Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 526 So, what is the price?

Holy Order

The sudden sound made the two people who were facing each other slow down.

Although I didn’t interact much with the skirmishers,

But Arlecino was good enough to recognize people from their voices.

He withdrew his eyes from looking at Alhaysen and turned to look at the person behind him.

"I thought you were dead, Scaramucci."

"I'm not that fragile yet, Arecino. Although Dotore abandoned me, it seems that the little Lucky Grass King thinks I still have value."

The skirmisher had a smile on his face, as if he was not uncomfortable describing himself with such a 'useful' value.

In his values, usefulness is important.

If he had been useful back then, he wouldn't have been abandoned by Thunder Movie in a borrowing room.

"Then are you here now to show your value?" Arecino looked at the stragglers with disdain in his eyes.

Even among the Fools and Executives, skirmishers are special.

As a creature of God, his arrogance does not match the strength of the executive.

Except for that guy, basically no one would really deal with the stragglers.

"Probably, the Lord of Red Sand doesn't want you to fight, so he 'entrusted' me to come over and take a look. Of course, you can continue. It's okay for me to stop you when you start fighting."

"I think, Arecino, you won't be afraid of this acting great sage."

The skirmisher smiled. He wished that Arecino and Elhaysen would fight.

He can't be considered a fool, nor can he be a member of the Order Council.

When the two sides fight, he can definitely watch the fun.

Just as he was thinking about it, his eyebrows became slightly hot.

A streak of the sun appeared between his eyebrows,

A trace of resentment flashed in the skirmisher's eyes;

He knew that the damn Lord of Red Sand had been watching here,

I just made a slight provocation, and the guy started to warn me.

Opposite him, Arlecino's mouth curved with a mocking smile: "So, this is your value, Scaramucci, you have been made into a slave."

"You" The skirmisher's eyes flashed with a sharp look, and the two people beside him thought he was going to take action.

However, Skirmisher quickly calmed down. After working hard in the World Tree for so long, his ability to control his emotions has improved greatly.

"There is no point in a war of words. Arecino, are you going to continue to struggle with this acting great sage here? Or are you going to go with me?"

"It seems that we can't continue to communicate. Your Excellency, the Acting Great Sage, I hope that next time I come to Xumi, I can exchange knowledge with you again." Arecino showed an 'apology' to Elhaysen He smiled, then looked at the straggler again, the blood in his pupils flickering slightly, "Let's go, my colleague."


The skirmisher sneered and did not refute the word 'colleague'.

Although in his heart he didn't think he was still a fool.

Standing in the aisle of the Order House, Elhaysen watched the skirmishers leaving with Arecino.

After a while, a teaching commander walked up to Elhaysen and said,

"Acting Great Sage."

Elhaysen nodded slightly: "Have you recorded everything?"

"The tone, appearance, posture, and clothing are all recorded." The instructor nodded and replied.

"Then send it to colleagues over the desert. Also, how many people behaved strangely after she appeared in the Order House just now."

"After you issued the order to warn the fools, until the other party appeared in the teaching court, a total of sixteen people behaved strangely."

"During the void surveillance, at the moment when you and the opponent were fighting, thirteen of them showed abnormal emotions."

Alhaysen never does anything unprepared;

When Arecino appeared openly, Elhaysen knew that she must have a different agenda.

But this does not prevent Elhaysen from using her to find hidden secrets that may exist within the Order.

The plan of the Lord of Red Sand may be able to attract Anzi, but it is impossible to take away all Anzi.

There must be secrets inside the Order.

"Monitor her. If there is direct evidence, take it down. In addition, enter her data into the void for monitoring."

Elhaysen waved his arm and gave the order.

The teaching commander nodded: "Okay, Acting Great Sage."

In the past, the Holy Orders used the void to monitor certain important figures.

Before, Arecino could enter Sumeru City casually because there was indeed no information about her in the void.

And now, the short period of time she communicated with Alhaysen was enough for the Order to collect data on her.

After that, as long as she moves within the coverage area of ​​​​the void, the information will be directly captured by the void.

After a few more words with the teaching commander, Elhaysen left the teaching court without staying long.

The spiral staircase of the sacred tree,

Arecino followed the skirmishers,

There was a hint of doubt and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Although the tone of the skirmishers just now was not good, the tone of the skirmishers in the past was also the same.

This made it difficult for her to tell what the attitude of the skirmishers was.

Is he still loyal to Her Majesty the Queen?

He has betrayed the Queen and joined the army of Little Lucky Grass King.

"Aren't you going to say something to me, Scaramucci?" Arecino couldn't hold it back in the end. He was about to meet the two gods. He didn't have much information yet, so he really needed to take the initiative to ask. .

"Oh, what are you going to ask me to say? Did Dotore betray me in any way?" The skirmisher's face was expressionless, but there was a mockery of Arecino in his dark purple eyes.

This woman doesn’t think she is still serving the fools, does she?

After that guy Dotore betrayed him,

The skirmishers knew that they would definitely not be able to return to the Fools.

