Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 461 Disposal (2000 monthly votes added last month)

Under the silent night,

The pretty girl is walking on the road with her little white floaty friend,

There was also a leisurely figure beside him.

There was an inexplicable look on the girl's face. She seemed to be anxious, but she didn't seem to be.

With a troubled expression, the girl asked the leisurely guy next to her: "Dao Yi, what's the current situation of Nasida?"

"As I expected, Nasida deleted the traces of the Great Merciful Tree King in the World Tree, but it is impossible to go back and start over in the past world, so the World Tree automatically corrected the timeline."

"And because existences like us don't completely belong to Teyvat, we retain the memory of King Daci Shu."

"As for Nacida, although she is theoretically the controller of the World Tree, she is essentially a member recorded by the World Tree."

"After World Tree corrected the timeline, her memory also changed along with the timeline."

"Theoretically speaking, she is no longer who she was before. She is now the original God of Grass in Sumeru."

Wang Daoyi's voice was relaxed and steady, seemingly unaffected.

Ying frowned and seemed a little puzzled: "But Daoyi, you don't seem to be sad. Didn't you say that you are Nasida's family? If she does this, her relationship with you will also be deviated. "

No matter how she thinks about it, Ying feels that if her family's feelings towards her are different due to the so-called timeline change, she cannot accept this.

Just like Paimon looking at himself and Wang Daoyi stupidly now,

If Paimon forgot the story with him for other reasons, he would be very sad.

Seeing Ying's frown, Paimon couldn't understand what Wang Daoyi and Ying were talking about, but he still flew forward and hugged Ying.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but don't be sad."

Pamon comforted Ying.

"Haha, Paimeng is really a good partner, like a family member." Wang Daoyi praised.

"Hehe~" Paimon smiled proudly and put his hands on his hips, "Of course, you are my family."

Listening to Paimon’s family declaration,

Wang Daoyi looked at Ying again: "Just like Paimon's feelings for you, my feelings for Nasida are also the same, although the changes in Nasida are something I don't want to see."

After a pause, Wang Daoyi continued: "But this is the path Nasida chose. I will tell her the truth later, but not now. She should pay her attention to the people of Xumi. "

"Is that so? However, Naxi has completely deleted the Great Ci Tree King. Will she believe what you say? Moreover, is it really okay to spread the name of the Great Ci Tree King again?" Ying was a little worried, not just because she was afraid of Naxi Da didn't believe it, and was even more worried about whether the information about King Daci Shu would be re-told, and whether it would have a bad impact.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I believe that the trust between Nasida and I belongs to family members, just like Paimon will definitely trust Ying."

At that time, under the World Tree, Wang Dao stretched out his hand, and Nasida responded naturally,

This shows that Nasida's deepest trust in Wang Daoyi,

The Nasida who was willing to give her little hands to her naturally would also be the little one who huddled in her arms.

"As for whether the information about the Great Mercy Tree King will be brought up again, whether there will be any bad effects, you can rest assured. Naxida has completely deleted the traces of the Great Mercy Tree King in Teyvat. There is no trace of the Great Mercy Tree King in the World Tree. The king has also found no such person. Even if we write down the life of King Daci Shu, to Tivat, this is just a fantasy full of nonsense."

Nacida's deletion of the Great Merciful Tree King was complete, otherwise the pollution of the World Tree would not be cured.

And complete deletion also means that it is irrecoverable.

Even if Wang Daoyi and Ying went to publicize the existence of the Great Ci Tree King.

Unless the timeline can be reversed, to Teyvat, the Great Ci Tree King does not exist. No matter how true it is, it is just ordinary nonsense.

It's just like the light novels written by everyone, they are all stories written by people.

For Teyvat itself, forbidden knowledge will not come back just because of a light novel.

"Is that so? That's good, that's good." Ying patted her chest and said.

Beside, Paimeng's little face shook, he looked at Ying, then at Wang Daoyi,

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, from the looks of Ying, it should be resolved satisfactorily. Then Dao Yi, please invite us to dinner!"

