Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 505 Selecting a Site to Start Construction

Dachishahai·Thousands of Sands,

A bright underground cave,

Belonging to the palace originally dominated by vegetation,

Wang Daoyi and Nicolaide appeared here.

"Apepp, come out to me."

Wang Daoyi called out.

The bright palace entrance,

A few naughty little guys stuck out their heads,

After seeing Nicholas next to Wang Daoyi,

He immediately smiled and ran over in a hurry.

"Friend, friend."

They seemed to be newly born elemental beings. Under the influence of the elemental mushroom beasts, they also chose the appearance of the mushroom beast as their own appearance.

The wandering elemental water mushrooms jumped to Nicored's side and surrounded him, seeming to be very happy to see him.

Wang Dao glanced at Nicored and raised his eyebrows at him.

Nicored stretched out his hand to caress a few cute elemental mushrooms and scratched their round heads.

"Apepp is gradually recovering, [Homeland] has regained its vitality, and new elemental life has begun to be born. These are the newborn little guys. I accompanied the elemental land-walking water mushroom here once before and saw them."

Nicorette explained to Wang Daoyi.

Then he reached out and took out an elemental reagent from his arms,

That is the pure elemental power he extracted,

After seeing the elemental reagent,

The elemental mushrooms surrounding him became even more cheerful,

These newborn beings have no concept of right and wrong.

Just seeing my friend bring out delicious food makes me naturally happy.

On the side, Wang Daoyi looked at Nicored, who was like a nanny, distributing elemental reagents to several elemental mushrooms bit by bit, and suddenly felt a sense of disobedience, he seemed a bit redundant.

If there were only Nicored and the elemental mushrooms here, that would seem to be the most beautiful scene.

After a while, a larger elemental mushroom beast came out of the palace,

After seeing Wang Daoyi and Nicolaide, it was obviously very happy and ran over.

"The great King of Sand, and friend Nicored, welcome you to the palace, Lord Apep is still sleeping."

It is a land-based, water-borne mushroom, and it is the mushroom that accompanies Nasida and the others through their story.

It seems that it has a good status here now, equivalent to a housekeeper.

"No, I'm already awake."

A dull sound came from the hollow, and among the sounds of giant objects passing through,

Apep's emerald green dragon head poked out from the palace.

"What do you want from me? Lord of Red Sand."

Wang Daoyi hasn’t spoken yet,

Several elemental beings surrounding Nicored jumped towards Apep.

They rubbed Apep's hanging dragon whiskers affectionately,

Not at all afraid of this terrifying beast.

That's right, no newborn child would be afraid of its mother.

Although Apep's gender is not confirmed, to elemental beings, Apep is their 'mother'.

He didn't care at all about the elemental life trying to climb on him,

Apep looked at Wang Daoyi, waiting for Wang Daoyi's answer.

"I need your help with something." Wang Daoyi said.

Apep's dragon eyes were calm and gentle: "Please tell me, if it is within my ability, I will help."


People like Wang Daoyi and Nasida did save him and his people. Although they still dislike Wang Daoyi, it does not prevent Apep from repaying his kindness.

Of course, while repaying your kindness, it would be better if those [Anti-Element Dragon King Runes] on your body disappear a little.

"I went to the Dark Sea to kill a few evil gods and plan to use their remains to improve the desert environment."

Wang Dao opened his mouth and said.

Apep pondered slightly: "Is it possible to use the power of the devil to fight against the power of the Desert Sky Nail? Maybe it is feasible. So, what do you need me to do?"

"I will use the power of the devil's remains to build four reservoirs in the desert, and I will use your power to create oases around the reservoirs."

"Using these four oases as anchors will gradually improve the desert environment."

As he said that, Wang Daoyi smiled and said, "Of course, we need to trouble your family members about digging the reservoir."

Wang Daoyi hopes that the four oases can radiate the entire desert, so he naturally needs to choose the best location.

And choose a location to build a reservoir,

The specific terrain required for the reservoir is a problem,

Not everywhere has the perfect terrain like the Bashi Reservoir.

Therefore, although it is not enough to let Apep dig holes,

But there is no problem in letting Apep drive his dependents.

"Dig a reservoir?" Apep shook his huge dragon head, "I can drive sandworms to help you dig, but the desert cannot retain water. Even if you dig out the holes needed for the reservoir, you still need to reinforce them yourself. ."

"Don't worry about this. I'm still very good at solidifying rock walls. The main thing is that you need to radiate out the oasis and use plants to consolidate the sediment and prevent soil erosion."

Wang Daoyi couldn't do anything else, but it was still possible to use rock elements to reinforce the reservoir.

"In that case, let's set off." A piece of scales fell off Apep's body and turned into a small grass dragon in an instant.

"My real body is too big. If I go out, something bad may happen, so I'll use my clone to follow you."

Apep said,

After regaining his sanity, he understood that with Teyvat's current form, it might not be a good thing for a being of his size to go out for a walk.

Those crazy adventurers and some members of the Fools of the Solstice Kingdom who refused to disclose their identities would definitely come to disturb His rest.

