Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 478 Gift

Big red sand sea·fertile oasis.

Deep in the majestic Red Sand Temple,

With the push of the two maids, the tall door was opened.

Xiangling followed the two gods into the hall of the gods.

Then she saw right in front of the hall,

On the gorgeous and majestic throne,

There is also Wang Daoyi sitting there.

"This is this?"

Xiangling was stunned for a moment.

Nacida took her hand,

"This is Dao Yi's true body. Dao Yi is analyzing something. Most of the people walking outside are Dao Yi's clones."

Doppelgänger? Ontology?

Xiangling felt a strange feeling in her heart.

"Ha, don't worry, both the clone and the body are actually Dao Yi's consciousness. The soul cutting method, well, in a sense, the gems on your body also have Dao Yi's consciousness inside."

Nasida seemed to enjoy explaining things about Wang Daoyi to Xiang Ling.

Xiangling nodded in understanding.

He reached out and pinched the gem on his neck,

"So, is Brother Dao Yi's consciousness always with me?"

Xiangling, who was a little in love, turned red again.

Next to them, Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly: "I'm still not used to two 'me's appearing in the same place, so I'll run away first."

As the light twisted, Wang Dao disappeared into the temple.

And on the throne of God,

The [Eternally Brilliant Holy Mighty Dharma-Inheriting Mystery Lord], who originally had his eyes closed while fully analyzing the [Authority of Time], slowly opened his eyes.

The god's eyes lowered slightly,

The majestic eyes gradually turned soft after contacting Xiang Ling and Nasida.

"You are here."

Nasida nodded and led Xiang Ling towards the direction of the throne.

"Well, the event planning is good, but it seems that things are not going well on your side."

On the throne of God, Wang Dao nodded: "Yes, the number of adventurers is not enough. The knowledge that Void draws from them is not even as powerful as my own knowledge, and it cannot help me analyze the [authority of time]."

"The power of time is great. I don't think it's easy to analyze it by integrating it with mortal knowledge."

While talking, Nasida had already brought Xiang Ling to the throne.

Nasida obviously looked like a child, but she pressed Xiang Ling on Wang Daoyi's right hand like an elder.

And he went to sit on Wang Daoyi's left hand side.

"There has been no news from Zhidong and Inazuma. If you need it, I can hand over the Thunder God's Heart to you first and use the power of the Thunder God's Heart to analyze it. Maybe it will be faster."

Hearing this,

Wang Daoyi shook his head,

"The authority of time is a backhand left by the Great God of Eternity, and the Heart of Thunder God is a creation of Sky Island. I can't take risks until I know whether there is a conflict between the two."

Who knows if there is a backdoor left by Sky Island in [Heart of Thunder God]? If it is used to analyze [Authority of Time], will the existence of [Authority of Time] be discovered by the beings on Sky Island?

As for the existence on Sky Island, are they enemies, one of our own, or neutral?

None of these royal methods can be judged.

Therefore, even if he uses stupid methods to polish it bit by bit, he will not use [Thunder God's Heart] to analyze [The Authority of Time].

As a god, he has enough time to do one thing,

But I don’t have enough background to take the risk.

"Okay, then I will wait for news from Zhidong or Inazuma. This [Heart of Thunder God] is of no use in my hands."

Nacida looked like [Thunder God's Heart] was a burden.

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly: "You want to give away something that others want, Nasida, what do you think?"

"The foundation of Sumeru is the world tree and the curiosity of scholars. Things like the Heart of God bring more disputes than its own value. Therefore, I don't want this Heart of God to be placed on the world tree. Sumeru.”

"Even after I find something that can replace the Heart of God to run the void, I am not even going to keep the Heart of the Grass God."

"Huh? Do you know anything?" Wang Daoyi looked at Nasida curiously.

Nacida shook her head: "No, my memory is still vague, but since Barbatos and Morax have both chosen to give up the Heart of God, as the longest among us, their choices must be reasonable. Although I don’t know the reason, it’s still okay to copy homework.”

"Besides, as I said just now, the Heart of God is not the foundation of the kingdom of Sumeru. The World Tree and scholars are. Without the Heart of God, there will not be too many bad effects."

Nasida's meaning was simple;

Among the seven mortal reigns of Teyvat,

The two oldest ones both chose to give up the heart of God,

So as the God of Wisdom, although she doesn't know the thoughts of these two ancients,

But these were not important, she chose to copy the homework directly.