Although he has never admitted it, he basically belongs to the doctor's faction among the fools.

His power comes from the Doctor's experiments,

But now that the doctor has betrayed him, returning to the Fools would be equivalent to coming to kill someone.

"So, have you betrayed Her Majesty the Queen?" Arecino's expression turned cold.

The skirmisher stopped, turned around and glanced at her,

He knew very well that some of these fools and executives had more twisted views than he did.

They don't care about the cause, they only look at the ending.

On the surface, he was betrayed by the Doctor, which even led to him being captured by Xumi.

But as soon as he reveals his intention to betray the Ice Queen, these executives will immediately treat him as an enemy.

As for his betrayal by the Doctor, the executives will treat it as invisible.

To put it simply, traitors have no human rights.

Looking at each other with the skirmishers, Arecino's eyes became more and more dangerous.

Finally, the skirmisher withdrew his sight,

He didn't want Wang Daoyi to succeed.

The Lord of Red Sand sent him to pick him up, he definitely wanted him to fall out with Arecino.

That guy, maybe, is watching a joke.

"There is only one thing I can tell you. Don't be clever in front of those two guys. Telling the price and getting reward is the simplest way."

After saying that, the skirmisher turned around and continued to lead the way, as if he didn't want to continue communicating with Arecino.

He was afraid that if he continued to communicate, he would not be able to help but ridicule.

Foolish Executive Officer, the things he once did are somewhat stupid in his eyes now.

the other side,

Wang Daoyi withdrew his gaze boredly,

"This guy Skirmisher actually helped Arecino. I thought they were going to quarrel."

Yes, just as the soldiers thought, Wang Daoyi had been watching them and wanted to have fun.

The skirmishers kept saying that his actions were due to being betrayed three times;

So when the doctor betrayed him, was it considered the fourth betrayal?

He cared so much about the first three betrayals, so he had to keep this fourth betrayal in mind, right?

However, now it seems that this fourth betrayal has not made him angry enough to turn his resentment onto other executives.

"It's such a pity, it's not fun." Wang Daoyi suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth.

On the side, Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi helplessly. Daoyi always had this sudden bad taste.

"He has been training in the World Tree for so long. If he still can't control his emotions, then he has no value."

Nasida had her own plan for the skirmishers.

No matter how you describe it, skirmishers are a high-end combat force.

The knowledge he possesses also has value.

As long as his temperament is tempered, he might become a very good tool man.

Skirmishers can do many things that the Little Lucky Grass King cannot do on its own.

"Then it depends on what he will think after knowing the truth of the matter."

Wang Daoyi felt that when the skirmishers saw the truth of the three betrayals, they would probably collapse.

The three self-righteous betrayals, in fact, the only thing that can make a difference is that the shadow abandons him.

The other two were hardly betrayals.

Niwa's betrayal itself is deception, and the fault lies with the doctor.

The little boy's betrayal is due to the limited life of mortal beings, coupled with the leakage of the evil spirits of Taosha, it is essentially a technical problem brought by the doctor.

His pain was essentially being played by the Doctor.

Thinking of this, the smile on Wang Daoyi's lips reappeared.

Skirmishers will be the best weapon against the doctor.

The door of Jingshan Palace was pushed open,

A skirmisher with a cold expression walked in with Arlecino.

"I brought the person, promised me something, when."

The skirmishers looked at Wang Daoyi with obvious displeasure in their eyes.

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and interrupted the skirmishers: "We'll talk about it later. Now let's deal with the matter of the Heart of God."

Then he thought about it and laughed again: "Haha, before that, you can go out for a walk and relax your mood. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to think about it by then."

There is something hanging on it, and with the marks on the skirmishers, there is no fear of the skirmishers running away.


With a cold snort, the soldier left Jingshan Palace without saying a word.

It's true that he hasn't had a good rest outside for a long time.

Now that the other party has spoken, he followed his wishes and went out for a walk.

Of course, the main reason is that he understands that Wang Daoyi just wants to get rid of him.

After the skirmishers left,

Wang Daoyi and Naxida's eyes were fixed on the only outsider in Jingshan Palace.

Arecino was watched by the two gods. There was no fear on his face and he remained calm.

Take a step forward,

"I have met these two gentlemen, and may the light of wisdom never be extinguished."

Arecino bowed slightly.

Wang Daoyi said nothing. This is Jingshan Palace, and Naxida is the master here.

Nasida nodded: "Messenger of the Solstice, I already know your purpose of coming, but I cannot agree to the Ice Queen's deal until the crimes committed by Xumi are paid off by the fools."

Arecino: "The crime committed by Dotore was not the will of Her Majesty the Queen, and the Queen does not like that blasphemy."

"But Dotore is yours after all. The Ice Queen even reminded Dotore to leave Sumeru and escape from my hands." Wang Daoyi suddenly spoke from the side.

When Wang Daoyi completed his ascension and prepared to launch a chain attack on the doctor, he failed to locate the doctor's body. At that time, it was the Ice Queen who protected the doctor.

