Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 528 We need the Ice Queen (400 monthly tickets to add more this month)

When Ying and Sano won the first round,

In the Pure Good Palace,

Nacida was slightly surprised when she heard the price offered by Arecino.

"You mean to exchange knowledge for the heart of the God of Wisdom?"

Nacida seemed a little in disbelief.

"There are countless people who want to exchange other things for the knowledge of the God of Wisdom, but you are still the first to exchange knowledge for the Heart of the God of Wisdom."

As she spoke, Nasida showed a subtle smile: "However, I doubt the knowledge you mentioned. Knowledge that is enough to exchange for the heart of God is not a simple thing."

Not only Nasida, but also Wang Daoyi's eyes were attracted by Arecino.

There are basically few things in the world of Teyvat that are more valuable than the Heart of God.

Although the God of Wind was half beaten and half sent away, the God of Rock was also sent away with a contract, and the God of Thunder just threw it to his dependents without any care.

But none of this negates the value of God’s heart.

As the authority given by the sky,

The Seven Gods don't care about it because the Seven Gods are the victors, and the Heart of God is just the icing on the cake for them.

But under the Seven Gods, including the Evil God in the Dark Sea, the Heart of God is a peerless treasure in front of any existence.

Now, Arecino said that knowledge should be exchanged for the heart of the God of Wisdom. This is undoubtedly a very interesting thing.

"Of course, the Lord of Wisdom controls the World Tree, and the world has no secrets for you."

Arecino still had a smile on his face, polite but distant.

Sumeru's God of Wisdom has never been about how wise the god himself is. In essence, World Tree is the omniscient and omnipotent god, and Sumeru is in power only to manage World Tree on his behalf.

The Xumi ruler who controls the World Tree can theoretically retrieve all the knowledge that exists in Teyvat from the World Tree.

This is why Sumeru is called the God of Wisdom.

Little Lucky Grass King controls the database of World Tree.

Therefore, the Little Lucky Grass King is the god of wisdom.

Similarly, if you want to use knowledge to trade with the Little Lucky Grass King, then you must give knowledge that is not available in the World Tree.

Or, knowledge that is hidden.

Wang Daoyi and Nasida looked at each other, and both sides saw the message flashing in the other's eyes.

[Forbidden knowledge] or knowledge similar to the origin of forbidden knowledge.

Only this kind of thing from outside the world can not be observed by World Tree.

"In that case, tell me the price. If it is really unknown knowledge to us, then you can take away Xumi's heart of God."

Nacida looked at Arecino and said.

However, Arecino did not speak directly, but looked at Wang Daoyi.

"Why, can't you let me hear you?" Wang Daoyi looked at Arecino with cold eyes.

"No, I already know about your relationship with the Little Lucky Grass King Mian. Of course you can hear it. I just want a promise. After I exchange knowledge for the Heart of God, and before I leave Xumi, you can't do anything to me. Take action." Arecino smiled, looking at Wang Daoyi with strong distrust in his eyes.

Wang Daoyi's old face darkened.

Am I so untrustworthy?

Besides, how did she know that she was going to attack her soon?

Arecino looked at Wang Daoyi, the distrust in his eyes was very obvious: "If you can't give me safety, then any transaction will be fake, and I will naturally not continue to trade."

"Aren't you afraid that I will take action against you now?" Wang Daoyi said with a dark face.

Arecino shook his head slightly: "I know you well. When faced with unknown knowledge, you are often very patient. Like the God of Wisdom, the Lord of Red Sand is also a god who pursues knowledge."

She dared to come to the Order House alone in a hostile situation to meet the two gods, so she was naturally prepared in advance.

She investigated a lot of stories about the Lord of Red Sand,

Ever since the Lord of Red Sand was tricked by the Doctor in an underground factory in his 'infancy',

Go to the Lord of Red Sand to help the doctor perfect the "God Creation Plan\

,"Arecino came to a logic, that is, when faced with unknown and interesting knowledge, the Lord of Red Sand would give in.

At least he will be more patient and won't fall out directly.

It was precisely with this understanding that Arecino dared to come here alone.

Sure enough, after hearing Arecino's words,

Wang Daoyi's downcast expression disappeared instantly, and his calm expression reappeared. The black face and anger were just tactics.

