Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 375 Another year of Mingxiao (5k)

Another half month passed in an instant,

The doctor has indeed fulfilled his promise. The fools in Xumi have given up a large number of destructive activities and only retained part of the development and exploration activities.

The fools in the desert even evacuated completely.

Only a small number of Fools and Soldiers disguised themselves and followed the Elchingen Chamber of Commerce to Chisha from time to time to conduct transactions.

Of course, this does not mean that the doctor's ill will towards Wang Daoyi has dissipated.

The Elchingen Chamber of Commerce is still sending food with the intention of controlling the food market here. It can be seen that the malice of the Fools towards this place is only hidden and has not completely dissipated.

Under West Germany’s secret shooting system,

Different chambers of commerce were responsible for different commodities, and various low-priced products were transported to Chisha. For a time, Chisha headquarters actually had a surplus of resources.

Of course, the price of this situation was that the liquidity of the Red Sand Tribe Alliance decreased rapidly, and a large number of molas were stolen by the Rainforest Chamber of Commerce, which made West Germany's heart feel like a fire.

"So, you want to increase the development of the Red King's ruins to get more funds?"

Wang Daoyi looked at Xi De who was kneeling in front of him and asked.

West Germany nodded quickly: "Yes, my God, the tribe's current funds are very dangerous. A little carelessness can cause the capital chain to break."

"Most of our funds come from the exploration of ruins and the exclusive sale of some desert specialties. However, the production of specialties cannot be increased in a short period of time. We can only increase the exploration of ruins."

The economic environment of the Chisha Tribal Alliance has never been perfect or healthy.

In the past, Chisha could also squeeze blood from other tribes to inject blood to its own tribe, but now, the entire desert belongs to Chisha, and those small tribes have surrendered and been dispersed. Not only can Chisha itself not absorb blood, but it also Blood transfusions have to be given to various branches.

It is conceivable how much pressure Chisha has on the capital chain now.

Due to the relatively narrow source of funds, Chisha still implements a planned economy rather than a completely open market economy.

Everyone knows the benefits of a planned economy, that is, it can use limited resources to ensure that everyone can at least survive, but it may cause some resources to be unable to be used effectively, and it will be difficult to become rich.

As for the open market economy, it’s not that the top management of Chisha doesn’t want to engage in it. There is really no way to implement it. Considering the current internal business volume of the Chisha Tribal Alliance,

Once it is opened up, the economic lifeline will be directly transferred to other people's hands, and the business form of the entire tribe will most likely become comprador business.

As for comprador business, everyone knows that it is not a good thing.

Of course, the comprador business would definitely not dare to commit an act of betrayal. After all, Chisha is a theocratic structure. If you really dare to commit an act of betrayal, you will really be liquidated by Wang Dao.

But suppressing internal development, and even colluding with external forces, in the name of saving development funds, directly purchasing external products, and then obtaining greater profits, this is what comprador businesses will definitely do.

After all, the word "comprador" illustrates the nature of this kind of business group.

Therefore, West Germany chose to use planned economy to slowly promote the development of Chisha. Wang Daoyi never urged it.

He knows that as long as he is still there, Chisha can remain stable. Therefore, as long as he can control the market power, the development speed will be slower, so be it slower.

"West Germany, the development of ruins has long been stipulated. If every time there is a financial problem, it is taken from the ruins, and the development of the tribe will still be abnormal."

"I hope you and the top leaders of the tribe can think of ways to open up more sources of funding instead of treating the ruins as a life-saving straw."

"Relics are the wealth left to us by our ancestors, but it is not a good thing to keep asking for them."

Most of the ruins in the desert are from the era of the Red King, and some are from the dynasty era after the Red King.

But no matter which one it is, it is limited. Once it is developed, the foundation will really be consumed.

Moreover, according to the degree of protection of those ruins, if Wang Dao does not take any action and simply relies on sending a large number of manpower to develop the ruins, it is still a question whether it can obtain proportional income.

It’s not like you can get something if you send people to the ruins.

It's a relic, not an ATM machine. You can withdraw money whenever you want.

