Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 500 Between the sea and the sky, only the light of the sky is eternal

Rice Wife · Tatar Sand

Looking at the sea beast smuggling in front of me,

Kujo Sora's eyes were full of coldness.

However, she did not order an attack;

Instead, he looked at the woman next to him.

The leader of Kaiji Island, the goddess and witch appears, and the Coral Palace Heart Sea.

"You don't have to look at me like that, General Sanluo. Although I don't know what Narukami thinks, but since I am responsible for the defense of the rear, I will naturally do my best."

"There shouldn't be any problems with Qinglai Island's defense line. We only need to face a small number of sea beasts smuggling over. I don't think these will be a problem for you and your soldiers."

That's right, after mobilizing the soldiers from Haiji Island to go outside the defense line of Qinglai Island,

Lei Movie handed over the rear defense against sea monster sneak attacks to Coral Palace Xinhai.

Not to mention Kujo Sora didn't understand this order, even Xinhai himself was a little surprised.

She knew that Narukami wanted the Inazuma Shogunate and Kaijijima to reconcile.

But he never expected that Narukami could go so far as to directly hand over the management of the rear area to the shrine maiden of Kaiji Island.

At the same time, Coral Palace Xinhai also had to admit that Narukami's move made her sigh at the greatness of that god's heart.

Seeing that Coral Palace Xinhai seemed to be distracted, Kujo Sanra nodded: "In that case, then, Coral Palace-sama, I will go and arrange the battle."

Although she didn’t know why the general asked Coral Palace Shinkai to command the battle, Kujo Sora still chose to obey the order. Even when facing Coral Palace Shinkai, she still called him “sir.”

Kujo Sora is a pure warrior and a pure soldier.

No matter how much she dislikes Coral Palace Xinhai, it will not prevent her from carrying out the general's will and obeying Coral Palace Xinhai's orders.

Here, Kujo Sora and her warriors faced some sea beasts that had sneaked over, and they basically managed to encircle and suppress them.

And on the other side,

On Qinglai Island,

Thick sea beasts blocked the entire sea area.

Countless monsters attack Qinglai Island’s defense line,

Behind the defense line, a collapsed cannon roared and fell into the sea.

Each shot can take away the lives of dozens or even hundreds of sea beasts.

But this number seemed so small on the entire battlefield.

When Shenju Bengpao clears an area, it will immediately be blocked by monsters coming from behind.

Under the cover of those huge sea beasts,

Some half-human sea monsters attacked the defense line.

These sea monsters, which look like mutated fishmen, hold shell weapons in their hands. It looks like an adult can kill one of them.

But the dense number makes people feel a little numb.

behind the defense line,

Two groups of shrine maidens wearing completely different clothes met.

"I really didn't expect that we would still be able to join forces." Looking at the miko dressed in red and white in front of her, Luzi sighed.

Opposite Luko, Kano Nana looked at Luko, who was wearing a blue and white miko uniform, with a strange look in her eyes: "If it weren't for the will of the general, it would be hard for me to imagine cooperating with the miko of Kaiji Shrine."

The cooperation between the shogunate army and the navy army is surprising enough.

Nowadays, the cooperation between the miko of Narukami Taisha Shrine and the miko of Kaiji Shrine is jaw-dropping.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are responsible for bringing down the thunder, and we are responsible for the treatment."

"Okay, you guys, don't let our soldiers be electrocuted."

"Huh, it's true that your thunder doesn't fall on the heads of our soldiers."

Although it is cooperation, it is a heresy after all. If the two parties control it and do not fight, it is a success.


With the prayers of the witches,

The thick thunderclouds in the sky gradually pressed down,

A series of shrill thunders descended from the thunderclouds,

Split into the sea water, under the electromagnetic effect of the water element,

Every thunderbolt can cause horrific damage,

And in the defense line,

Wisps of blue raindrops fell from the sky,

dripping on the bodies of the soldiers,

Like rain falling from the sky, it healed the wounds and mental fatigue of the soldiers.

Compared with the physical warriors, these witches are the real high-end combat power.

on the sea,

Watching the thunder raging,

A huge sea beast emerged from the sea,

This is a sea beast like a giant whale, covered with dark scales. It is obviously not an ordinary whale.

