Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 388 Don’t hit Zhenjun (5k) (not tight, one more update)

Standing in front of the huge door,

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but sigh, Bai Ye Kingdom's technical capabilities are not weak either.

Although it is not like the Red King who has developed a lot of technology to replace manpower.

But in terms of construction technology, the buildings of Baiye Kingdom are not weaker than the many ruins in the Red King's domain.

Look at the square mechanism next to you,

This time, there is no other secret key, so it can be used directly.

Probably because the previous gate ruins were filtered, the builder felt that the only people who could reach here were his own people, so they did not continue to use any illusions and protection.

He reached out and activated the square mechanism,

The huge door in front of me slowly opened,

Bright light penetrates from the door,

Through the slowly opening door, a miraculous building appeared in front of Wang Dao.

"Although I'm well prepared, seeing this Great Sun Imperial Palace is still a bit shocking."

Standing at the gate, Wang Daoyi looked at the Imperial Palace of the Sun in the center of Yuanxia Palace, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

"Light, time, and a smell I don't recognize."

After feeling the aura of Da Ri Yuyu from afar, Wang Daoyi interpreted three obvious auras.

One of the lights was the most obvious. Wang Daoyi, who was in charge of the light, immediately noticed the vast power of light elements in the Great Sun Yuyu.

The other was time. Although it was very faint, Wang Daoyi still noticed that it was the aura that had the same origin as the Sand of Time in his soul. Obviously, the construction of this miraculous building was indispensable with the help of [higher level power] .

The last one was a strange smell, and Wang Daoyi couldn't tell what it was.

However, he guessed that it might be Orobas in its heyday.

After all, it is possible that Wang Dao has seen the afterimage of Orobas and cannot discern his true aura.

Withdrew his gaze towards the Great Sun Yuyu,

As soon as Wang Dao stretched out his right hand, a small pendulum appeared in his hand.

He wanted to use [Istaru's Pendulum] to see if he could directly find the existence that called him twice.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel. The Sand of Time, which was still calling him before entering Yuanxia Palace, calmed down after entering here.

It was as if Wang Daoyi had guessed wrong and the existence calling him was not in Yuanxia Palace.

However, Wang Dao just thought about this idea for a moment and then denied it.

"The person calling me must be in Yuanxia Palace. Since there is no response now, there is either something restricting the other party, or there are some conditions that I have not met."

After thinking carefully about the previous two times I was called,

A trace of thought flashed through Wang Dao's eyes,

"Could it be that the time is wrong?"

In the first two calls, almost when he was sleeping at night, an inexplicable call came from the Sands of Time in his soul.

Apart from the commonality in time, the only thing they have in common is that he held Xiangling both times when they called him.

Shaking his head slightly, there shouldn't be a restriction called [Only when you hold Xiangling can you sense the call], right?

With a slight smile on his lips, Wang Daoyi put away the Sand of Time in his hand.

"It's probably a matter of time. You can only sense the other party's call at night, so just wait."

The time when he and Ying entered Yuanxia Palace was after lunch. Considering the previous journey, it would take less than a few hours for night to fall.

"In that case, let's go to the library first. I remember that Bai Ye Kingdom has a library."

After looking around for a week,

The environment of Yuanxia Palace is indeed harsh. The most important thing is that the terrain here is very strange and it is a suspended land.

I don’t know how the ancient Baiye people lived here.

Point your toes a little, and the royal way will fly out like an eagle,

Stretching out his hand, a golden chain flashed out and wrapped around a floating ray below.

"Well, Flying Fish Knight, I wanted to try it out in the game, and now it's just what I wanted."

Wang Daoyidian sat on the back of the floating ray, the golden chain shook slightly, and controlled the floating ray to fly in the direction of the Great Sun.

the other side,

Drawing the edgeless sword from the single eye of a paralyzed ruin crab,

Ying gasped slightly. Unlike Wang Daoyi, she could directly skip these relic machines. She only had to fight once after taking a few steps.

