Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 391 Wang Daoyi is still on the way (5k)

Looking at the ever-changing scene in front of me,

Wang Daoyi was slightly shocked in his heart.

He did not doubt the authenticity of the picture, because the 'Wang Daoyi' shown in the picture was in line with his current imagination.

So, this may be the picture of the future.

In the future, some forces in the depths of the desert found me and probably promised me or told me something interesting, so I took them and explored the depths of the desert with them.

On the way of exploration, his group encountered a giant beast shrouded in yellow sand. Wang Daoyi also vaguely guessed about the identity of this giant beast.

Next, when he was fighting the giant beast, the green light should be Nasida, who took the 'Mushroom Beast' to stop him from fighting the giant beast.

In the later scene, there are changes in the desert, and the desert scholar meets him again. I am afraid it is related to what the desert scholar told him when he met him for the first time.

A few short pictures were displayed. The sight of the great being disappeared, and the sundial behind Wang Daoyi also returned to calm. It seemed that showing the future scene to Wang Daoyi was not an easy task for the great being who cast his gaze. .

Although the scene is short, it leaves Wang Daoyi with many questions.

What are the forces deep in the desert?

Is that the giant beast shrouded in yellow sand?

How did Nacida prevent the battle between herself and the giant beast when she brought the 'fungus beast' with her in the end?

Also, what is the final terrifying celestial phenomenon?

Almost every painting left Wang Daoyi with a question.

After a long time, he calmed down slightly, Wang Daoyi opened his eyes and put away the Sands of Time.

Beside him is the eternal spirit with an excited face,

"Just now, the Great God Changshi responded to you, right? Quick, tell me quickly, what did the Great God Changshi say? Did he mention me?" The expression of the Spirit of Changshi was so excited that it was a little distorted.

Seeing the other party's excitement, Wang Daoyi slowly shook his head and said very honestly: "No, I just saw some pictures of the future and did not receive His words."

The Eternal Spirit was stunned for a moment, then the excitement faded, and a trace of regret appeared: "Yes, even we and other priests can't get a response, how can you get divine enlightenment? That's all, since you can see the future. , that means my god’s gaze can still see this place, and I will continue to protect it.”

At the end of his speech, Eternal Spirit's tone became calmer.

Wang Daoyi looked at him and nodded.

"You said before that there is a bottomless abyss below. Did the Great God of Eternity tell you this?"

Wang Daoyi still remembered that the purpose of his coming down was to pursue the secrets of the Yuanxia Palace. Meeting this eternal spirit and the previous adventures could only be regarded as unexpected surprises.

Faced with Wang Daoyi's question, the Spirit of Changshi shook his head: "No, the Great God Changshi did not tell us this knowledge. This was inferred by our ancestors based on the environment here."

"When we first arrived in this world, it was bleak, with dragon lizard monsters attacking our ancestors in the dark. Later, people lit up thousands of lanterns, and they were able to survive under the protection of the weak light of thousands of lanterns."

"And all this is because this place is located at the intersection of the three realms. In theory, the light realm, the human realm, and the void realm can all enter this place."

"Dragon lizards come from the light realm and are pure creatures from the light realm. Our ancestors came from the human realm, and the void realm does not seem to have affected this place. Therefore, our ancestors speculated that the power of the void realm should be at the bottom of this place. "

"Does the Three Realms actually exist?" Wang Daoyi's eyes lit up and he asked.

Unfortunately, the Eternal Spirit shook his head: "Sorry, I can only confirm that the human world that raised our ancestors must exist, and after the establishment of the Great Sun Yuyu, there was communication with the White Night Kingdom. As for the light world and the void world, We just know a concept."

After hearing this, Wang Daoyi knew that he probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

The other party was just the priest of Istaru in Yuanxia Palace, or the last priest. It is estimated that the things he knew were scattered and not systematic.

"I'm leaving, is there anything you want me to do for you?"

Wang Daoyi asked. Although the other party looked hostile at first, he still revealed a lot of information to him in the end. If the other party had any last wishes, Wang Daoyi would not mind helping him to the extent that he could. he.

