Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 514 Relief

Dachishahai·Chisha Headquarters,

Recently a strange scholar came to the tribe,

The guy was followed by a mechanical crab,

Carrying something as dangerous as a relic machine with me,

If this scholar was not brought back by the Lord of Red Sand, the soldiers would have expelled him long ago.

However, more than half a month has passed, and the people of Chishu have completely changed their impression of this scholar with a mechanical crab.

This is a very, very amazing scholar,

Even the most well-informed desert dwellers find it hard to imagine that those dangerous relic machines can become helpers in our daily lives.

"Kakata, help me get tool box No. 3."

The training ground of Chisha warriors,

The soldiers training around were all attracted by the scene in the center of the venue.

Even the holy warriors who trained them have lost interest in continuing training.

They looked at the center of the venue curiously,

A scholar and a mechanical crab are busy,

Abatui set up huge instruments while calling Kakata to find him tools.

The center of the instrument is the core of the [Eternal Machine] that Wang Daoyi gave him.

After getting this eternal mechanical core, Abatui has been trying various methods to open the core's command input interface.

But without exception, they all ended in failure.

And now, he borrowed the training ground of the Red Sand Warriors,

Huge instruments were built,

Prepare to forcefully break open the command port of the Eternal Mechanical Core.

"No matter what kind of mechanical core it is, since you are still running and can accept information from the outside world, it means that you are not completely closed."

"As long as it is not completely closed, it means that information can be input. Then, as long as your computing power is squeezed out, your firewall will be paralyzed."

"Without the firewall, you can naturally modify your underlying instructions directly."

While assembling the huge instrument, Abatuyi muttered to the triangular eternal core,

And above the eternal core, the light of Yuan Neng flickers slightly,

It can completely understand what Abatuyi is doing,

But the huge instrument has imprisoned its energy,

There are no more functional components around it, so even if it wants to resist, it can't.

It's a pity that it is a rigid mechanical existence, and the soul fragments inside it have no thinking ability at all.

If the person detained now was a complete Zhenling, he would have spoken long ago.

Kakata's huge mechanical forearm stretched out, picked up the toolbox on the ground, then quickly ran back to Abatuyi and handed the toolbox to Abatuyi.

Its mechanical core can detect the presence of a large number of threatening units around it.

Some of them are even extremely dangerous.

But the owner never sent an alert signal, and Kakata could only operate normally, but it was obviously closer to Abatui.

In this way, if danger arises, Kakata can instantly protect its owner.

Of course, Abatui did not notice it.

He only felt that Kakata was too close and it was already affecting his work.

"Kakata, go help me assemble the auxiliary components."

Abatuyi thought that Kakata might be close to him because he had no job, so he assigned Kakata another job.

Kakata paused, but still obeyed the instructions and stepped aside to assemble the components.

Without Kakata's 'obstruction', Abatui's movements became faster.

Each mechanical component is embedded in the instrument,

On the huge instrument, energy circuits also lit up.

"I asked the scholars who discovered you before. The energy constructs in the desert have been sending you messages. They determined your location through those message flows."

"And when they found you, you were actually asleep."

"You are not even willing to surrender to the Lord of Red Sand, which shows that you are a rigid operating machine. Then you can only obey the orders of the underlying command."

"When Yuan Neng constructs send you messages, you must accept them and process them."

"And the instrument I'm building now can simulate hundreds of thousands, millions, or even billions of energy constructs to send you messages."

"Ha, let me see what your processing limit is."

Abatuyi smiled and talked,

He didn't care at all whether the Eternal Mechanical Core could understand his words.

As mentioned before, the eternal mechanical core can only process information according to the underlying instructions.

As the commander of the Yuaneng construct, it must receive the information sent by the Yuaneng construct, process it, and then send back the information.

Abatuyi simulated the information flow of the Yuaneng construct and sent a massive amount of information to the Eternal Mechanical Core, consuming the computing power of the Eternal Mechanical Core.

This is a very simple attack method,

The only requirement is that the information flow released must be fast and large.

These two issues are not a problem at all for Abatuyi.

With the help of the alchemy workshop, he constructed the information simulation device in front of him.

By the way, a Yuan Neng restraint device was also added.

After taking the components handed over by Kakata,

Abatuyi carefully installed it on the giant instrument.

Then he took a few steps back,

Reach out and touch your ear,

[Void, connect to the target instrument. 】

[Void receives the command, the permission is being detected, the permission is passed, and the connection is successful. 】

The virtual screen flashed slightly in front of Abatui's eyes,

[The Yuan Neng restraint simulation device is connected successfully.

Turn on information simulation/turn off energy constraints. 】

The operation interface on the virtual screen is very simple,

Turn on information simulation and impact the computing power of the eternal mechanical core.

Close the existing energy constraints and release the eternal mechanical core.

Of course, Abatuyi is not stupid. He will only use the first function. As for releasing the eternal mechanical core, he will not do it.

"Void, start simulating the energy construct information. Let's get 10,000 units first."

Abatuyi gave an order,

Under the command of Void, the huge instrument began to operate,

The void screen was flooded with information in an instant. These messages were the information sent by the huge instrument to the Eternal Mechanical Core, and then the Eternal Mechanical Core replied.

