Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 428 I’ll wait for you in Xumi

Go into the hotel,

Wang Daoyi immediately saw many familiar figures.

Abedo hugged Keli and seemed to be looking at something.

Xiangling pulled Guoba, as if Guoba had caused some trouble again.

Wang Daoyi even saw the figure of Kujo Sora. She seemed to be handling some official business here.

After Ying saw it, she immediately walked over with Paimon. It seemed that the things here were related to her.

Others in the hotel saw Raikage and Yae Kamiko coming in with a group of people.

Everyone turned their attention.

When Xiangling saw Wang Daoyi, she immediately dropped the blame she had given her for scolding her and ran towards Wang Daoyi: "Brother Daoyi, have you finished your work?"

Fortunately, when he was laughing at Xingqiu outside the door, he had already put Nasida down.

Wang Daoyi reached out and hugged the girl who ran over: "That's about right. I can accompany you to the festival in the next few days."

He said something to Xiangling, and then looked at Keli who was running over.

Let go of Xiangling and hugged little Loli again: "Keli, do you miss your brother?"

Keli rubbed her head against Wang Dao's chin and said in a sweet voice: "I think about it, Keli thinks about Brother Yi every day."

"Keli is so good." After praising the little loli, Wang Dao looked at Albedo who was walking over and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Bai Chuo."

Abedo showed a smile: "You should call me Abedo. Teacher Baichao sounds weird to you."

As he said that, Abedo looked at Lei Qianqian and Nasida,

In his perception, these two people were the convergence of thunder elements and grass elements, similar to when Wang Daoyi released himself with all his strength.

"This is General Raiden, the ruler of Inazuma, and he can be regarded as the organizer of this festival." Wang Daoyi smiled and introduced the thunder movie to Abedo, and then pointed to the fox on the side, "Yae Shenzi, you should have already Seen it before."

"As for this one, just call her Nasita."

Abedo nodded and looked at Lei Movie first: "I am very honored to receive the invitation to this festival. Thank you, Your Majesty the General."

Lei Xingqing waved his hand: "The festival is all arranged by the Son of God. Since you can come, it means that you are Inazuma's guest. There is no need to say any words of thanks."

Abedo nodded, stopped communicating with Lei Qianqian, and turned his gaze to Nasida: "Hello, I am Abedo, I am Dao Yi's friend."

"Hello, I am Nasida, a member of Dao Yi's family." Nasida also smiled and extended her hand to Abedo.

The communication here is over,

the other side,

Ying and Paimon also finished chatting with Yae Shenzi. They walked over and when they saw Albedo and Keli, they waved and said hello.

It was just an ordinary greeting. After all, as welcome guests, Ying and Paimon knew who the guests were.

"Did something happen over there? Why did Kujo come here too?" Wang Dao pointed at Kujo Sora who was already reporting to Lei Film on the other side, and asked Ying.

"It's Wendy. He came here with Albedo's boat, and then sneaked into the hotel's warehouse. He got very drunk and was caught by San Luo." Ying said helplessly.

Wang Daoyi was stunned for a moment, remembering this, but unlike in the game, Lei Movie is here now.

I don’t know how Lei Qian would feel if he knew that Wendy was so unreliable.

Feeling a little curious in his heart, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but let his attention drift in the direction of Kujo Sora and Rai Movie.

"Shen Luo, why are you here?"

"It's a crime worthy of death for disturbing the General. My subordinates are here to handle the case."

"What case?"

"A traveler from Mondstadt slipped into the hotel's wine cellar and got extremely drunk."

"Mond. Drunk"

Listening to Kujo Sora's words, Raikage suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then, she saw a green figure being taken out from behind the hotel by the shogunate army.

"Sir General." The shogunate army saw Raikage next to Kujo Sora and quickly saluted.

Then he looked at Kujo Sora: "Sir Kujo Sora, the suspect has been brought here, but he seems to be drunk and unconscious."

Before Kujo Sora could say anything, Raikage couldn't bear to look at him and slapped his forehead.