The giant whale opened its huge mouth, and a huge water elemental light pillar rose into the sky.

Blows away a thundercloud directly.

behind the line of defense,

Kano Nana, who was presiding over the prayer circle, turned pale, and then a trace of cruelty appeared in her eyes.

The Kagura bells flowed in his hands, his body danced gracefully, and inexplicable fluctuations spread out from the magic circle.

on the battlefield,

The thunderclouds that had just been dispersed by the giant whale condensed again,

The shining thunder roared in the thunder clouds,

The next moment, streaks of lightning as thick as buckets slanted down from the sky.

The terrifying thunder light covered the entire sea area,


The giant whale that had just dispersed the thunderclouds let out a mournful cry,

Without even a chance to defend, it was turned into ashes by the vast lightning.

With the death of the giant whale,

The terrifying and vast thunder light danced wildly on the sea,

Under the mine reaction, unimaginable electromagnetic reactions covered the entire sea area.

The endless shining electric light even illuminates the entire Qinglai Island.

After a while,

The sky light dispersed and the thunder temporarily extinguished.

The soldiers looked towards the sea,

Where are the monsters, where are the sea beasts,

Only endless ashes covered the entire sea area, like a sea of ​​ashes.

behind the line of defense,

Kano Nana's face turned pale,

But he still kept smiling,

With the help of the special weather environment of Qinglai Island, it was worth it even to suffer such a terrifying daylight fall, not to mention serious injuries, even death.

In mid-air, a little blue raindrops fell,

It fell on Kano Nana's body, nourishing her damaged body.

Kano Nana turned around and saw the miko Umi glanced at her: "What are you looking at? You did a good job, I just healed the wounded."

Kano Nana smiled and looked at the blue raindrops covering the entire battlefield.

With this level of healing circle, the pressure on the other party will not be less than the pressure on him when he brought down the sky light just now.

The two [Ming-level] great witches here are arrogant to each other.

The levels of shrine maidens are divided into four stages according to Narukami Taisha Shrine: straight, right, clear, and pure. Currently, the only pure levels are Narukami Omiyaji, Yae Kamiko, and the living god shrine maiden, Coramiya Shinkai.

On the other side of the battlefield,

As daylight falls, the monsters in the near sea are swept away,

The pressure on the frontal battlefield dropped sharply,

Under the command of Kujo Masahito and Goro, the auxiliary soldiers began to come on stage to urgently repair the defenses.

In the sky of Tianyunlan,

Wang Daoyi teased Lei Yin Quanxian,

The little thing emitted a shrill electric light, beating on Wang Daoyi's body.

"Oh, good electrotherapy." Wang Daoyi sighed, then looked at Lei Movie, "Did you find it?"

"It's not that simple. Those guys have all been chopped down by me more or less, and beaten by other demon gods. They are all very good at hiding themselves." Lei Xingying said.

High EQ: Beaten by other demons.

Low EQ: It’s all your fault, Liyue.

During the Demon War,

Several of Mondstadt's demons either died or degraded themselves, leaving only the remnants of their souls.

The same goes for Inazuma's films, which were all canceled by Thunder Movies.

Not to mention Sumeru, the Red King went crazy and killed all of Sumeru. Only the King of Flowers and the King of Trees remained.

Only Liyue, the emperor probably had some compassion later on, and did not stop those messy things from escaping.

Therefore, many of the evil gods currently attacking Inazuma had escaped from Morax.

Needless to say, his ability to hide himself was enough to escape Morax's overwhelming rock spears.

"Well, I'm just bored."

He reached out and scratched Lei Yin Quanxian's head.

Wang Daoyi enjoyed electrotherapy.

"It won't be long. If the next wave of monsters still can't take down the defense line, those guys will naturally be unable to bear it."

Lei's movie still focuses on the distant sea.

Under the dark sea water,

There seems to be some great horror hidden.

"Next wave? Can the bottom hold up? The person who presided over the magic circle just now probably lost half of his life."

Wang Daoyi glanced down,

In the sea area that was originally cleared, dense sea beasts and monsters appeared again.

On the defense line, the auxiliary soldiers also packed up the defenses, and the soldiers were in position again, ready to face the next wave of attacks.