"Scale incarnation? Your skills are pretty good." Wang Daoyi looked at the little grass dragon with dull eyes with interest.

The dull eyes mean that it has no thinking ability. It should be a simple incarnation, used to do some inconvenient things, which is very different from slicing.

Slices have the ability to think for themselves.

There is obviously no such scale clone.

Apep did not answer Wang Daoyi's words. He slowly retreated into the palace. After a moment, the little grass dragon with dull eyes came to life.

Apep projected his thoughts.

"Are you leaving now?" asked the little grass dragon Apep.

Just as Wang Daoyi was about to nod, he received a positioning request from his clone and shook his head: "Wait a moment, help is coming."

next moment,

The faint blue leyline channel lights up,

Another Wang Daoyi came out with Abedo and Sugar.

"After the people are delivered, I will go back to the temple first. The Red Sand Temple cannot be left alone for a long time."

Wang Dao, who had just come over, glanced at the main body, waved his hand, and disappeared into the surging earth veins without saying anything.

Sugar looked at two identical Wang Daoyi, and then one disappeared, and was stunned for a moment.

Abedo didn't react much, he was used to it.

He looked at Apep and said, "This...is the one who has been crowned Apep."

Apep hovered in the air and turned to look at Albedo. In his eyes, the little people all looked the same, but he was very interested in Albedo's taste: "It's another artificial human, well. It smells like chalk, I didn’t expect that someone could actually create a being like you.”

[Original flaws are perfect]

Even the ancient Apep would marvel at Abedo's presence,

Having seen the original power, He understands better than anyone else the terrifying existence of Abedo.

"You're welcome. My birth was based on my teacher's knowledge. Beings like you are the miracles of the world." Abedo replied politely.

"Okay, stop being so polite and let's go."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and opened the earth channel.

Target: ruins of Camp Tanit.

This is one of the four oasis locations selected by Wang Daoyi.

As the Liezhu Sand Plain, the leeward erosion land, and the intersection of the three boundaries of the Thousand Valley Sand Land,

It is very necessary to establish an oasis here.

The earth's veins surge,

A group of people appeared at the Tanit ruins,

Then I saw a group of people dressed as scholars rummaging around for something.

On the side, there are soldiers from Chisha guarding.

Wang Daoyi:?

He really didn't know there were people here.

Although it has been said that the entire desert is under His sight, who has nothing to do to look down?


Chisha's soldiers started to be on guard when they saw the leyline channel appearing.

After seeing Wang Daoyi and his people emerge from the earth channel,

Immediately there were soldiers running over.

"My God."

Wang Dao nodded, stretched out his hand, and pointed at the scholars inspecting the camp ruins: "What's going on with these people?"

"My God, these are scholars from the Order Academy." The warrior replied.

Wang Daoyi looked at him speechlessly: "Of course I know they are from the Order Academy. I'm asking why they are here?"

The soldier was a little embarrassed. He shook his head: "My God, this subordinate doesn't know. I just accepted the order and protected them here for inspection."

They are just the most ordinary Red Sand warriors. Their only self-awareness is to obey orders. How can they study the things behind the orders?

Anyway, they will do whatever it says above.

Wang Daoyi was a little helpless. Indeed, compared to Xumi's education, most of Chisha's warriors were from the Gilded Brigade. If they were uneducated, they would naturally not care about things other than orders.

He probably heard the movement here and saw Wang Daoyi,

One of the scholars inspecting there came over.

"I offer you my highest respects, great Lord of Red Sand."

The scholar bowed to Wang Dao.

Wang Daoyi was not polite. After receiving a courtesy, he asked, "Why are you here?"

The scholar replied: "We accepted the education tilt plan of the Teaching Council and made a cooperation agreement with Chisha. After teaching students for half a year, they can study in the desert for half a year."

Yes, these people are the scholars who originally studied desert culture, but were unable to graduate after King Dao unified the desert.

After they joined the Desert Education Project,

An agreement was reached with West Germany for half a year of inspection and half a year of education.

In exchange for the right to inspect in the desert.

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly, finally understanding why these people appeared here.

"Forget it, you can continue your research and don't worry about us."

As soon as Wang Dao spoke, he waved his hand and dismissed the scholar.

Then he turned to look at Apep and the others/dragon,

"I didn't consider that there are still people here, but it doesn't matter, let's choose a place to start."

Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand in the void,

The light converges and twists,

The three-dimensional topographic map of this area appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on, choose where is the best place to start construction."

Wang Dao waved his hand, and the three-dimensional map expanded, showing the topography of this area in front of everyone.

Apep: "I'm just here to help, it's up to you to decide."

Abedo didn't move either. He didn't understand the terrain of the desert, so naturally he wouldn't make any suggestions.

Not to mention Granu, who is still standing behind Albedo with a confused look on his face.

Only Nicoreid checked the terrain, and then clicked on the seat between the Tanite ruins and the Epiphany Hall.

"Let's just go here. This is the only way for business roads. If you set up an oasis here, you can use the oasis as soon as possible."

