Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 370 Contract, Obligation, Transaction, Fraud (5k)

Watching the director of the General Affairs Department take the two people away,

A large group of onlookers followed,

Watching lawsuits is also one of the favorite programs for Liyue people.

Compared with the stories that storytellers repeat every once in a while, or the various opera programs that Liyue is familiar with,

Lawsuits in the General Affairs Division always give people a sense of novelty.

After all, lawsuits are always different.

"Want to take a look?" Wang Daoyi lowered his head and looked at Nasida and asked.

Nasida nodded: "I want to see."

She was also very interested in the lawsuit;

Although Xingqiu and I chatted a lot about business matters in Liyue, the information we got from the chat was not as straightforward as looking directly at the lawsuit.

Seeing Nasida nodding, Wang Dao didn't waste any time and followed the crowd directly to the office opened by the General Affairs Department in the market.

The crowd followed the director of the General Affairs Department into the lobby, and the guarding Qianyan Army did not stop them.

It seems like a lawsuit is normal behavior.

The Seven Stars' instruction in this regard is to encourage, not to hinder,

As long as the onlookers do not disrupt the normal proceedings of the lawsuit, then the onlookers will be treated as if they do not exist.

After all, no matter what bill Seven Stars releases, it will only have credibility if it is sufficiently open and transparent.

Not long after, an official from the General Affairs Department came over.

He first looked at the information collected by the previous officer, and then looked indifferently at the two businessmen who were still confronting each other in the lobby.

Slowly he said:

"There is a dispute over the transaction of Yebo Stone between businessmen A and B. Next, the two of them will state the case."

"Party A will start with the statement. Please be careful not to lie, exaggerate, or make false accusations."

After speaking, the official from the General Affairs Department looked at Businessman A and said nothing.

In the lobby, both the onlookers and Businessman B became quiet.

It is common knowledge in Liyue that no noise is allowed during the trial, and violators will be severely punished.

"Businessman A was born in a village near Stratayan Juyuan. He opened Yeboshi Trading Company in May last year and now owns a property at No. 197 Pier Market."

Businessman A took a step forward and introduced his identity, origin, and business information.

"Three months ago, Businessman B came to my shop. After observing the samples of nightpoll stones in my shop, he placed an order for 120,000 molara of nightpork stones in my shop, totaling 120 kilograms, with a unit price of 1,000 One kilogram of mola, the quality is low-grade and low-grade."

Yebo stone, a luminous Liyue specialty mineral, generally has two levels: bright and dim. Among the two major levels, there are five levels: upper-grade, upper-grade, middle-grade, lower-grade, and lower-lower grade. ,

This type of classification can further subdivide Yebo stones and better distinguish prices.

"After signing the contract, Businessman B paid half of the payment in advance. I delivered the goods three days ago, but Businessman B refused to continue paying the balance."

"Sir, I have finished my statement."

After finishing speaking, Businessman A took a step back and shut up.

The official from the General Affairs Department nodded slightly and recorded what Businessman A said. Then he looked at Businessman B aside.

"Businessman B, now it's up to you to state the case. Please be careful not to lie, exaggerate, or make false accusations."

Businessman B nodded and took a step forward.

"Businessman B, who was born in Qingce Village, came to Liyue Port to do business in February this year. He is engaged in the specialty ore trade between Liyue and Mondstadt. He has not opened a store."

He also first introduced his identity, origin, and employment information.

"Three months ago, I went to Merchant A's shop in the dock market and saw that the samples in his shop were very good. So after asking about the price, I placed an order for a total of 120 kilograms at a price of 1,000 molars per kilogram. The total price of Yepo Stone is 120,000 molad, and the quality is low-grade and low-grade."

At this point, there is no difference between the two businessmen's statements. They are both observing samples and placing orders for goods.

"After signing the contract, I paid half of the payment in advance. Three days ago, Merchant A delivered the goods. After inspection, I found that the goods were inconsistent with the previous samples, so I refused to continue the transaction and asked Merchant A to return the payment and compensate me. !”

"Sir, I have finished my statement."

