Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 483 The event begins

Happy time always passes quickly,

Xiang Ling, who was accompanied by Wang Daoyi, felt this way,

Jade, who is accompanied by her husband, also feels the same way.

Keli, who plays house with Guoba, feels the same way.

But there is no way, time always flies by,

With the arrival of Inazuma's last adventurer,

The originally joyful atmosphere within the tribe after several days of feasting gradually began to change.

The game-specific tension is present in most adventurers.

They came across the country not just to drink, eat and watch performances.

Taking risks is their most important purpose.

Adventurers who got up early began to gather at the gate of Chisha.

They saw Inazuma's adventurers being connected to the adventurer camp last night.

After calculating the time, today is probably the day when the event starts.

Sure enough, when the adventurers arrived at the gate of Chisha,

The high platform here has been equipped with many devices that make people confused.

There is also a huge screen,

Many adventurers from Fontaine thought that a movie was going to be shown here.

But looking at the bright sky, it doesn't seem like it's time to show a movie.

However, after all, he is an adventurer who has been hanging out in Chisha headquarters for several days.

Many people subconsciously touched the void terminal next to their ears.

[Void, query the target device. 】

[Void receives instructions and is querying.

The query is completed, the device is exposed, and the answer is given.

Reply: The target device is the auxiliary device of the "Adventurers Association Transnational Adventure Competition". Do you want to jump to the event page to read the details? 】

Is there an event page?

The adventurer's eyes lit up and he immediately chose to jump to the page.

["Detailed Explanation of the Rules of the Adventurers Association Cross-Country Adventure Competition"

This competition is jointly organized by the Red Sand Tribe Alliance and the Adventurers Association, aiming to spread the spirit of adventurers to the desert.

Rule one:

This event is divided into points competition.

Team points will be divided equally among each member.

Once points are confirmed they cannot be traded.

The person and team with the highest accumulated points will become individual champions and team champions.

Rule two:

This event is a peace competition.

You can compete for points items and monsters, but you are not allowed to harm other participants.

Rule three:

The map for this event is too large.

The Red Sand Tribe Alliance has arranged 360 strongholds on the event map. You can obtain standard supplies by finding the strongholds.

After the event starts, the Void Terminal map function will be partially opened, and adventurers are asked to light up the map by themselves.

Note that the stronghold has the function of lighting up the regional map. When you find the stronghold, you can directly light up the standard map.

Note that there is no active mission information in the standard map, only basic map functions are provided.

Rule four:

The environment of this event is harsh, and the Red Sand Tribe Alliance has prepared different buffing spells for adventurers. After the event starts, adventurers can choose spells at the high platform of the Red Sand headquarters.

Note: Each adventurer is limited to one buff spell.

Note: The buff spell lasts up to 72 hours and is affected by external influences.

Note: Group actions allocate different buff spells, which will make the adventure more interesting.

Rule nine:

After the adventurer enters the event map, Void begins to record action information and updates the points ranking in the Chisha headquarters in real time.

Note: The void system has limited coverage, and there may be coverage blind spots. Some blind spots contain treasures. Treasures represent a large amount of points. Adventurers are advised to explore as appropriate. 】

Looking at the activity rules given by Void,

The adventurer also understood what those instruments and big screens on the high platform were.

It turns out to be a device used to release amplification spells, and a screen that displays the points ranking.

However, this is no longer important,

Although the device that releases the spell and the screen that updates the rankings in real time are amazing,

But adventurers are more concerned with the rules of the event.

They gathered together in twos and threes and began to discuss cooperation.

The activity map is so big that it can even set up 360 strongholds, which means that the efficiency of a lone wolf is difficult to compare with that of a team.

So adventurers who were already familiar with each other naturally formed a team.

When the time comes to noon,

The adventurers at Chisha Headquarters have gathered at the gate, waiting for the event to begin.

On the high platform, the presidents of the adventurer associations of several countries looked at each other, but in the end they still did not come forward.

None of them obeyed anyone, and the final opening work could only be left to Chisha's people.

And Chisha did not neglect the adventurers. The person who came out to speak was none other than Chisha's chief steward, Xi De.

Well, there is no one else in this scene except West Germany.

Most of the remaining senior executives are violent maniacs.

Although he also studies, his image is still not as close to the people as West Germany.

"Adventurers, please be quiet."

West Germany came to the stage,

Just by speaking softly, the sound, assisted by the alchemy device, covered the entire audience like a sound wave, clearly appearing in everyone's ears.

In an instant, the adventurers fell silent.

They knew that the long-awaited adventure was about to begin.

On the high platform, Sid continued to speak.

"You must have read the regulations and the like in the Void Terminal, so I won't talk nonsense."

"Everyone must have noticed that for this event, Chisha wants to use everyone's influence to publicize it to the outside world. Therefore, in order to thank everyone for their help, Chisha will prepare an extra gift for this championship. "

"Again, this event hopes to be a wonderful adventure, with the goal of keeping everyone safe."

As he spoke, Sid suddenly showed a holy look. He crossed his hands in a classic praying posture,

"Praise to the Lord of eternal glory, holy power, law and mystery!"

