Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 438 New Script

Huge sacred trees rise from the ground,

Like a wild giant, standing in the center of this area,

A huge city was built around the sacred tree,

There is a floating ladder that goes all the way up around the sacred tree.

As the stairs go up,

It is the teaching council that integrates all the wisdom of Sumeru. It is also the governing body of Sumeru, and it is also the largest academic institution in Teyvat.

Above the Jiaolingyuan is the Jingshan Palace where the legendary Little Lucky Grass King lives.

It is located high on the sacred tree, seemingly overlooking the land of Meru, watching His people multiply and thrive.

Arriving at the gate of Xumi City,

Ying and Paimon had a dusty aura about them.

At first glance, you can tell he is an outsider adventurer.

Paimon flying in mid-air attracted the attention of many people, and everyone discussed in low voices whether this white floating elf was the latest product developed by the Order Academy.

However, the basic education in Xumi City was not bad, and no one came directly to disturb Ying and Paimon's tour.

"Speaking of which, Tinari asked us to take the letter to that so-and-so Secretary Elhaysen, but where should we look for it?"

Pamon floated next to Ying, tilting his head and asked.

Yingye looked at the strange scene of people coming and going around him, and thought about it carefully. They knew a few Xumi people, but those people were either in Daoji or Liyue.

If I really want to talk about the people I know in Xumi City,

There seems to be only one left.

"Let's go find Catherine. The Adventurers Association should also have a branch in Xumi."

Paimon nodded: "Yes, yes, you can ask someone from the Adventurers Association."

Then Ying took out the map given by Tinari and looked at it carefully.

"Here, located at the entrance of the Grand Bazaar and downstream of Baoshang Street, is the location of the Xumi Adventurers Association."

After finding the target, Ying put away the map again.

"Let's go over and take a look."

With that said, Ying led Paimon towards the destination.

Along the way, Ying and Paimon were attracted by the novel things around them. They stopped and walked. After a while, they arrived at the Adventurers Association.

I don’t know if it’s Xumi’s special habit.

Ying saw a few small purple flowers on the counter next to Catherine.

She knew it, Tinari had told her about it, it was a plant called Sumeru Rose.


Paimon didn't pay attention to the Sumeru Rose on the table. He flew to Catherine and waved.

"Toward the Star."

"Traveler, welcome to Sumeru. Do you need any help?"

Catherine looked at Ying and Paimon with a smile.

Ying didn't continue to look at the three Sumeru roses, and took a step forward: "That's it, we accepted the commission from Tinari, the ranger of Huachengguo, and sent a letter to Elhaysen, the secretary of the Order Academy, but our second Once I came to Xumi and didn’t know where the secretary was, I came over to ask you and see if I could get help.”

Ying did not directly explain things like letters of introduction.

Instead, disguise it as a mission.

It doesn’t mean anything else, it’s just that I was scared of the wanted persons in the two countries before.

I thought that by disguising it as a commissioned task, it would not attract the attention of the officials of the Order Council.

Catherine nodded: "Is it a commission? Although the corresponding task is not found in the system, Traveler, you are an adventurer, and the Adventurer Association will also provide you with some help."

"Secretary Elhaysen's office is located in the Order House. I will plan the way forward for you."

Catherine looked businesslike, and then her expression suddenly changed.

"Hey! Don't travelers have a void terminal?"

Ying and Paimon were a little confused.

"Void Terminal, what is that?"

Catherine turned her head, revealing the green device next to her ear.

"This is the Void Terminal. In Sumeru City, many things can be completed through the Void Terminal. Just now I just wanted to link your Void Terminal and plan your route to Secretary Elhaysen's office."

Ying and Paimon were a little anxious: "Ah, how do I get the Void Terminal?"

Upon hearing that the Void Terminal was such an important thing, Ying and Paimon also wanted something.

Catherine smiled: "You came at the right time. A few days ago, the association asked the Order for a few void terminals. The traveler is a senior adventurer being compiled by the association. It is not too much to give you two void terminals."

As she spoke, Catherine took out two green leaf-like devices from the counter.

"This is the terminal of the void. You can open it by holding it in your hands and saying silently, 'May I be able to listen to the voice of wisdom from the gods.'"

Ying and Paimon took the green leaf-like device from Catherine's hand.

Following Catherine's instructions, I recited silently: "May I be able to listen to the voice of God's wisdom."

next moment,

The green leaf-like device flickered and appeared in Ying and Paimon's ears, and a virtual screen flashed in front of their eyes.

Ying looked at Catherine curiously,

Sure enough, data flashed on the screen of the Void Terminal,

Some information appeared,

[Name: Catherine,

Belong to: Adventurers Guild,

Occupation: Receptionist at the Adventurers Guild,

Verdict: No threat. 】

A very simple piece of information, but it is enough to explain Catherine's identity.

"Wow, that's great!" Paimon exclaimed as he was also trying out the Void Terminal.

Catherine watched the two men trying, smiling slightly without interrupting.

a long time,

Ying and Paimon exited the void terminal and looked at Catherine, blushing slightly in embarrassment.

This thing was so fun that they all forgot about serious business for a while.