Arecino's expression remained unchanged: "The doctor made a big mistake, but after all, he is a follower of Her Majesty the Queen. If the Lord of Red Sand wants to kill him, he should communicate with the Queen."

"Haha, how come no executive said this to Thunder Movie when Rosalin died?" Wang Daoyi sneered.

The values ​​​​of fools are completely distorted,

Wang Dao understood this early on,

For the Queen's will, they can talk nonsense, be ruthless, and do things with no bottom line.

Such fools always think in their hearts that what they are doing is right.

Wang Daoyi didn't know whether the Ice Queen's will was noble, but Wang Daoyi was certain that the will of the Fools was absolutely double-standard.

Arecino: "."

Regarding the lady's death, even the executive officers of the Fools were shocked.

"Your coffin will be the entire old world."

The governor's oath to Rosalin still echoed in Arecino's ears.

It was also at that time that they realized that it was best to maintain etiquette towards foreign gods.

Not all gods are as easy to talk to as the God of Wind and the God of Rock.

If you encounter gods that are hard to talk to and offend them, they will not give the Ice Queen face.

By that time, the price paid is usually life.

"That's why I came here. I brought enough price." Arecino admitted his mistake directly.

To argue with two gods about right and wrong is to seek death.

Not to mention that he was the one at fault.

"Then tell me, what's the price you brought?" Wang Daoyi was a little bored. Arecino's direct surrender method made him very boring.

There are many fools who don’t talk harshly, but they don’t feel the same when they argue.

"First, I brought information about Dotore's slices. With this information, the Lord of Red Sand can attack Dotore again."

There was a smile on Arlecino's lips, as if he had no idea that he was betraying his colleague.

In her mind, she was thinking that since the doctor failed in his mission and lost the Heart of God, he should be punished.

Using his slices to ease the relationship with the Little Lucky Grass King and the Red Sand Lord is nothing more than waste utilization.

"Dotore's slices are quite interesting."

Wang Dao showed interest in his eyes.

If the doctor's slices could really be eliminated, it would indeed be a sufficient price to pay.

Although the doctor's slice and Wang Daoyi's clone are technically similar, they are actually different.

Wang Daoyi's clones can synchronize their thinking and think about things from the same perspective.

But the doctor's slices removed him from different times.

In other words, different PhD slices have different perspectives on events.

With the help of these slices, the doctor has almost no blind spots when thinking.

There are countless different ways to think about it.

This is where the slicing technology becomes terrifying.

Otherwise, it would just be a simple clone, and there are many beings that can do it.

"Secondly, Zhiwin will compensate Xumi for the large amount of supplies it consumes."

Giving money is one of the best ways to permanently compensate the other person.

If the other person still doesn't forgive you, either you have done something unforgivable or you haven't given enough.

Wang Daoyi said nothing. The doctor was consuming the resources of the Academy of Teaching and had nothing to do with him.

"The compensation materials are acceptable." Nasida nodded slightly.

The main reason is that the doctor originally wanted to harvest the dream, but Wang Daoyi controlled Azar and blocked it.

Otherwise, the plan to harvest dreams has been launched, and Nasida will not be so easy to talk to now.

Today's doctors mainly commit crimes such as blaspheming the gods, consuming a large amount of materials from the Order, and offending the gods.

He did not do much direct harm to the people of Sumeru.

The plan to capture Lannaro failed, and Lannaro also rescued kidnapped children from fools many times.

Looking at it this way, the Doctor seems to have failed in Xumi.

"Thirdly, if your two highnesses need anything, I will agree to it within my authority."

Arecino followed the skirmisher's advice and without any delay, directly gave him his trump card.

She agreed with Skirmishers' words that it was unwise to be clever in front of the two gods. It was better to be honest and honest.

"Then I want you to send a list of secret agents to the desert. Will you agree?"

Wang Daoyi suddenly spoke.

Arecino was slightly startled.

Sure enough, the heart of God in the desert was a trap.

A thought flashed through his mind, and he nodded to Wang Dao: "Of course, if this is your condition, then I will agree."

Although those children are excellent and loyal.

But if you are in front of the heart of God,

It’s not like you can’t give up.

As Skirmisher said, beneath Arecino's kindness is endless cold-bloodedness.

Her children are her tools, tools, and can be given up.

After hearing Arecino's words, Wang Daoyi shook his head and stopped talking.

He believed that his people could uncover those secrets, and there was no need to spend the 'price' on such a place.

Seeing that Wang Daoyi stopped talking, there was a hint of disappointment in Arecino's eyes.

She actually wanted to use the hidden list as a 'price'.

After all, Solstice never lacks spies.

"Let's talk about the price again. Although the doctor's slices and Xumi's resources are very good things, they can only be regarded as apology. If you want to take away Xumi's heart of God, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Nacida spoke.

Arecino nodded: "The transaction should be after the apology. If you are willing to accept our apology, then we can continue to talk about the transaction about the Heart of God."

"I think the only thing that can impress the God of Wisdom is knowledge."

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