While many adventurers in the audience still didn’t understand why,

Many red sand people who were watching subconsciously followed West Germany and made the same move.

Join your hands together in a prayer gesture:

"Praise to the Lord of eternal glory, holy power, law and mystery!"


There was a slight tremor in the void,

A huge golden elemental giant stretched out from the void.

This is Wang Daoyi's elemental projection, a huge projection composed of the purest elemental power.

He seemed to hear the prayer,

Horrible eyes dropped from the sky,

The pressure without Gen appears out of thin air,

At this moment, the adventurers understood what kind of power the god who had appeared outside with the girl from time to time in the past few days, eating and drinking with them, represented.

Feeling the god's gaze lowered,

West Germany bowed respectfully,

"May my God bless you."

In the sky,

The huge golden element projection slowly raised its hand,

The elemental power surged, bringing up a strong wind.

Even without the authority of the wind element, he can still set off a storm with just his body movements.

As the god above lifts his arm,

Endless light elements gather in Chisha headquarters,

For a moment, other areas of the desert actually looked a bit bleak.

On the contrary, with the gathering of light elements, the sky at Chisha headquarters has turned into a vast white.

The ultimate golden light turned into incandescence.

"I promise you that you will be protected by the light."

Rays of light fell down from the vast sea of ​​brilliance,

It sank into the bodies of the adventurers and outlined a sun rune on their bodies.

As the Sea of ​​Glory is gradually consumed,

The giant statue of the god in the sky slowly submerged into the void again.

Until then,

Only then did the adventurers make a rough sound,

"It's so scary."

"I have faced demonic remnants in the secret realm before, and even those demonic remnants have never given me this feeling."

"Is this the real god?"

"Just now, I felt like I almost died."

Some people lament the power of gods,

But some people are already looking at the sun marks on their wrists.

"Well, it seems to be outlined by elemental power. It's a bit warm, but it doesn't have the corrosive power that elemental power has on ordinary people. It's so magical."

"The West German elder just said it was a blessing. I wonder what its function is?"

"I'll probably tell you soon, please be quiet for now."

Sure enough, after the discussion subsided a little,

On the high platform,

West Germany lifted his praying posture and returned to his normal appearance,

"Everyone, we don't want to kill anyone, so the mark engraved on your wrist now represents your qualifications. Within a certain damage range, it can help you withstand three fatal attacks. Once the mark disappears, it represents If you lose your qualifications for the event, Void will lock your points when the time comes, and you can continue to take risks, but Chisha will not guarantee your safety."

"Of course, if you haven't consumed these blessings by the end of the event, it will not dissipate. It will follow you until you use it or do something that goes against the philosophy of the Lord of Red Sand."

The desert is always dangerous,

Even if the activity area has been cleaned up by the holy warriors,

But there are still many dangers hidden in it, and there are unreasonable existences like leylines in this world.

No one can be sure whether a monster will suddenly be condensed.

Wang Daoyi didn't want a good activity to turn into a slaughterhouse for adventurers.

He also wants to use adventurers to 'mine' the inside,

That's why he agreed to West Germany's move to pray for blessings for the adventurers.

After all, it is very difficult for him to gather the light of the entire desert and give tens of thousands of blessings.

If there were no benefits, Wang Daoyi would not be able to achieve this level.

the other side,

When the adventurers heard West Germany's words, they all showed joy.

As an adventurer who wanders through dangerous secret realms, you can never have too many things to save your life.

And this time it was equivalent to gaining three more lives, which already meant that they returned from this event with a full load.

At the same time, there was inevitably a trace of worship in their hearts for the existence named [The Mysterious Lord of Eternal Glory Holy Might and Inheriting Dharma].

Mu Qiang has always been a deep attribute of human nature.

And the existence of strong and good people is the dream that people have been pursuing.

"Everyone, I hereby announce that the "Adventurers Association Transnational Adventure Competition" has officially begun. Please enter."

West Germany gave an order,

On the main road at the gate of Chisha, fireworks exploded one after another.

The adventurers were all smiling,

They like this sense of ritual very much.

Form the team in an orderly manner and register on the high platform.

Then go to the alchemy device to get the buffing spell.

Finally towards the desert,

The 15-day "Adventurers Association Transnational Adventure Competition" began.

There are many familiar faces among these adventurers heading to the desert.

The most eye-catching one is a certain ghost holding a red sword and a red horn on his head.

His trademark laugh and confident (arrogant) speech have attracted the attention of many adventurers.

"Haha, Ninja, without the fox woman by my side, I happened to meet an adventure game. Very good, very good. This time, I will win the championship."

Arataki Yidou laughed wildly. Although he was watched by many adventurers, he did not feel embarrassed at all, but became even more excited.

Such people and ghosts are the legendary people who are crazy.

Next to Ichito Arataki, Shinobi Kuki had already put on his face armor to block the gaze of the adventurers.

"Boss, it's not that we just met, it's because our people arrived too late, delaying the start of the event."

"Besides, if you don't leave, boss, we will really fall behind."

Kuki Shinobu knew Arataki Kazato very well, and the most effective way to stimulate Arataki Kazato was with words such as "You are lagging behind, you are not good, you are not as good as him".