Paimon pointed to the restaurant on Baoshang Street not far away, showing a hint of longing.

"Huh? Why do you want me to treat you?" Wang Daoyi looked at Paimeng with an innocent face.

Paimeng put his hands on his hips and looked at Wang Daoyi with a very subtle look: "Because Daoyi is the deputy governor of Xumi and Nasida is not here. As the host, isn't it right for you to invite guests to dinner?"

Hearing this, Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "But, Paimon, you and Ying have traveled to so many countries. When have you ever seen a god carrying money on his body?"

Looking at Paimon with innocent eyes, highlighting a poverty.

Paimon's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "How could it be possible? Daoyi was obviously very rich when he was in Liyue!"

When they were in Liyue, Paimeng and Ying stayed at Xiangling's house.

I have seen Wang Dao buy experimental materials in large sums, and I have a certain understanding of Wang Daoyi's financial resources.

Moreover, Wang Daoyi often invited Zhongli to dinner and listen to plays.

Who can treat Zhongli to dinner and watch a show, how can he be someone who has no money?

"Ha, now I have to support the entire desert. A big family and a big business will cost a lot of money." Wang Dao clapped his hands and looked helpless. "I have no money anyway. If you don't believe me, just search me."

Seeing Wang Daoyi's rogue appearance, Paimon was so angry that he stamped his little feet.

Then he looked at Ying: "Ying, look at him!"

There was a hint of grievance in his voice,

Although I don’t know why I feel aggrieved, it’s just that I feel aggrieved anyway.

Ying smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, I'll treat you."

Ying did the math, he has been running around in Xumi recently, and Paimeng still has more than half of the 300,000 yuan a month for food.

Treating guests to a meal should be no problem.

"Humph, Ying is the best."

Paimon didn't know that Ying was trying to pay for her food. He thought that Ying was really treating her to dinner, so he hugged Ying's arm and rubbed her intimately.

Wang Daoyi was not polite at all and pointed to a restaurant not far away: "Then let's go to that restaurant over there. Their barbecue is very good and it is also famous on Baoshang Street."

"Okay, okay, let's go there."

Paimon, who didn't know that his food money was being used to treat guests, happily flew to the hotel.

A dinner for everyone to enjoy.

after dinner,

As soon as Wang Dao said goodbye, he ignored Paimeng's "persuasion" to stay and left.

"You feel so full, but, Ying, where did you get the money? I haven't seen you go out to do any tasks recently."

After finishing his meal, Paimon patted his belly and then remembered that Ying didn't seem to have much income recently.

Ying was also a little nervous. Just now at the dinner table, Wang Daoyi and the others were fighting over each other to eat. It felt a bit like returning to Wanmin Hall.

So I was very happy to eat, so I ate hundreds of millions more.

"Oh, that's not my money, it's Paimon's food expenses."

Paimon:? ? ?

"What? My food expenses? Ahhhh, damn it!!!"

Paimon wasn't angry that she spent her food money.

What made her angry was that she didn't steal Wang Daoyi's hand at the dinner table just now.

Using her food money to treat guests, she didn't eat as much as the guests. This was what Paimeng felt uncomfortable about.

"Haha, don't be sad. Next time you go to the desert, why don't you just eat it back?"

Ying comforted Paimon.

Paimon nodded vigorously: "Well, that's right, Ying, when the Order Academy recovers, let's go to the desert and eat hard!"

"Well, okay, after a while, we will go to the desert, let Jie De take us to play, and then send all the bills to Dao Yi."

Yingya looked excited.

It's a pity that they don't know that within Chisha's sphere of influence, something as high-end as a bill cannot be circulated for the time being.

The two chatted and laughed, imagining the future in the desert eating Wang Daoyi's food, drinking Wang Daoyi's food, using Wang Daoyi's food, and living a beautiful life without spending any money.

