Instead, he was shocked. "Hearing such a story, Pamon was also inspired! Let's cheer up and find [Shattered Star Iron Ore] !”

[Everyone used the power of the Eye of God to continuously search the surroundings, and soon found some [Broken Star Iron Ore]. 】

[Then, everyone went to the abandoned village nearby and asked the old man in the village about the whereabouts of the Secret Flower Stone, but unexpectedly discovered that the old man was an acquaintance of Shen He. 】

[Under the guidance of the old man, Shen He was left to reminisce with the old man. Ying and Yun Jin began to search for clues in the village, but unexpectedly found a broken note and a record of the changes in the village. From these records, Yun Jin knew Knowing that Shen He was the little girl in the story, Yun Jin decided to revise "The Goddess Pi Guan". 】

[Finally, everyone found a book "Mountain and Stone Miscellany", which recorded the method of finding the secret flower stone. Everyone returned to the original place, heard the conversation between Shen He and the old man, and learned the identity of the old man and the relationship between him and Shen He. relationship between. 】

After Shen He finished the conversation with the old man,

Only then did everyone get closer to Shen He,

Paimon waved his hand: "Shen He, we are back~"

Hearing Paimon's voice, the old man nodded slightly to Shen He: "Then I'll take my leave first. Knowing that you're okay makes me feel better. I'll tell you about those past events next time I have a chance!"

The old man turned to leave, and Paimon quickly waved his hand: "Thank you, old uncle, we found a clue."

Although he didn't care about Paimon's thanks, but for Shen He's sake, the old man smiled and nodded in response, and then left without looking back.

Perhaps because he had settled his worries, the old man's steps seemed much more relaxed.

After the old man left,

Paimeng flew to Shen He and showed her the "Mountain and Stone Talk" he found: "Shen He, look, there are clues to the Secret Flower Stone recorded on it. You only need to go to the center of the lake over there to find it."

Shen He remained calm: "Really? Then let's rush there now."

[Everyone rushed to the lake. On the way, Yun Jin and Shen He talked about wanting to revise "Goddess Pi Guan", but Shen He thought there was no need to revise it. During the conversation, Shen He revealed that one day he also wanted to be with the story. Like girls, the idea of ​​standing up for others. 】

The group of people came to the lake and needed to wait for the time to come before they could see the Secret Flower Stone, so everyone took a rest on the spot.

Ying looked at Yun Jin, who was a little tired, and Paimon, who was suffering from pain in his phantom limb, and shook his head slightly: "Shen He, I'm going to go look for something to eat. Please protect Paimeng and Yun Jin."

Ying didn't know if Yun Jin had fighting strength, but compared to Shen He, a disciple of the Immortal, he was definitely inferior.

Shen He nodded slightly: "Okay."

Shen He was left behind to protect the others and explored the surrounding area, hoping to find some fruit to satisfy his hunger.

Originally, she had some spare food in the Dust Song Pot, but unfortunately, it was eaten by Paimon during the previous operation.

After leaving the lake, within a few steps, Ying saw two familiar figures, as well as a large free-range chicken, the Wind Eagle.

"Drill, Daoyi!" Ying shouted in surprise.

Mandrill and Wang Dao sensed their arrival early on, but they just had no intention of contacting them.

However, now that she is here, she will not ignore him.

"." Mandrill didn't say anything and nodded to Ying, still looking cold.

Wang Daoyi waved his hand: "Long time no see."

Ying: It doesn’t look like it’s been a long time.

She complained in her heart, but Ying didn't pay attention. She walked up to the two of them and asked curiously: "What are you two doing here?"

"Huh? Us? Mandrill is guarding Liyue, and I am admiring the mountain scenery."

Wang Daoyi said something with a smile still on his face. Mandrill nodded slightly and did not deny Wang Daoyi's words.

Protect Liyue?

The suspicion in Ying's heart became more and more obvious, but before Ying could ask, she heard Wang Daoyi continue: "Why, are you here to find the secret flower stone?"

"Huh? How did Daoyi know?" A strange feeling emerged in Ying's heart again. This is it, the feeling of the Riddler appearing!

"Ha, you accepted Ningguang's mission. The materials used to cast Qianqi's core are just the same, so it's not difficult to guess."

As he spoke, Wang Dao changed the subject: "How was your contact with Shen He?"

The plot is too long, I feel like it can cover several chapters, and it also has original plots interspersed, so I tried to skip it with [black screen]. If you are interested in this plot, you can search for related videos on Beep.com, this plot is still Very good, I will finish this episode tomorrow

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