The Spirit of the Eternal World was stunned for a moment, and then said with some excitement: "Excuse me, if you are in the outside world and have the opportunity to come into contact with the Great God of the Eternal World again, please tell him that his sacrifices have never betrayed you. faith."

Having lost the ability to communicate with Cairos, as a priest, he always thought that the Eternal God thought that people here had given up their faith in Him.

Therefore, the eternal spirit's greatest wish is to tell his gods that he has never betrayed his faith.

Wang Daoyi nodded seriously: "Okay, I'll note it down."

Seeing Wang Daoyi's serious look, Eternal Spirit smiled: "Please, outsider."

After saying this, the spirit of eternity returned to the altar in the form of bits of faint blue light.

Don't get me wrong, he has not dissipated, the power of time is still fixed here, he just returned to the altar to rest.

After the Eternal Spirit disappeared, Wang Daoyi took another deep look at the huge sundial.

The sundial stood there quietly, as if it was just an ordinary large building.

Only the time that this space is solidified still proves that this sundial possesses the power of time.

"Hmph, I will definitely be able to find you when the sun is closed."

With a cold snort, Wang Daoyi turned into golden light and rose into the sky.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side,

After going through various tests, Ying finally came to the Imperial Palace of the Sun.

Yuan Shang, who was originally following Ying, showed a happy smile: "Hurry up, hurry up, that's our destination over there."

Under the leadership of Yuan Shang, Ying went all the way up and walked up the broken spiral staircase.

When he reached the end of the stairs, a strange device appeared in front of him.

"What is this?" Pamon flew to the side of the strange device.

"What is in front of you now is Yuanxia Palace. No, it is the center of Baiye Kingdom. Traveler, you can try to touch this mechanism."

Fuchang looked at the mechanism in front of him with excitement, then turned to look at Ying, "I guess this will be an amazing experience."

Ying also looked at the device in front of her curiously, and after hearing Fuchikami's words,

Out of honesty for her journey along the way, she didn't hesitate much. After thinking about it, she stretched out her hand and put it on the magical device in front of her.

next moment,

On the top of the Great Sun Palace, the square-shaped device surrounded by a damaged triangle rotated rapidly.

The originally vast light elements quickly converged,

In an instant, Yuan Xia Gong Xiang fell into the shroud of darkness.

After the light disappears,

A faint blue figure appeared next to Ying and Yuanshang.

"Ah, ah, ah, ghost!" Fuchshang looked frightened.

"Wow~" Paimeng protected his chest with his small hands, turned around and flew behind Ying, and then stuck out his little head, "I wasn't scared by this ghost-like guy, but I was scared by Fitsugami!"

Paimon was dangling behind Ying and stamping his feet, looking angry.

Yuan Shang's rare old face blushed, and then he spread his hands, looking innocent: "Ahem, it's embarrassing, I have already reacted."

"Due to its ghostly nature, White Night Kingdom will have projections of past memories. Although their stories have ended, their personalities at that moment have been preserved, and they can even react to you."

"Such an overly strong emotion will be considered an [eternal sin]."

Ying looked curious and looked at the blue human figure next to her: "Strong emotional crime?"

Yuan Xia looked at Ying's curious look and rubbed his head: "Ha, I don't know the specifics. They are all names chosen by the people of the White Night Kingdom themselves. However, this strange earth vein phenomenon is also called [Sin Shadow] because of this. Or [Eternal Spirit].”

When Ying and Fuchikami were communicating,

The blue shadow looked around, and then said in a humane voice: "So, my appearance will be seen by the brave men in the future, right?"

Before Ying and others could reply, the blue phantom comforted itself and said, "I know, I don't need to be too nervous. My afterimage will act on its own based on my current memory in the future."

"But I'm still so nervous."

As he spoke, the blue shadow exuded nervous emotions.

"Oh my god. Start talking!" Yuan Shang put his hands on his hips and swallowed the curse words, looking frightened.

"Ah, it seems that the brave has arrived. Hello, my sea creature's name is Aryu, and the original name of White Night Kingdom is Argos." The blue phantom Argos said,

"I am responsible for conveying the next step of the trial, which is to restore the [Resurrection Bridle] and demonstrate the kingship of the White Night."

