Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 405 In addition to great terror, there is also great peace between life and death

After listening to the old dean’s account of his past,

Wang Daoyi was a little silent,

It’s not because the old dean’s story about falling off a cliff is a bit ridiculous.

It was because of the information revealed by the old dean that Wang Daoyi was a little shocked and even shuddered.

He had seen before that gods like the King of Trees, King of Flowers, and Thunderbolt Shin could calculate events hundreds of years in the future. He just lamented that the wisdom of these gods was too terrifying.

But now, this terrible plan had befallen him, and he realized how terrifying these gods who could see through the future really were.

Istaru had foreseen the future during the Demon God War. He might even have seen the current Wang Daoyi thousands of years ago, so he arranged everything easily.

Leave your pendulum to Barbatos,

Leave a little bit of your spiritual light in Yuanxia Palace,

He chose the old dean to be his last favored one and handed everything over to the old dean.

Then He didn't have to do anything more,

Just wait quietly for time to flow, wait for someone who does not belong to this world to arrive, and then quietly watch everything happen naturally.

[He stands above time and watches all the stories happen. 】

I don't know why, Wang Daoyi felt a chill, and his fear of Tianzhi's governance became stronger and stronger.

Istaru is only the ruler of time among the four rulers of heaven. He can spend thousands of years planning and waiting.

So, as the creator of the four heavenly rulers, the original throne may be the existence of today's heavenly principles. How terrible would it be?

The layout of Istaru needs to be seen in the context of thousands of years of history.

And how far away should we stand to see the layout of the original throne?

I kept thinking in my mind,

In reality, Wang Daoyi was not stunned at all.

Instead, he looked at the old dean who was getting older. Looking at his increasingly older face and feeling his aging aura, Wang Daoyi felt a little sad in his heart.

Perhaps the old dean thought that Istaru was his master and the most important being in his life all his life.

But maybe in Istaru's view, the old dean is just an ordinary [person], just like all [people] loved by Istaru, just ordinary [people],

It's just that the old dean met the thoughtful Istaru at the right time.

That's why we have been waiting for thousands of years now.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Wang Daoyi said: "Your life is passing."

Low EQ: You are going to die.

High emotional intelligence: Your life is ticking away.

"Yes, my mission has been completed, so naturally I no longer need to live. My family, my friends, and my comrades have passed away for thousands of years. During these thousand years, I have been left alone in this world. I'm a little tired, death is the best destination for me."

The old dean's tone was very relaxed, as if he was not only not afraid of death, but rather looking forward to it.

Wang Daoyi was silent for a while, and then he spoke again: "How much time do you have left? Is there anything you need me to do?"


The old dean was also silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something, and finally sighed: "Oh~ there is nothing to do. Just help me tell the little girl in the Hall of Purity to come here in three days, and that's it."

His last strength, no more, no less, was enough to sustain him for another three days.


Wang Daoyi didn't say anything more, he just agreed.

This is the old dean's own choice. In a thousand years, he has lost his family, friends, comrades, and all good memories. Even the devil will be worn away, not to mention that the old dean is only a mortal.

His ability to persist to this day is entirely due to his belief in Istaru.

Now he has completed the final mission assigned to him by Istaru.

Waiting calmly for death to come was the old dean's last choice.

Stand up, the rock platform disappears,

After giving a slight salute to the old dean who closed his eyes and stopped talking, Wang Daoyi left the small courtyard.

Leaving Tongwenyuan,

While thinking about Istaru's thousand-year plan, he walked toward the living hall.

Since he promised the old dean that Hu Tao would arrange his funeral arrangements in three days,

Now he happens to be at Feiyun Slope,

It's better to choose a day than to hit it, so let's go and notify now.

Come to the Hall of Purity,

I happened to meet Hall Master Hu pulling Zhongli, seemingly preaching something.

When I got closer, I heard Hall Master Hu whispering softly: "Zhongli, Zhongli, why are you spending money randomly again? I said you bought some weird materials for the ceremony, so I didn't care, but Those antique calligraphy, paintings, and fine porcelain that were delivered this morning, can they be used for ceremonies? If you continue to spend money like this, your salary will be deducted thirty years from now."