If anyone wants it, give it in exchange,

If no one wants it, then she will gradually give up the Heart of God until the void does not need the Heart of God to operate, and then seal the Heart of God.

Nasida wants to learn from Fengyan and de-escape from Sky Island.

"Okay, both God's Hearts are yours now, you can do with them what you want."

Wang Dao nodded, not too concerned about the follow-up processing of the Heart of God.

When he was ignorant,

The Heart of God is a very precious treasure, and the Heart of the Rock God even influenced Wang Daoyi's path.

But now, as soon as Wang Dao became a god and understood that the control of things like the Heart of God was actually in the hands of Sky Island, he was no longer interested in such things.

"Where are the skirmishers? How are you going to deal with them?"

"After leaving him alone for a while, he has calmed down and made a condition. If I agree to his search for the original truth in the World Tree, he is willing to work for me."

"Did you promise him?"

"Well, I agreed. After all, the skirmishers have reached the realm of the gods. It would be too wasteful to destroy them directly or send them back to Inazuma."

As she spoke, Nasida looked cold, as if she was talking about something.

Nasida really didn't have a good impression of Heisan, she just looked at the debtor from the perspective of a creditor.

"His birth consumed a lot of Xumi's resources. I'm not going to let him go until he pays back those resources."

"As for the future, let's talk about it later."

Wang Dao nodded, quite satisfied with Nasida's solution.

Of course, if he is dissatisfied, Wang Daoyi will also support Nasida.


Xiangling leaned on Wang Daoyi,

Watching Wang Daoyi and Nasida chatting about various things that she didn't understand,

With big curious eyes flashing,

She felt that her lover was really powerful,

What the heart of God, what realm of gods,

These things that were very powerful to her as soon as she heard them, her brother Dao Yi actually said them without changing his expression,

Xiangling: Brother Daoyi is really great.

As for the fear that the royal way will become farther and farther away from her in a while?

Xiangling has no such worries at all.

She had this thought a long time ago,

Wang Daoyi's response was to enter into an engagement with her amid the blessings of countless people.

Therefore, Xiang Ling believed that Wang Daoyi would not abandon her.

Just like Guoba believes.

"Huh? Where's the rice cake?"

Xiangling was startled, and then she realized that she didn't seem to have brought the rice cake with her, but had left it at Ying's side.

Wang Daoyi turned his head and looked at Xiang Ling: "What's wrong?"

There was a trace of shame on Xiangling's face: "I forgot about the rice cooker. It won't cry, right?"

Crispy rice?

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows, but he also forgot.

Turning his eyes, the god's gaze was cast on the entire Chisha tribe.

Wang Daoyi quickly found Guo Ba.

Not only did the little guy not cry,

Still competing with Keli, it seems that they are having some kind of eating competition.

In terms of the battle situation, Guoba should be in the lead.

Although Keli worked very hard to eat, compared to Guo Ba’s bottomless belly, she was still unable to do anything.

After confirming that Guo Ba was fine, Wang Daoyi withdrew his gaze.

Looking back to the temple,

He squeezed Xiang Ling's little hand and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, Guo Ba is eating. He doesn't mean to be sad at all."

Xiang Ling's worried expression froze, and she suddenly felt like she was the forgotten one.

I secretly decided to continue to help Guoba lose weight when I go back.

Xiangling suddenly thought of business.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Dao Yi, when I came here this time, the master asked me to give you this thing."

With a touch of Xiangling on her waist, a small wooden box appeared in her hand and handed it to Wang Daoyi.

"Grandma Ping's stuff?"

Wang Daoyi was a little confused and didn't know what Grandma Ping could give him.

Taking the wooden box from Xiangling's hand,

He didn’t hide from the two people next to him either.

The royal way opened immediately,

In the wooden box, a golden talisman lay quietly.

"The immortals in Ha Liyue are really interested."

Wang Daoyi took one look at it and put the talisman away.

"What is it?" Xiang Ling asked curiously.

"It's an immortal talisman. It's more suitable for use in the desert. I guess the immortals knew about my affairs in the desert, so they asked you to send this thing."

Wang Daoyi explained.

The contents of the wooden box,

It is a composite type of Xianjia talisman.