"[The Bridle of Susheng] is a national treasure that can command the remnant souls of the underworld to speak. It is made of the same material as the Great Sun Yuyu."

"It needs to be further processed using the [Imperial Bridle] as the core, so you also need to find three other fragments."

As he said that, the shadow stagnated obviously for a moment, and then said again: "Ah, if you have any questions, you can ask me directly. I believe that the afterimage of my soul can respond."

After hearing Argos's shadow's words, Ying asked: "Do you like to eat butter crabs?"

Argos Phantom was stunned: "Then what is that?"

Paimon flew out from behind Ying: "Then do you like to eat fresh fish sashimi?"

"Oh, recently, after Umi Ogami raised the land above the sea for us, we can engage in shallow sea fishing and hunting, and the types of fish we can eat have also increased."

Regarding Paimon's problem, it is understandable that Argos Phantom is obvious.

After saying this, Argos Phantom changed the topic back to the topic: ". Let's get back to the topic. The three fragments are hidden in three important places of the Great Sun Yuyu, namely, the narrow street, Chang Ye Ling The place of temples and snake hearts.”

As he spoke, Argos Phantom said in an unhappy tone: "I am definitely not exaggerating when I use the word [hidden]. These officials responsible for arranging trials are very good at tormenting people."

Ying patted her chest confidently: "Don't worry, we've all seen more tricky puzzles."

"Haha, if you see that altar in the land of Snake Heart, you should take a closer look. There is a local official who has been designing it for a long time."

Paimon showed a puzzled expression: "An underground official?"

"Special officer Ketonio is worthy of being the armed ghost judge of the White Night Kingdom, also known as the [Ghost Judge]." Fuchikami introduced conscientiously, "They have special tokens that can make ghosts appear."

Ying frowned and asked a question that she had wanted to ask a long time ago: "Why does it not look like Inazuma's name at all?"

"How should I put it? Kaiji Island was also created during the Demon God War. Before that, there had never been any names in the form of Inazuma in the history of Byakuya Kingdom."

As he spoke, Fuchikami looked like he had gained something, and held his chin with his right hand: "Is this the humanistic style of the [Censor of Heaven] who doesn't interfere too much?"

Paimon was stunned: "What are you talking about?"

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing. It's just a bad habit of scholars. Let's continue listening to Argos." Fuchigami laughed.

Paimon curled his lips and said, "What? It's just like Dao Yi, he always talks half-speech."

However, he did not continue to ask, but looked at the shadow of Argos aside.

Argos: "Oh, by the way, because now that the night has arrived, the entire Abyss Palace will show you another side, and you should encounter many afterimages along the way."

"Unlike my ritual afterimages, they were selected by the eternal laws of Yuanxia Palace because of their too strong emotions, and they were left behind because of their sins."

"They are the [eternal spirits] that the local officials call them. However, because of the law of [no guilt if you know the crime], please don't tell them directly that you are an afterimage."

"Other afterimages are different from me. Once they know that they are just shadows of their lives, they will disappear."

Listening to Argos's narration, Ying nodded slightly: "It's really magical. It seems to be somewhat similar to the narrow space of life and death we saw in Liyue."

Paimon also nodded: "Pamon also thinks it's a bit similar."

Ignoring the temptation in his words,

Argos: "Then I wish you good luck."

Ying nodded, then looked at Yunshang: "Yuanshang, do you want to go with us?"

Fuchsami shook his head quickly: "No, no, I'm just a civilian. I'll stay here and wait for you to come back."

Giving Yuan Shang an incomprehensible look, Ying curled her lips and left with Paimon.

After Ying left, Yuan Shang looked at the Great Sun Yuyu directly above, or in other words, the core of the Great Sun Yuyu [Wheel of the Sun and Moon].

"Oh, the underground kingdom without the sun is really difficult. Then why are you unwilling to cooperate with us? Is it because the [God] later gave you hope?"

Yuan Shang's questions echoed here, but no one answered him.