"What the hall master taught me is that these are not ordinary antique calligraphy and paintings, but exquisite porcelain. The calligraphy and painting are the original works of Mr. Yan five hundred years ago. Although I spent 1.3 million molas to buy them, if I want to sell them, There are still hundreds of thousands of molars that can be earned. In addition, the porcelain is very exquisite and seems to have used some new firing and casting techniques. If you buy it for a mere 100,000 molas and keep it as a collection, you won't lose money."

Although Hutao looked very angry, Zhongli remained tepid. Even though he seemed to be admitting his mistake, he was actually sticking to his own ideas.

Hu Tao was furious and pointed at Zhongli: "You, you, ah, you are so angry with me. You really don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. More than one million Moura, you can spend whatever you want. You know I want to make money." How long?"

Zhong Li looked at Hu Tao with a strange look on his face: "But didn't the hall master generously pay out millions of molas before?"

Zhongli was talking about the insurance business previously carried out by Hutao and the Adventurers Association. In less than a month, they lost millions of molas.

"Damn it, I was doing that to promote the business of our Rebirth Hall. It's completely different from eating, drinking and having fun like you!"

"Oh, that's it." Zhong Li looked like he suddenly realized it, but his tone was still very calm.

Seeing Zhongli's indifference, Hutao became even more angry.

Wang Daoyi saw Hu Tao looking like he was about to get angry, and quickly stepped forward, interrupting their conversation.

"Hallmaster Hu, Mr. Zhongli, long time no see."

Hu Tao was interrupted and turned to look at Wang Daoyi: "Ah, it's Brother Daoyi. What's the point of coming to my Rebirth Hall? Let's agree first. If it's Zhongli, then I won't agree today. I have to Educate Zhongli well."

"No, no, no, Hall Master Hu has misunderstood." Wang Dao waved his hands repeatedly and looked at Hu Tao with a serious face, "I came here this time because I have something to ask of you, Hall Master Hu."

"Hey, are you looking for me?" Hutao blinked his plum blossom eyes, showing a hint of curiosity.

Then he turned to look at Zhongli: "Humph, Zhongli, go back first. Dao Yi and I will finish the matter and then I will teach you a lesson."

Zhongli still looked indifferent and held his hands in front of Hu Taogong: "Then I'll leave first."

Wang Daoyi and Zhongli looked at each other and saw the helplessness towards Hu Tao in Zhongli's eyes, as well as the 'thank you' for being rescued by Wang Daoyi.

After Zhongli left,

"Brother Dao Yi, tell me, if you have anything to do with me," Hu Tao asked curiously, then patted his chest and made a loud sound: "As long as I can help, no matter what Open your mouth."

I looked at Teyvat's No. 1 player A, who was so confident that he would win.

Wang Daoyi talked about the old dean,

"That's right, you know the old dean of Tongwen Academy, right?"

"Oh, you know, when grandpa was here, he often took me to visit him. However, after grandpa left, I didn't go there as much."

"The old dean's life is coming to an end soon, so I want to entrust you to handle his funeral affairs."

"Oh, it's an order, no problem, no problem, just leave it to me." Hutao began to pat her chest again to confirm.

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly. In this regard, Hu Tao was still trustworthy. After thinking about it, Wang Daoyi continued: "In addition, if the old dean's funeral expenses are excessive or insufficient, they will be recorded in my account. yes."

Hearing this, Hu Tao waved his hands indifferently: "Hey, Maura, it's just a trivial matter. Besides, Tongwen Academy is not short of money. It is the largest and most authoritative academy in Liyue. I heard that if you charge tuition for one year, you can charge a There are tens of millions of molas.”

Tens of millions of molas? Why are tuition fees so expensive? Wang Daoyi just wanted to ask, and then he realized that it was probably funds from major chambers of commerce or other wealthy people, so that they could send people to the academy for training.

Ignoring Maura's question, Wang Daoyi continued: "Anyway, if you need anything about the old dean's funeral, Hall Master Hu, just come to me. If I'm not at home, you can leave a message for Xiang Ling."

"Okay, I've written it down."

