Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 522 [Servant] Arecino (2400 monthly votes last month plus more updates)

Vimo Village·Back Mountain Trail.

The hidden name appeared in his ears, Alfonso trembled slightly,

Suppressing the fear of [Servant], he lowered his head and said: "My subordinate found something important. In order to avoid being discovered, I did not contact [Home]."

[Servant] Arecino's mouth slightly curved, revealing a beautiful smile: "You, the villager of Weimo Village, have discovered important information, Trofen Schneetsvich, I am not angry, you don't need to Amuse me.”

For each of his children, as long as they are not betrayed or incompetent, Arecino will care for them.

Hearth House is the home of orphans,

Arecino is the head of the family.

As if being questioned, Alfonso quickly raised his head and took out a small stack of photos from his arms.

"No, Lord Arecino, I really discovered something important. It is the heart of God. I discovered the heart of God."

As if he was afraid that Arecino wouldn't believe it, Alfonso handed the photo to the other person's eyes.

Arecino's eyes flashed slightly, and there was a hint of shock in his heart.

Although the view under the moonlight is not very good,

But Arecino still saw what was in the photo at a glance.

Something like a chess piece was carefully protected in someone's arms,

There are still a lot of debris in the photo, which is obviously a photo taken secretly.

Reaching out and taking the photo from Alfonso’s hand,

The smile on Arecino's lips became more obvious: "The picture of God's Heart, hahahaha, it really surprised me."

The next moment, Arlecino pinched Alfonso's throat and lifted him up with one hand.

"Tell me, Trofen Schneetsvich, why did you betray your family?"

Arlecino's voice was cold, as if he would crush Alfonso's throat the next moment.

Alfonso was shocked, but quickly realized that Arecino was deceiving him.

A look of pain appeared on his face, and his face turned red quickly.

Alfonso shook his head with difficulty: "Ale, Qino, Sir, I don't."

By the end, he was almost suffocating.

Watching Alfonso's face turn from red to purple,

Arecino looked into the other person's eyes, and finally the smile on his lips disappeared. He let go of his right hand and Alfonso fell to the ground.

"Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, Sir Arecino, I did not betray."

Alfonso fell to the ground, coughing and breathing, without forgetting to say words that were not betrayal.

The murderous intent in Arecino's eyes faded away, revealing a 'loving' look again.

"Trofen Shenetsvich, my child, I want to believe you." As if she was not the one who made the move before, Arecino looked at Alfonso with a smile, "However, before [Doctor] This guy is such a failure, I have to be careful, you won’t be angry with me, right?”

The whole person collapsed on the ground, Alfonso recovered from the suffocation just now,

He supported his body with trembling hands and stood up again.

His head was still slightly lowered, as if he didn't dare to look directly at Arecino.

As a child of Hearth House,

They had felt Arecino's love as children,

When I grew up, I also experienced Arecino’s ‘love’.

Alfonso shook his head slightly: "No, it won't happen. Sir Arecino, I understand your worries."

Not only must he not be angry, he must also understand the other person,

Otherwise, he wouldn't be a good boy.

Sure enough, after hearing Alfonso's words, the smile on Arecino's face became more obvious: "What a good boy. Then, Trofen, tell me how you got these."

Arecino waved the photo in his hand, looking very interested.

A person lurking in the village,

I actually got a clue to the heart of God,

If there was no problem, Arecino wouldn't believe it.

Even though Alfonso was struggling on the ground just now and said that he was not a betrayer,

Arecino didn't completely believe him either.

Hearing Arecino’s question,

Alfonso quickly answered: "That's right. In the Vimo Village where I live, a holder of the Eye of God appeared. She has a good relationship with me. She is also friends with the traveler. A few days ago, She was preparing to go on a journey, and she gave me and the traveler a banquet before going out."

Alfonso said while looking at Arecino's face,

However, Arecino's expression did not change at all, and he still looked like he was smiling slightly.

He seems to be listening carefully to Alfonso’s story,

"Today the traveler came here, originally to give some travel gifts to the holder of the Eye of God, but the other party had already gone out first, so the traveler came to my house, and she left the gifts with me. When I was there, I suddenly discovered that she had something like the 'Heart of God'."

"I asked her, and she said it was just an ordinary thing. She was entrusted by the Order to send it to the desert."


Arecino's expression changed.

She nodded slightly: "The desert, the heart of God. Interesting."

Alfonso nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Sir Arecino, and then I secretly took these photos while the travelers were not paying attention."

"Have there been any big events in the desert recently?" Arecino suddenly asked,

Alfonso's heart fluctuated slightly, knowing that Arecino had believed his words, but his expression was slightly stunned, and then he thought for a while before speaking: "I heard from the scholar who came to the village for vacation before, that the Lord of Red Sand If we want to reopen the canal system in the desert, we seem to have sent many scholars to the desert.”

After hearing Alfonso's words, Arecino looked at the photo in his hand again.

It is normal to open a canal in the desert and need to rely on the power of the heart of God to maintain it.