The premonition came true.

"Shen Luo."

"Lord General."

"Since you are a guest, please treat him lightly. The damage to the hotel will be recorded in the shogunate's account."

Although he was shocked by Barbatos's unreliability, Ray Movie still couldn't bear to see Barbatos being dragged into jail by Kujo Sera.

Although with Barbatos's temperament, he would probably admit his mistake obediently, and he might not necessarily go to jail for a few days in a token way.

"Yes, General."

Although Kujo Sora didn't know why General Raiden would plead for this drunkard, he didn't ask any more questions.

He signaled his men to put down the drunkard poet, and then took them to the hotel owner. After informing the shogunate that all losses would be borne by the shogunate, Kujo Sora bowed to General Raiden and resigned.

During the Rongcai Festival, she still had a lot of official duties to be busy with.

The young master of the Hiiragi family cannot afford the security work on the outlying islands, so Tian Ling can only do it.

After Kujo Sora left,

Paimon flew to Wendy and patted her face with his little hand: "Hey, Wendy, hey, wake up!"

After being given a few symbolic pats by Paimon,

Wendy slowly woke up.

He raised his head and looked at the people around him who were looking at him: "Hey, everyone is here. Do you want a drink?"

The alcoholic poet raised his hand, holding another glass of wine.

"Barbatos, long time no see." Lei Qianqian said.

Wendy was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lei Movie with some embarrassment: "It's been a long, long time since I drank Inazuma's sake. You won't blame me, Balzebul."

Lei Qian’s expression also relaxed,

"I'm very happy that you can come as a guest. A little sake is nothing."

"Son of God, ask the boss to prepare a box, and let's sit down and talk."

Beside him, Yae Shenzi nodded,

In this kind of meeting between gods, although the other god seems a bit unreliable, the Eightfold God Son will not go against the wishes of his master.

After a while, Yae Shenzi came back, and the boss had prepared a private room for them.

This is said to be a hotel, but in fact it has food and accommodation, and the private room space is not too small.

Seeing Lei Qianqian and Wendy enter the private room first, Wang Dao was not polite at all and walked over with Xiang Ling, Nasida and a few friends.

Ying and Paimon also walked into the private room naturally.

In the private room, a group of people were clearly divided into two tables.

Lei Qianqian sat with Wendy and Nasida as a matter of course, accompanied by Yae Shenzi, Wang Daoyi and Ying Zuo.

Xingqiu, Xiangling, Abeido, Keli, and Guoba were sitting at the same table.

Ying looked at Nasida, and the suspicion in her heart became more and more obvious.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, Barbatos. What's the matter with you coming to my place?"

Lei Jingqing asked, she still didn't believe that as the ruler of a country, Wendy's purpose of coming to Daozhu was just to participate in the festival.

"Of course I'm participating in the festival. I'm the best bard in all of Teyvat, and I'm an artist invited by the Eightfold Hall."

Wendy said proudly, then reached out and scratched around on her body, and finally took out an invitation letter from her hat.

On the side, Yae Shenzi took a look and nodded: "It is indeed an invitation from Yae Hall, but I didn't expect that the best bard in Mondstadt City would be the God of Wind himself."

Yae Shenzi was speechless. She didn't even know which courier with great powers delivered this invitation letter to Barbatos.

"Ha, he is the best bard in Teyvat." Wendy corrected.

Lei Movie is still a little uncomfortable with Wendy's 'freedom': "Okay, I still can't understand your governing philosophy."

With that said, he introduced the little girl next to Wang Daoyi to Wendy: "This is Nasida, you should know."

Wendy nodded and looked at Nasida with a smile on her face: "Congratulations on coming out of that place. The winds in Sumeru are singing and they are cheering for you."

"Thank you for your blessing, Barbatos." Nacida returned the greeting.

Wendy shook her head: "Just call me Wendy. After all, the person attending the festival is Wendy, the best bard, not Barbatos, the God of Wind."