"Sorry to take up your time, Catherine."

Ying said sorry softly.

Catherine shook her head: "It doesn't matter. Void is the legacy of King Daci Shu. You can like it. I'm very happy."

"Huh?" Ying tilted her head, "Why are you happy about the legacy of King Daci Tree?"

Knowing that she had made a mistake, Catherine immediately changed the subject: "Now that you also have a void terminal, I will plan a route for you."

As she spoke, Catherine stretched out her hand and pressed the void terminal next to her ear: "Link to the other party's void terminal and plan the most reasonable route to Secretary Elhaysen's office."

Then a voice rang in Ying's ears,

"I received a connection request from Katherine, the receptionist of the Adventurers Association. Do you agree?"

Ying immediately responded: "Agree!"

With Ying's consent, the void screen in front of her immediately updated, and a three-dimensional road appeared in front of her.

[Adventurers Association - Alhaysen Office, the route has been planned. 】

“It’s really convenient.”

Ying's eyes were filled with shock,

It would be much easier if you had such a convenient tool to assist you when venturing outside. At least you would have one less map to carry.

"Haha, right, but it can only be used in big cities like Sumeru City and Ormos Port. In the wild or in small villages, the signal in the void will become worse, so it is impossible to do such a convenient thing."

Catherine smiled and said to her.

"So that's it, but it's also great. If tourists come to Xumi, they can configure a void terminal and play like locals."

Ying still praised Void Terminal greatly.

Catherine smiled, then looked at the time and said, "If you want to find Clerk Elhaysen, you can go there as soon as possible. It will be time to get off work in a while. Clerk Elhaysen will go after work." It’s hard to find anywhere.”

"Ah, let's go now, see you Catherine."

Ying and Paimon hurriedly followed the route planned by the Void Terminal and ran away.

Catherine watched them go,

Then he turned to look at the air around him,

"Why don't you just acknowledge them directly instead of going through so much trouble?"

Catherine said into the air.

Then, the light twisted slightly,

A figure appeared,

It is Wang Daoyi.

"There is no way. My intervention has caused great changes in the timeline. Although I am ready to take on everything, the impact on the film will still be great."

"I'm trying my best to construct a new script, a real script, to let Ying complete her first encounter in Xumi."

Facing Nasida, Wang Daoyi would naturally not say anything about the reason for ascending to the divine throne.

Instead, it revealed a deeper reason.

Wang Daoyi didn't know how much he had damaged the original plot, but he was certain that there had been some damage.

That's why he was so 'enthusiastic' in arranging encounters for her.

Anyway, the story of Yingzai Xumi always begins with an encounter.

Once you master these encounters, subsequent entanglements will be easier to handle.

"Well, since you have decided, I will support you." 'Catherine' said.

"By the way, according to Elhaysen's information, the Fools have slowed down their collection of various materials recently, and their plan should be in the final stage."'

Wang Dao nodded: "Well, regarding the [God-Creation Plan], the last step is to dig out the knowledge of the World Tree or the Heart of God, and transfer it to the skirmishers, so that they can truly become gods."

"However, I controlled the great sage to reject Dotore's [Dream Harvest] plan, so Dotore can only find compensation elsewhere. With his wisdom, I am afraid that the skirmishers will soon become gods."

There was no panic or fear in Wang Daoyi's tone.

Instead, I was a little excited.

'Catherine'. Nasida nodded, then looked at Wang Daoyi and asked: "What about you? The changes in the sky have become more and more intense recently. When can you complete your ascension to the gods?"

"It's almost time. The sixth life star has begun to emit a faint light. After a period of feedback, I can forcefully click it and start the final ascension ceremony."

Wang Daoyi's eyes flickered slightly, looking forward to that day.

Nasida nodded slightly,

"You made such a big noise in the false sky, and the maintainer of the heavenly principles did not take action. It seems that our guess was correct. The heavenly principles are indeed asleep, and the maintainers have also lost part of their power."

Wang Daoyi's movements in the false sky can be said to be tearing down the roof of Teyvat.

But neither Heavenly Law nor the maintainer of Heavenly Law appeared, only some dark chains were blocking it.

This is sufficient to illustrate the weakness of heaven and its maintainers.

At least, in their operating logic,

Such a thing as Wang Daoyi becoming a god is not worthy of his awakening.

"It doesn't matter. Even if Tianli really wakes up now, I can't stop."

Wang Dao shrugged indifferently, "Let's continue talking about the desert."

"How much do you know about Apep, the Dragon of Grass?"

"Apepp, the Dragon of Grass. He is so ancient that my life is only a brief moment to him. I don't have much information about him."

"However, the Lannaros once said that in the memory of the forest, Apep was the original master of vegetation. In an era when the Seven Gods were not even born, it was Apep who ruled Sumeru."

Nasida said.

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly in his heart,

Nasida, who was not accepted by World Tree, did not know many things.

"Okay, it's okay. Let's wait until you control the World Tree."

"I'm sorry, am I too useless?" Nasida's voice sounded a little disappointed.

Still getting no response from World Tree,

I can't always get back to Wang Daoyi's problem.

This made Nacida feel a little depressed.