"Okay, I promise you, I won't take action against you before you leave Xumi." Wang Dao agreed as soon as he opened his mouth.

Arecino smiled but still said nothing.

Obviously, she didn't believe this verbal promise.

The golden light in Wang Dao's eyes flashed away, and he sneered: "Okay, yes, let's make a contract. With the contract, you are not afraid that I will break my promise."

He reached out and touched the void, and a contract appeared, suspended between Wang Daoyi and Arecino.

Arecino looked at the contract. It clearly stated that after the transaction, Wang Daoyi would not take action against Arecino before she left Xumi. At the same time, Arecino needed to leave Xumi within three days. After three days, The contract is void.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty." Looking at the mark belonging to the God of Rock on the contract, Arecino bowed slightly. She knew that this was the biggest concession made by the Lord of Red Sand.

"Then sign it quickly and start the transaction." Wang Daoyi urged impatiently.

Arecino didn't care and reached out to sign his name on the hanging contract.

With the imprint of the God of Rock, she really wasn't worried that the Lord of Red Sand would breach the contract.

The information recorded by the Fools is very clear. The Lord of Red Sand was a dependent of the God of Rock before he ascended to God, and he respected the God of Rock very much.

Moreover, those who break their promises shall be punished by eating rocks.

This sentence does not only apply to ordinary creatures.

Most of the demon gods who were swept away by the God of Rock had committed a taboo.

After signing the contract,

Arecino finally felt relieved.

She slowly said: "The secret I gave you comes from the edge of the world!"

Edge of the world!

Wang Dao became interested for a moment.

Wang Daoyi has been conducting investigations on the edge of the world since he became a god.

The expedition of the Knights of the West Wind,

The steel defense line of the fools [Captain],

Apep searches for new forbidden knowledge at the edges of a shattered world.

The edge of the world never really refers to the edge of the world, but refers to the gap between the world of Teyvat and the outer space of the universe.

Theoretically, if you can break through the edge of the world, you can see the real world.

"In order to find the power to resist the sky, we searched to the edge of the world, where we gained some knowledge that did not belong to Teyvat."

"Her Majesty the Queen said that it was forbidden knowledge and the source of disaster, so she sealed it herself."

Arecino spoke slowly.

Wang Daoyi nodded secretly,

The Ice Queen in Solstice has a very strange position.

On the one hand, He is against the sky. In the oath of the fools, there is a saying of raising a flag of rebellion against the sky.

But at the same time, He is also against forbidden knowledge.

He sent an expeditionary force to help Liyue fight against the pollution of the Strata Rock Abyss. Those fools called the dark disaster their common enemy, which shows that Zhidong is also resistant to the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

At the same time, the fools of Winter Solstice are causing trouble everywhere. In a sense, isn't this the will of the Queen of Winter Solstice?

Therefore, He rebelled against the Seven Kingdoms.

Therefore, Zhiwin is not only against the sky, but also against the abyss, and against the Seven Kingdoms.

In this way, in the world of Teyvat,

The sky is a force, the abyss is a force,

The Seven Kingdoms are forces that belong to the sky in name only.

Zhi Dong belongs to the power of the sky, but it has openly rebelled.

Even now, Wang Daoyi still can't figure out what Queen Zhi Dong is thinking and what she wants to do.

However, no matter what the Winter Queen wants to do, Wang Daoyi will never forget the opposing stance between them.

Next time you see the Queen of Solstice, the first thing you have to do is to return the original finger to her.

[Under the gaze of the Red Sand Lord and Little Lucky Grass King, Arecino told the secret about the edge of the world. 】

"It turns out that this is the edge of the world. The weak point of the world caused by the previous war."

Wang Daoyi said thoughtfully.

"Yes, the great adventurer has been running around repairing these weak places for a long time, so that it is difficult for us to find such places, but now, there are more and more weak spots in the world, and the great adventurer The adventurer has his hands full.”

Arecino's voice was filled with mockery, but at the same time there was a hint of admiration.

Obviously, for the great adventurer she called him, she neither understood his actions of repairing his weak points nor admired his actions.