"Don't worry, I specially asked Kaiji Island to send a miko here to survive the next attack. It won't be a problem."

Lei Qianqian didn't look worried at all, everything was currently under her control.

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on."

Wang Dao turned his back and continued teasing Lei Yin Quanxian.

This little bat is quite fun. Why don't you take it back to the desert and make it a generator?

Thinking of the development of the desert, Wang Daoyi's thinking began to diverge again.

On the defense line of Qinglai Island,

The soldiers resisted wave after wave of attacks,

In the blue healing rain,

Although the defense line was in danger several times, it was stabilized.

Just like what the Raid movie says, with the shrine maiden of Kaiji Shrine here, there is no need to worry about the defense line.

With the tide of monsters unable to take down the defense line for a long time,

Far away in the deep sea,

Some beings are obviously unable to hold back any longer.


A long cry came from the deep sea,

The surging tide of monsters seemed to feel some kind of disaster, and they rushed toward the Qinglai Island defense line even more crazily.

Over Tianyunlan,

Lei Qianqing’s eyes lit up,

"Found you."

Reach out and grasp the void,

The naginata appeared in her hand,

"I'll take action first. When the other evil gods come out, you can take action again and block their escape route."

Obviously there are only two god-level combat forces on his side.

Lei's movie makes it sound like a siege war,

The two gods surrounded an unknown number of evil gods.

Wang Dao nodded: "Okay, be careful."

He knew that Lei Movie was using himself as bait to fish out the evil gods that were still hiding deeper.

And Wang Daoyi is the backhand.

Of course, Wang Daoyi is more arrogant than Lei Qianqian’s self-confidence.

One person blocked the retreat of other evil gods, and Wang Daoyi felt that he could do it.

Wang Daoyi responded,

The corners of Lei Movie's mouth were slightly outlined, and he tiptoed, turning into a beam of lightning and shooting towards the sea in the distance.

With the action of thunder movie,

Endless thunderclouds began to gather,

Rays of lightning fell like raindrops.

Hitting the tide of monsters, turning countless monsters into ashes.

On the defense line of Qinglai Island, looking at the thunder in the sky,

Kujo Masahito's eyes lit up, he knew it was the General who had taken action.

Cutting down a monster with one knife, holding the sharp blade high in the hand,

"The way is always magnificent, and the gods are eternal."

There were countless shogunate troops who acted exactly like Kujo Masahito,

They held sharp knives and were covered in blood, shouting about the greatness of Narukami.

Beside, the navy army led by Goro saw Narukami take action for the first time.

Many naval forces now finally understand why the goddess and miko now wants to broker peace talks.

It is indeed not a rational thing to be an enemy of such a terrifying force.

Under the thunderous sky,

Raikage holds a naginata and stands in the void,

"Aren't you coming out yet?"

The sea was extremely calm, as if the existence that had just sent out the long chirping had left.

The purple eyes of Thunder Movie flickered, the tail of her hair shone, and the vast thunder elements gathered around her.

"In that case, let me ask you to come out."

The naginata was raised,

The endless lightning turns into a blade,

As Lei Qianqian’s arm slowly fell,

next moment,

The vast sea was split open by Thunder Movie's knife,

Torn apart by endless thunder elements, an indescribable trench appeared on the sea surface.

It also revealed the evil god hidden under the sea.

It was a creature with the body of a bird, a snake, two wings on its back, two claws and two legs.

"Oh, when Orobas attacked Inazuma, I thought that all the evil gods in the dark sea were like him, at least their bodies were harmonious."

Lei Qianqian looked at the evil god on the bottom of the sea coldly, his words full of disgust and disdain.

"It's a pity that the harmonious form is only available to Orobas. You evil gods are really disgusting.

The evil god under the sea looked at Lei Movie with the same disgusted eyes,

"If you, the Seven Gods, hadn't driven us out of our home, how could we be twisted like this?"

The evil god recounted his resentment,

He was once a bird and beast with gorgeous feathers and a beautiful singing voice.

But after being driven out of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat and entering the Dark Sea, he accepted the gifts from the Dark Sea and twisted into the bird-headed snake body he has now.