"Do Wendy and Nasida also know each other?" Ying suddenly interjected and asked.

Wendy was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Nasida probably hadn't revealed her identity to her yet.

So he looked at Nasida and did not answer Ying's question directly.

Nasida smiled softly: "Traveler, our story has not begun yet. When you arrive in Sumeru, you will naturally know everything. There is no need to ask in advance."

Nasida's words were almost equivalent to admitting her identity.

His eyes flashed, and Ying nodded thoughtfully.

Beside, Paimon was confused. She had just been attracted by the delicious food on the table and didn't notice what everyone was saying at all.

"Ying, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing. Are you hungry? Eat quickly or the food will get cold." Ying said in a confused tone.

Paimon had no doubt that he was there: "Oh, then I'll start!"

At the dinner table, everyone was chatting happily.

When Wang Dao saw that Nasida was completely adapted to communicating with Lei Qian and Wendy, he felt relieved and ran to another table from time to time to have sex with Xiang Ling.

Time passes little by little,

The private room door was opened,

Two men and a woman came in.

"Well, General." Even when facing General Raiden, Ayato Kamisato still looked indifferent. Only his slight bow showed his respect for General Raiden.

In fact, Kamisato Ayato's respect for General Raiden is not nearly as loyal as Kujo Sora's.

He had gone against General Raiden's wishes many times;

In fact, the rebels who were in front of the castle tower were put in by Ayato Kamisato.

"It's you, what's the matter here?" Lei Qianqian's expression was calm.

Kamisato Ayato shook his head: "I just heard that the shogun and all the guests were dining here, so I came over with my roommate to visit. There is nothing else important."

"In that case, I'm fine, why don't you and Linghua stay for dinner together." Lei Qianqian waved his hand.

As for Kamisato Ayato, Raikage also knows that this young man who took up the banner of socialism at a young age has never been a fuel-efficient lamp.

But the other person is a trustworthy person, so Lei Movies doesn’t mind showing some kindness to him.

Kamisato Ayato nodded and walked to the table next to him with Ayahua and Toma.

Over there, another person was waving to them,

"Brother Ayato, Miss Ayaka, and Toma, come quickly and sit here with us." Wang Daoyi called.

After the three people came over,

Wang Daoyicai introduced everyone to each other,

Unexpectedly, Abedo said that they had already met,

Wang Dao slapped his forehead one by one and remembered that the festival was held by the shrine and the Narukami Taisha Shrine. It was reasonable for these people to know each other.

However, Wang Daoyi didn't mind and still happily introduced Xiang Ling: "Xiang Ling, this is Toma. He learned your new pastries from A Ren. You can communicate later."

"Hey." Xiang Ling's eyes lit up. She saw her friend's eyes and stretched out her hand to Thomas, "Hello, I'm Xiang Ling. If you like cooking, we can communicate with each other."

Thomas looked honored: "Hello, hello, I have heard about the reputation of Wanmintang and Chef Xiangling for a long time. Please don't blame me for trouble these days."

"No, no, I never find it troublesome to exchange cooking skills." Xiang Ling said with a smile.

Xiangling and Thomas were talking about cooking.

On the other side, Wang Daoyi and Kamisato Ayato were also whispering.

"I went to check the information about the Qinqi in your intelligence."

"According to the agreement between us, I will now tell you the general story of what happened."

Kamisato Ayato nodded: "Okay, please speak."

[Wang Daoyi told Qingqi Zhe some stories about Taosha, concealing the relationship between Qingqi Zhe and Thunderbolt General. 】

After listening to Wang Daoyi's narration, Kamisato Ayato couldn't help but nodded: "So that's the case, then it can explain why Qingqi wants to deal with the Thunder Five."

"First he was abandoned by Niwa, one of the Five Thunderbolts, and then the little boy he regarded as family died of the evil power leaked from the heart of the furnace. No wonder he is hostile to the Five Thunderbolts."

Wang Dao nodded and agreed with Kamisato Ayato's view.