In laughter, they returned all the way to the small house Wang Daoyi had prepared for them.


The power of time will always smooth everything out,

More than ten days have passed,

The tense atmosphere in Xumi City finally dissipated.

Several leaders of the thirty-member group went to Jingshan Palace to meet Queen Xiaojixiangcao,

Chisha's warriors gradually evacuated Xumi City.

Returned to the desert with the supplies given by Little Lucky Grass King.

Yes, although these warriors came to assist in the management of Xumi City following the orders of the Lord of Red Sand,

But to Nasida, they were also her people,

If the people have done good deeds, they deserve to be rewarded.

And Wang Daoyi didn't mind this kind of thing. Not to mention Nasida's rewards to his people, even if Nasida went to the Red Sand Temple and sat on the throne of the Lord of Red Sand, Wang Daoyi would not have any objection.

After the desert warriors evacuated,

The scholars of the Imperial Academy finally gradually left their homes,

Start asking for all kinds of information.

Well, after Nasida's careful consideration, she temporarily closed the void system.

Returned the dream to the people of Sumeru.

However, according to what Wang Daoyi said before, Nasida will modify the void and then reopen it to a limited extent.

After scholars are willing to come out from home,

Immediately received the notice from the thirty-member group,

According to the Provisional Management Law of the Ecclesiastes,

Acting Great Sage Alhaysen issued the latest notice,

[Notice on the trial of the former great sage Azar and his followers. 】

It describes in detail the respective crimes of the former great sage Azar,

Including but not limited to embezzlement of public funds, personal friendship with gangsters, betrayal of faith, betrayal of Xumi, blasphemy and more than a hundred crimes, large and small.

At the end, the acting Great Sage Elhaysen announced the trial of the Little Lucky Grass King against the former Great Sage Azar.

He will be exiled forever, and the place of exile is the desert.

Regarding the fate of the previous great sage,

Scholars discussed a lot,

But most people think he deserves it.

The remaining part thinks that his punishment is not severe enough.

Under the correction of the World Tree, Nacida became the original god. The Great Sage lost the reason for betrayal, so he was spurned by everyone.

From ancient times to the present, from Aquamarine to Teyvat, people have always despised traitors and betrayers.

"Hmph, that guy Azar caused such a big mess and was just exiled to the desert. Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is too kind."

High emotional intelligence: Too kind.

Low EQ: Kind-hearted and soft-hearted.

"Tch, don't think about it. Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is kind, but the one in the desert is not necessarily so. I think Azar will not end well. The Lord of Red Sand will give him Mr. Little Lucky Grass King is seeking revenge."

"Lord of Red Sand, I heard that he is a powerful god. It is said that the false gods created by Azar and those fools were easily suppressed by him."

"That's not true. We, Xumi, have a wise god in the rainforest, the Little Lucky Grass King, and there is a glorious Lord of Red Sand in the desert. Azar actually dares to cooperate with the fools. I really don't know how he can do this. of the wise.”


"Hey, don't talk about this. I just want to know what to do with my previous research subjects. My research project has reached the final stage. If it is stopped, then all my years will be in vain."

"Ah, now the research subjects are all under the management of the acting sage. Maybe you can bring something to find the secretary of Alhaysen, oh, acting sage."

"Don't make trouble. I've asked about it a long time ago. The acting sage is famous for being soft and hard, and wants to give gifts to build relationships. Do you think it's Azar?"

"Ahem, Azar doesn't accept gifts either. Let's wait for the announcement. The academic research of so many people has been stopped, and the higher-ups will definitely give a reply as soon as possible."

It’s pretty much what scholars have guessed,

In the palace of wisdom,

Elhaysen sat in the great sage's seat,

I have endless documents on hand.

If he gives one instruction, the instructor next to him will send more documents.

After an academic application is approved for reinstatement,

Elhaysen looked at more and more documents beside him. Even he couldn't help but frown.

If these files were placed in the past,

The great sage Azar directly entered it into the void and handed it over to the void for approval.