The General Affairs Department official nodded, and then looked at the General Affairs Department officer beside him: "Have you brought a copy of the contract they signed?"

In Liyue's business activities, if the transaction amount reaches a figure of 120,000 molas, it is natural to pay taxes, and to pay taxes, the General Affairs Department will have a corresponding copy of the contract.

The director of the General Affairs Department nodded, pulled out a copy of the contract from the documents beside him, and handed it to the General Affairs Department official.

I read the contents of the contract carefully,

Time passed little by little, and there was still no one making any noise in the lobby. Everyone was waiting for the officials from the General Affairs Department to read the contract.

Nearly ten minutes later,

"Next, I will ask the questions, and you will answer. No lies, no exaggerations, no false accusations. Do you understand?"

"Understood, my lord."*2

The General Affairs Department official nodded, still looking cold and indifferent:

"Businessman A, the Yepo stone you sell is artificially synthesized, and the materials used are Yepo stone chips processed in the mine, yes or no?"

Businessman A nodded: "Yes, sir, this is specially marked on the contract."

The General Affairs Department official nodded, and then looked at the other person: "Businessman B, did you read the contract carefully when you signed the contract?"

Businessman B looked pale: "It was very late and I was in a hurry to go home."

"Businessman B, please answer directly. Have you read the contract carefully?" An official from the General Affairs Department interrupted Businessman B's defense.

"No, no." Businessman B looked pale.

The official of the General Affairs Department was indifferent: "The contract is the foundation of Liyue. No matter what kind of transaction it is, once the contract is signed, it cannot be violated. If you break your promise, you will be punished. This is the legal principle taught to Liyue by the emperor. Do you agree?"

Businessman B shuddered: "I admit it."

He didn't respect the contract. For this reason alone, no matter what excuse he used, he couldn't win.

Contract is the foundation of Liyue.

The crowd of onlookers also looked at Businessman B with speechless faces. He didn't even read the contract, so he had the nerve to file a lawsuit?

I thought it was an interesting lawsuit, but this is it?

the other side,

The official from the General Affairs Department still looked indifferent: "Businessman B, do you want to choose to fulfill the contract and complete the transaction, or violate the contract and accept punishment?"

Businessman B's face turned pale. Is there any choice?

If you fulfill the contract, you will lose some money at most. If you violate the contract, you will really be cut off from Liyue business.

"I choose to fulfill the contract."

The official from the General Affairs Department nodded: "Then let's decide that regarding the dispute over the transaction of Yeposhi between Businessman A and B, the contract is correct and the transaction continues. Businessman B must make up the payment to Businessman A as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Sir, for upholding justice." Businessman A smiled and cupped his hands to the officials of the General Affairs Department, looking satisfied.

The General Affairs Department official looked at him indifferently, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

He has seen many people like this.

"The dispute over the Yebo stone transaction contract between Businessmen A and B is over. Next, we will start the next case, the Yebo Stone transaction fraud case between Businessmen A and B."

Businessman A: "Huh?"

Businessman B: “Yeah!”

Onlookers: Hey hey hey.

Looking at the sudden change in the expressions of the two businessmen in the lobby,

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This official from the General Affairs Department is very interesting.

Nasida's eyes also lit up and she continued to observe the development of the matter.

Regardless of the changes in the expressions of the two businessmen in the lobby, the General Affairs Department official still looked indifferent: "Secretary, are you back?"

The director of the General Affairs Department beside him nodded: "Sir, the person who went to shop No. 197 to inspect has returned and can be summoned at any time."

"Then let someone come up."

After being summoned by officials from the General Services Department, a man dressed as an employee of the General Services Department came to the lobby and stood next to the two businessmen.

"The Quality Inspection Department of the General Affairs Department, job number 13524, is here to report on his work." The employee of the General Affairs Department bowed slightly to the official.

The official from the General Affairs Department nodded: "Quality Inspection No. 13524, can you guarantee that what you say next will be completely true, without prejudice, and without any conjecture?"

The employee of the General Affairs Department replied seriously: "Quality Inspection No. 13524 hereby declares that what I say next is completely true, without prejudice or conjecture."