"Yes, Qingqi believes that the disaster of Taosha was caused by the greed of the swordsman, who did not hesitate to sacrifice human life in exchange for good-quality jade steel, so he has a strong influence on the representatives of the craftsmen, the Five Legends of Thunder and Lightning. hostility, and even later designed to cut off most of the inheritance of the Five Legends of Thunder and Lightning."

Of course, these are only things that Ayato Kamisato can see from his perspective.

In fact, Wang Daoyi knew that it was the engineers from Fontaine who improved the furnace core, making the jade steel produced by the furnace core even better, and also laid the foundation for the future disaster.

And this engineer from Fontaine is actually a slice of the doctor.

The doctor concealed the shortcomings of the new technology, which led to the beginning of all disasters.

Of course, this is the purpose of a doctorate.

"Now that I know the reason for the destruction of the Five Thunderbolts, I can continue with my plan." Kamisato Ayato nodded slightly, "Now only the Tenmu-ryu of the Five Thunders is still being passed down. However, I know that there is Kaede outside. The descendant of the original family is wandering, and I also invited him back this time, hoping that he can change his mind and return to Daozhu."

Wang Daoyi is not very interested.

What he is thinking about now is how to deal with the skirmishers in the future.

It would be a pity to kill him directly. After all, it took so many resources to transform it.

But if there is no punishment, it would be too merciful, and Wang Daoyi would not be able to bear it.

"It might be feasible to tell the skirmisher his story and provoke a relationship between him and the fools." Wang Daoyi thought.

Just thinking,

Someone came from one side,

It was Ying, she quietly came to Wang Daoyi's side, stretched out her little hand and poked the boy's waist.

After coming back to his senses, Wang Dao turned to look at Ying: "What's wrong?"

Ying was a little embarrassed and asked coyly: "Um, Dao Yi, Nasida and Wendy have the same shadow, right?"

Ying suppressed it for a long time, but still couldn't suppress her inner curiosity. She eagerly wanted to know whether Nasida's identity was as she suspected.

"Nascida is similar to Shadow, but different from Wendy." Wang Dao answered as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ying was stunned. What does it mean to be similar to Ying but different from Wendy?

Are there different divisions among the Seven Gods?

She didn't understand what Wang Daoyi meant, but she also confirmed one thing, that is, Nasida must be one of the seven gods.

"Actually, everything will be clear when you go to Sumeru. Nasida and I will wait for you in Sumeru."

Ying curled her lips, a little unhappy: "I always feel like you are hiding a lot of things."

"Ha, I didn't mean to hide it. Traveling is about exploring the unknown and listening to new stories. If I tell you everything, then there will be no surprises for you during the trip, right?"

Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

It's a pity that Ying is no longer the easy-to-deceive traveler.

She waved her hand: "Forget it, you, Zhongli, Daiin, I don't know how many people have said this to me."


Wang Daoyi smiled awkwardly and stopped cheating.

On the other side, Abedo retracted his gaze from Keli and Guoba and turned to Wang Daoyi.

"It seems that that day is coming soon?" Abedo said.

Wang Dao nodded: "Well, counting the time, you can go to my place next month. Nicoreid has grown a lot and made many friends. You can go and see him in advance."

Abedo nodded: "Okay, I will go to your place next month."

On the side, Ying watched Wang Daoyi and Abedo communicating, and was confused again.

She discovered that there were many things about Wang Daoyi that she didn't understand at all.

For example, she couldn't understand what Wang Daoyi and Abedo were talking about now.

Looking at Ying's curious eyes, Wang Daoyi smiled and said: "You will find out when you get to Xumi. Speaking of which, it has something to do with you."

"Is it related to me?" Ying was even more curious. How could she, who had never been to Xumi, be related to anything in Xumi?

"Of course, Ying is a very, very important person."

Wang Daoyi looked at Ying, with a hint of smile in his eyes, but you could see the seriousness in his eyes.

"Ying, I'm waiting for you in Xumi!"

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