Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 512 Capture (2200 monthly votes added last month)

The night gradually passes, and a new day comes,

The morning sun is not too hot,

The warriors who get up early take the place of those who keep vigil,

Start patrolling around the camp,

There are no crowing roosters in the desert.

The biological clock of the soldiers is enough for them to wake up in time from sleep after exertion.

Of course, scholars can also

The sun rose slightly overhead for a while,

Scholars have already begun to instigate the holy warriors to lead people into the ruins.

"Captain Scorpion, hurry up and explore the ruins. The longer you wait, the more likely this place will be discovered by others."

Captain Scorpion is the Holy Skeleton Warrior leading the team this time.

He is also the skeletal warrior who fought against Bennett at the adventure party before. His power comes from the scorpion.

Of course, he was not called Scorpion before, but after gaining the power of the Poisonous Scorpion, he was called Scorpion. The title gained by this kind of power is an honor for the people of the desert.

After he and Bennett both suffered losses,

Nicored healed him and threw him to the Sands of Thousands of Sands to train with Greta for more than a month.

Now that Greta is no longer open to exploration, it has been turned into an oasis garrison, so the warrior scorpion has returned from the Qianhe Sand Land.

It just so happened that the Lord of Red Sand issued an order to collect Yuaneng constructs in the desert, so he came out with a group of his former comrades.

In the small camp, Xie listened to the scholars' persuasion with a smile on his face, as if he completely understood the scholars' opinions.

However, the holy warriors living in the desert are obviously more cautious than scholars.

The Sand People understand the dangers of the desert better than anyone.

Even if the scholars swear that they can lead everyone to avoid the dangers in the ruins,

The holy warrior remained motionless.

No matter what the scholars say, he just won't start exploring the ruins;

Until a soldier walked into the camp from outside: "Sir, everything is ready."

After hearing the soldier's report, Xie smiled, and then gestured to the hungry scholars around him: "Guys, we can set off."

The scholars were overjoyed. Their free time was limited, so they naturally hoped to complete the exploration as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the time comes, they will have to return to Chisha to continue teaching.

As for wanting to extend your free time? Ha, it depends on whether the scholars currently teaching in Chisha are willing to do so.

When they were called back from the New Oasis, their research progress was interrupted.

"Okay, okay, let's set off now." The scholars instantly forgot their irritability and were all smiles for a moment.

Walk out of the tent,

I saw a group of fully armed Red Sand warriors already waiting in front of the ruins.

They carry various devices on their bodies,

Scholars even saw someone carrying a ley line stone that glowed blue.

"Is this really a ruins inspection?" The scholars were a little surprised. This was not at all like the desert ruins inspection they had in mind.

In the past, they had also cooperated with tribes in the desert. Even large tribes like Tanit were like mindless warriors when exploring the ruins. Many times, scholars had to remind them not to destroy the ruins.

But now, the equipment of these Red Sand warriors clearly shows that they are not mindless people, and they even look more professional than scholars like them.

"Ha, you guys are joking. This isn't to explore the ruins. Is it here for fun? You don't think I was just teasing you by waiting for so long, right?"

Xie laughed loudly, and the shocked expressions on the scholars' faces made him very satisfied.

Since red sand unified the desert,

The importance of knowledge has been imprinted on the hearts of desert people.

They still seem to worship force as before,

But in some details, they have evolved long ago.

The time when he used his life and violence to help Wang Daoyi open up the Red King's Holy Hall has passed.

With the master of the alchemy workshop, Void's help, and Chisha's experience in developing desert ruins,

The equipment used by Chisha on the ruins has been updated for almost a dozen generations.

Even before the eyes of scholars, these are relatively backward devices.

Chisha's most advanced ruins exploration alchemy device is in the branch near Chiwang's Tomb. That is the most important ruins exploration site in Chisha.

"Haha, Captain Scorpion is so funny. How could we think that?" The scholars guessed the psychological thoughts and apologized with some embarrassment.

Then they looked at the group of heavily armed Red Sand warriors and asked curiously: "So, what are the uses of these devices?"

There was a glimmer in Xie's eyes, and he waved his hands to the soldiers: "Let's get started, let our friends in the rainforest see our wisdom."

