Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 473 Event Preview (Updated with 400 monthly votes this month)

Big Red Sand Sea, Fertile Oasis, Red Sand Headquarters,

At the gate of the main road where caravans used to come and go,

A high platform was built,

It attracted many businessmen coming and going to stop and watch.

They were also curious about what happened that made Chisha build such a high platform at his gate.

And under the curious eyes of the businessmen,

The staff at Chisha are constantly busy.

"Quick, quick, put up all the banners over there."

"No, hang it up now. What if there's a sandstorm?"

"Oh, I already told you that you don't need to worry about sandstorms. This is the headquarters of Chisha. What kind of sandstorm can blow here?"

"Oh, it seems like what you said makes sense, then take action."

The Chisha workers chatted, then reached an agreement, and began to move out the materials prepared for logistics and began to arrange them.

And far away from the high platform,

Ying sat on the beast of burden and slowly approached the gate of Chisha headquarters.

Before she came down,

Not far away, a fiery red little guy ran over,

"Sister Honorary Knight, Sister Honorary Knight, you are finally here."

Before Ying could react,

The little guy skillfully jumped onto the beast of burden, hugged Ying's arm, and

Behind the little guy, two panting girls ran over,

"Miss Keli, if you run around again, we will have to take you back to the temple's confinement room."

That's right, after finishing the conversation with Ms. Alice that day,

Keli continued to play in the Chisha tribe,

Because Kasha Kallen was following her, everyone in the tribe knew that this little girl had an unusual identity.

So, when Keli tilted her head and asked a Sand People if they could play with various desert tools,

Those sand people are very enthusiastic.

As a result, in the past few days, there have been dozens of bombings and dozens of fires in the Chisha tribe.

Moreover, with the help of an unknown big businessman, Keli never lacked alchemy materials. Not only did the number of bouncing bombs in her backpack not decrease, but it increased, and there were even improved versions.

Of course, Wang Daoyi doesn't care. Since the red sand people who are the 'victims' have no objections and actually like energetic little girls like Keli, Wang Daoyi will naturally not stop Keli from playing.

However, Abedo was still a little worried about Keli's destructive power, so as a last resort, Abedo reactivated a confinement room for Keli in the Red Sand Temple.

"Confinement? No, no, Keli doesn't want to be detained."

The little guy shook his head repeatedly, buried his little face in Ying's waist, and acted like an ostrich.

Ying was just stunned for a moment before reacting,

Then he looked at the little guy in his arms with some surprise,

"Kelly, why are you here?"

Keli raised her little face: "Brother Abedo brought Keli here to play. Sister Honorary Knight, please save Keli quickly. Don't put Keli in solitary confinement."

He reached out and picked up Kelly,

Ying jumped down from the beast of burden,

"You two, I remember you. You are Dao Yi's maids. Did Keli make another mistake?"

Kasha Kallen stopped and looked at Keli who was shrinking in Ying's arms, showing a hint of helplessness.

"It turns out it's you. Welcome to Chisha again. I'm very sorry that you saw an embarrassing scene."

"Miss Keli is a little too lively. It's not her fault. Everyone likes her. I just want her to restrain herself a little bit."

Naturally, Kasha Kallen wouldn’t say anything about what Keli had blown up or burned.

From the perspective of the two of them, Keli is the child held in Wang Daoyi's arms, the 'sister' of the Lord of Red Sand, and a distinguished guest.

It is not the character of a host to talk about the shortcomings and faults of his guests.

"Okay, is it convenient for Daoyi, the Lord of Chisha? I want to visit him." Ying originally called him Daoyi, but when he remembered that the place he was in was Wang Daoyi's country, he finally changed his name and called him Chisha. Lord.

"Yes, traveler, please come with us. The Lord has already known of your arrival."

Kasha Kallen nodded, stretched out her hand towards Ying,

Then he looked at Keli: "Miss Keli, please come with us. Regarding your blowing up the Iwamoto Mushroom's nest, I think we need to talk to Mr. Abedo."

"Oh, Keli doesn't know. Keli thought it was a monster. Keli is not a bad boy."

The little guy looked desperate, hugged Ying tightly, and shouted sadly.

Early this morning,

As soon as Keli received Wang Dao's consent, she went to the forest lake to fry fish with great interest.