"." West Germany was a little silent. He also wanted to find some ways to make money outside of the ruins. However, in the environment of the Great Red Sand Sea, except for a few specialties such as Red Nian Fruit and Sandworm Oil, other It’s something that others simply don’t like.

It’s never that easy to open up new ways of making money.

However, West Germany did not dare to talk back to Wang Daoyi, or in other words, he did not dare to question Wang Daoyi's words.

Seeing Xi De's silent look, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly. Although Xi De had grown a lot, he was still the elder of that small desert tribe.

But that's right. After all, the desert here is not the desert of the previous life. The environment here is even worse, and there is no oil to dig underground. It is indeed not easy to develop it.

"Forget it, let's do this. First, transfer these excess resources from the headquarters to each branch. In addition, they are not given for free. Apart from basic living supplies and other consumables, let each branch use things of economic value. Change."

"The headquarters can no longer continue to provide blood transfusions to the branches. Resources must be recycled."

"Some rare desert specialties, such as sandworm oil, have begun to restrict exports and raise prices."

Sandworm oil is a specialty product in the desert. Because of its special fragrance, it is loved by dignitaries. This product has the basis for a price increase.

To put it simply, although the price of 10,000 molas and 20,000 molas has doubled, there is not much difference to the dignitaries.

Wang Daoyi first made a series of arrangements and asked West Germany to execute them.

However, these are still treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and no new sources of income can be found. All of them are delaying the distortion of Chisha, and will eventually fall into the remains of development.

After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi seemed to have no good solution.

After all, the Great Red Sand Sea is too barren, and its greatest resource is the ruins.

"Either develop new ways of making money, or let the desert supply itself without having to purchase resources from the rainforest."

"New ways of making money will not be found in a short time. So, is it possible to allow the desert to provide for itself?"

"It seems ok!"

"Planting trees, developing oasis, breeding sand scorpions, domesticating red vultures, and even domesticating holy beasts, these are all things that can be done in the desert."

"Well, the first two can provide Chisha with more food sources, and the latter ones can not only provide food sources, but can even be used as new sources of income."

"The scorpion venom of the sand scorpion can be sold, and the feathers of the red vulture can be sold, not to mention the holy skeleton beast. Extraordinary materials have always been expensive."

Wang Daoyi changed his thinking and suddenly found that the problem seemed not difficult to solve.

In the final analysis, it is the relationship between development and productivity.

As long as the productivity of the Chisha tribe is increased, all problems will be solved.

Of course, the most basic of all this is to plant trees and transform the environment.

"Perhaps, we can let the Biophysics School try to develop a drought-tolerant plant."

"If there are such plants, coupled with irrigation from the Badai Reservoir, and then asking Lannaro to help take care of them, maybe the desert can really be greened a little bit."

As his mind flashed, a rough plan appeared in Wang Daoyi's heart.

However, he did not tell West Germany immediately, but buried the idea in his mind.

It's too early, Chisha is unable to implement such a plan, and needs to wait.

After ending the exchange with West Germany, postponing the funding issue, and giving a temporary implementation plan, Wang Daoyi left the desert.


Liyue·Eating Tiger Rock

The streets became decorated with lights again,

The originally strong commercial atmosphere gradually turned into a festive one.

Yes, another year of the Lantern Festival is coming.

"Xiang Ling, where is Tao Yiren?"

In Wanmin Hall, Xingqiu brought Chongyun here and found Xiangling who was busy, but did not find Wang Daoyi, the goal of this trip.

Poking his head out of the kitchen, Xiang Ling saw the chivalrous and righteous duo: "Brother Dao Yi, maybe he went to Xumiru."


Xingqiu raised his eyebrows, remembering his previous experience of being broken by that little Xumi girl.

"Yeah, brother Daoyi has a lot of things to do in Xumi. Do you have anything to do with him?"

After Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling had an honest conversation, Xiang Ling knew about Wang Daoyi's stay in Xumi, so she gave him a laugh and then asked Xingqiu about the purpose of his trip.

