Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 408 Tianshu Star

When Yelan was thinking,

Hu Tao also came out of the Hall of Rebirth, holding a stack of documents in his hand and walked to Ye Lan.

"Here you go, these are the things you want. See if they are right. If there is no problem, then leave quickly. There are people keeping vigil, and it is not convenient for the Rebirth Hall to receive outsiders."

Hu Tao handed the things to Ye Lan, and then began to drive people away 'secretly'.

Seemingly not understanding the meaning of Hu Tao's words, Ye Lan slowly opened the document Hu Tao gave her.

Sure enough, there was a list of gentlemen who kept vigil for the old dean.

Also, some of the actions of these people during the wake.

This did not make Ye Lan expect that the information Hu Tao gave him would be so sufficient, so Ye Lan unexpectedly glanced at Hu Tao.

Sensing Yelan's gaze, Hutao curled his lips: "As the master of the Hall of Purity, I have never seen the human heart. In the face of death, the human heart is the most real. Those gentlemen are not related to the old dean, but they are not close friends." They are also willing to keep vigil for the old dean, and even say that they are his family members. Maybe there are really noble people among them, but there must also be people with treacherous minds among them."

As he said that, Hutao rolled his eyes at Ye Lan: "The Hall of Purity has been passed down for thousands of years, and the importance of the academy is known to the Hall of Purity as well as Qixing. Therefore, as soon as they entered the Hall of Purity to keep a vigil, I sent someone to watch."

Ye Lan nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked Hu Tao: "So, Hall Master Hu, do you think any of these people are suspicious?"

Originally, it was impossible for Ye Lan to ask such a question to Hu Tao.

However, Hu Tao gave her more surprises today, so Ye Lan asked this question.

Hu Tao pondered for a while, then pointed to a few names on the document.

Ye Lan looked at it, with a bit of surprise on her face: "Does Hall Master Hu actually doubt them? But according to the records, aren't these the most stable and best people in the wake?"

The list that Hu Tao gave her made it clear that these people worked conscientiously during the wake and had no shortcomings, while the others were more or less distracted or disrespectful.

Hu Tao nodded: "As the saying goes, those who achieve great things must bear their weight. No matter what the purpose of these people is, whether it is good or bad, but if they want to add points to themselves by keeping a wake for the old dean, then they must do it here. Therefore, people who do everything perfectly are either the best people or the people with the most problems, while other people can be distracted even at wake-up calls, or even look disrespectful. This is People like this are at most bad or stupid, so they are not much of a threat."

After saying that, Hutao curled his lips: "Besides, don't you see it yourself? It's really boring to test me in this way. Let's go. I won't be polite if you sneak in next time."

Hutao started chasing people away,

Ye Lan smiled, not caring about Hu Tao's tone, and cupped her hands towards Hu Tao: "Thank you, Hall Master Hu, for your help. I'll leave now."

After Ye Lan left,

Hutao regained his calm appearance, and then sighed slightly,

"What a troubled time~"

"Oh, no, it's not autumn yet, it should be a troubled spring~"

Hall Master Hu pretended to be sad for spring and autumn, and then jumped back to the death hall. She still had to prepare for the death ceremony seven days later.


the other side,

Ying and Paimon were wandering around Liyue Harbor.

After ending their adventure underground in the Layer Rock Abyss, the two of them have been moving around Liyue, accepting commissions from time to time, or going to play with friends.

As for looking for my brother, ha, I forgot about it.

Anyway, her brother also said that we will meet at the end of the journey.

"Hey, Paimon, long time no see."

Ying and Paimon were shopping when they met an acquaintance. Yue Haiting's Huixin appeared in front of them and said hello to them.

"Ah, it's Huixin, long time no see." Paimeng flew in mid-air and waved to Huixin.

Ying also waved his hand: "It's been a long time indeed. I didn't see Huixin the last time I went to Yuehai Pavilion to look for Gan Yu."

Normally, Huixin is usually on the first floor of Yuehai Pavilion.

Huixin smiled slightly, but her expression was still a little ugly: "It's nothing. My father has been feeling unwell recently, so I took a leave of absence to take care of my father at home. I have asked other colleagues to handle the work matters."

"Huixin's father is sick?" Paimeng scratched his little head and then looked at Ying, "But isn't Huixin's father Uncle Tian?"