"Well, the time given by the old dean is three days later, so Hall Master Hu will go to the academy in three days. During these three days, let the old dean stay for a while." Worried that Hu Tao would disturb the old dean in advance, Wang said A special reminder.

Hu Tao rolled her eyes at Wang Daoyi and saw that Wang Daoyi was worried about him: "Don't worry, don't worry, I won't disturb the client's last moments."

"In this case, I won't stay any longer. If Hall Master Hu needs anything, just come to me at Wanmin Hall."

Since getting engaged to Xiang Ling, Wang Daoyi hasn't spent the night in the dock teahouse for a long time. Either he stays outside or spends the night in Wanmin Hall when he returns to Liyue Port.

After all, sleeping with a sweet and soft scent is better than sleeping alone with a pillow!

Saying goodbye to Hu Tao and hearing Hu Tao nagging Zhongli again from the Hall of Purity, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly and left the door of the Hall of Purity.

As for Zhongli, wish yourself good luck. Not only Zhongli can't handle the eccentric Hall Master Hu, but Wang Daoyi can't handle him either.

After leaving the Hall of Purity, Wang Daoyi went shopping and returned to Wanmin Hall.

As I approached Wanmin Hall, I heard the whirring sound of a bucket, which seemed to be playing cards again.

Maybe the image of Yidou is too attractive, or maybe many diners still have an impression of Yidou. They remember that Yidou worked as a waiter at Wanmintang.

Therefore, there were many diners surrounding Ichito. They were not afraid of Arataki Ichito, who was a foreigner, but instead watched Yito play cards with interest.

There were a few impatient diners who couldn't control themselves and wanted to teach Yi Dou how to play cards.

Yes, although Arataki Yito likes playing cards, his skills are not very good.

It still belongs to the ranks of people who are addicted to food.

However, having a fight here makes Wanmin Hall even more lively.

Chef Mao watched the diners gathering and did not chase them away. He smiled and watched everyone playing cards and having fun.

The purpose of Wan Min Tang is to serve the people. Although providing a card playing venue and eating are not compatible, Master Mao doesn't care about this.

Nodding to the smiling Master Mao,

Wang Daoyi bypassed the crowd and walked to the kitchen.

As soon as they entered the kitchen, they saw Xiang Ling and Jiu Qi Ren playing with the noodles, as if they were studying some new dishes.

"Brother Daoyi, you've finished your work. Come here quickly. A-Nin and I have researched some new pastries. Come and try them."

When Xiang Ling saw Wang Daoyi, she immediately smiled and waved, signaling Wang Daoyi to go over and taste the new pastries.


Guoba looked at Xiangling in disbelief,

There was a little grievance in his eyes,

It was obviously the one who had been helping to light the fire and help with the work.

Why is it that when it’s time to eat, it’s Wang Daoyi who comes and eats?

Is this world a little too unfair?

See Guo Ba’s little eyes,

Wang Daoyi burst into laughter, walked to the stove, looked at the newly baked cakes, took a slight sniff, and a scent of fragrance spread into Wang Daoyi's nose.

Pick up a pastry that looks a bit like a crispy rice cake, put it in your mouth, and taste it carefully.

"Well, it smells so good. Let me guess, it's the fragrance of Qingxin. Well, it doesn't have a bitter taste. It's Qingxin that has been specially processed, right? It's a very good pastry."

"Of course, A-Nin taught me a special processing method that can wash away the bitterness of the pure heart and retain the light fragrance."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's comment, Xiang Ling smiled, answered Wang Daoyi's question first, and then looked at A Ren proudly: "Let me tell you, Brother Daoyi can definitely eat it."

Kuki Shinobu didn't speak, just smiled and nodded, still processing the ingredients in his hands.

Beside, Guo Ba became more and more anxious.

Watching Wang Daoyi taste the delicious food was even more uncomfortable than being hungry himself.

Walking to Wang Daoyi's side shrinkingly, Guoba stretched out his little hand and poked Wang Daoyi's thigh.

Wang Dao lowered his head,

I saw Guo Ba blinking crazily, his big eyes flashing like stars.

"Lulie~" (I want to eat too!)