Although he didn't look at it carefully, Wang Daoyi could tell its general purpose - to turn desert into fertile farmland.

This is probably the gift of congratulations from the Liyue Immortal Family to Wang Daoyi's ascension to the gods.

This level of talisman requires more than just the mastery of the immortal talisman and elemental power.

The materials needed are probably quite precious.

Perhaps, among the things consumed, there is some concept of Liyue's unique fairy aura.

In short, even for Wang Daoyi, who has achieved the power of a god, this is still a very precious treasure.

"Oh, okay." Xiang Ling nodded in understanding.

What she and Grandma Ping learned was marksmanship.

She didn't know much about things like Rune Immortal Ruins.

But it doesn't matter, she just needs to stay by Wang Daoyi's side.

Breathing in Wang Daoyi's breath greedily,

Xiangling felt peaceful again.

Maybe I'm a little tired,

Under this reassuring breath, the girl slowly fell into sleep.

Looking at the girl's closed eyes, Wang Daoyi was a little amused, but he didn't bother him and just looked at the girl's sleeping face.

"She felt at ease."

Nacida suddenly spoke.

Wang Dao nodded: "This is a normal human emotion."

"I seem to be able to put it into perspective. Just like in the memory that Dao Yi showed me, when Dao Yi came to Jingshan Palace for the first time and extended his hand to me, I probably had the same emotion in my heart."

"So what now?"

"Now?" Nasida turned sideways, leaned her face against Wang Daoyi, and closed her eyes slightly, "Is this the feeling of peace of mind?"

Wang Daoyi said nothing, feeling the weight the two girls brought to him.

Family and loved ones.

Perhaps it is the most important thing in a person's life.

The hall fell into silence.

Time passes little by little,

Until the sun outside has set, leaving only the last trace of afterglow.

There was a sound outside the temple.

The door of the temple is opened,

Sister Kasha walked in,

He glanced enviously at Xiang Ling, who was sleeping with Wang Daoyi in his arms.

Kasha bowed slightly: "My lord, Mr. Albedo and Master Nicolaide brought a gentleman from Mondstadt to have an audience."

As soon as Wang Dao opened his eyes, he looked at Nasida and Xiangling who also opened their eyes.

Then he said to Kasha: "Let them come in."

Albedo and Nicolaide came in with Diluc.

"Welcome to the desert, Master Diluc."

Wang Daoyi had a smile on his face, as if he was still the same person as before.

Diluc's expression was calm. He was unique in an environment like Mondstadt. He didn't really believe in gods.

Even after knowing Wendy's identity, he never showed any flattering expression.

In a sense, Diluc and Elhaysen are somewhat similar;

In their philosophy, gods only need to do their God's work well, and there is no need for God to be meddlesome in other matters.

"I pay my highest respect to you, the great Lord of Red Sand. As Mond's messenger, I bring the greetings of Lord Barbatos."

Diluc observed the etiquette.

The identity at different times should have different postures.

If he came to see Wang Daoyi by himself, he would be very casual. After all, they had fought together before.

But his identity this time is Mondstadt's messenger, and he represents Mondstadt's demeanor, so he cannot be careless.

He also took out a small wooden box, and Diluc stepped forward and said, "I brought a gift from Lord Barbatos to congratulate you on your great move to ascend the throne of God."

Wang Dao waved his hand,

The wooden box in Diluc's hand flew towards him;

However, instead of opening it directly to check, he looked at Diluc again.

"Okay, now that the business is done, let's get back to normal. I'm not used to you being like this."

"Oh, I'm not used to it either." Diluc put away his previous demeanor and returned to his appearance as a winery owner, "But there's nothing I can do about it. That guy Kaia seems to be tracking down some transnational criminal group recently, and the Knights really can't fit in. We had to send some people, and in the end I, an outsider from the Knights, was the only one who came to deliver it.”

"Oh? Really? Hahahaha."

Wang Daoyi smiled, but did not expose Mr. Diluc's arrogant disguise.

Although it was true that he didn't like the Knights, Diluc's feelings for Mond should not be different from anyone else.

"Now that the business is done, do you want to go out for dinner together?"

Beside Diluc, Albedo asked.

Recently, more and more adventurers have come to Chisha Headquarters, but the adventurer activities have not officially started yet.