As one of the Seven Stars resident in Liyue, Uncle Tian and Ying have a good relationship, and they can be regarded as close friends. However, it is hard to say who is the older one.

"How is Uncle Tian's health? Is it important?" Ying asked worriedly.

Huixin shook her head: "There's nothing serious at the moment, but my energy is getting worse and worse, and I often cough."

"The doctor said it's best to rest at home and not get too involved in work."

Ying frowned slightly: "But, Uncle Tian is a Tianshu star. How can he not work?"

"Alas~" Huixin sighed slightly and said, "Yes, what can Tianshu do if it doesn't work, so I have been persuading my father to step down from Tianshu as soon as possible."

"Did uncle agree that day?" Paimon asked curiously.

Huixin nodded: "Father had begun to consider retirement before, but the candidates had not been confirmed at that time, but now the General Affairs Department has selected three candidates, and it won't be long before a new candidate can be selected. Tianshu Star, when the time comes, my father can retire and rest."

So, the two of them chatted with Huixin for a while, until Huixin remembered that she had to go home to cook medicine, so they separated.

Before leaving, Huixin told the two of them that Uncle Tian had been drinking tea on the balcony behind Yanshang Teahouse recently. If they had time, they could go and see him.

After Huixin left,

Paimon looked at Ying: "Ying, are we going to see Uncle Tian?"

Ying nodded: "Let's go and take a look. Anyway, there's nothing going on recently. It's a good idea to chat with Uncle Tian."

The two discussed it, and then went to a nearby stall to buy some fruits as gifts.

Then he walked towards the place Huixin just mentioned.

Go all the way,

Soon Ying found the place,

When I came to the balcony on the second floor, I saw Uncle Tian drinking tea alone.

"Uncle Tian, ​​we are here to see you."

Paimon waved to Uncle Tian,

Uncle Tian turned his head and saw Ying and Paimon. He smiled and said, "It's you. Haven't you gone out on adventures recently? You actually have time to visit this old man."

Ying walked to Uncle Tian, ​​put the fruit gift in his hand on the table, and smiled at Uncle Tian: "I just came back from the Layer Rock Abyss a few days ago. I have been resting for the past few days. I just met on the road. Huixin, she said you were sick, so Paimon and I came over to check on you."

"Oh, then you guys want to tell me your adventure stories." Uncle Tian pointed to the stool next to him, "Hurry up and sit down and talk. I ordered some good tea and we will drink and chat."

Ying sat down, and Paimon seemed to sit down as well.

[Ying and Uncle Tian told some adventure stories under the rocky abyss. 】

While telling the story, Uncle Tian suddenly coughed a few times and seemed a little uncomfortable.

Ying looked at Uncle Tian worriedly and noticed that Uncle Tian's hair had turned gray, his face had no vitality, and his whole person seemed to be in twilight.

"Uncle Tian, ​​are you okay?" Ying asked with concern.

Uncle Tian shook his head: "Don't worry, my health is fine, it's just that I'm old and time is not forgiving."

"In the recent period, I have felt that my energy has plummeted, and I have become increasingly unable to do things as expected. Although everyone says that I am highly respected, I also want to smoothly hand over the position of Tianshu Star while I am not an old fool."

Paimon was a little confused: "Smooth handover? Could it be that the handover of Tianshu Star will be very troublesome?"

"There is some trouble." Uncle Tian nodded. He felt that Ying and Paimeng were not outsiders, so he continued to explain: "Among the seven stars in Liyue, the existence of Tianshu Star is quite special."

"In the past, Tianshu Star rarely appeared in public. Most of them made suggestions and dealt with difficult matters behind the scenes. Just like me, most people in Liyue know that Ningguang is Tianquan Star, but they don't know that I am Tianshu Star. Therefore, the selection of Tianshu Star should not be made public."

"Moreover, we hope that the candidates for Tianshu Star will not be affected by all forces, so the assessment and appointment will be relatively secretive."

"Based on these reasons, the replacement of Tianshu Star is often made by the previous Tianshu Star who gives his opinion, and then the other seven stars jointly confirm it before the handover can be completed."

Paimeng nodded as if he understood, and then said: "In other words, Uncle Tian recommended the candidates, and then Ningguang, Miss Keqing, and the other seven stars accepted their fate?"