Abatuyi taps the void terminal,

"Void, omit invalid information, count valid information."

[Void receives instructions, information is being processed. 】

[Information processing completed, 10,000 pieces of information have been received and processed. Information statistics are as follows:

Issue: The construct is under attack, Feedback: Allow counterattack, waiting for dynasty support.

Send: The construct discovers the oasis, Feedback: Record the information coordinates and wait for the dynasty's response.

Issue: The construct discovers minerals, feedback: Record mineral information coordinates, and other dynasty reactions.

Issue: The construct encounters a monster, feedback: Exterminate it to ensure the safety of the people of the dynasty. 】

Dense information is integrated on the virtual screen,

There was slight surprise in Abatui's eyes,

I just launched an attack, and the Eternal Mechanical Core gave me a reply.

It only takes a few breaths,

Ten thousand pieces of information, each giving different solutions.

It seems that the computing power of this eternal mechanical core exceeds my expectations.

"Ha, but it doesn't matter. No matter how powerful the computing power is, it still needs the support of energy. As long as you are not given a chance to recover energy, it will be fine."

"Void, continue the attack and launch a billion-level simulation."

Abatuyi ordered,

"Buzz~" The huge instrument trembled slightly and started operating at high power.

at the same time,

In the Red Sand Temple,

The computing power of the Chisha Void host was also opened simultaneously.

The eternal mechanical core is considered an advanced intelligent existence.

To use information flow to attack the opponent, you must have more powerful computing power than it.

According to the rigid operating logic of the eternal mechanical core receiving a message and replying to it,

His attacker must also send a message and receive a message,

Otherwise, the simulation account used by Eternal Mechanical Core to send messages cannot be reused.

A problematic account will be detected, and Eternal Mechanical Core will no longer receive information from this account.

How should I put it, smart but not that smart.

But considering that this core was made by the Desert Dynasty in ancient times, it's understandable.

As for this thing, not many people in Teyvat can make it now.

Turning off the virtual screen in the void, Abatuyi stood next to the huge instrument and began to wait and observe.

Time passes little by little,

The eternal mechanical core that originally shimmered with energy gradually dimmed,

Processing hundreds of millions of information consumes energy that cannot be easily ignored.

One hour,

two hours,

three hours,

Wait until the sun gradually sets at noon,

The eternal mechanical core, which originally responded to messages in seconds, finally slowed down and became stuck.

Abatuyi's eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity had come.

"Void, increase the information flow attack."

In the Red Sand Temple, the Red Sand Void host accelerated its operation, and a large amount of retained knowledge was occupied.

Chisha warrior training ground,

The eternal mechanical core restrained in the center of the huge core has begun to flash red light,

A very extreme emotional force field appears around the core,

The terrifying information flow of the void terminal is transformed into the signal of the elemental energy construct through the huge instrument, and is oppressed on the eternal mechanical core.

This information crazily squeezes the computing power of the eternal mechanical core,

The computing power of the eternal mechanical core requires energy,

But now it is restrained and cannot recover its energy naturally.

Then, it can only suppress internally.

The eternal mechanical core begins to stimulate the soul-suppressing fragments inside,

pain, suffering, sorrow,

Endless negative emotions are blessing the soul fragments of Zhenling,

Thus, the power of calming the spirit was born from the soul fragments,

And these soul-suppressing powers are once again converted into energy, which supplies the calculations of the eternal mechanical core.

Abatuyi doesn’t know the stories about these spirits.

All he knew was that he could not give up the attack, let alone allow the eternal mechanical core to recover.

"Void, increase the attack."

"Kakata, bring over toolbox No. 9. Yes, it is the toolbox used to modify the operation module for you."

Abatuyi's face became excited,

He could have a premonition that he would soon be able to 'see' the underlying operating logic instructions of the eternal mechanical core.

Time passes slowly,

Until the moon rises above Abatui's head,

The eternal mechanical core exuding an ominous red force field made a clear crashing sound.

A virtual screen popped up in front of Abatuyi’s eyes.

[The other party does not respond, and the privacy computing power is exhausted. 】

Abatuyi's face was happy,

Open the toolbox handed over by Kakata,

I took out a set of program modules to detect input devices.

"First try to connect to the eternal mechanical core."

Abatuyi was tapping on the program module detection input device, completely unaware of the figure walking behind him.

Kakata discovered it, but after seeing Wang Daoyi and Nicoreid, it became unguarded.

These two people are on its white list.

Abatuyi frantically tapped on the program module detection input device,

A large amount of data jumped on the screen of the device, and then the data was converted into ancient Red King characters,

【Attempting to connect.】

[Connection failed, secret key required..]

[Simulating the secret key, simulating.]

[Simulation failed. Re-simulate]

As Abatui failed again and again,

The originally paralyzed eternal mechanical core had a trace of white energy light shining on it,

It's recovering.

"Let me do it."

Behind Abatui,

Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand,

Abatuyi was startled, and then realized that it was Wang Daoyi. He immediately nodded and handed over the device in his hand.

