Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 397 The Forgotten ‘Dependents’ (5k)

After seeing West Germany's nervous denial, Nicored had no doubts and believed him.

Then Nicholas looked at Wang Daoyi curiously: "Lord of Red Sand, no, great Lord of Red Sand, how do you know that the other party is in the form of a mushroom?"

Wang Daoyi smiled mysteriously. The entire Chisha headquarters was under his sight. As long as he wanted to know, he could naturally know it.

"Ha, just think I'm guessing." Wang Daoyi shook his head, and then continued to ask, "So do you have any research results?"

When Wang Daoyi asked about the results, Nicholas was a little frustrated. He shook his head: "I'm sorry, although the other party is an elemental life, I feel that it is intelligent. I promised Albedo that I will not refuse in an intelligent life. I had to use some means under certain circumstances, so I gained nothing."

Nicorette was an incomplete [person], and Albedo was worried that he would go astray, so he made many agreements with him.

Using them for experiments without violating the will of intelligent life forms is one of them.

Of course, if it was Wang Daoyi's order, that would be a different matter.

"Ha, there is no need to apologize, Nicored. The fact that you can abide by the agreement with Albedo means that you possess [Trustworthiness]. The fact that you have not attacked weak elemental beings means that you possess [Kindness]."

Wang Daoyi looked at the other party with a smile and gave a compliment: "All this shows that you are one step closer to [people], congratulations."

"Really?" Nikolayd's eyes lit up, and then a silly smile appeared on his face, like a social animal who was being pampered by his boss.

The unscrupulous boss nodded: "Of course, you can tell Albedo about this next time you see him, and he will give the same evaluation as me."

Because Wang Daoyi told Abedo in advance and made the first impression, Abedo would naturally think that Nicored had grown up.

However, Nicholas didn't know that Wang Daoyi's Xiao Jiujiu, after hearing Wang Daoyi's words, the silly smile on his face became a little more exuberant.

"We will discuss the matter of elemental life later. I will go and see it in person later." Wang Daoyi first ignored the matter of elemental life and death domain, and then continued to ask, "Have you ever seen the sandworm?"

Nicored's professionalism was still very strong. Hearing Wang Daoyi's question, he quickly stopped the smile on his face, then thought for a moment, and said solemnly: "The soldiers brought back a sand I studied the corpse of the insect."

"This kind of creature is also a high-level elemental life. As for the reason for their rage, I haven't found out yet, but I guess it has something to do with their bloodline."

"Bloodline?" Wang Daoyi murmured,

Regarding the bloodline of the sandworm, Wang Daoyi naturally knew about it.

Like dragon lizards, they belong to the [dragon species] and are the descendants of the ancient dragon clan. Although they now look nothing like dragons, there is no doubt that they are still elemental creatures of the dragon genus.

By the way, Teyvat's [Dragon] is not simply a dragon, but represents the highest evolutionary form of all elemental creatures.

The seven most terrifying kings in the legend are not called the Seven Dragon Kings in some documents of the White Night Kingdom. In fact, their more accurate names should be the seven kings of elements, which represent the apex of a single element in Teyvat.

Sandworms are direct or branch descendants of one of these kings of elements.

"Yes, I checked various tribal documents collected by the Red Sand Tribe and found that the sandworms had never been so riot before."

"And I have investigated the environment of Qianhe Sand Land recently. There have been no large-scale changes. Various biological populations are still multiplying in an orderly manner."

"Excluding the influence of external factors, then the riots of sandworms must be internal factors, and the rioting sandworms are collective, not individual and accidental. Therefore, I speculate that their riots come from the throbbing of their blood. .”

Nicorette came up with a set of well-founded inferences.

Wang Dao nodded, and then asked: "If it wasn't environmental factors, would it be the tribe's hunting of sandworms that led to the riot?"

"Impossible. In order to raise the price of sandworm oil, West Germany has stipulated that the hunting of sandworms must be orderly and not indiscriminate." Nikolaid shook his head and explained, "I think According to the information, in fact, the tribe’s hunting of sandworms today is not as much as that of the Tanit tribe in the past.”