She doesn't understand because she doesn't know why the other party does what she does, but admires it because the other party can repair it, which shows that the other party is powerful enough.

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly. He knew who the great adventurer Arecino was talking about.

It's Ms. Alice.

Keli once said that because the edges of the world are getting weaker and weaker, her mother has no time to play with her.

The great adventurer Ms. Alice may have an inexplicable agreement with Sky and has been helping Sky repair the edge of the world.

"As part of the price, I will inform you of several weak points that we have recorded and have not been repaired by the great adventurer."

Arecino continued.

Nasida nodded slightly: "Although the secret you mentioned is not a very important thing, it is indeed something that is not recorded in the World Tree. In return, I will give you the Heart of God."

Although the knowledge Arecino gave was not something very important, she told an unknown path, which was the most important to Nasita, the god of wisdom.

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly, although he felt that the price given by Arecino was not enough to pay the price of the Heart of God, but since Nasida agreed, so be it.

Arecino bowed slightly: "Thank you for your generosity."

Nasida didn't say much.

Stretching out his hand, a green chess piece appeared,

Heart of God·Grass.

Looking at the emerald-green Heart of God, Arecino's eyes were full of excitement.

But she was quickly suppressed.

Stretch out your hands and take the suspended Heart of God.

On the side, Wang Daoyi showed a hint of coldness: "The contract begins. You have three days to leave here. After three days, I won't be polite."

Arecino still smiled, without any rudeness: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will leave Xumi as soon as possible."

Having obtained the Heart of God, there is nothing left about Sumeru that attracts Arecino.

As for the heart of God in the desert?

Just now, when the Lord of Red Sand said something like "Desert Dark Son", Arecino knew it was a trap.

At this time, it is estimated that those secret agents are about to be caught.

With a hint of coldness in his eyes, Arecino decided to give up on those secrets and leave Xumi as soon as possible.

The threat of the Lord of Red Sand is definitely not a joke. If he says he will take action, he will really take action.

Leaving Jingshan Palace in a hurry,

Walking on the steps of the sacred tree, Arecino had a cautious look on his face, but there was joy in his eyes.

Although she paid some price, she got the Heart of the Grass God, which was considered accomplished.

Now, we have to get out of here as soon as possible.

Arecino left in a hurry without noticing that a purple figure was watching her on the branches of the sacred tree.

"Anxiety mixed with joy. It seems that you have succeeded, Arecino."

There was a bit of ferocity in the skirmishers' eyes, and wisps of murderous intent were gathering together.

"Heart of God"

His possessive desire for the Heart of God has never gone away.

Seeing Arecino's leaving figure, the skirmisher's figure flashed and disappeared from the trunk of the sacred tree.

Arecino turned around sharply and looked at the tree trunk without a human figure. He frowned and said, "No, someone was peeping at me just now."

A little bad premonition appeared in her heart, and her feet moved a little faster.

In the palace of wisdom,

A teaching officer ran to Elhaysen: "Acting Great Sage, that person's signal has appeared, and the void has been positioned. However, the coverage intensity of the void has dropped a lot, and there is a slight deviation in the positioning. We are repairing it. "

Elhaysen nodded slightly. He knew that the woman named Arecino had obtained the Heart of God.

That's why the coverage intensity of the void suddenly dropped.

"Continue to monitor, find her stopping point, carry out investigation, and find all the fools in Xumi."

Elhaysen ordered.

After understanding that Arlecino's target was the Heart of God, Elhaysen knew that he should not interfere in the affairs between Arlecino and the two gods.

So Elhaysen's goal from that point on was to obtain information about Arecino, so that the void could capture and lock her, and use this executive of the Fools to eliminate the remaining strongholds of the Fools in Sumeru.

"I understand, Acting Great Sage, but information about a criminal named [Skicker] was detected just now. He is following that Arecino."

The corners of Elhaysen's mouth curved into a nice smile: "That's the plan of the Lord of Red Sand, don't worry about it."

The instructor nodded slightly: "Okay, then go down and continue to arrange surveillance."

After saying that, the instructor left in a hurry. He still had a lot of work to do.

In other words, since the acting great sage took office, no one has been idle.

In the position of the great sage, Elhaysen raised his head and looked towards the direction of Jingshan Palace.