"Yes, I should have been the one to make the final selection of the candidates." Uncle Tian nodded, confirming Paimon's understanding, and then sighed slightly, "Unfortunately, with my current physical condition, it is too late to The candidates took the exam one by one.”

"Ah, what should we do?" Paimeng was a little worried. If Uncle Tian couldn't select a candidate, wouldn't the handover not be possible?

Uncle Tian shook his head: "Don't worry, I have chosen a very capable examiner, and from the story you just told, you have already met her."

The story just now?

When Ying heard Uncle Tian's words, she had a vague suspicion in her heart.

Paimon looked confused: "Huh? Who is it?"

"It's really sad. In just a few days, little Paimon has forgotten me?" A voice came from behind Paimon.

"Wow, it's Ye Lan!" Paimeng quickly turned around and saw that the person coming was Ye Lan who had just arrived from the Hall of Rebirth.

Ye Lan walked up to Uncle Tian, ​​then nodded to Ying and Paimeng: "Yes, I received an invitation from Uncle Tian, ​​and I will investigate the three candidates."

Saying that, Ye Lan raised her eyebrows at Ying: "How about it, Ying, Paimon, do you want to come with me? This is a good opportunity to make friends with the next Tianshu Star."

Paimeng's eyes lit up and he turned to look at Ying: "Ying, what do you think?"

Ying did not answer Paimeng's question, but looked at Yelan: "It's such an important thing to select Tianshu Star. Paimon and I went there rashly. Isn't it good? Or, Yelan, what other purpose do you have?"

After witnessing Yelan's shrewdness and ability under the giant rock abyss, she didn't think that Yelan would invite her to participate in such an important matter for no reason.

"Haha, as expected of you, I don't have any other purpose. It's just that there have been a lot of things recently, and you don't belong to other forces. I believe that you will not have an impact on the candidate's position, so I I want to take you with me as a free manpower."

"What, you're actually asking us to work for nothing!" Paimon put his hands on his hips a little angrily, looking very unhappy.

Yelan didn't care at all. She looked at Ying: "How are you doing? Do you want to come?"

Ying curled her lips: "If you beg me, I will go."

"Huh? Well, how about I beg you? Is this okay?" Yelan laughed, and then begged without any sincerity.

Ying rolled her eyes at Ye Lan and said, "Since it is Ye Lan's request, I will help you once."

Uncle Tian watched the two people messing around without stopping him, and even showed a smile: "Then the selection matter will be left to you."

Ye Lan nodded: "Don't worry, Uncle Tian. Although there are a lot of things, I will handle them well. However, Uncle Tian, ​​you usually like to plan in secret, and I am also used to acting in secret. Don't you think I have become Tianshu too?" Star potential?”

"Hey! Does Ye Lan also want to be on Tianshu Star?" Paimeng looked at Ye Lan in surprise.

Ye Lan raised an eyebrow at Paimeng: "That's Tianshu, one of the seven stars in Liyue. Is there anything abnormal about it?"


Uncle Tian smiled: "I don't mind, but you and Ningguang have been working together for so long, I'm afraid she won't let you go easily."

Then Uncle Tian thought about it and continued to Ye Lan: "That's good. If no one is qualified during the inspection, I will recommend you as a candidate."

"No problem, there's no rush. I've already arranged the content of the assessment in advance." Ye Lan nodded to Uncle Tian, ​​then looked at Ying and Paimon, "Let's meet on the first floor later. Before that, , you can finish talking about what you said before."

"Oh, by the way, you don't have to pay for the tea. As the [new owner] of the Iwagami Tea Room, you can still afford a pot of good tea."

After saying that, Yelan left first.

[Ying and Paimon continued to chat with Uncle Tian for a while, telling him more adventure stories. 】

Finally, Uncle Tian looked up at the sky and said to Ying, "It's getting late. Ye Lan has probably been waiting below for a long time. You go find her first."

Ying nodded: "Okay, let's go first, see you Uncle Tian."


After leaving the second floor pavilion, Ying and Paimeng walked down the stairs.

As soon as I saw him, he saw Ye Lan thinking about something next to him.

As if she heard the movement, Ye Lan turned around and looked over: "Are you done talking?"

Paimon nodded: "I feel like Uncle Tian really has no energy and is feeling sleepy."

"Well, although it's bad to say this, Uncle Tian's current physical condition is indeed not suitable for continuing to serve as Tianshu Star. The heavy work of Tianshu Star will wear down Uncle Tian. Moreover, Tianshu, who cannot keep up with his energy, My uncle will also mess up the work of Tianshu Star." Ye Lan shook his head slightly, as if it was a pity.