"Okay, first of all, did you find a sign in store No. 197 that the sample is for reference only?"

"Nothing was found."

"Okay, then did you find any sign in store No. 197 indicating that its products are synthetic products?"

"Nothing was found."

"Then, did you find any other synthetic night stone samples in store No. 197?"

"Nothing was found."

After a series of answers,

The eyes of the General Affairs Department official have become colder and colder.

Sweat already appeared on Businessman A's forehead, and it dripped uncontrollably to the ground.

Businessman B's previous pale face disappeared, and joy appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, Quality Inspection No. 13524, please take a rest and be ready to continue your statement at any time."

After asking the General Affairs Department employees to take a rest,

The official of the Department of General Affairs looked at the sweaty businessman A in the lobby: "Businessman A, according to the Liyue Act, merchants must make true and effective labels on the goods they sell. Have you made any labels?"

"I...I..." Businessman A hesitated, big drops of sweat falling from his forehead.

The eyes of the General Affairs Department official became colder and colder: "Please answer my question as soon as possible!"

Businessman A looked ashen: "I didn't."

"Okay, then Businessman A, do you intend to use the high-grade Yepo stone sample to deceive Businessman B into signing a contract?" The official from the General Affairs Department continued to ask.

Businessman A waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, no, I didn't mean to deceive, I just forgot to remind you!"

Intentional deception and forgetting to remind are completely different concepts, and Businessman A still understands this.

A trace of disgust and disdain flashed in the eyes of the General Affairs Department official.

He naturally knew that the other party intended to deceive, but without evidence, he could only treat it as if he had forgotten to remind him.

"So, Merchant A, you did not set up clear goods information in the store, and you failed to fulfill your obligation to remind me during the transaction. Do you admit these two points?"

Businessman A grimaced: "Admit it."

"Okay, then according to Liyue regulations, if you fail to set up clear cargo information, you will be punished to suspend business. After rectification, the General Affairs Department will conduct an inspection. You can only reopen if there are no problems. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection."

"Well, according to Liyue laws and regulations, if you fail to fulfill your obligation to remind you during the transaction, you will bear half of the contractual liability with Businessman B. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection." Businessman A hesitated, but finally did not continue to quibble. He knew that quibbles would only make the punishment worse.

His eyes ignored the two businessmen and the crowd of onlookers,

The official from the General Affairs Department slowly spoke: "Due to the correlation between the two cases, now, Businessman B, do you want to cancel the original contract?"

Businessman B nodded quickly: "I want to cancel."

The official looked at the other person: "Businessman A, do you agree with Businessman B's cancellation of the contract?"

"Agree." Businessman A was helpless. What else could he do if he didn't agree?

"Okay, then under the witness of all of you, I declare that in the case of the Yebo stone transaction dispute between merchant A and B, after negotiation, both parties peacefully terminated the contract. Merchant A needs to return the advance payment of merchant B, but does not need to pay any compensation. Merchant B needs to There is no need to pay liquidated damages for returning the goods to Merchant A.”

"In addition, Businessman B will be fined 5,000 molas for flouting the contract."

After saying that, the official from the General Affairs Department looked at everyone: "Do you have any objections to the penalty imposed on merchants A and B?"

No one from the crowd of spectators spoke up;

After three breaths, the General Affairs Department official withdrew his gaze and looked at the clerk beside him: "Since no one has any objections, let's issue the verdict."

In a lawsuit, both of them were punished, which I have to say was very interesting.

Although Businessman B was the party who was deceived, he did not pay attention to the contract, which violated Liyue's basic legal principles. Therefore, even if he was the deceived, he must be punished to alert him, warn others, and let everyone know about the contract. importance.

Although Businessman A acted in accordance with the contract, he violated other laws and regulations of Liyue and must also be punished, because today is an era of human rule, and besides contracts, there are also laws.

Watching the case end,

Wang Daoyi lowered his head and looked at Nasida: "How's it going? Do you have any ideas?"

Nasida nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, there are some."

Then he looked up at Wang Daoyi, a little embarrassed: "Daoyi, can I have a chat with that person?"