Wang Dao nodded, with a gloomy look on his face: "Okay, I know a little bit about the origin of the sandworms. If it is blood that causes them to go berserk, then the problem is a bit serious. I will deal with it. In the near future, I will withdraw the exploration team." Come on out and concentrate your efforts on dealing with the dead zone problem first."

The bloodline of the sandworm comes from an ancient dragon, which is immortal. Today's deserts, rainforests, and the entire Sumeru are the territory of that ancient dragon.

"It seems that we need to discuss it with Nasida." Wang Daoyi thought in his heart.

Naturally, he would not explore that ancient existence alone, even if he originally had this idea.

But after remembering the future scenes I saw in Yuanxia Palace, this idea also changed to discussing with Nasida.

He had a vague premonition that the giant beast in the yellow sand was the master of the sandworms, the ancient dragon who controlled all vegetation.

Suppressing his inner thoughts, Wang Daoyi looked at West Germany again: "Besides these, is there anything else?"

West thought for a while, then hesitantly said: "There is one more thing. It's not a big deal."

Seeing Xi De's hesitation, Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Go on, there is no need to hesitate, just speak up if you have something to say."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, West showed a wry smile: "It's not a big deal, it's just that the Kawei scholars have overspent more than a dozen times on the construction of the temple. I would like to ask, do you want to continue to invest?"

Originally, West Germany was very supportive of Kawei. After all, West Germany only had one sun in his heart, and that was Wang Daoyi, the Lord of Red Sand.

And Kawei's job is to build a temple for Wang Daoyi, which is to contribute to the glory of the Lord of Red Sand.

However, this support gradually turned into hesitation after Kawei overspent more than a dozen times.

After all, Kawei was originally asked to design and build the supporting buildings for the statue.

Later, Kawi's designs became more and more exquisite. Nowadays, the statues of gods are almost not as attractive as those temples.

"Kavi." Wang Dao was stunned for a moment, and then changed his perspective to the perspective of the statue, overlooking the entire statue area.

The original simple building has turned into an exquisite architectural complex, with huge statues of gods surrounding it.

However, under Wang Daoyi's thorough sight, it can be seen that the interiors of those exquisite buildings have not been decorated much.

However, on this scale, it is no wonder that a fanatical believer in kingship like West Germany would hesitate.

The perspective changed, cutting back to the camp.

"Tell Kawei not to expand the temple anymore, just maintain it now. In addition, make use of the temple. Don't leave it empty. It can be appropriately converted into essential places such as collection rooms, libraries, and alchemy rooms."

Wang Daoyi does not need a huge temple, and no matter how huge the temple is, it will not bring him any practical benefits. This is mainly a face-saving project, used to maintain the pride of the tribesmen.

Let the people of the sand see the temples and statues standing in the desert, which is conducive to their rule and stability.

Just like the wonders in the game, it is said to be useful, but it doesn't seem to be that useful.

Therefore, transforming vacant temples into some practical rooms can be regarded as resource reuse.

Below the main seat, Xi De listened to Wang Daoyi's words and nodded repeatedly.

After talking about the temple, Wang Daoyi asked again: "Well, is there anything else? Is there any information from the rain forest?"

"There's nothing major. I can handle the rest of the little things." Sid shook his head. "Over there in the rainforest, a message just came a few days ago, saying that everything is normal."

"Okay." Wang Dao nodded, stretched out his hand, and a picture scroll appeared with several figures on it.

This is the picture Wang Daoyi restored based on the future scene he saw in Yuanxia Palace.

The figure above is the desert scholar who meets Wang Daoyi in the temple in the future scene.

"Sid, take this scroll and ask everyone to check it carefully. If you find someone similar to the one above, report it to me in time."

Sid reached out and took the scroll floating toward him, and took a closer look at it. Well, he didn't recognize any of them.

