Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 531 Confrontation with the Ice Queen

Sumeru Ormos Port,

The dock at night,

The radiance of the elements and the great roar appear here,

And looking into the distance at the pier,

A ship sailed hard to the open sea under the bombardment of artillery fire.

on the ship,

Arecino's face became darker and darker.

Retracting her eyes to look at Mingyue, she reached out and took out an ice blue crystal from her arms.

"It's almost too late."

on the pier,

Wang Daoyi looked at the swaying boat and said,

Then he raised his head and looked at the bright moon that had risen above his head in the sky.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The time has come."


Dolly heard Wang Daoyi's voice and turned to look at him: "When is the time coming?"

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Does Boss Dolly have a pocket watch? Look what time it is now."

Dolly didn't know what Wang Daoyi meant, but she also vaguely felt that the Lord of Red Sand seemed to have some time-related conditions for the fools this time.

He reached out and touched his pants.

Dolly took out a pocket watch and looked at the time on it.

"It's eleven fifty-seven, there are still three minutes left, and it will be early morning."

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly: "Three minutes, Boss Dolly, do you think three minutes will allow them to leave the range of Xumi?"

"How is it possible? As they are now, it is difficult for them to escape my elemental cannon, let alone leave the Sumeru Sea."

Dolly looked like my elemental cannon was invincible.

Wang Dao glanced at the elemental cannon beside him and twitched the corner of his mouth: "Dolly."


"It is a great crime to liaise with fools, and it is also a great crime to smuggle arms."


Seeing the half-smiling expression of the Lord of Red Sand, Dolly's little face quickly turned pale, and she felt as if she had been fooled.

"What do you want to do?" Dolly's voice was trembling.

Dolly is very courageous, but not so bold that she can ignore the gods.

Moreover, her biggest supporter is Ms. Alice.

But she had seen the conversation between Wang Daoyi and Ms. Alice, and knew that Ms. Alice could not ignore the Lord of Red Sand.

Therefore, Dolly is very afraid of the Lord of Red Sand.

"What do I want to do? Haha, don't worry, this is the Port of Ormos, Buyer is your god, and the Order is the controller here. Your mistakes will be judged by them."

Wang Daoyi will naturally not take action against Dolly. The best way to deal with Dolly is to judge according to the rules of the Order Academy.

All lynching punishments are unfair to Dolly. Only by following the rules can Dolly be obedient.

"Okay, take your people and leave the dock as soon as possible to avoid being affected."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand to Dolly,

Dolly: "What?"

She didn't react for a moment, and then she saw the Lord of Red Sand stretching out his hand.

In the dark night, a bright sun appeared in the sky,

The incandescent light illuminated the sky, as if it was dawn.

"This" Dolly reacted, the Lord of Red Sand was about to take action against those fools.

"Evacuate, evacuate immediately." In an emergency, Dolly could no longer control the wealth at the dock and called her men to leave quickly.

If the money is gone, you can still make money, but if your people are gone, you are really gone.

Although Dolly loves money, the essence of her love for money is that she does not want the people around her to die again.

The people around her include her subordinates who help her make money.

At Dolly's call, the people on the pier began to evacuate quickly.

the other side,

above the sea,

Arecino looked at the sun rising in the sky,

Biting his silver teeth, the ice blue crystal in his hand shone brighter and brighter.

Brightness blooms between the sun and the sea and the sky,

Like stars falling,

Getting closer and closer to the moving ship.

"Damned if it wasn't Scaramucci."

Arecino cursed the stragglers, then clasped his hands together, and the ice blue crystals in his hands shone brightly.

The extreme cold escapes from the crystal,

The sea begins to freeze,

Even the light from the bright sun was distorted by the extreme cold.

on the pier,

Wang Daoyi's eyes became more and more dangerous,

He is too familiar with this kind of power,

The extreme cold almost freezes time,

Once in Liyue, in such an environment,

He was almost killed by the Ice Queen's finger.

If the emperor hadn't saved him, his journey might have ended.

"Ice Queen, ho ho ho ha ha ha, you finally appear in front of me again."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand suddenly,

The bright sun in the sky accelerated instantly, like a space-based weapon, and fell towards Arecino's ship.