To appease these energetic adventurers,

In order to improve the stereotype of desert people being rough in many people’s minds,

West Germany is preparing to organize a holiday party,

Just like the full moon party held by the tribal alliance in order to eliminate the barriers between each desert tribe.

Hearing this, Wang Daoyi looked at the two girls beside him: "Do you want to go?"

Xiang Ling nodded, she was naturally thinking that the party would be very lively and fun when she heard it.

Nasida also nodded: "Well, let's go and see how the Red Sand Party is different from the original one."

There was one more thing Nasida had not said.

It was different from the time when the two of them watched the Red Sand Party without disturbing each other.

This time Nasida and Wang Daoyi appeared at the party together,

Enough to send a signal to the entire Sumeru,

Reconciliation between the desert and the rainforest is necessary and inevitable.

"Then go. Speaking of which, I haven't left the temple for a long time."

Wang Daoyi held the two girls, stood up from the throne, and said with a smile:

"Come on, let's go see what the party turns out to be."

The night falls,

But Chisha headquarters is still very hot.

Under the work of the alchemists,

Alchemy street lamps lit up along the street.

The red sand is illuminated as if it were daytime.

In the past, Chisha’s dinner parties were held in front of the temple.

But now the Lord of Red Sand has officially settled in the temple,

Naturally, such a noisy party cannot be held in front of the temple.

So West Germany cleared out the original transfer area of ​​the Chamber of Commerce as the venue for the party.

The place here is spacious and bright enough to meet the requirements of holding a party.

It is more convenient for merchants who follow adventurers to Chisha to do business.

Around the surging crowd,

A large amount of drinks and food were placed around, guarded by Chisha staff.

An adventurer walked up to the stall, looked at the wine and food, and couldn't help but ask: "Friend, how are these sold?"

"Everyone can get a large glass of coconut wine and a barbecue for free. If you don't have enough, you need to use mola to buy it." The staff of Chisha immediately replied with enthusiasm on his face.

Although he is just an ordinary staff member, he also knows that these adventurers will become Chisha's 'friends' and spend their mora in Chisha.

"Hey, is it free?" The adventurer was a little surprised. He had adventured in many places and had never seen Chisha's free strategy.

The staff nodded: "Yes, you should also have received the Void Terminal. If you use the code of the Void Terminal, you can receive one for free. Each code of the Void Terminal can only be received once. This is Shaye Wine. and barbecue, if you want to eat something else, you can check out other stalls.”

The adventurer nodded and probably understood the thinking of Chisha's senior management. Only by using free things to let everyone relax can they stimulate higher consumption.

However, the adventurer doesn't care about this small trick, but likes it very much.

He felt the importance of the Chisha tribe,

"Then give me a serving of coconut wine and barbecue." The adventurer said.

The staff member nodded and pointed to the cylindrical instrument on the side.

"Please use your void terminal to connect to this instrument."

The adventurer followed the good example and put his hand to his ear. A virtual screen appeared in front of him. Then he followed the staff's instructions and connected to the instrument on the stall.

[Dip, adventurer ****, void terminal number 1201534, placed an order at booth No. 06: coconut wine*1, barbecue*1, expected to pay Mora (free this time). 】

Although adventurers have already experienced the magic of the Void Terminal when receiving it,

But when using it again in daily life, adventurers can't help but be a little surprised.

This kind of auxiliary device has really never been seen in other countries.

Unknowingly, the stereotypes of the desert that were barren, violent, bloody, and barbaric were slowly fading away.

Then, he saw the staff preparing a large glass of coconut wine and a large package of barbecued meat, and then lightly tapped on the instrument.

The next second, the virtual screen in front of him flashed slightly.

[Accepting ordering information, user adventurer****, void terminal number 1201534, you place an order: coconut wine*1, barbecue*1, packaging has been completed, please collect it as soon as possible at booth No. 06. 】

"It's so magical and convenient."

The adventurer sighed and took away his wine and meat from the staff.

Then the virtual screen in front of me flickered again,

[Order completed, stall 06 wishes you a pleasant meal and come back next time. 】

Place an order, pick up the order, and complete.

The Void Terminal was like a personal assistant, arranging everything for him.

At this moment, the 'humanized' design from Aquamarine made the adventurer in Teyvat finally understand what the Red Sand Void Awareness Auxiliary Terminal is.

And there are countless adventurers like this tonight.

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