Then he solemnly put away the scroll: "Yes, my god."

Seeing that West had put away the scroll, Wang Daoyi looked at Nicoreid and said, "Let's go and see the elemental life you mentioned."

As he said that, he took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the camp. He seemed to know where his destination was without the need for anyone to lead him.

Nicored's eyes flashed slightly, and he had some guesses.

Perhaps, in this area belonging to Red Sand, the Lord of Red Sand really knows everything.

After leaving the camp, I saw two sisters watching boredly.

As soon as Wang Dao came out, the two sisters looked at him eagerly.

"You two should follow me. Normally, there's no need to stay here when I'm not around."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's words, the two sisters were a little anxious: "This is not possible, Lord, this is your residence. If some scoundrel sneaks in, then..."

Wang Dao waved his hand and interrupted Kasha's words: "I will live in the temple from now on, so you can come to the temple together."

"Yes, Lord." When they heard that Wang Daoyi was taking them to live in the temple, the two sisters immediately abandoned this place.

They just wanted to stay by Wang Daoyi's side and get closer to their god.

Ignoring the two sisters who were starting to have little stars in their eyes, Wang Dao walked towards the central forest.

In his previous perception, the so-called elemental life rested in the forest.

Obviously, not only did Nicored not forcefully study it, he even gave this elemental being a certain degree of freedom without imprisoning it in a cage.

All the way to the central forest, affected by the forest and lake, the temperature here has dropped a lot, and a cool breeze flows here.

Arriving at the entrance of the forest, Nicolád stretched out his hand and patted it, as if summoning elemental life.

Soon, a rustling sound came from the forest. After a while, a tall and strong Lu Xingyan's true mushroom came out of the forest with five slightly smaller Lu Xingyan's true mushrooms.

The leader, Lu Xingyan, showed a friendly expression when he saw Nicored, and then saw Wang Daoyi on the side, and immediately showed a hint of vigilance and caution.

However, the five rock mushroom beasts that were originally following the leading land rock mushroom beast, after seeing Wang Daoyi,

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then sniffed his nose humanely, as if he was sniffing something.

Finally, their eyes lit up, they took steps and came towards Wang Daoyi.

"Gululu, Gululu~"

They came close to Wang Daoyi and made sounds of joy.

After looking at these Lu Xingyan true mushrooms, a memory that he had almost forgotten appeared in Wang Daoyi's mind.

With a smile in his eyes, Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and touched the mushroom head of the mushroom beast next to him: "It turns out it's you, long time no see."

That's right, these five Lu Xingyan true mushrooms are the same group of mushroom beasts that Wang Daoyi subdued when he first came to the Great Red Sand Sea.

At the beginning, Wang Daoyi's leyline traveling skills were very average and he needed to travel to fixed points, so he decided on a leyline point in a desert ruins.

By the way, the mushroom beasts in the ruins were tamed for security purposes.

At that time, they were still ordinary mushrooms. It was Wang Dao and his gang who promoted them to Lu Xingyan's true mushrooms as a reward for guarding the leyline points.

Later, Wang Daoyi became more and more proficient in the earth line traveling technology, and he forgot about that remote earth line point.

Unexpectedly, these mushroom beasts actually came to the Chisha tribe.

"Huh? Lord of the Red Sand, do you know these mushroom beasts?" On the side, Nicorette watched Wang Daoyi interact closely with the mushroom beasts, showing a hint of curiosity.

As if teasing a puppy, he stretched out his hand and scratched the mushroom beast's chin, and nodded Wangdao: "Yes, speaking of it, they are my earliest 'followers'."

As he said that, Wang Daoyi looked at the huge and muscular Lu Xingyanbenzhen mushroom: "Then, who are you? Why are you with them?"

From the way the mushroom beasts came out just now, it can be seen that this mushroom beast, which is not a mushroom beast, has established its leadership position among this group of Luxingyan true mushrooms.

The huge and muscular mushroom beast heard Wang Daoyi's question and did not answer. Instead, he looked at Nicored.