Above the sea, wisps of cold wind suddenly rose,

As the will of the great being is projected,

The wind and snow began to fall all over the sky,

In just a few breaths, it seemed as if the Port of Olmos had entered the cold winter.

Heavy snow fell and soon accumulated snow on the ground.

The originally rippling sea surface turned white, and the color of frost began to spread.

In the icy blue light,

A slender arm stretched out,

The five fingers spread out to face the falling sun.

Behind the pier,

Dolly and others saw a very contrasting scene on the sea.

Under the blazing sun,

With a slight exertion of one hand, Yaoyang was held up, preventing it from getting any closer.

Then, a terrifying cold current surged, and in an instant, the originally blazing sun was frozen, shattered, and turned into flakes of light all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards,

A hazy figure stepped out of the icy blue light,

He wears a supreme crown on his head, a long skirt made of ice and snow on his body, and a throne made of ice appears behind him.

His eyes opened slightly, revealing compassion covered by endless frost.

God of Love, Queen of Ice, Ruler of Winter.

He just stood quietly in the sky above the sea,

The howling cold current surged around Him,

The frost continued to spread, and in the blink of an eye, the ice line appeared at Wang Daoyi's feet.

"It's not the solstice here."

Wang Dao's eyes were slightly cold, endless brilliance gathered, and rounds of radiant sun jumped out of the void,

The blazing light shrouded Port Ormos, fighting against the cold current brought by the Ice Queen unintentionally.

To control the spreading ice, Wang Dao took a step forward,

A crown appeared on his forehead, and the light and rock responded to his will and turned into a sacred robe.

The red-gold throne gathered behind him,

The vast divine power soared into the sky, breaking through the pressure of the Ice Queen.

The authority belonging to the Sumeru Desert asserts its authority wantonly.

"Although it's just a projection of yours, I don't mind regaining some ground first."

The right hand is held empty,

A great sun appears,

It seemed that the ancient giant waved its arms,

Pull down stars from the sky and throw them as stones at your enemies.

Wang Dao's thoughts moved with unparalleled divine power,

Controlling the sun to hit the Ice Queen,

The Queen's eyes opened lightly. Facing the terrifying elemental sun, she did not panic.

Raise your right hand and tap your fingertips lightly,


The terrifying cold current swept towards the sky under the will of the Ice Queen, rushing towards the blazing sun,

Blazing light, extremely cold air currents,

heat and cold,

Yang and Yin,

The forces that restrain and complement each other collide on the sea of ​​Sumeru.

The elements are constantly consuming each other,

next moment,

A huge mushroom cloud rises above the sea level.

Port of Ormos,

A large group of thirty people rushed to the dock.

Looking at the terrifying scene on the sea level, I trembled slightly inside.

"What exactly is going on?"


When Dolly opened fire to bombard Arecino, the people in the Order realized something was wrong and began to gather manpower.

But when they are ready to come to the dock to catch the criminals,

The divine war has begun.

"This way, don't get close, it's the Lord of Red Sand who is fighting."

Although I usually don’t like people from the Order, and I even hate the tax officers and disciplinary officers of the Order,

But Dolly couldn't watch the people from the Order approaching the battlefield to die.

The leading instructor was slightly startled and turned to look at the source of the sound: "Dolly? Why is it you again? What is going on here?"

Dolly doesn't like the people in the Order, and the people in the Order are also 'particularly concerned' about Dolly.

For a super businessman like Dolly Sange Mahabhai Sahib,

The people in the Order Academy also love and hate them.

Loving her can provide a lot of experimental materials,

I hate her for smuggling goods, paying more than she can afford, and even evading taxes legally.

"There were Fools moving here just now. I noticed them and stopped them. Now it is the Lord of Red Sand who is dealing with those Fools."

Dolly acted like I was a good person.

The instructor frowned slightly and did not continue to question Dolly. Instead, he looked at the battlefield on the sea in the distance, as well as the terrifying surging cold current and the bright sun hanging in the sky.

Look at the way the sea water is frozen under the cold current. If it were not blocked by the bright sun, once the cold current enters the Port of Olmos, there will probably be many casualties.