"As expected of the Lord of Red Sand, letting two fools and executives kill each other is really a good show."

After hearing that skirmishers were following Arecino,

Elhaysen understood that this must have been deliberately arranged by Wang Daoyi.

He even instantly restored Wang Daoyi's steps,

Let the skirmishers know that Arecino came to find the heart of God,

Let the scattered soldiers leave Jingshan Palace,

Give the heart of God to Arecino,

Let the skirmishers know that Arecino has the heart of God,

Then watched the skirmishers go to find Arecino.

There is no need for any external force at all, everything is so natural.

The skirmishers and Arecino became actors in the drama of the Lord of the Red Sand, performing for him.

Thinking about it, Elhaysen withdrew his thoughts. This kind of thing at the level of the executive god's heart should be left to the Lord of Red Sand and the Little Lucky Grass King.

All he had to do was find the camps of fools hidden in Xumi.

Jingshan Palace,

Nasida looked at Wang Daoyi helplessly: "It took a lot of effort to temper his heart, but you stimulate him like this again."

Wang Daoyi shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face: "You can't educate him before he realizes his fault. Why not let me play with him? At least he can still feel the shame after being played with."

Then he looked at Nasida with some curiosity: "Let alone the skirmishers, how could you hand over the Heart of God so easily? The price Alecino gave just now is not enough to pay for the Heart of God."

Hearing Wang Daoyi's question, Nasida shook her head slightly: "These days, I have been browsing information in World Tree. There is something wrong with World Tree. A lot of information is hidden, and even I can't see it. For example, the traveler's brother, For example, Daoyi, a lot of the information is wrong."

"Moreover, before Arlecino came, the Ice Queen had contacted me. He said that the sky hid all this from all living beings. Although I didn't believe what he said, I decided to see if he could really make it happen. Everyone sees the true face of the sky."

Wang Dao glared: "The Ice Queen has contacted you? You didn't tell me before!"

Nasida's big eyes flashed, and she reached out and hugged Wang Daoyi's thigh: "Is Daoyi angry?"

"Angry, of course you're angry, Nasida, you actually made a deal with the Ice Queen without telling me!" Although the little Loli hugged his thigh, Wang Daoyi felt a little soft-hearted, but he still looked angry.

"Pfft." Nasida laughed out loud, "Daoyi is duplicity, he is obviously not angry."

As a wise god, Nasida can sense the emotions of life, and Wang Daoyi is an existence with whom she shares authority. Naturally, she can sense whether Wang Daoyi is really angry.

"Hmph, even if I wasn't angry, you shouldn't have made the deal with the Ice Queen without telling me."

Nasida nodded slightly: "That's true, but I didn't make a deal with Him. I just gave Him a chance to send someone to convince me."

"So, Arecino convinced you?" Wang Daoyi said angrily.

Nasida released her hands holding Wang Daoyi's thigh, and then stretched out her hands towards Wang Daoyi, signaling that she wanted to hug him.

"I did not see the existence of the edge of the world in the World Tree, which means that this information has been hidden. This proves that the World Tree has been modified by others. Even I have no right to involve it. This is an offense to my authority. So, I’m willing to watch Solstice and test the sky.”

After Wang Dao bent down and picked her up, he continued: "And the heart of God is the bargaining chip I gave."

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly: "Do you agree with the Ice Queen's plan?"

Nasida looked into Wang Daoyi's eyes and shook her head slightly: "No, I don't agree, and He didn't tell me a specific plan, but I need someone to touch the sky to observe the changes in the World Tree. The Queen of Winter is A good choice.”

Hearing this,

Wang Daoyi was slightly silent,

Finally nodded.

"Okay, I will support your idea, but small punishments and big warnings are still indispensable."

Just now, that Arecino dared to question Him and forced him to sign a contract. If there was no punishment, wouldn't it be a shame for him?

If Arecino escapes from Xumi without signing a contract, maybe Wang Daoyi will let her go. After all, finding someone is still very troublesome.

But now that the contract has been signed, Wang Daoyi can completely use the power of the contract to target Arecino and attack her the moment she leaves Sumeru.

can only say,

Foolish executives lack reverence for gods,

He also underestimated the power of God.

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