After taking turns fighting, even someone as powerful as her was a little exhausted.

Paimon emerged from the ruins on one side, holding a kettle in his hand.

"Ying, drink some water and take a rest first. It's too dangerous here."

There was a trace of fear in Paimon's eyes. She was flying like that just now, and the relic crab suddenly jumped over. If Ying hadn't reacted quickly, she would have been hit.

"Hoo, ho, now I'm also starting to envy Dao Yi as he flies around. These ruins mechanisms are so disgusting."

He reached out and fiddled with the ruins mechanism with his dagger.

Ying removed some of the core components, which are all money.

Taking the water handed over by Paimon, Ying took a sip happily.

Then look towards the distance of the Snake Intestinal Road,

"We can't rest anymore. Get out of here as soon as possible, otherwise we don't know if more ruin machines will come."

After saying that, Ying took Paimon and started on the road again.

narrow street,

Riding a floating ray,

Wang Daoyi looked at the buildings below.

"I remember that this is the library of Baiye Kingdom. So, if I want to find some useful information, I can find it here."

Thinking about it, Wang Dao stood up and waved his hand, and the golden chains disappeared.

Then with a flick of his finger, a dim light sank into the body of the floating ray.

"This little light element energy can be considered as your reward for being my mount."

The floating ray made a long whine, which seemed to be responding to Wang Daoyi's words.

It landed gently, one of its wings resting on the ground, as if it was making it easier for Wang Dao to walk down.

He smiled, got out of the car along the wings of the ray, and then patted the floating ray: "Okay, let's go."

The floating ray roared again, flapped its wings, and floated away.

Watching the floating rays leave, Wang Daoyi was in a good mood. Such ignorant and innocent creatures were indeed much easier to deal with than humans.

At least, they are much easier to deal with than the people in [Abyss].

He put away the smile in his eyes, and a cold look appeared in Wang Dao's eyes.

"Hey, guy from the abyss, do you want me to take action and 'please' you come out?"

As soon as he stepped off the stingray, Wang Daoyi smelled the smell of the abyss.

That strange yet sweet smell was unmistakable to Wang Daoyi.

"Hehehe, he is indeed the person whom the [Prince] specially ordered to stay away from. I really can't hide it from you, His Excellency Wang Daoyi."

A fiery red humanoid monster floated out of the ruins of the library.

Apostle of the Abyss,

To be precise, it is Abyss Singer Abyss Fire.

"Apostle of the Abyss, why are you here?" With a dangerous light in his eyes, wisps of light and rock elemental power began to gather behind Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi naturally knows why this guy is here.

Although he is not a storyteller, in the game, this apostle of the abyss who shouted, "Stop fighting, or I will die if you hit me again," can be regarded as subverting part of his original impression of the apostle of the abyss.

I originally thought that the apostles of the abyss were all evil and powerful villains, but until I met this fire apostle, I discovered that there are also funny people in the abyss.

This kind of questioning, coupled with the pressure from the gathering of elemental forces, is just for the sake of better questioning next time.

"Ahem, great Lord of Red Sand, we are not enemies." Feeling the power gathered behind Wang Daoyi, the abyss was a little stunned. Why does this man like violence so much? Isn't it said that he is a scholar?

"Master Chisha, we are all scholars. I think fighting is not a good choice."

"You have your goals, and I have mine. Maybe we can cooperate."

Yushang said quickly.

Then, in order to show that he was not hostile, the fire of the abyss on his body gradually converged, and his tall body turned into the appearance of an ordinary person.

"Haha, Abyss cooperates with me. It's interesting. Tell me, your purpose of coming here." Wang Daoyi showed a disdainful smile, but also dismissed the divine ring of light that was gradually forming behind him.

Yuan Shang breathed a sigh of relief. He was originally exploring here, but was discovered by Wang Daoyi. In fact, he did not want to do anything bad.