"What can we do?" The instructor didn't want to just watch.

Dolly glanced at him speechlessly: "What are you thinking? This kind of battle is not something we can interfere with, no matter how you think about it."

After saying that, Dolly turned and glanced behind her: "Why don't you ask people to disperse the approaching people first to avoid accidents."

Wang Daoyi and the Ice Queen made too much noise.

Plus Dolly’s bombardment just now,

The whole port of Ormos wakes up,

Many people began to approach the dock driven by curiosity.

It has to be said that Xumi has been stable for too long, and civilians actually want to get closer to watch such terrifying movements.

If it were a desert and such a movement occurred, the first reaction of civilians would be to stay away as quickly as possible.


Wang Dao glanced towards the dock, a little speechless. These people are really not afraid of death.

"Evacuate civilians, establish defense lines, and resist the cold wave."

As soon as Wang Dao's lips moved slightly, the voice appeared in the ears of the dock commander,

The instructor was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized that it was the Lord of Red Sand talking to him.

The expression on his face tightened, and he shouted loudly to his thirty-man regiment: "The Fools are attacking. Inform the civilians to evacuate. They are not allowed to get close. Set up a defense line. Instruct the mobilization of cold-proof materials."

Then he turned to look at Dolly: "Boss Dolly, you also need help."

Dolly nodded immediately: "Okay!"

She knew that the more she did now, the harder it would be for the Order to liquidate her later.

Here, the Thirty Men and Dolly's armed men began to establish a defense line and evacuate civilians.

on the sea,

The projections of Wang Daoyi and the Ice Queen stood in the void, confronting each other.

At this time, Wang Daoyi realized the feeling of being helpless in Lei Movie.

This place is too close to the Port of Ormos, and Wang Daoyi cannot use too much force at all.

If we were to deal with the evil god just like we did outside Inazuma,

I am afraid that after the phantom of the Ice Queen is eliminated, Ormos Port will also be destroyed.


Seeing Wang Dao throwing his weight around,

The Ice Queen has no intention of continuing to take action.

However, under His protection, the Fools were repairing the ship quickly.

He doesn't want to fight Wang Daoyi, He just wants to protect these fools and bring them back to the heart of God.

"It's not that easy."

Wang Dao's eyes turned cold. If he let these fools leave so easily, how shameless would he be?

Since powerful moves cannot be used, use more subtle ones.

It’s not like Wang Daoyi has never done delicate work before.

With a thought, dense golden chains spread out from the void.


Looking at the chains all over the sky, the Ice Queen finally said the second word after appearing.

His eyes, which were frozen by the endless cold, fluctuated slightly. He naturally knew these chains.

Although these chains have undergone great changes under Wang Daoyi's hands, in essence, they are still Morax's secret magic chains.

"We can't let these chains attack the ship."

The Ice Queen knows very well that although the Fools' shipbuilding skills are very good and the ships are considered strong,

But in front of these golden chains, it is still not enough.

The arms wrapped in the wind and snow were slightly raised, the endless cold current gathered behind him, and the wind and snow began to howl,

The terrifying ice element began to surge under the will of the Ice Queen,

A blizzard is coming.

The violent wind and snow swept away the golden chains, and the frost and chains tore each other apart.

For a time, the entire sea area was covered with icy blue and golden light flakes.

"If it were your true form coming over, I would still be a bit wary of it, but if it's just a projection, it would be too arrogant for you to block my steps."


Wang Dao's eyes flashed with golden light,

Found a flaw,

After all, this projection is just a projection. Although it has some of the power projection of the Ice Queen, it does not mean that it is perfect.

In the constant confrontation, Wang Daoyi collected and analyzed his data,

Finally calculated the flaw,


Wang Daoyi flashed and turned into a golden light, instantly breaking through the Ice Queen's defense.

As he flew past the Queen, he even saw a hint of shock on the Queen's frozen face.

next moment,

The roar sounded,

The ships of the Fools were destroyed one by one by the King's Dao,


The Ice Queen turned around with the cold current, and the extreme coldness gathered. A spear appeared beside the Queen, and the target was the Lord of Red Sand.