Finally, the smile on her face completely bloomed: "Very good, Trofen, your message is very useful this time. I forgive you for not replying to the letter."

Then he looked into Alfonso's eyes: "I know that doctor guy forced you to do a lot of disgusting things before, but don't worry, I won't do that. I'm not interested in Lanaro or anything like that. Since you I have provided you with the information about the Heart of God, then you can continue to live here, I will never treat a good child badly."

Listening to Arecino's words, Alfonso's body trembled slightly, and he quickly thanked Arecino: "Thank you, Sir Arecino."

And in his heart, he was roaring crazily,

She really knows, she knows everything she values,

The village I like, the children I love,

She knows everything she wants.

Alfonso's body trembled slightly,

He could imagine that if he didn't come tonight,

Then, I'm afraid he won't be the only one who will die tomorrow.

When fools deal with traitors, it's not just about death.

Except for a few direct descendants of the executioners, implicating innocent people is a daily routine for the rest of the fools.

"It's getting late, Trofen. Go back and keep lurking. I'll find you if anything happens."

Arecino shook off the photo in his hand and disappeared into the night.

After Arecino left,

Alfonso was frustrated and walked down the mountain.

In the dark night, Arecino watched Alfonso from the darkness, watching him return to his cabin.

"Regardless of whether this child has rebelled or not, God's heart is never wrong. Regardless of whether there is any conspiracy or conspiracy, he still has to go to the desert."

Arecino leaned on the big tree, playing with the photos in his hands, and then suddenly said: "Activate the secrets in the Order, and let them find a way to go to the desert, investigate the canal plan in the desert, and...the Heart of God was Where to store it!”

"Yes, sir." From the dark corner, an orderly voice came.

Alfonso didn't know that the people who came to the back mountain were originally ordinary docking personnel.

The arrival of the [servant] was entirely on her whim.

Holding the photo in his hand, Arecino looked at the people in the photo.

"Traveler, didn't you expect to meet him so soon? It was really fun to defeat the young master, madam, and defeat the doctor and the skirmishers."

Thinking about the reports about travelers in various intelligence, Arecino thought in his mind,

In fact, the country she is responsible for is Fontaine;

This time I came to Xumi because the doctor failed miserably in Xumi.

The Heart of the God of Thunder was lost, and the Heart of the God of Grass was not obtained.

Slice's aura was also locked by the Lord of Red Sand,

Originally, the doctor was planning to change his image and return to Sumeru to continue doing things.

But the Ice Queen rejected the proposal,

He told the doctor that the Lord of Red Sand had locked his sliced ​​aura, and once the doctor left the realm of Winter, the Lord of Red Sand could directly deal a devastating blow to him.

The Doctor can no longer go out to winter until all slices are reset.

As for the other executives, they either have missions or have been captured by Wang Daoyi.

For example, for someone with a little free time like the young master, who used to hang out with the Red Sand Lord every day, I am afraid that the sun of the Red Sand Lord will fall as soon as he enters Sumeru.

There is no other way but to ask the servant to make a trip.

"And the Lord of Red Sand. According to the information from two years ago, he was still a guy who could only play with Dadalia. He has achieved great deeds as a god in two years. It is really incredible."

Arecino's eyes were cold.

She is not afraid of Wang Daoyi,

I don’t have much respect for the Lord of Red Sand either.

To put it bluntly, among the Fools' executive officers, except for a few people with normal thinking, the other executive officers do not have much respect for gods.

"Oh, the game has begun."

Leaving a chuckle,

Arecino's figure disappeared into the moonlit night.

Vimo Village,

Under the cover of darkness, Alfonso returned to his cabin,

As a foreign spy, he knew that he was still being monitored.

Fools will not believe their own words so easily.

When it comes to the heart of God, one cannot be too vigilant.

After closing the door of the hut, Alfonso did not make any unnecessary moves.

He didn't even wash up, he just put on his clothes and lay down on the small bed.

His chest kept rising and falling, as if the feeling of being nearly strangled just now was still affecting him.

However, as time passed, the rise and fall of his chest became slightly slower, and his breathing gradually became steady.

He fell asleep.

Outside Alfonso's hut,

"I actually fell asleep. I saw that I was frightened by Lord Arecino. I should be fine."

A figure appeared next to the hut, muttered to himself, and then disappeared outside the door.

Inside the house, Alfonso's breathing was still steady and he was sleeping well.

Half an hour later, the figure outside the door appeared again.

"Really asleep? Are you so heartless?"

After complaining, the figure disappeared again.

The moon sets and the sun rises, time passes,

A new day comes,

In the small house, Alfonso’s eyebrows moved.

wake up,

He stretched out his hand and touched his neck as if he had a sequelae.

Then a trace of fear appeared on his face,

I was stunned for a while, then got up to freshen up, and covered up the fingerprints on my neck.

Then I went out to start a busy day.

that's all,

Alfonso acted as if nothing had happened.

Just like before, three days passed as an ordinary villager's life.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset every day,

The rules are ridiculous.

Until the shadow following him completely disappeared,

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Alfonso's mouth.