But now that Little Lucky Grass King has temporarily turned off the void system, Elhaysen has no way to use the void system to assist.

I can only give instructions one by one just like when I was a secretary.

"Looks like the work is very busy."

Nasida came to the Palace of Wisdom, and when she saw the pile of documents in front of Alhaysen, she couldn't help but smile.

Elhaysen raised his head: "If you are willing to help, I would be very grateful."

For the Little Lucky Grass King, Elhaysen did not have the same awe as other Sumeru people. Although he also respected the God of Grass, he regarded him more as a scholar with a higher status.

Not the god he believes in.

In other words, Elhaysen is a true unbeliever.

He knew that there were gods in the world, and he had also come into contact with gods like Nasida and Wang Daoyi.

But he will not place his heart on these gods.

Canria Orthodoxy belongs in Elhaysen.

"Sorry, I have more things to do, and I don't have time to stay here to help you handle these official duties."

Nasida smiled apologetically at Elhaysen, and then continued: "I heard many people praying, hoping that their research subjects can continue, so I came over to see how you are doing. ”

As the god of Sumeru, Nasida can still hear the calls of Sumeru scholars even without the void system.

A large number of scholars were worried about academic research, and Nasida naturally heard about it, so she took time out of her busy schedule to come and take a look.

Elhaysen shook his head slightly and pointed to a pile of documents not far away.

"Over there, you can check it out on your own. Most of it is very ordinary research. Even if you don't come over, I am ready to inform them that normal research can be resumed at any time."

"Although some bad studies may be missed, it doesn't matter."

"A small amount of dangerous research can also bring a bit of vitality to the current Teaching Order, although this vitality may cause certain losses."

Nasida nodded: "Now, you are the acting sage. As long as it does not harm most of the people of Xumi, I will support any decision you make."

"Ha, thank you for your trust, Mr. Little Lucky Grass King. However, you'd better resume the sage election as soon as possible. I don't want to really become a great sage over time."

Elhaysen seemed to smell some warnings of danger in Nasida's words, and spoke in advance to block some possibilities.

Nasida raised her eyebrows and clapped her hands: "Okay, after I sort out the context of the World Tree, I will start the next round of sage election. As for now, Elhaysen, you should work harder if you are able. Bar."

With that said, she walked outside. Since the scholars' research could resume soon, it was time for her to go about her own business.

Now that she has regained control of the World Tree, she still has a lot to sort out the context of the World Tree.

Um? You said that sorting out the World Tree is a dangerous thing, and you need to withstand the erosion of the World Tree information flow,

Ha, it’s okay, isn’t there a certain tool?

Since you are a prisoner, you should atone for your sins.

Doing something he can do to atone for his sins is the same as an ordinary sinner stepping on a sewing machine.

The gentle God of Wisdom is all about making the best use of all things that are equal.

At this moment,

Inside the World Tree, which is like an imaginary number space,

The skirmishers struggled through the unwarranted torrent of information from the World Tree,

Using the method Nasida taught him, he sorted out the information in the World Tree bit by bit.

"The abominable Wang Daoyi, the abominable God of Grass, the abominable Dotore, one day, I will definitely take revenge."

The skirmishers roared angrily as they worked,

It feels a bit like a gangster bragging to his fellow inmates while using a sewing machine.

It's a pity that the black boss still has inmates, and he is the only one here among the stragglers.

Oh, and Nasida's surveillance.

"Skicker, if you still can't recognize the reality, then I can only keep you imprisoned here."

Nasida's voice echoed in the World Tree space,

The skirmisher's mouth made a mocking look: "What reality do I have to recognize? As a prisoner, I am already atoneing for my sins, right?"

".Since you said so, let's do it. Let's continue the conversation when the World Tree stabilizes."

Nacida's voice disappeared,

It seems that I no longer pay attention to this place.

But the skirmisher's expression was still ugly. He knew that this was the core of the World Tree, and the God of Grass would never move away from here.

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