Wang Dao took a look and found that the location Nicoreid chose was probably about ten miles ahead from the gate of the Epiphany Hall. It would be a good idea to set up an oasis here.

It can not only attract caravans, but also protect the Holy Epiphany Hall.

So, Wang Dao nodded: "Then choose here."

After speaking, he waved to the warrior on the other side.

The soldier immediately trotted over: "My God."

"If anything happens in a while, please appease the good scholar and don't need to check." Wang Daoyi reminded,

To prevent these curious scholars from approaching when the reservoir is being opened,

Wang Daoyi could only make the soldiers think favorably of them.

Scholars, if no one is watching, Wang Dao has no doubt that when the reservoir starts to take action, these scholars will rush over to watch.

After thinking about it again, Wang Daoyi felt that these warriors might not be able to stop those scholars.

After all, he is a teacher who is here to support teaching, so he can't be tied up.

"If they want to go over and have a look, protect them and don't let them get too close."

Although the warrior didn't know what would happen, he immediately nodded after hearing Wang Daoyi's words: "Okay, my god, I will remember it."

Nodding, he retreated from the warrior,

Wang Daoyi looked at everyone: "Then let's go there."

With a wave of his hand, earth vein channels emerged,

Although the place Nicoreid chose is right next to the ruins of the Tanit tribe,

But there was also a part of the journey, and there was a little girl like Sugar in the team.

If you use walking, it may take a day.

The earth's veins surged, and everyone disappeared into the Tanite ruins.

After Wang Dao and others left,

The scholars immediately surrounded the warrior just now and asked what the Lord of Red Sand had ordered.

The soldier did not hide it, and told the scholar what Wang Daoyi said was forbidden.

"Don't let us get too close, don't you?"

"Something big must be happening. Should we go over and take a look?"

"But didn't the Lord of Red Sand say not to get close?"

"Then don't come close, just take a look from a distance."

"The idea is good, but there is no movement now. Do you know where they have gone?"

"Ahem, I took a glance at it from a distance just now. It was probably in the direction of the ruins of the deep pit."

Many scholars in Xumi do not know the existence of the Hall of Epiphany, but they do know that there is a very, very deep pit there and there are ruins there.

"That's it, let's go over and have a look?"

Scholars spoke with curiosity,

I didn't see the darkened face of the Chisha warrior at all.

The warrior finally understood why the Lord of Red Sand specially asked to watch the scholars.

The ability of these guys to commit suicide is indeed extraordinary.

When you hear something dangerous, rush towards it.

"Everyone, my god has ordered that you are not allowed to come near." The Chisha warrior reminded the scholars who were about to pack up and set off.

The scholars didn't care at all: "The Lord of Red Sand said don't get close, but it doesn't mean don't look. Don't worry, little brother, we will definitely take a look and not get close."

Red Sand Warrior:.

the other side,

Wang Dao and his group came out of the earth channel.

I looked at the surrounding environment and landforms.

"That's it, Apep, I'll trouble you next."

Apep's little clone was hovering next to Wang Daoyi. It didn't look like a grass dragon, but like a small pet.

However, the people present would not regard this little one as a pet.

After all, in Teyvat, a creature in dragon form itself means something more than simple.

Even if it is a red gold fake dragon, it is still the most expensive ornamental fish.

"give it to me."

Apep hovered in mid-air and then let out a clear whistle.

The crisp dragon's cry echoed in the desert,

"I've summoned the nearby heirs, and they will help you dig out a hole of sufficient size. As for reinforcement, it's up to you."

Apep said to Wang Daoyi,

Wang Dao nodded and said nothing.

Not long after,

Several powerful auras came from the depths of the desert,


The sandworms did not dare to approach. Only one of the unusually huge sandworms cautiously approached Apep, purring like a puppy.

Apep's small body landed on the spiral head of the giant sandworm, and the dragon's claws touched the head of the sandworm gently.

"Go, my kin."

After saying that, Apep flew up again,

The giant sandworm raised its huge spiral worm head and let out a long insect chirp.

It crashed into the ground.

The other sandworms also followed its lead.

Several sandworms are active here,

The yellow sand was quickly swept up,

Wang Dao stretched out his hand a little,

Several light curtains enveloped everyone,

"At the speed of the sandworms, it only takes half a day to dig a reservoir area."

Wang Daoyi estimated the time.

"If we let the tribe's warriors come, covering such a large area will require a lot of manpower and supplies, and it will take a long time." Nicoreid also made an estimate.

"In some fields, extraordinary creatures are indeed much more convenient than humans. However, I brought back a scholar in the mechanical field. Later, I can develop some engineering machinery and improve some productivity."

Nicorette nodded slightly: "Replacing manpower with machinery is indeed a good idea, but what about energy? Extracting earth vein energy on a large scale may lead to some bad things."

The earth veins are the veins of Teyvat. If its power is extracted a little, it will be fine. But if it is extracted on a large scale, it will inevitably lead to abnormalities in the earth veins.

And large machinery requires a lot of energy. If you need to use leyline energy, it will be very dangerous.

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