As soon as Wang Dao took over the device,

The golden gnosis flows in the eyes,





No matter how powerful the secret key is, it still exists.

As long as it exists, it can be analyzed,

If it cannot be parsed, just backtrack directly.

In front of Wang Daoyi, this kind of thing that does not touch the concept of God has no secrets.

Countless information emerged in Wang Dao's eyes,

Numbers gather into an ocean,

Some of them are true and some are false,

But this was not difficult. Wang Daoyi looked at one of the groups.

Then he lightly tapped the code on the device in his hand,

【For the recovery of the mistress! 】

On the huge instrument,

The eternal mechanical core trembled slightly,

The mechanical body made a soft sound and decomposed outwards.

The core center is exposed.

A golden leaf wrapped in white energy,

The leaves were already full of cracks and looked like they were about to disintegrate, but they gave people a solid feeling.

Very contradictory.

"This is this?" Abatui looked at the thing in front of him, a little confused.

He thought he could see a mechanical core like a ruined machine.

"The golden leaves are the soul of Zhenling and the source of energy for the operation of Yuan Neng Machinery. They are also the source of their cognitive logic."

"As for the white elemental energy structure, it is probably the underlying command that controls it."

Wang Dao glanced at the golden leaves and suddenly lost interest in continuing to develop Yuan Neng constructs.

This explosion of productivity brought about by enslaving the soul is not the right way.

Although he could throw the blame to the desert dynasty from a thousand years ago, Wang Daoyi decided in his heart to give up the continued use of the Yuan Neng construct.

The golden leaves entwined with sorrow, pain, fear, and anger are enough to show the torture it has suffered.

Although not the same race as Zhenling,

But just imagine cutting your soul into pieces, stuffing it into the machine, and using your soul as the source of power and computing power for the machine.

This kind of thing is probably unacceptable to any intelligent life.

There was silence for a while,

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Forget it, the development of Chisha has been stained with the blood of many innocent people, and now it is on the right track. Forget about the productivity brought about by this kind of slavery."

Reach out and tap lightly on the white energy ball.

The originally strong energy group suddenly collapsed,

Revealing the inner golden leaves,

Like a bird that has been trapped for decades,

After the cage is broken,

The golden Zhenling soul fragments were floating in the air in confusion,

It seems a little unbelievable.

next moment,

Without any hesitation,

The golden leaves begin to fall apart,

Turned into little bits of light and dissipated in mid-air,

The core components of the eternal machinery that were originally suspended on the side seemed to have lost power and fell from mid-air.

With the sound of components falling to the ground,

Wang Daoyi seemed to hear a gentle female voice whispering softly in his ear,

"Thank you, Your Majesty, may you have a feast and a sea of ​​flowers."

Probably because its power was too weak, Wang Daoyi didn't hear its murmur clearly.

However, Wang Daoyi felt clearly that

The power of a blessing left its mark on himself.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Daoyi did not dispel this blessing.

I felt that the power brought by blessings can probably make me like the concept of flowers, and at the same time, I can have good dreams at night.

It's very good for ordinary people, but for the Lord of Red Sand, it's just average.

After all, it is already a great thing for a Zhenling soul fragment that has been tortured for thousands of years to even have the power to bless a god. ,

If you still want this blessing to produce any good effects, that's a bit wishful thinking.

Watching the golden light dissipate,

By Wang Daoyi’s side,

There was a hint of recognition in Nicorette's eyes,

"It took so long and a lot of intellectual energy, and when you finally got the answer, you just gave up?"

Wang Daoyi shook his head and did not respond to Nicored's words.

He just turned to look at Abatuyi: "I'm sorry for wasting you so long."

Although he could tell the whole story about Chisha,

But Abatui studied for so many days and spent so much effort,

In the end, Wang Dao gave up all of a sudden. No matter what the reason was, it was a kind of "abandonment" to Abatui.

However, Abatuyi can obviously understand Wang Daoyi's thoughts.

He shook his head slightly: "No, I just didn't expect you to give up directly."

For Abatuyi, when he knew that the golden leaves were souls,

He didn't want to continue his research.

The mechanical life he wanted was not a life born from the souls of other beings.

This kind of intelligent machine that harms the acquisition of other lives is, in a sense, a blasphemy against Abatui's academic pursuits.

"Even if you don't give up on it, I won't continue to study this kind of thing in the future."

As he spoke, Abatui touched the mechanical crab next to him: "If Kakata becomes intelligent in the future and knows that I have studied such evil things, it will definitely be sad."

Letting Kakata give birth to wisdom is Abatuyi’s lifelong dream.

If one day intelligence is born in Kakata, and it knows that its creator has studied intelligent machines that squeeze souls,

How sad is Kakata?

Does it think that its birth was achieved in this evil way?

With this thought, Abatuyi looked at the core components of the eternal machinery on the ground, with disgust in his eyes.

"That's good, go back and rest, Abatuyi. Tomorrow I will ask West Germany to increase its investment in research resources for you." Wang Daoyi gave the carrot.

Then looking at the components on the ground,

He shook his head and said, "As for these things, I will ask someone to clean them up."

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