"It's nothing. We held a competition last year. I wanted to ask Qiyi if there is anything fun this year."

"Oh! Brother Dao Yi didn't seem to say what he wanted to play. He is very busy this year. Whether he can come back for the Hai Lantern Festival or not is still a question."

Xiangling didn’t ask Wang Daoyi to come back for the festival this year.

Knowing that Wang Daoyi was preparing to become a god, she knew the importance of it and naturally would not force Wang Daoyi to come back to celebrate the festival.

"Ahem, of course I have to come back to celebrate the Lantern Festival."

As soon as Wang Dao walked to the door of Wanmin Hall, he heard the conversation between Xingqiu and Xiang Ling, and couldn't help but come in and interrupt.

"Ah, Brother Dao Yi, you are back."

"Hi, Daoyi."*2

For a moment, Xiang Ling and her friends in Wanmin Hall all smiled and said hello.

"Hello everyone." Wang Daoyi returned the greeting with a smile, and then asked, "What were you talking about just now, the Sea Lantern Festival?"

Xingqiu nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, we set up a stall last year. Are there any activities this year?"

Hearing this, Wang Daoyi shook his head. He was so busy in Xumi every day that he could not care about the Shanghai Lantern Festival activities.

"I'm not prepared. I've been too busy recently and don't have the energy to do anything."

"That's it." Xingqiu was a little disappointed.

He thought that Wang Dao would prepare a novel and interesting program soon, waiting for them to come.

"Ha, do you know what the theme of this year's Hai Lantern Festival is?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Xingqiu nodded, shook off the previous disappointment, and regained his energy: "It seems to be a fireworks show."

"I saw Keqing transporting fireworks to Qingce Village before. This year's main event will probably be the fireworks show."


This kind of thing existed in Liyue a long time ago.

It can be traced back to the time when our ancestors were mining.

At that time, mining was too difficult for people, so someone invented "gunpowder" and used gunpowder to mine.

Later, someone discovered that adding other mineral fragments to gunpowder would produce beautiful flames.

Then after some exploration, fireworks appeared, and because of their gorgeous appearance, they have been used as a treasure in celebrations.

Up to now, Liyue's fireworks are not only colorful, but also can be customized into some simple shapes. For example, after the fireworks explode, they look like piglets or puppies, and the text can also be customized.

However, since most of the buildings in Liyue Port are pavilions and pavilions, in order to avoid the occurrence of fire, fireworks and firecrackers are strictly prohibited inside Liyue Port.

Large-scale fireworks displays are only allowed in the port terminal area during festivals.

"It's a fireworks show. How about we compete to see who can make the better fireworks?"

Wang Daoyi said casually.

Xingqiu's eyes lit up and he thought this was a good idea: "Okay, okay, it's just like fireworks."

What he was thinking about was that with so many fireworks channels at home, defeating Wang Daoyi was a piece of cake.

Well, defeating Wang Daoyi is one of Xingqiu's biggest dreams, even higher than the dream of becoming a famous martial arts novel author, and second only to the dream of becoming a generation of heroes.

Beside him, Chongyun looked at the smile on Xingqiu's lips and helplessly held his forehead.

Based on his understanding of Xingqiu, this guy must be daydreaming again.

Xingqiu is daydreaming,

Other friends came to the door again,

Xin Yan and Yun Jin came to Wanmin Hall together.

"Hey, my friends are all here. What are you talking about?"

Xin Yan asked curiously when he saw the 'smile' on the corner of Xingqiu's mouth. Next to him, Yun Jin also showed a curious look.

Chongyun shook his head and touched Xingqiu with his hand to wake him up from his fantasy.

"Huh? Ah, eh, Xin Yan, Yun Jin, when did you come?" Xingqiu suddenly noticed the two girls in front of him.

Reach out and hold your forehead.

"When did we come? Just when you were giggling, we came."

Yun Jin covered her mouth and smiled.

"Ah!!" Xingqiu died again.

On the side, Wang Daoyi came out of the kitchen. When Xingqiu acted stupidly, he ignored Xingqiu and went into the kitchen to help Xiangling.