The Chisha soldiers on standby saw Xie's gesture, nodded to Xie, and then immediately began to operate.

One of them took out a square instrument with several brackets under the instrument and an inverted bowl similar to the receiving device.

The Chisha warrior was operating the instrument,

The instrument vibrated slightly, as if some fluctuations were radiating towards the ruins.

Beside, there was a scholar who made some research and asked speculatively: "Is this a sonic vibration?"

The Chisha warrior operating the instrument heard the scholar's voice and turned his head with a smile: "My friend is very discerning. Yes, this is a sonic vibration detector. It emits sound waves covering three kilometers and detects objects within the range. and spatial perception modeling, which is currently specially used to explore ruins terrain and underground rare mineral veins.”

The scholar who just spoke had already walked to the instrument, looking excitedly at the map of the ruins structure that was gradually being modeled on the screen of the square instrument.

"Here, how did you recover the sound waves and compile them?" The scholar's eyes widened. Regarding the research on sonic vibrations, the Teaching Institute also has sonic weapons. The Teaching Institute even has sonic weapons.

But like this instrument, it is difficult to release sound waves, collect the sound waves and compile them into a terrain map.

After all, ruins are entities, and they are underground, not in water or air. Sound waves can accurately propagate and bounce back.

"Ha, this is not something that a front-line warrior like me can know. If you are interested, you can go back and ask the brothers in the alchemy workshop. They made this thing."

During the conversation, the internal structure of most of the ruins has been modeled on the instrument screen.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that there are indeed some problems here. Such a large ruins, there are no messy aisles inside, it is just a large space."

Xie looked at the screen of the instrument and marveled.

Hearing Xie's voice, other scholars also leaned their heads and looked at the structure diagram on the instrument screen.

These people are truly knowledgeable. Even if no one explains, they can understand the modeling and various parameters on the instrument screen at a glance.

"Sure enough, this strange structure shows that there is a large space in the center of the ruins. This space must be used to hold some large items."

"And the legendary eternal machine is a huge elemental energy construct."

"It seems that we have really found the right place."

The scholars started discussing excitedly.

Old Scorpio's face turned dark.

When it comes to relationships, you guys seemed so confident before, but actually you were unsure about it, right?

Ignoring the excited scholars who were chirping, Xie looked at the other warriors.

"Get tested."

A red sand warrior walked out,

On his shoulder, stood an eagle-like creature, but if you look closely, you will find that it is a very realistic simulated eagle.

There is also a lifelike simulated snake wrapped around his arm.

He walked to the entrance of the ruins cave,

Released the simulated snake in his hand,

The simulated snake, less than half a meter long, swam into the ruins like a living creature, spitting out letters.

The scholars were attracted by the movement here again,

He walked up to Xie and asked, "Captain Xie, what about this again?"

"When we were exploring ruins before, people often suffered casualties due to environmental problems such as poisonous gas. One of the simulated snakes and simulated eagles is used to detect whether there are poisonous gases in the environment, and the other is used for high-altitude reconnaissance."

"Detect the environment, conduct high-altitude reconnaissance?"

The scholars were stunned, and then someone looked up,

Sure enough, there were several eagles soaring above them.

I originally thought it was a creature in the desert, but now it seems that it is Chisha's high-altitude reconnaissance unit.

After a while,

The simulated snake swam back from the ruins,

The snake's body was raised, and its two snake eyes were green and slightly darker.

The Chisha warrior reached out and retrieved the simulated snake: "It's safe, but the air quality inside won't be very good."

Scorpion and the scholars nodded, this is normal,

A relic, it would be strange if the air quality was still good.

Most of the air in the ruins is not very circulated.

There is no poisonous gas, which is already the biggest good news.

"In that case, let's set off."

Xie reached out and touched his waist, and an iron whip appeared in his hand.

Most of the holy warriors use heavy weapons. Even if he uses a whip, it is a heavy iron whip.

With this whip, even the machinery made of steel will be broken into pieces.

Scorpion started to move, and the rest of the people started to follow.

Others were waiting for them in the camp.

A safe exploration requires someone to wait outside the ruins.

If Xie and his party do not come back within the time limit and no information is sent out, they will go back to the tribe to ask for help.