They were all taught by a master, so they can't break the moves.

The surveillance personnel of the Fools might be his junior brothers.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Xumi City.

Alfonso only hopes that the opportunity for the Lord of Red Sand will go smoothly.

Let the fools once again withdraw from the scope of Sumeru,

At that time, it would be possible for him to continue living in Vimalakirti Village.

"I don't know how the Holy Orders will judge me. I hope that if I abandon the darkness and turn to the light, at least I will be allowed to stay in Xumi."

As things have developed now, Alfonso has confirmed that the higher-ups of the Order will not execute him, but it is still difficult for him to judge what the final outcome will be.

After all, he did commit an unforgivable sin.

the other side,

A secret stronghold in the rainforest,

The Fool's spies who had been following Alfonso for three days at Vimo Village returned here.

Then he walked all the way to the deepest part of the stronghold,

Executor [Servant] Arecino was flipping through the storybook in his hand.

She is still very interested in literary works such as drama scripts.

At least, it's a diversion.

"Sir, everything is normal with Trofen and he has not been in contact with any suspicious persons."

Arecino flipped the storybook in his hand and nodded slightly: "I understand, then let's lift the surveillance on him. He can be considered a hero for bringing back the news about the Heart of God. Let him rest for two months. "

Arecino was not prepared to include Alfonso in his new plan.

Although Alfonso has been ruled out as a suspect for the time being, what if he is a traitor?

It was obviously unsafe to add him to the new plan.

Give him two months' leave in the name of meritorious service, so no one will say anything.

Of course, Arecino didn't care what anyone said.

"How are the arrangements at the Imperial Academy?"

Arecino asked again.

Another person came out from the side,

He was dressed in Sumeru attire,

But he spoke in an authentic winter accent:

"It has been found out that the Lord of Red Sand has indeed issued a call to the Teaching Council, and a large number of scholars have gone to Qianhe Sand Land."

"In addition, just today, the Teaching Council issued an order to mobilize more scholars, discipline officers, and a group of thirty people to enter the desert. It may be related to the Heart of God.

"According to the last piece of information just sent, our people are already trying to join this team."

Listening to the reports from subordinates,

Arecino put down the storybook in his hand and nodded slightly: "Well, that's right, but neither the Red Sand Lord nor the Little Lucky Grass King are simple characters. The information obtained this time is probably a trap for the children. We must be careful.”

Her gentle tone made it seem as if she really regarded those dark children as her own children.

And she, [Servant] Arecino, is their head matriarch.

"Yes, sir." The subordinate responded, but he didn't know if he would actually inform him.

"In addition, it prevents follow-up support from coming. In this case, no matter how many people come, it will be useless, and it will be easy to alert the enemy."

"Well, I'll leave the Thunder God's Heart to you."

With that said, Arecino stood up and said,

"Here, what about you, my lord?" the subordinate asked with some confusion.

"I, oh, the heart of a thunder god is not enough. In this country, the heart of a grass god is my goal."

A smile appeared on the corner of Arecino's mouth, and then he waved his hand to his subordinates: "I'm leaving. You can handle the next thing on your own. By the way, if you are discovered, just surrender. There is no need to die." Just wait until the base camp redeems you."

As he said that, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the doctor: "It is not easy to raise a child. It is not my style to give up casually."

As he spoke, Arecino disappeared in front of the crowd of fools.

After Arecino left,

Only then did the fools who were left behind react,

Good guy, their executive officer is missing, what should they do?

Everyone's eyes turned to the Fool officials who just spoke. Here, he currently has the highest status.

"Continue to follow up on Thor's Heart's investigation plan, find the traveler, confirm the location of Thor's Heart, and prepare for the next step."

"Yes, sir."


Xumi City·Wisdom Palace,

The green swing spreads down from the void,

Nacida sat on it, and behind her, Wang Daoyi was pushing the swing with slight force.

"Dao Yi, do you think the new executive officer will be fooled?"

Nacida suddenly said,

Gently pushing the swing,

Wang Daoyi shook his head slightly: "I don't know this [servant], but it is said that the spies of the Fools were all trained by her. So such a simple plan should not be able to catch her, but it is impossible for the Fools to give up on God." Even if we can’t catch her, those hidden men will definitely not be able to escape.”

to be honest,

Wang Daoyi's plan this time is a conspiracy.

Arecino must have known that this might be a trap,

But the Fools' pursuit of the Heart of God forced her to continue pursuing it.

After all, what if it was true?

Arecino would definitely bet on it,

Because the bet she has to pay is just some secrets,

For Arecino, this was nothing.

But if the bet is successful, the income from the heart of God will be too rich.

"However, she will definitely appear in front of us, I can guarantee this."

Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

On the swing, Nasida also smiled,

Yes, fools come to Xumi for the heart of God.

And now, the ‘two’ hearts of God are in their hands,

Then, if that [servant] wants to get the heart of God, he must appear in front of them.

The outcome of this game of chess,

In fact, when Alfonso decided to betray the Fools, it was already doomed.

Now, it's just a matter of how much you win.

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