"Yun Jin and Xin Yan are here. Come and sit down first. Xing Qiu is not doing well lately, so please ignore him."

He greeted everyone into the house and insulted Xingqiu.

Amid Xingqiu’s curses,

A group of people entered Wanmin Hall.

"What were you talking about just now? Xingqiu looked silly. Why, Daoyi lost to him?"

Look, look, what are these words, what do you mean I am giggling, is Daoyi losing to me?

Xing Qiu pouted angrily, but when he thought that Dao Yi might lose to him, he couldn't help but smile.

Chongyun shook his head, there was no hope. I don't know since when, Xingqiu's desire to win against Wang Daoyi reached its peak, and he even became a little stunned.

Wang Daoyi also shook his head and ignored Xingqiu.

Looking at the two girls: "Well, we decided to have another competition to see who can make the most beautiful fireworks."

"Do you want to come together?" Wang Daoyi invited.

Then the two girls gave completely different feedback,

Xin Yan's eyes lit up, and the fire elements around him became active: "Really, okay, I want to participate, and I can play with fireworks."

Her deputy job is a stage designer, and she often uses fireworks and other things. This is one of the reasons why she is only allowed to perform in the open areas of the pier.

Whenever in the market, Xin Yan's flame stage may cause danger.

Of course, under the control of her Vulcan Eye, this situation is minimal.

On the other side, Yun Jin was a little disappointed: "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't participate together."

It's not that she doesn't like fireworks, it's just that she has a play to perform recently and her schedule is full. Going out with Xin Yan today is already her last rest day before the annual vacation.

"Okay, Xin Yan, come together. It's fun when there are many people." Wang Daoyi nodded to Xin Yan,

Then he looked at Yun Jin: "It's okay if you don't have time. If you don't want to participate, you can be a judge. We will set off the fireworks at the Hai Lantern Festival, and Yun Jin can give everyone scores then."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "Mr. Yun Jinyun's rating must be both gorgeous and artistic!"

"Pfft~" The disappointment on Yun Jin's face faded, and then she nodded vigorously: "Okay, then I will be the referee, ensuring fairness and justice!"

Wang Dao nodded and looked at Xingqiu: "How about it, Xingqiu, recognize this referee."

Xingqiu had been awakened from his fantasy by Chongyun: "Of course, Yun Jin is the referee, it's fair."

Yun Jin's artistic appreciation level is unanimously recognized by everyone.

"Oh, but there are still too few players in the competition." Wang Daoyi thought about it and felt that something was missing.

Just when he was thinking,

Two more fiery figures burst in from outside the door,

"Xiang Ling, we are so hungry and need to eat!"

Paimon's clear shouts resounded throughout the Manmin Hall.

Ying followed Paimon and broke into the Ten Thousand People's Hall, but he didn't make any noise like Paimon.

She looked around the Wanmin Hall and found that many familiar people were there. A trace of curiosity appeared in her eyes: "Is everyone here?"

Wang Dao slapped his forehead one by one and said, "Why do I feel like someone is missing? It turns out that I am missing Ying."

This kind of competition during the Sea Lantern Festival would be a little less interesting without Ying's participation.

"Ying, you came just in time, we are preparing for a competition."


"Yes, do you still remember the stall setting competition we had during the Lantern Festival last year?"

Ying nodded. Of course she remembered last year's stall setting competition. She also cleaned up a lot of debris at that time. It was just that those fools had strange expressions when they asked her to buy the emblem.

"This year's Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon, so Xingqiu and I are going to continue the competition. Do you want to come with us?"

Before Ying could speak, Paimon's eyes lit up and he flew to Wang Daoyi's side: "What kind of competition is this? Is there a dinner party?"

She still remembered that after the competition last year, Xingqiu treated everyone to a big dinner.

"This year's Lantern Festival program should be a fireworks show, so we are preparing for a competition to make fireworks. As for the feast, we have not prepared the punishment yet. If Paimon wants to have a feast, it is not impossible for the loser to treat him to a meal."

"Okay, we're participating!"

Paimon accepted the challenge in Ying's place.

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