Originally Wang Dao had told him not to jump with great power, but Keli just made splashes for fun.

As a result, the sound of the explosion attracted the group of Luxingyanbenzhen mushrooms living in the forest.

Of course, Iwamoto Shinto and others have long been accustomed to tribesmen appearing here, and they are just watching.

But Keli doesn’t know,

The little guy has read his mother’s adventure stories and knows that this is Sumeru’s monster mushroom.

So, facing the onlookers, she raised her hand and there were more than a dozen jumping bombs.

As a result, before Kasha Kallen stopped Keli,

Although the mushroom beasts were gifted by Wang Daoyi, they were still rock mushroom beasts with good defense and did not suffer any injuries.

But their nest was completely blown up by Keli,

In fact, you really can’t blame Keli.

After all, who would have thought that those tall Lu Xingyan true mushrooms would be the pets of the Lord of Red Sand.

Patting the little guy's back gently, Ying whispered: "Do you still remember what Captain Qin said? Children who make mistakes must be brave enough to admit their mistakes. Only in this way can they be good children."

"Oh, yes." The little guy's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "Then Keli has to admit her mistake."

Breaking free from Ying's arms, the little guy ran to Kasha Kalian: "Sister, sister, take Keli to admit your mistake. Keli is ready."

Kasha Kallen shook her head slightly,

With the Lord of Red Sand doting on Keli, how could there be any punishment? At most, it would just be a slight reproach.

On the contrary, it was the two of them who were mainly responsible for failing to take good care of Keli.

"Let's go then, eh? Do these guys want to come too?"

Kasha Kallen was originally planning to take her daughter over right away.

As a result, I discovered that there were several more figures behind Ying.

It was Dina Zedei, Disiya, and several warriors from the Blazing Hunting Beast.

"Hello, my name is Dina Zedai. I was sent by the Order Council to count the educational resources in the desert area. If possible, we would also like to meet the great Lord of Red Sand."

Dina Zedai respects Wang Daoyi very much,

Although it was the current God of Grass who completely cured her,

But Wang Daoyi's memory of suppressing her condition was not overwritten.

Maybe Dina Zedai has a good attitude,

It may also be that Kasha Kallen is a little concerned about the educational resource issues mentioned by Dina Zedei.

The two sisters looked at each other, and then nodded to Dina Zedei: "Then, please come with us, we will report to the Lord. If the Lord does not want to see you, we will introduce you to Elder Sid."

"Okay, thank you."

Dinazedai thanked Kasha Kallen, then turned around to discuss with Disiya and her team members.

In the end, only Dina Zedei and Disia followed in Kasha Kallen's footsteps.

The other blazing beast hunting team members stayed to guard the beasts of burden and supplies.

The group of people moved forward without Keli jumping up and down, speeding up.

After walking for more than half an hour, I walked from the entrance of the tribe to the entrance of the alchemy workshop.

"My Lord has been communicating with the two alchemist masters in the alchemy workshop recently, not in the temple."

Perhaps seeing the curious looks in Ying and Paimon's eyes, Kaisha opened her mouth to explain.

"Everyone, wait here, I'll go and tell you, sister, take good care of the guests."

With that said, Kasha walked into the depths of the alchemy workshop.

Others were waiting outside.

Deep in the alchemy workshop,

Wang Dao and three others were carrying a mysterious void terminal and were testing and debugging data.

"Huh? Haha, Abedo, the person we were waiting for is here."

Suddenly, Wang Dao opened his mouth and said,

Abedo raised his head and thought for a moment: "Is the honorary knight here?"

"Yes, Ying is here."

As Wang Dao spoke, Kasha's figure also appeared at the door of the laboratory.

"My God, the travelers are here. In addition, there are two envoys from the Holy Order who want to see you."

"I understand, Kasha, let the guests come in. By the way, let people send some materials to the forest to give to the mushrooms. They will rebuild their nests themselves."

The entire tribe is under the sight of Wang Daoyi,

Wang Daoyi naturally knew about the 'bad things' that Keli did.

Kasha: "Yes, my God, I will make arrangements right away."

He turned around and left the laboratory, returning to the front hall of the alchemy workshop.

"Sister, take everyone in and pay attention to safety. I will deal with the mushroom beasts."

Kasha said.