This guy can even be provoked to eat soy products, so you can imagine how unmotivated he can be.

"What, are we falling behind?" Arataki glared and turned to look at the real-time points screen behind him.

Sure enough, the names of adventurers have already appeared on it, and the number of people chasing each other is increasing.

Many adventurers noticed the changes on the screen, but most of them didn't pay attention.

It's just a head start at the beginning. In a 15-day adventure, a short head start doesn't determine anything.

Moreover, only newcomers will be anxious. Veterans know that it is useless to be anxious. It is better to close your eyes and rest.

Obviously, Arataki Ito is a novice.

He hurriedly received a buffing spell at random on the high platform, and then hurriedly ran into the desert.

On the other hand, Kuki Ren took his time and chose a buffing technique to escape the heat. He then took his time and received the package of basic supplies prepared by Akasaka before slowly chasing after Arataki Ichito.

Among the crowd on the other side,

Paimon touched his head strangely.

"Ying, I thought I heard the sound of a bucket just now."

Ying's face looked strange and she nodded: "I think I heard it too."

"I heard a few days ago that the event was postponed because Inazuma's adventurer didn't arrive. Couldn't this Inazuma's adventurer be talking about a fight?"

Paimon guessed, but there was a look of disbelief on his face.

Ying shook his head: "That's not the case, but for such a big event, it is possible for Yidou to come with Inazuma's team of adventurers."

"Well, it's our turn, let's choose the buffing spell. Even if a fight comes, we are still opponents. There are others, and we can't lose to them."

Because she had too many friends, Ying directly chose to go it alone and formed a team with Paimon.

The other friends also formed their own teams.

Originally, Jade wanted to go with Ying, but unfortunately, the desert people were not allowed to participate in this event. After all, the desert people were familiar with the terrain, so the whole map was blocked.

He came on stage in a hurry and came off the stage in a hurry,

Only then did Ying remember to ask Paimon: "What did you choose for the buffing spell just now?"

She remembered that West Germany said that the cooperation between buffing spells has miraculous effects.

Paimon raised his chin proudly: "It's a satiety buff. It can reduce the need for food."


She wanted to ask Paimon, with her companion carrying a backpack full of cabbage and animal meat, was there any need to worry about food?

However, Ying didn't ask in the end. Looking at Paimon's silly smile, Ying decided to let her continue to smile.

"Well, not bad. It saves us time in preparing food. Paimon is very smart."

Ying smiled and praised Paimon.

Paimon scratched his head: "Hey, I knew I made the right choice."

"Let's go, the adventure begins."

With a silly smile, Paimon walked towards the active map area.

On the way, Ying checked the source of the points.

[Ordinary level monsters: one point (ordinary units such as Qiuqiu people, cheating flowers, floating spirits, small mushrooms, etc.)

Elite monsters: twenty points (Holy Skeleton Beast, Qiuqiu Ranger, Yuaneng Construct Cluster, Ruin Dragon Beast, Qiuqiu King, Abyss Mage Group and other elite units.)

Boss-level monsters: 100 points (top-level mushrooms, wind-eroded sandworms and other BOSS-level units)]

In addition, the organizer has also set up many task points on the map, and points can be obtained by completing tasks.

Ying just browsed through it briefly and understood how to win this event.

Look for monsters, kill, look for monsters, kill, and so on.

Ying knew that there were too few people in her team, only her and Paimon, and Paimon was still a drag, so if she wanted to win, she had to abandon all the tedious tasks first.

The best way is to rely on her powerful force to find powerful monsters and then kill them to get high scores.

"The points have appeared on the screen just now, which means that the monsters on the edge of the active area have been cleared by the adventurers, so go directly to the depths of the active map."

Ying quickly confirmed her target and began to march deep into the desert with Paimon.

the other side,

Liyue’s friends’ team also set off,

"Xiang Ling, are you sure you want to go with us? Why don't you stay with Dao Yi for a while?"

Xingqiu packed up the supplies and looked at Xiangling strangely.

According to his idea, Xiang Ling should be pestering Wang Daoyi, just like Xiangling has been by Wang Daoyi's side for the past few days.

Xiangling also packed her things, mostly simple kitchen utensils.

"No, Brother Dao Yi has his own things to do. I'm very satisfied with spending two days with me."

"Besides, I also have my own dreams. I'm not a vassal of Brother Dao Yi. When I come out this time, I'm going to look for any ingredients in the desert that I haven't come across before."

Xiangling said, looking full of energy, Guoba yawned next to her, it had been spoiled by Keli these days.

Kelly never gets tired of playing house as a big sister.

"Well, everyone is an independent individual and everyone has their own dreams. This is a good idea." Chongyun said as he stuffed some broken jade ice pieces into his clothes.

"Tsk, Chongyun, when did you become so good at talking?"

After sorting and packing the supplies in his hands, Xingqiu complained to Zhongyun.

Chongyun said with a sullen face: "I heard what Mr. Zhongli said."

Chatting casually, the three of them packed their things and were ready to set off.

They don't care about the championship, they just want to gain knowledge and have fun.

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