Seeing the disappointment in the little Loli's heart, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly and wanted to reach out to touch her head and comfort her,

But then she remembered that Nasida was now using Catherine's body to touch Catherine's head, which was a bit strange after all.

So he said directly: "Don't be sorry, Nasida, you are still very young. Since King Daci Shu has chosen you to be his successor, you will definitely be a good god. Time will bring everything."

Listening to Wang Daoyi's words, Nasida felt warm in her heart even though she knew that the other party was trying to comfort her: "Yes, I will definitely do it."

The two communicated for a while before going home.

Naxida returned to Jingshan Palace, and Wang Dao returned to Chisha headquarters.

Ying and Paimon followed the route planned by Void Terminal and came to the Order Academy.

Although the Ecclesiarchy does not prohibit outsiders from visiting,

But Ying, an unfamiliar face, was still stopped.

"Hello, this is the Teaching Order. Outsiders, please explain your purpose of coming."

A group of thirty people wearing green clothing stopped Ying.

However, after Liyue and Dao's wife's experiences,

Ying didn't panic at all,

Taking out Tinari's letter from his arms,

"We are adventurers from the Adventurers Association. We have accepted the commission from Ranger Tinari to deliver a message to Secretary Elhaysen."

The group of thirty who stopped them looked at the letter in Ying's hand.

"Ranger Tinari still doesn't like using the Void Terminal~"

After complaining, the mercenary of the thirty-man group nodded to Ying: "Okay, let's go in. Please be careful not to wander around. If you need help, you can ask the thirty-man group around you for help."

Easily passed by the thirty-man group guarding the gate,

Ying and Paimon entered the Order Academy easily,

Follow the planned route and move forward.

Arriving in front of an office,

Stretching out his hand, he was about to knock on the door.

I saw the door open directly.

A handsome man walked out of it.

The man glanced at Ying and Paimon slightly: "It's off work today. If you have any documents to submit, please come back tomorrow. If it is an urgent matter, please transfer it to the Sage's Office."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Ying and Paimon were both stunned.

Ying glanced into the office to make sure there was no one else inside.

He quickly ran a few steps in the direction the man left and stopped the man.

"Wait, wait, are you Secretary Alhaysen?"

Ying asked.

Elhaysen nodded and frowned: "It's me. Didn't I just say that? Come back tomorrow if you have something to do. I'm already off work today."

With that said, Alhaysen was about to walk away again.

Ying quickly took out Tinari's letter.

"Please wait a moment and don't leave. This is the letter Tinari asked us to give you."

With that said, he handed the letter to Alhaysen.

Elhaysen stopped,

Glancing at the letter, I saw the ranger's mark on the envelope.

The identities of Ying and Paimon were immediately understood.

"It turned out to be someone sent by Tinari. Come with me and leave the Order House first."

With that said, Alhaysen turned around and left without taking the letter.

Ying and Paimon, who were left behind, looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"What? It's so rude!" Paimon stamped his feet in the void, very dissatisfied with Elhaysen's behavior.

"Maybe there's some reason for this. Let's go. Let's follow."

Ying shook his head slightly, greeted Paimon, and then chased in the direction Elhaysen left.

One after the other,

The three of them came to a tavern,

"Sit down. Since you are Tinari's friend, I will treat you today."

Elhaysen pointed to the seat next to him and sat down first.

Ying sat down obediently, and then handed the letter to Alhaysen.

Elhaysen did not take it and shook his head slightly: "There should be nothing written in it. Although I don't know what you are here for, it should be an important thing for Tinari to recommend you to me. According to Tinari A cautious person, he would not write things out in his letters.”

Ying was stunned for a moment, then tore open the envelope.

Sure enough, there was only one sentence in it, saying hello to Alhaysen,

The general meaning is:

I'm Tinari, you Alhaysen, good evening.

That's all.

"So, tell me, if you have anything to do with me, for Tinari's sake, if it's not too much trouble, I will help."

The implication is that if it's too much trouble, I won't help.

Ying was stunned for a moment,

She has traveled to many countries and has met all kinds of people, but this is really the first time she has met someone like Alhaysen.

After organizing his words, Ying said, "That's it. I want to see the Little Lucky Grass King. Tinari said you might have a solution, so he recommended you to me."

Hand the menu to the waiter who comes over,

Elhaysen nodded: "I ordered some special dishes. You can try them later. In addition, I can indeed help with the meeting with the Little Lucky Grass King. But"

Hearing the word 'but', Yingke is very familiar with it.

Spreading her little hands, Ying sighed: "Oh~ tell me, what is it? What mission do you want us to do, where do we go, what do we take, how many people do we kill?"

Ying's professional skills are already very proficient.

Even Paimon acted like if you ask, we will do it.

Elhaysen raised his eyebrows, perhaps because he thought Ying's words were interesting. He looked at Ying and said, "Looking at you, you should be a good adventurer. Let's go to Omos Port and help you." I’ll get something back, and I’ll arrange for you to meet the Little Lucky Grass King, how about it?”

"Port of Ormos?"

"Get what?"

Ying and Paimon raised different questions.

There is another chapter at noon with the monthly pass.

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