Wang Daoyi shook his head at the rice noodle, and then gestured towards the rice noodle to Xiang Ling who had resumed discussing the recipe with Kuki Shinobi.

It means that if I don’t give Xiang Ling to you, I don’t dare to give it to you.

Guo Ba was so angry that he opened his mouth and bit Wang Daoyi's trousers.


Guoba, who looked aggrieved, opened his mouth and felt that his teeth hurt a little.

Wang Daoyi’s legs are so hard.

There was a smile in his eyes. Sometimes, teasing Guo Ba was quite fun.

Take a pastry off the stove,

Pass it to Guo Ba’s eyes,

"Eat quickly, don't let Xiang Ling see you, or she will ask you to lose weight again."


Letting out a cry of surprise, Guo Ba stretched out his little hand and took away the pastry in Wang Daoyi's hand, then returned to the stove with his hands and feet, started to eat secretly while lighting the fire.

Playing with the rice cake,

Wang Daoyi looked at Kuki Shinobi and sighed slightly in his heart.

In the end, he still didn’t say anything about the old dean.

The old dean was too tired. After guarding a secret for thousands of years and witnessing the departure of his relatives and friends, his heart was already full of wounds.

He chose to let Hu Tao go there after three days, probably because he wanted to enjoy the last peaceful time alone.

There is no need for Kuki Shinobu and others to disturb the old man's last moments.

Even if this interruption is out of concern.

"Let's tell Kuki-nin after three days. Let the old dean rest for these three days."

I gave up the idea of ​​telling Mr. Kuki Shinobu the information now,

Wang Dao looked at the two girls playing with the ingredients, shook his head slightly, and consciously left the kitchen.

Outside, more people were watching the card game. In addition to one fight, some diners took out their card boxes and started a series of sacred duels in Wanmin Hall.

For a time, Wanmin Tang looked more like a poker pavilion than a poker pavilion, and it didn't look like a serious restaurant anyway.

Unfortunately, Wang Dao is really not interested in playing cards. Although he is now the ruler of the desert, he does not have the "card playing gene" of the desert people in his body.

I was thinking about whether to go to Yunhan Society to listen to Yun Jin's opera.

I saw a man dressed as a rice wife coming in from the door.

The visitor looked polite. He circled around and frowned: "Isn't Wanmin Hall a restaurant? Am I in the wrong place?"

The visitor stepped back a few steps in confusion, then raised his head and looked at the signboard of Wanmin Hall.

"That's right, this is Wan Min Tang? Isn't this the best private restaurant in Liyue? Why did it become a card room?"

There was shock in the visitor's eyes, and he really couldn't understand what was happening.

Wang Daoyi saw his expression, then turned to look at Master Mao, who was watching others playing cards.

Shaking his head, he took a step forward and looked at the visitor: "Why do you come to Wanmin Hall? If you want to eat, you can come in and order."

The visitor looked at Wang Daoyi, with a glint in his eyes: "Oh, you are... His Excellency Wang Daoyi?"

"Huh? Do you know me?" Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of surprise.

I originally thought he was an ordinary customer, but now it seems that he is probably not an ordinary customer.

The visitor nodded quickly: "What a coincidence, I came here just to find you."

"Let me introduce myself. I am an official of the Daozuma Society. My name is Inoue. I am responsible for the preliminary negotiations on reestablishing diplomatic relations with Liyue."

"Huh? An official of the society? Well, do you have anything to do with me? If you want me to talk to Ningguang to help Dao's wife, then you are late. It is not convenient for me to continue to get involved in these things now."

Inoue shook his head quickly: "No, no, the talks on establishing diplomatic relations with Liyue went very smoothly. The initial intention has been reached. The next more critical cooperation plan is the business of Mr. Shengxing."

"Oh, then why are you looking for me? Let me guess, Ayato asked you to come to me?"

"Ha, you guessed it right. It is indeed Mr. She Mingxing who commissioned me to come to you." Inoue laughed, and then took out a letter from his arms, "This is the letter that Mr. She Mingxing entrusted me to give to you. .”

After receiving the letter, Wang Dao didn't hesitate to open it and read it.

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