The shadow of Argos seemed to be stunned and did not make any sound.

On the other side, Wang Daoyi was still moving upward in the thick fog.

Time passes little by little,

After going through many levels and spending a lot of time, Ying finally retrieved three fragments.

Then rush back towards the direction of Dairi Yuyu,

on the road,

"It's strange, we have traveled all over Yuanxia Palace, why can't we find any trace of Dao Yi?" Paimeng was a little confused, "Besides, we have never met the [Lord of Red Sand] mentioned by Yuan Shang. "

Ying frowned slightly: "Maybe Dao Yi is in a certain ruins. Didn't he say he was looking for something? It's normal for him not to meet him. As for the [Lord of Red Sand], maybe Yuan Shang deceived us, but that's not necessarily the case. "

"Okay, let me just say that something doesn't look right on Yuan Shang, Ying, we need to be careful." Paimeng looked wary.

Ying nodded: "Yes, I know."

While the two were communicating, the Great Sun Emperor was right in front of them.

I accelerated all the way and rushed back to the Great Sun Yuyu, only to find that there was only the shadow of Argos here, but there was no trace of it on the abyss.

With vigilance in her eyes, Ying approached the shadow of Argos.

Perhaps sensing Ying's approach, the originally rigid shadow became active again,

"Ah, you're back. Did you find the three fragments?"

Ying nodded, then took out three fragments and the royal bridle.

Argos Phantom nodded slightly: "It seems that you have collected the fragments. I wonder if you noticed this during the adventure."

Before Ying could react to his words, Argos Phantom continued: "But it's not important anymore. Please don't be shocked by what I say next."

"[Blood Branch Coral] needs to be collected from special deep-sea dragon lizards, and those special deep-sea dragon lizards are just below the Great Sun Yuyu."

There was a little surprise on Ying's face, but it didn't seem that surprising: "It's a dragon buried underground again."

Without paying attention to Ying's complaints, Argos continued: "The dragon lizards we kept under the Great Sun Yuyu have been specially prepared by us. They have been transplanted with the blood branch corals of the Great Sun Yugod, and they have resisted the platoon. different."

Dragon lizards are dragon elemental creatures with strong adaptability. Even if they are transplanted with God's accessories, they can still adapt.

However, this kind of transplantation will also make these dragon lizards extremely powerful. After all, they were originally powerful monsters, and now they have some accessories of gods.

"So, at the end of all trials, a brave man must defeat the evil dragon."

Listening to Argos's words, Paimon waved his hand: "What? Sure enough, we still have to fight in the end."

Argos Phantom nodded: "That's right, but for you, the mere dragon lizards shouldn't be a problem."

Paimon looked at the other party, feeling a little offended by his position. How could anyone be better at flattering Ying than him?

"Although I think dragon lizards are not a problem for Ying, but what is the basis for your words?" Paimon questioned Argos Phantom.

Argos Phantom: "Haha, there's no basis for it, it's just an encouragement."

Paimon looked at the other party fiercely: "You are very irresponsible here. You only make people blindly confident."

"Huh?" Argos' shadow clearly expressed shock, "You may look small, but how can you be smarter than our sea warriors?"

Paimon put his hands on his hips: "Then you Haiji Islanders are too stupid!"

After the back-and-forth exchange between Paimon and Argos Shadow, Ying still didn't have the nerve to say that her main goal was still the treasure of Yuanxia Palace.

When Ying and Paimon accepted Luzi's commission, it was because Luzi said that there were many treasures in Yuanxia Palace that had not been transferred.

"Brave, no matter what, since you have reached this point, let me repair the [Resurrection Bridle] for you."

As he spoke, the three fragments and the royal bridle emitted golden light and gradually came together.

"The name [Susheng's Bridle] is somewhat inaccurate. Its original writing should be [Susheng's Bridle], which means [the reins that control the things that return from the underworld]."

"The chariot of the sun brings light during the day and the souls of the past at night. Those who hold this object can control yin, yang and darkness."

While they were talking, the Bridle of Susheng had already landed on the triangular door of the underground palace in front of them.

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