Well, they themselves will not enter the ruins for rescue, to avoid sending them one after another.

In the passage of the ruins,

Scorpio is not too nervous,

The most dangerous thing about a ruin is the unknown terrain and dangerous environment.

Now with terrain modeling, it is confirmed that there are no toxic gases in the environment.

Then you only need to face some mechanisms and monsters that are difficult to detect.

To deal with the agencies, there are scholars from the Academy of Teaching,

To deal with monsters, you have yourself and other combatants.

This exploration must be a sure thing.

The team moved forward according to the map modeled by the instrument.

In the supposedly dark corridor, bunches of golden light sources illuminated the place.

This sign made the members of the exploration team’s eyes light up.

This situation means that the ruins here are still functioning and there are energy reserves inside.

It shows that there will definitely be something to gain from this ruins.

With anticipation, the team moved forward,

Until the end of the trail,

A huge empty hall,

Then nothing.

"No, no, how is this possible? There is nothing in such a huge ruins?"

Although the murals on the walls can be considered a gain,

But compared to the thing they were looking forward to before, the legendary eternal machine, the mentality of the people in the exploration team was still a little unbalanced. Even the scholars were the same. They were also disappointed.

Only scorpions,

Powerful force brings powerful intuition,

At first, he was led by Bennett with his speed. Later, he went to Qianhe Sand Land to receive training from Greta, which strengthened his sensitivity in perception and reaction.

Just now, as soon as he walked out of the passage, he felt a very strong sense of peeping.

It seemed that something was watching them.

"Quiet, something is wrong here."

Scorpion scolded in a low voice.

Hearing Xie's scolding, the first person to react was his combat team.

These people are all battle-hardened warriors, otherwise they would not be allowed to carry those advanced equipment.

A soldier walked out of the team, put his hand to his ear,

[Void, start device, thermal imaging scan. 】

Then several more soldiers walked out, all of them carrying devices like detectors.

[Void, activate device, optical stealth detection. 】

[Void, activate device, sound wave exploration. 】

These team members carry a large number of detection devices,

In addition to the elemental vision unique to the owners of the Eyes of God, they cover almost all of Teyvat's detection methods.

Of course, it's not just that.

Scorpion gave the team behind him a look,

Several soldiers came out and began to lay out the earth vein control stones.

The Lord of Red Sand said that the enemy named Abyss can hide in the earth's veins and spy on others.

Therefore, it is very necessary to suppress the earth line.

As the action of probing appears,

Soon, the expressions of several soldiers changed.

"Boss, in the middle, that guy is in the middle of the field. We seem to have found the Eternal Machine."

A huge meta-energy construct appeared on their detection display,

Compared with the common energy constructs in the desert, this guy is too big.

When Xie heard the shout, his eyes lit up: "Deploy the thunder element field and prepare to capture the [Eternal Machinery]."

As he spoke, he also held the weapon in his hand.

Although I have fought against many enemies in the desert,

What about wind-eroded sandworms, holy skeleton beasts, or even beast-land hounds that wander into the desert?

But Scorpio still maintained full interest in the [Eternal Machinery] that could not be seen yet.

Fighting is always the second greatest interest of the Skeleton Warriors.

The most interested person is waiting by the Lord of Red Sand.


Under the busyness of the soldiers of the exploration team, a net flashing with purple lightning was placed around the central platform.

"Boss, it's okay."

Eight warriors stood on eight sides of the platform, holding instruments for operating the mine net in their hands.

Yuan Neng constructs are afraid of thunder and lightning. This is something everyone in the desert knows.

When this kind of device encounters lightning, the energy it runs will be disrupted.

At its most basic, lightning can break their invisibility.

Although I don’t know if [Eternal Machinery] is the same, but I think it’s almost the same.

Even if thunder and lightning don't work on [Eternal Machinery], then Thunder Web Page can amplify Scorpion itself.

Don't forget, the power of the scorpion comes from the poisonous scorpion. The power controlled by this holy beast is thunder and lightning.

Tightening the iron whip in his hand, Scorpion stepped into the arena,

"Thundernet, site coverage."