Wang Dao succeeded in striking one by one, the corners of his mouth were slightly outlined, the golden light flowed, and he left the place in an instant. The next second, the ice spear penetrated the place, and the power of the ice penetrated all the way, forming an icicle in the sea that went deep into the seabed.

In the eyes of outsiders, in just a blink of an eye, Wang Daoyi and the Ice Queen changed places.

The Ice Queen appears beside the destroyed ship,

And Wang Daoyi appeared in the void where the Ice Queen was standing just now.

Looking at the sinking ship and the frightened fools on board,

The Ice Queen's frozen eyes fluctuated slightly, and finally she sighed slightly: "Alas"

Then, he turned to look at Wang Daoyi, the ice blue in his eyes becoming more and more dangerous.

"I have no intention of hurting more people, but resistance will always involve sacrifices, whether it is my people or other people."

"Lord of Red Sand, you and I have different ideas, and I never hope to convince you."

The Ice Queen stretched out her right hand, and endless frost began to gather.

It's like seeing the king's soldiers.

"But if you insist on standing in front of me, then winter will swallow everything."

"Winter is coming."

The wind stopped,

The snow stopped,

Only the last pale remains of the world,

Everything has lost its color,

White, white, still white,

Wang Daoyi turned his eyes slightly,

The fools on the sea are pale,

The frightened fish in the sea are pale,

The birds in the sky are pale as they try to escape.

Under the absolute cold, even time stopped flowing and everything turned pale.

And opposite Wang Daoyi,

The phantom of the Ice Queen is already in pieces.

Obviously, using this ability to freeze time in a wide range is not a small burden for the Ice Queen.

Looking at Wang Daoyi who was frozen in time, the Ice Queen did not hesitate. The power of this projection was running out and she could not complete the last hit on the Red Sand Lord.

What he can do now is to take his people and escape from here.

However, the Ice Queen just turned around and rescued the fools on the sea.

Then I heard a whistling sound behind me,

With a slight flicker of his body, a rock spear whizzed past him, taking away a few strands of his hair that had been condensed by ice.

"You" looked at Wang Daoyi who was frozen for time but could still move. A hint of surprise appeared in the Ice Queen's eyes.

"Back in Liyue, I was frozen in time by you like this. I could only look at your instructions. If the emperor hadn't taken action, I would have died at your hands."

Wang Daoyi walked in the pale world with a sneer on his lips,

"Now, it's been so long, you don't think that the same trick can still work on me, do you?"

The right hand was a little empty, and the "Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration" appeared next to Wang Daoyi.

"The game is over, Your Majesty, now is the time for revenge."

A golden elemental true body poked out from the void behind Wang Daoyi,

The elemental giant like an ancient Titan slowly raised his right arm,

Hold out a finger,

Like a falling star, he pointed at the Ice Queen.

on the sea,

The Ice Queen's projection was already full of fragments, and she was unable to resist Wang Daoyi's finger.

His ice blue eyes scanned the fools behind him,

The Queen sighed slightly.

Then the shattered body exploded,

An extreme ice elemental power enveloped Arlecino and turned her into a freezer, sinking her to the bottom of the sea and moving away from the battlefield at a terrifying speed.

next moment,

The fingers of the elemental giant appeared where the Ice Queen was standing just now.


A mushroom cloud rises,

The originally frozen sea exploded, and ice fragments flew all over the sky. Under the bright sun, it looked like a dream.


Wang Daoyi looked at the freezer going away, his smile unabated.

"I didn't hit the mark. I'm so decisive. I'll just blow up the projection and take away Arecino."

"It's just that these ordinary fools have no choice but to die here."

After barely breathing out, Wang Daoyi retracted his gaze towards the freezer.

I glanced at the messy sea surface and the port of Ormos, which was on full alert.

"The alert is lifted, send people to collect the loot, keep warm, and by the way, investigate the arms smuggling of businessman Dolly and Rice Wife."

After hearing the message from the commander at the dock, Wang Daoyi disappeared above the sea.

on the pier,

The instructor was stunned for a moment, then looked at Dolly beside him with a half-smile.


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