Kallen nodded: "Okay, sister."

Kasha left, and Kallen took everyone deep into the alchemy workshop.

"Everyone, please be careful not to touch the alchemy creations around you. They are all dangerous items."

Just as Kallen spoke, she saw Keli knocking over an alchemy tool.

"After all, not everyone is as lucky as Miss Kelly."

After following Keli for so many days, Kallen also understood clearly that this little guy is the embodiment of the word "lucky".

Even if the bombs in her backpack exploded, it would be difficult to hurt this little guy.

Following Kallen's pace, everyone moved forward, and finally after a few minutes, they saw the three people who were still discussing the optimization of the void system.

"Haha, Ying, Paimon, welcome to the desert again, I hope you can have fun."

Wang Daoyi put down the instrument in his hand, turned around and welcomed Ying and Paimon,

Then he looked at Dina Zedei and Disia,

"Although I have told Nasida many times that Chisha's educational resources are not in short supply, Nasida believes that this is the compensation she should give to Desert, so I will ask others to cooperate with your work."

"Of course, Disiya, you can also go and see the children you once rescued. They all miss you."

In fact, Wang Daoyi has his own plan for Chisha's education, but Nasida hopes to compensate for the injustice that Desert has suffered, so Wang Daoyi will not refuse the so-called tilt in educational resources.

Dina Zedai bowed slightly and said: "Praise you for your greatness, thank you for your understanding, under the crown of the Lord of the Mystery of the Holy Power and the Dharma."

Wang Daoyi lowered his eyes towards her with a little admiration.

"You have a lot of heart, Dina Zede, but you have Buyer's blessing on you, so you can relax a little."

Dina Zedei nodded: "Thank you for your tolerance. I dare not forget your kindness to me."

Wang Daoyi smiled and did not continue speaking, but turned his attention to Ying and Paimon.

Paimeng's little face was stunned for a while, then he rubbed his little hands tangledly, and said coquettishly: "Praise you, the great Lord of Red Sand, I think... I want a certificate that I don't have to pay for the meal."

Wang Daoyi:.


other people:

"Ahem, Paimon, you'd better call me Daoyi. You can go find Jade later and ask her to take you around. As for the consumption, just ask Jide to reimburse West Germany."

"Hey, is it really okay?"

"Of course, as a guest, it is not an unusual thing to receive some courtesy, but in return, you need to help me and Abedo take care of Keli."

"Perhaps you have already seen that Keli's liveliness cannot be controlled by Kasha Kallen."

"With you here, we can devote all our energy to experiments."

Having said that, Wang Daoyi turned his gaze to Ying,

Of course he knew that between Ying and Paimon, Paimon could usually make the decision, but when it came to important matters, he still had to look to Ying.

Noticed Wang Daoyi's eyes,

Ying nodded gently: "No problem, it's not our first time playing with Keli."

Then he looked at the device surrounded by Wang Dao and others with some curiosity.

"But what are you studying?"

Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and threw a void terminal,

"We are optimizing the void system, you can give it a try."

"Void terminal?" Ying looked at the earphone-shaped prop in his hand, and for a moment could not connect it with the leaf-shaped void terminal in Sumeru City.

"Haha, since it is Chisha's void terminal, we have to make some changes, right?" Wang Daoyi said with a smile, "No password is required, just put on the headphones."

In fact, it is because rubbing the headset terminal by hand is easier and less labor-intensive than rubbing the virtual terminal by hand.

Ying didn't hesitate and put the props on her ears directly.

[No. 004, welcome to the Chisha main system, please read the instruction manual. 】

[Chisha main system manual:

1. This system is based on the transformation of the void system and currently only serves the Red Sand Tribe Alliance area.

2. This system will use part of the user's energy when in use. Please do not use it at high power for a long time.

3. This system is a points usage system, which is used by non-administrative agencies. Please recharge your points. The points can be exchanged for 10,000 molas/one point. For specific recharge, please go to the Alchemy Workshop.

4. This system gives away one point every day to meet the daily needs of ordinary people.

5. This system does not support any illegal or disciplinary behavior. Users are requested to consciously abide by the [Xumi Law] and the [Chisha Tribe Covenant Law].