With one order,

The surrounding thunder net began to flash with seven electric lights,

The next moment,

The shrill electric light enveloped the entire venue,

The lightning flashes on the scorpion's iron whip,

His own body also began to pulse with lightning,

Feeling the faint damage caused by the electric light on my body,

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Scorpion's eyes,

Although these electric lights shocked him,

But in the face of the powerful physique of the Holy Skeleton Warrior, these injuries are almost nothing.

But the increase brought by these thunder and lightning to his use of thunder elements is very objective.

As soon as I thought about it, the electric light jumping on the iron whip became more active.

Xie looked towards the middle of the field,

After being covered by lightning,

At that location, a huge machine slowly emerged.

The core of the semi-eternal domination matrix flickered slightly,

Resume from hibernation,

It observes the life in front of it and tries to establish connections.

[People of the Desert, connection is being established. No feedback has been given, judged, enemy. 】

Data flows in the core of the semi-eternal domination matrix. The next moment, a huge mechanical body rises from the ground.

Yuan energy surged, and several chainsaw components and rappelling components changed their forms, flying around the semi-eternal domination matrix, and made an attack stance towards Scorpion.

The next moment, several laser components landed next to the semi-eternal domination matrix, and lasers shot at Scorpion.

Scorpion waved his iron whip, and the shrill lightning annihilated the laser.

"Is this level of power the legendary eternal machine?"

Scorpion approached the semi-eternal domination matrix step by step, and his words seemed a bit disdainful, but looking carefully, the caution in his eyes never disappeared.

The next moment, Scorpion's figure flashed and appeared next to the Semi-Eternal Governing Matrix. The iron whip in his hand turned into a phantom with lightning, carrying terrifying power and swung it towards the Semi-Eternal Governing Matrix.

However, the reaction speed of the semi-eternal domination matrix is ​​faster than Xion thought,

Such mechanical beings, the speed of their reactions, depends on the speed of its calculations.

As for the existence of the Semi-Eternal Dominance Matrix, its computing power is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary machines.

The shrill shadow of the whip has not yet fallen,

Several elements flew out, forming a shield to protect the semi-eternal domination matrix.

Then, one after another, the rappelling elements were like spikes falling from the sky, shooting towards Scorpion,

Scorpion could only evade quickly,

Then, the triangular core of the semi-eternal governing matrix rotated slightly,

[Calculation. Approval of matrix arc start. 】

A large number of arcs suddenly connected between the vertical components.

This arc seems to be different from the lightning caused by the thunder element.

The white electric arc was like a cage, trapping Xie on the small platform, leaving him with no room to escape.

[Calculation, siege successful, ruling. 】

The semi-eternal dominion matrix center, the triangular element locked the scorpion,

A large number of components flew out of the body and rotated around the semi-eternal domination matrix.

[Judgment·Three-phase AC. 】

Below the semi-eternal domination matrix, the hexagonal closed mouth opens,

Powerful energy began to gather,

The power from each component is transmitted to the hexagonal component,

Under the terrifying Yuan Neng lock,

Scorpion's eyes flashed slightly,

"Thundernet, interrupt it."

Don't forget, Scorpion is not fighting alone. Behind him, there is an entire Chisha combat team, a combat team equipped with advanced equipment.

The next moment, around the venue, the soldiers controlling the thunder nets all issued instructions.

The thunder net surrounding the field exploded,

Rays of purple lightning wrapped around each element of the semi-eternal domination matrix like a thunder snake,

The thunder element swept across the venue like a tidal wave,

The rappelling element binding Scorpion was instantly broken.

seize the opportunity,

The elemental power emerged from Scorpion's body and entered the state of holy bones.

The scorpion blade appeared in his hand, and he suddenly appeared beside the semi-eternal domination matrix.

The scorpion blade swung and knocked away the triangular core of the semi-eternal domination matrix.

"Thundernet, restraint."

The shrill thunder light slowed down and turned into a web of thunder and lightning, binding the triangular core of the semi-eternal domination matrix.

The next moment, the components in the sky seemed to have lost their controllers and fell to the ground one after another.

The elemental power in Scorpion's body faded away and he returned to his normal state.

In this capture battle, the protagonist is not him, he is just a target to attract [Eternal Machinery].

The ones who really contributed were the eight warriors who controlled the Thunder Net.

In other words, it was the chief alchemist who invented the thunder net.

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