"I came here to pursue the meaning of the chapter."

".speak English."

"Ahem, White Night Kingdom is one of the oldest human kingdoms. There is a large amount of real historical data hidden here. I am here just for these historical materials."

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly, which was no different from the plot in his memory.

"So, have you found anything?" Wang Dao's eyes became increasingly dangerous, "Didn't I just say that we can cooperate, then let's start by sharing your gains."

Looking at Wang Dao's eyes flashing with murderous intent from time to time,

Yuan Shang was suddenly speechless. Who gave His Highness the [Prince] the updated information? Who said Wang Daoyi was a scholar?

As a scholar, Fuchikami refused to admit that Wang Daoyi was a scholar.

This is obviously a violent maniac.

The inner complaints are the inner complaints,

In reality, Yuan Shang did not delay: "Ahem, I have only been here not long ago, and I don't know much about the situation here."

"Really?" Wang Daoyi's eyes were slightly cold, as if he would take action if he disagreed.

Abyss nodded vigorously: "Of course, if I lie, Abyss will turn his back on me."

After swearing on the abyss, the killing intent surrounding him suddenly dissipated.

"In this case, forget it. We are not in the same group when it comes to cooperation."

The murderous intention dissipated, and the golden chains that shuttled through the void also disappeared.

Wang Daoyi believed what Abyss said. An apostle of the abyss swore to the abyss. This could still be believed.

However, he has no interest in cooperating with the apostles of the abyss.

Once upon a time, he couldn't control his curiosity and chose to cooperate with the doctor, and ended up causing a lot of nonsense.

If we cooperate with Abyss now, something might happen.

"I want to explore in the library, you. I don't want to be an enemy of the abyss, nor do I want to cooperate with the abyss, so it's best for us to keep our distance."

Wang Daoyi didn't kill Yunkami because this guy was actually a chanter, and maybe his soul or the fire of life was connected to a certain great existence in the abyss.

Being stared into by the abyss is never a good thing.

If Yuan Shang is killed, even if [Kong] is watching, it will be a trouble for Wang Daoyi.

Of course, part of the reason is because Fuchikami is quite cute and completely different from the other apostles.

It is also a good choice to leave an outlier among other forces.

Ignoring Yuan Shang's pity look, Wang Daoyi walked straight into the Baiye Kingdom Library.

The sight is full of devastation,

The flower-white substance has covered the entire library, and it seems that the entire library has been scrapped.

And the collection of books that Wang Daoyi was looking forward to seemed to have turned into stone.

Following Wang Daoyi, Yuan Shang also walked into the library. He was really not afraid that Wang Daoyi would kill him.

"Master Chisha, part of the collection of books here was taken away by the people of Hai Zhi, and the other part has been turned into debris. If you want to find something here, there should be no chance."

Yushang reminded him with 'kindness'.

Wang Daoyi looked around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then turned to look at Yuanshang: "You seem to be very aware of what happened to me in the desert?"

"Don't you know yet? Near your country, there is the entrance to our homeland." Fuchsami didn't seem to care what news was leaked, and gave Wang Daoyi an important message as soon as he opened his mouth.

The entrance to Kanria is right on the edge of the desert.

Wang Dao's eyes lit up. He once thought that the entrance to Kanria was at Tuha's Seat in the rainforest, but now it seems that the real location should be in the desert.

"Huh? Is the entrance to Kanria originally in the desert?"

"Yes, the entrance to my motherland is in the desert. I have passed by your country several times, but I just didn't dare to say hello to you." Fuchsami looked careless.

"You also passed by the Chisha tribe?" Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows. This really surprised him.

"No, no, I passed by Qianhe Sandland. Isn't that your territory too." Yuan Shang waved his hands repeatedly.

Wang Dao looked speechless. He thought this guy could pass by the Chisha headquarters without letting him notice.

As a result, I passed by Qianhe Sand Land,

Qianhe Sandy Land is more than a month's journey away from Chisha Headquarters for ordinary people.