100. This system is a test system. If any loopholes appear, please notify Master Nicorette of the Alchemy Workshop in time. 】

Ying looked at the hundreds of dense usage rules in front of her, then checked [Read] very naturally, and then [Confirm/Next Page].

Finally, a simple virtual screen appeared in front of her eyes, just like the void terminal used in Xumi City.

"Is it the same function as the one in Xumi City?"

"It's basically the same, but some parts have been modified. For example, the current Chisha system terminal does not have the ability to directly read canned knowledge."

The existence of canned knowledge can greatly popularize knowledge and can easily create a large number of theoretical workers.

But it can also stifle people's inspiration, so Wang Daoyi believes that it needs to be controlled.

In order to avoid the abuse of canned knowledge, Wang Daoyi deliberately deleted this function.

Ying nodded. In fact, Ying had not used many functions of the void terminal in Xumi City.

However, there is one function that she is very familiar with.

[Void, plan the route to Jiede’s house for me. 】

The first time Ying used the void, it was Catherine (Nasida) who used the void to plan a route for them to the Order House and the Clerk's Office.

[Void accepts instructions,

The knowledge and energy are being retrieved. The knowledge and energy have been retrieved successfully.

The instruction is being parsed. The instruction was parsed successfully.

Retrieving data, the data was retrieved successfully.

Answer: The best route has been planned for you with the target "Jiede Hut". The estimated journey is 1560 meters. Do you need to notify the owner of "Jiede Hut"? 】

With your eyes shining brightly, how can you inform the other party in advance?

[Vukong, inform Jiade that I have arrived at Chisha headquarters. 】

[Void accepts instructions,

Connecting to the other party's terminal,

Connection failed,

Answer: The other party's signal is not detected. Please confirm that the other party has the Red Sand main system paired with the void terminal. 】

Ying: There was no signal and you just asked me to choose whether to notify or not?

"Hahaha, this thing is not popular yet. In a few days, after adventurer associations from other countries come over, it can be widely popularized."

Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

That's right, when adventurers from other countries come,

Open the void terminal to them, then set the rent,

While making money, they can also be used as knowledge providers and assist in the development of activities.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

The Lord of Red Sand's abacus flew into the air.

"Okay, are there any activities for the Adventurers Association?" Ying nodded with a disappointed look, but had no intention of returning the test earphones to Wang Daoyi.

Although Ying is a good person, she doesn't mind taking advantage of Wang Daoyi.

Don't forget, Wang Daoyi arranged a big drama for her.

The 'revenge' of this drama has not yet been avenged.

Wang Daoyi didn't mind if Ying took away a test headset. Anyway, it wouldn't take a few days until they took out the base machine of the Void Terminal, and this thing would become popular.

I heard you ask about the activities of the Adventurers Association,

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but smile: "Because the economic situation in the desert is indeed not optimistic, I promoted this adventurer activity to promote the desert to the outside world and hope to stimulate the economic development of the desert."

"If you are interested in the event, you can go to West Germany with Dina Zedai and the others. He is the person in charge of the event. The specific content is planned by him and several presidents of the Adventurers Association. I am not No specific management.”

Ying nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand."

"Haha, in this event, maybe you can meet many adventurers from other countries here. Adventurers are all well-informed guys. If you want to know something, you can also ask them."

"Is that so? Okay, thank you Daoyi."

"Ha, you're welcome. As a host, I hope that every guest who comes to the desert will get what they need."

Of course, the premise is that the guests are guests, not enemies.

Look to the other side,

Abedo is still educating Keli,

Regarding Keli’s behavior in the tribe,

Although Abedo was mentally prepared, he was still a little tired.

He could only comfort himself that at least Keli was not Ms. Alice.

Only a little damage can be done here,

Instead of sending the entire Chisha headquarters into the sky with a bomb.

Leading Keli to Ying's side,

Abedo showed a begging look: "Then leave it to you, honorary knight, please protect Keli."

High emotional intelligence: Protect Keli.

Low EQ: Don't let Kelly get into trouble.

After explaining things,

Wang Daoyi gave Karen a look: "Karen, take them out, and then take Dina Zedai to find West Germany. Regarding the tilt of educational resources, just communicate with West Germany. In addition, tell your sister, and then Just leave Keli to Ying, and you can come back to me."

Kallen nodded and extended her hand to everyone: "Dear guests, please leave with me."

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