Nasida pointed to the General Affairs Department official who had previously reviewed the case. The official hurried back after the case was over, as if he was very busy.

"Talk to him? Oh, I'll go and ask." Wang Daoyi didn't guarantee it. Who knows if the other party knows him? Although he knows that he is quite famous in the General Affairs Department, what if there is someone who doesn't know the stuff?

Holding Nasida's hand, she walked to the side of the General Affairs Department and said, "Hello, I would like to ask, can we visit the person who just tried the case?"

The director of the General Affairs Department was recording the case just now. When he heard the sound, he looked up and saw something familiar. He looked at Wang Daoyi's face for a while.

"Oh, it's His Excellency Wang Daoyi. Sorry, I didn't recognize him just now. You want to visit Lord Ganwei. He seems a little busy recently. However, if it's you, you can go directly to Room 3 in the backyard. That's his office."

"Okay, thank you. You can continue your work."

Taking Nasida with them, they came to the backyard.

Maybe Wang Daoyi’s face is really useful, or maybe the General Affairs Department here is friendly enough to the people.

No one stopped the two of them when they came in, and no one checked.

Room No. 3. Wang Daoyi looked around and quickly found the corresponding room.

Walked up and knocked on the door,

"Who? What's the matter?" The voice of the investigating officer came from inside the room.

"I am Wang Daoyi, coming to visit you."

"Wang Daoyi?" There was a sound in the room soon, and after a few breaths, the door was opened, "It turns out that His Excellency Wang Daoyi is here to visit. I'm really sorry. I've been a little busy recently, so I'm rude."

"No, no, we took the liberty of visiting and bothering you."

"Haha, don't bother, don't bother, you two, please come in, my name is Qian Wei, just call me by my name."

Qian Wei smiled and gave up his seat, gesturing for the two of them to go in and chat.

Enter the room,

What I saw was a large amount of documents, almost filling the entire room.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I've been checking a lot lately, so it's not so clean."

"It's okay. I've been to Gan Yu's office, which is similar to yours."

"Senior Gan Yu? I heard that he is a very capable senior." Hearing Wang Daoyi compare himself with Gan Yu, the smile on Gan Wei's face became more enthusiastic.

Wang Daoyi glanced at the documents on his desk.

[About the election for Tianshu Star and the organization of ideas after the successful election]

Good guy, is this person actually a candidate for Tianshu Star?

It's really true that the real person doesn't show his face.

Wang Daoyi remembered that he had met a man named Zhiyi at Yuehai Pavilion, who seemed to be the successor cultivated by Uncle Tian.

It seems that the selection of Tianshu Star has begun secretly.

After pouring some tea for the two of them, Qian Wei said curiously: "I wonder if you two are here for a visit. What's the matter?"

Qian Wei also treats Nasida who is like a little lolita equally. He knows that even a little girl must be capable when surrounded by strange people like Wang Daoyi.

After hearing Qian Wei's question, Wang Daoyi looked at Naxida.

Nasida's big eyes flashed: "Just now, when you were examining the case, it seemed that you knew the truth from the beginning?"

"Huh? The case just now?" Qian Wei was a little surprised, as if he didn't expect that these two people would come to him for the case.

However, he quickly nodded: "Yes, I knew there was something fishy about it from the beginning."

"Can you tell me?"

"Oh, it's all about experience. In addition to being an official of the General Affairs Department, I am also a businessman. I have encountered the case just now so many times in my business career. As soon as they came, I looked at it. There's something wrong."

"Experience. So is the reason why you judged that way also because of experience?" Nasida asked again.

When Gan Wei heard Nasida's question, he shook his head slightly: "Huh? That's not true. If it is based on previous experience, and Businessman B does not pay attention to the contract and causes losses, then it is his own problem, and the matter ends there. "

"But now, the emperor has passed away and Qixing is in power. But Qixing is not an emperor. He is not as wise and powerful as the emperor, who can make decisions without making mistakes."

"So they formulated a large number of new laws and regulations to improve today's Liyue, which resulted in today's Liyue. In addition to contracts, there are laws, and under the laws, there are also human relationships, so today's judgments , much more complicated than before.”

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