It feels uncomfortable to look at him like this.

Obviously, not all beings who enter the dark sea can receive high-quality gifts like the Coral King Insect like the great snake Orobus.

"Losers must accept the price of failure."

Lei Movie was not moved by the tragic situation of the evil gods. Since they were kicked out of the realm of the Seven Gods, they must all be losers.

Except for the managers of World Tree, none of the gods who competed for the position of the Seven Gods had clean hands.

Not to mention losers.

"Now, die."

With the naginata in his hand flowing, the thunder movie turned into lightning and shot towards the evil god with the head of a bird and the body of a snake.

The Evil God of Birds and Beasts still has a few brushes. The wings behind his back shook.

Turn into a blue light and disappear under the sea,

When he appeared again, he was already in mid-air.

However, He is faster, and Thunder movies are faster,

The speed of skylight has never been captured by mortals.

The gods of Tianguang naturally have more terrifying speeds.

The bird-headed evil god just appeared in mid-air,

Thunder Movie appeared behind Him,

The finger naginata swept out,

The sharp edge passed by, bringing up a bloody flower,

As gods, the gap between gods is wider than that between gods and humans.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" The bird-headed evil god felt the physical pain and roared angrily. The wind elements gathered on his body, and terrifying tornadoes swept across the sea.

Lei Qianqian looked at him indifferently, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Losers will never understand the power of winners."

Raikage released his right hand holding the blade, opened his hands, and began to change his form.

Thunderbolt General·Fujin Yujianming's divine order form.

The right hand is held empty, and the dream appears in the hands of Fujin Yu Jianming's divine destiny.

"Evil Yao·The light of the sword penetrating the sky."

Fujin Yujian summoned the divine order to wield Dream Yishin, and terrifying thunder sword lights raged on the sea.

Those terrifying tornadoes didn't have time to show their power before they were split apart by the roaring sword light.

"You losers, I never understand where you got the courage to challenge me again and again."

Fujin Yujianming looked at the bird-headed evil god in front of him indifferently.

The dream in his hand began to gather elemental power.

Above the sea, rolling thunderclouds surged, pressing down on the bird-headed evil god,

Dark clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it. Nothing is better than this.

The bird-headed evil god had a look of horror in his eyes.

Compared to their combat power, ten of them are not enough to kill in a thunder movie.

"Damn it, when will you see me killed by Him?"

The bird-headed evil god shouted in all directions.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

Maybe the terrifying fighting power of Lei Movie shocked the other evil gods, or maybe he was waiting for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

The waves on the sea were rough, and lightning came down to clear away the monsters.

Unfortunately, no divine aura appeared.

"Ha, it seems that you are dead today." Fujin Yujianming looked at the bird-headed evil god with a sneer.

The dream was raised high, and the void surged behind Fujin Yujianming's life, and a giant elemental arm holding a sword poked out from it.

There is no need to worry about the people on the battlefield,

Narukami truly demonstrated his authority,

The terrifying elemental giant arm just stretched out from the void, and the terrifying power squeezed the surrounding space and made a shattering sound.

Countless monsters and sea beasts that survived the thunderstorm were completely scared away and fled wildly further and deeper into the sea.

It's a pity that if the speed of the body can escape Tianguang's judgment, then Narukami will not be called Narukami.

"The evil sun will eventually end in all calamities."

Behind Fujin Yu Jianming's divine order, the terrifying elemental giant arm slowly waved the sword light in his hand.

Terrifying pressure fell on the bird-headed evil god,

He wanted to run away, but he couldn't move at all.

He is obviously the evil god who controls the wind, but under the terrifying light of the sword, the wind seems to have disappeared.

Between the sea and the sky, only the light of the sky is eternal.

The space is breaking, the waves are fearful,

Everything is silent under the light of this sword.

next moment,

The sword light flashed across the body of the bird-headed evil god.

Without any ability to resist,

In the moment before death,

The bird-headed evil god seemed to understand something.

They, the losers, can only survive because of the mercy of the victors.

And Narukami's force is also powerful among the victors.

Regret has not yet come to my heart;

Everything about the bird-headed evil god was extinguished in the vast sword light.

With one strike, the god dies.

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