Then she continued: "There are three candidates recommended by Uncle Tian, ​​namely: Qian Wei, Mingbo and Zhiyi."

"Among them, Gan Wei is a wealthy businessman, and he was also affiliated with the General Affairs Department and was responsible for the order of the dock market; Mingbo worked in the Liyue General Affairs Department and was praised by many General Affairs Department employees; Zhiyi is studying and traveling, but among the people in Liyue There’s some prestige.”

With that said, Ye Lan said to Ying: "You can roughly remember them... Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't remember them. We will go to Yuehai Pavilion to inspect them later."

"Gian Wei, Mingbo and Zhiyi. I barely remember it, but what is the inspection?" Paimeng shook his head and asked Yelan.

"We can talk about this later when we get to Yuehai Pavilion."

[So, under the leadership of Ye Lan, everyone rushed to Yuehai Pavilion. 】



Kuki Ren returned to Manmin Hall. After dinner,

She looked at Wang Daoyi hesitantly, as if considering whether she should ask her inner doubts.

As soon as Wang Dao noticed Kuki-nin's gaze, he turned to look at her and noticed the confusion in Kuki-nin's eyes.

"What? Does A Ren want to ask me something?" Wang Daoyi said.

Maybe it was Wang Daoyi's proactive inquiry that made Jiu Qi Ren make up his mind.

"Daichi, the old dean is gone." Jiuqin Ren said,

Wang Dao nodded: "I know this. Although it is very regrettable, it is a relief for the old dean."

Jiu Qi Ren frowned, not understanding what Wang Daoyi meant. She continued to ask: "Today, my senior sister and I went to the Rebirth Hall. Hall Master Hu there said, Daoyi, you went to see her three days ago. Is that right?" ?"

"Yes, three days ago, I found Hu Tao and asked her to go to the academy today to handle the funeral affairs of the old dean. What happened?" Wang Daoyi said calmly, and finally asked Jiuqi Ren.

Jiuqi Ren was a little helpless and asked people to prepare funeral arrangements in advance. The problem was huge, okay?

"But Daoyi, how did you know that the old dean would leave today?"

"Huh? So you are thinking about this." Wang Daoyi laughed dumbly, and then explained seriously, "That's because the old dean had a premonition of his death time and asked me to inform Hutao, nothing else. reason."

Jiu Qi Ren frowned. Although she felt that Wang Daoyi had not told the whole truth, she looked at Wang Daoyi's serious face and felt that Wang Daoyi had not lied to her.

"Is that so?" With a trace of doubt, Jiuqi Ren didn't ask any more questions.

After all, Wang Daoyi had already explained it. If he continued to ask questions, he would be destroying the friendship between the two.

"Let's go, Yidou is still waiting for you." Wang Daoyi said.

"Aren't you going back to the dock teahouse today?" asked Kuki Ren.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I have to travel far from time to time, so when I am in Liyue, I want to spend more time with Xiangling. You can go back, I will still live here."

Just kidding, if I don’t fall asleep with the fragrant scent of Xiangling in my arms, I’ll sleep in a teahouse on the pier. How stupid am I?

Jiu Qi Ren pouted: "Forget it, Sisi asked me to tell you that you haven't gone back to check the accounts for almost half a year. If you don't check the accounts, she will take the money and run away."

"Ha, just make the money. The teahouse's little income is not even enough for me to conduct a test." Wang Daoyi laughed out loud, but he also noticed a trace of resentment from the young employee Sisi, "The teahouse is open, just to cash in The promise I made when I bought the house was to provide cheap tea to the dock workers. Ah Ren can help me tell Sisi that if she is busy, she can hire helpers on her own, as long as she can keep the teahouse running."

"Heh, you might as well just give the tea room to Sisi." Jiuqi Ren rolled his eyes at Wang Daoyi.

Wang Daoyi smiled and did not continue speaking.

In fact, if he stayed in the desert in the future, he might really give the tea room to Sisi, as long as Sisi was willing to maintain the tea room's rule of providing cheap tea to dock workers.

When he promised Grandma Sun, he took over the teahouse at a very low price and got his first place of residence in Liyue, then he should naturally maintain his promise to Grandma Sun.

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