After seeing clearly the funny nature of Yuan Shang, Wang Daoyi ignored him and walked through the huge library on his own.

Even the ruined scenes all over the place could not stop Wang Daoyi's footsteps.

Behind Wang Daoyi, Yuan Shang's eyes revealed a trace of doubt.

Before Wang Daoyi came, he had indeed been here not long ago and didn’t know much about it.

However, he has indeed searched it once, and apart from the pale remains on the floor, there is nothing worth paying attention to in this library.

Therefore, Yuan Shang looked at Wang Daoyi curiously, wanting to see what the Lord of Red Sand was looking for.

Not paying attention to the prying eyes from above, Wang Daoyi walked slowly to the second floor of the library.

His eyes looked around, and then gradually settled on a dark mirror.

"I was very curious at the beginning, what kind of space is it?"

His eyes filled with golden aura looked at the mirror half-upturned in the corridor,

Wang Daoyi could feel the mysterious power flowing on the mirror.

It feels like a blend of earth veins and time.

Staring at the mirror, Wang Dao's gnosis flowed faster and faster.

In the distant false starry sky, the Fate Seat belonging to Wang Daoyi shines brightly, and the power belonging to [Inquirer] is continuously transported to Wang Daoyi to help him analyze the mirror.

Another perspective,

Wang Daoyi saw countless messy information, people coming and going, books new and old, the sun rising and setting. These 'memories' retained by the mirror gathered in Wang Daoyi's mind.

However, there is no extraordinary information, just ordinary daily information.

a long time,

The golden aura in Wang Dao's eyes dissipated, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"That's not right. First of all, both the memory in the game and the blending of time and earth veins I perceive prove that this mirror is extraordinary."

"But I can't read any extraordinary information, even if I use the power of the Seat of Fate, it's the same."

"I can interpret the knowledge of the Red King, but I can't interpret a mirror?"

"So, there must be some power higher than the level of the Red King on this mirror."

[Higher level of power. 】

One word flashed through Wang Daoyi's heart:

Then a happy smile appeared on his face: "I thought it would be difficult to find, but I didn't expect to find His legacy on the first day I came in. It's really a coincidence like fate."

His inner mood fluctuated slightly. Wang Daoyi retracted his gaze from the mirror and turned to look at Yuanshang: "I'm leaving here, you don't still want to follow me, do you?"

Yuan Shang was stunned for a moment, and then several black lines appeared on his head. What does it mean to follow you? When did I follow you?

What words, what is this word?

"Ah, haha, of course not. You are free to do whatever you want. I will just hang out here and go home in a while."

Yuan Shang smiled and said to Wang Daoyi.

Ignoring Yuan Shang's nonsense, Wang Daoyi left the library, turned into a golden light, and flew towards the direction of Dairi Yuyu.

Watching Wang Daoyi leave,

Yuan Shang then walked to the place where Wang Daoyi had stopped before and looked at the mirror with wide eyes.

Ten minutes later, Yuan Shang blinked his sour eyes,

"There's nothing, so what was he looking at just now?" Fuchsami was a little discouraged, "Sure enough, the vision of this mythical creature is completely different from that of ordinary people like us."

Thinking of Wang Daoyi's figure in his mind, Yuan Shang's eyes became increasingly dangerous: "I really want to study it."

Just like Wang Dao will be curious when he sees something he can't understand,

As a scholar in the [Abyss], Abyss will also have strong curiosity when he sees a mythical creature like Wang Daoyi that he cannot understand.

However, the huge gap in strength between the two made Fuchsami suppress this curiosity.

Curiosity killed the cat,

Although he is not a cat, Fuchigami knows that this principle also applies to him.

"Forget it, at least the Lord of Red Sand didn't search him, so this thing can be saved." Yuan Shang took out a small comma-like thing from his pocket.

This was something he quietly put away, and it was also his only useful harvest in Yuanxia Palace.

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