Compared to Wang Daoyi who gave him a sense of threat, it was still more willing to believe in Nicored who brought it back.

"This is the Lord of Red Sand, the owner of this land. You can trust him." Nicored nodded towards the huge and muscular mushroom beast.

"Lord of Red Sand? I feel it, powerful light, fiery light, endless light, like the [King] in my memory."

The giant mushroom beast spoke.

Wang Daoyi was not surprised that the other party spoke. After all, the other party was just like a mushroom, essentially an elemental life, and an extremely pure elemental life. It was not difficult to learn from humans.

"It seems that you are very old and have a long story. However, I have enough time to listen to your story."

Wang Dao showed interest in his eyes.

"Tell me first, what are you?"

The huge Iwamoto Shinto hesitated for a moment, seeming to be thinking about whether to tell Wang Daoyi,

Wang Dao didn't urge him at all, he just waited.

After a few breaths, the giant mushroom beast still spoke: "I am the elemental spirit born in the garden. Our Lord was polluted, making our home uninhabitable. We left our home and began to look for ways to save our home." Method."

"Where is the garden?" Wang Daoyi asked.

"The garden is the world nurtured by the Lord of Grass and Trees, and it is the most beautiful place. However, now the Lord of Grass and Trees has fallen into pollution, and the garden has also been polluted."

Wang Daoyi immediately caught an adjective: "Lord of vegetation?"

The giant mushroom beast nodded slowly: "The original master of Sumeru, the first master of grass and trees, and our home, the Dragon of Grass, Apep."

With a hint of excitement in his eyes, Wang Daoyi immediately asked: "Are you, or should I say, a descendant of Apep, the Dragon of Grass?"

Unfortunately, facing this problem, the giant mushroom beast shook his head: "That's not the case. The dependents of [Home] are giant elemental beings that you call sandworms, and we, rather than being dependents, are actually more like [Home]. 】The attachment that was born, we are part of 【Homeland】.”

After listening to the words of the giant mushroom beast, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly. Although the words of the giant mushroom beast were a bit confusing, Wang Daoyi could understand them.

"Then have you found a way to heal your home?" Wang Daoyi asked again.

The giant mushroom beast nodded: "We found it. The great King of Grass promised us that he will clean up all the filth. As long as the time comes, we can go home."

Wang Dao nodded. He knew that the King of Grass mentioned by the other party must not refer to Apep, the Dragon of Grass, because Apep himself was the target to be saved.

It can't be Nacida, because the current Nacida can't save Apep.

Then it can only be the Great Ci Tree King.

[Sure enough, the shadow of Istaru was right. The wisdom of the Great Ci Tree King was enough for him to see the future. Some fallen gods had already calculated the future. 】

Wang Daoyi thought in his heart.

Then, Wang Daoyi looked at the giant mushroom beast and asked the final question: "Then, why do you appear here?"

It was stunned for a moment, and then the giant mushroom beast understood Wang Daoyi's problem. It turned its head and looked in the direction of Qianhe Sandplace: "The promise of the King of Grass has not arrived yet, but [Homeland] is in pain, and we have to rush back to [Homeland] ], return your elemental power to Him and help [Homeland] resist erosion."

There was a hint of shock in his eyes, and Wang Daoyi was a little confused: "You said, you want to return the elemental power to Apep? Are you coming back to die?"

"It's not about dying, it's about [going home]." The giant mushroom beast shook his head and denied Wang Daoyi's statement.

Wang Daoyi was silent for a while and quickly understood part of the other party's ideas.

For this kind of elemental life born from Apep, they themselves are part of Apep. Returning themselves to Apep is an act of return in itself, and naturally it cannot be regarded as 'sending death'.

However, from Wang Daoyi’s perspective,

These elemental mushroom beasts are all intelligent beings, and their behavior of returning the elemental power is 'sending death'.

After all, without the elemental power, these elemental mushroom beasts will naturally dissipate.

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