Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 550 Apology

In Albedo’s apartment,

Xiangling tried on various clothes excitedly.

Although Wang Daoyi always said that he came here to travel as an ordinary Liyue person,

But even if their identities as Lords of Red Sand are not counted, Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling are also friends of the Knights.

Therefore, they received a front-row invitation to the Fenghua Ceremony,

Xiangling is getting ready for her attendance dress.

Wang Daoyi is more casual. In the city of Mondstadt, he just wears big pants and slippers to attend the wind flower ceremony. What's the problem?

People might even praise him for being bohemian.

As long as they don't act to insult the God of Wind, the citizens of Mondstadt don't have many requirements in terms of dressing up.

Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

However, Wang Daoyi’s face did not look good.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he was scolding someone, or some god.

As for Wendy's action of handing the little flower to Ying on the statue of the God of Wind, Wang Daoyi could not hide it.

In other words, Wendy didn't want to hide it.

Originally, Wang Daoyi really wanted to pack the Lawrence family away.

Although there are a lot of trash in the Lawrence family, as long as we take away that Yora Lawrence, it is worthwhile to accept some trash.

"An old guy is an old guy. No matter how the situation changes, as long as he makes a few tweaks at the end, he will still gain a lot."

Wang Dao cursed loudly.

Originally, Wendy's plan failed, and he thought he could pick it up.

Unexpectedly, Wendy finally took action.

Send this little flower over,

Wang Daoyi can be sure that not only Yora Lawrence will not agree to go to the desert with him, but even the ordinary Lawrence tribesmen will think that this is the God of Wind’s affirmation of their change, and then they will go to the snow-capped mountains even more determinedly. opened up.

The God of Wind still remembers Lawrence,

The god of wind still recognizes Lawrence's glory,

The God of Wind does not dislike the current Lawrence.

In front of a family that had hit rock bottom, the God of Wind once again stretched out his hand,

If the Lawrence family followed Wendy without paying any attention to it, Wang Dao would regard them as heartless.

"Hey, Brother Dao Yi, what are you doing?" Xiang Ling tried on her clothes, but found that her lover had not moved. Instead, he was cursing over there and asked with some confusion.

Wang Daoyi immediately shook his head: "It's okay, I just complained about some people being too shameless. Have you changed your clothes? The Wind Flower Ceremony is about to begin."

Xiangling's attention was immediately diverted: "Okay, okay, let's set off quickly."

Wang Daoyi, who was dressed in regular clothes, and Xiang Ling, who was dressed in Mond's dress, went out together.

Needless to say, Xiangling, who gave up her daily style, is less cute and more charming at the same time.

Wang Daoyi looked at it several times, then nodded in confirmation, yes, he has grown up.

Probably Xiangling took too long to choose clothes, and everyone else had already passed.

So the two quickened their pace.

After arriving at Fengshen Square,

The place is already decorated with lanterns and festoons.

The festive atmosphere is finally reflected.

The square was already crowded with people, and many Zephyr Knights maintained order among the crowd.

The main reason is that what Youla wants to talk about attracted too many people. Otherwise, even if the place is full of people, it will take some time.

Of course, Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling didn't have to squeeze in, but as soon as they showed up, a knight came over to guide them to the front position.

Don't ask why there is such a thing as VIP seats in free Mondstadt.

Well, Mondstadt is free and equal, but there are always some who are more equal.

After all, levels must exist.

When we arrived at the VIP seats in front, the other friends had indeed arrived.

"Where's Abedo?" Wang Dao turned around and asked Xingqiu, who was sitting at the VIP table.

"Teacher Abedo is the captain of the Knights' investigation team. He is in the Knights' viewing position and will come out in a while." Xingqiu replied.

Yes, although Albedo is nominally the chief alchemist of the Knights of the West Wind, his actual position is the captain of the Knights' investigation team.

As for who is in this investigation team, Wang Daoyi estimates that Abedo himself does not know.

After the long expedition of the Grand Group, the organizational structure of the Knights was very loose.

There is no way, there are not enough manpower, so the various teams have to coordinate with each other.

Didn't wait long,

As soon as Wang Dao saw Qin and Ying appearing on the other side of the seat,

Behind them, there were knights and nuns from the church.

I looked up at the weather,

Cloudless and sunny.

Qin gave Ying a look, then walked alone to the statue of the God of Wind,

With the appearance of the acting captain, the noisy surroundings also became quiet.

Then there was a lot of scene talk from Captain Qin, and then he invited the Honorary Knights to come on stage and presented the Wind Flower to Barbatos, the God of Wind.

The flower of the wind this year is still the dandelion.

Although Wang Daoyi does not think dandelions are flowers,

But in Mondstadt, many people recognize the status of dandelions and regard dandelions as one of the symbols of Mondstadt.

Therefore, no one objected to choosing dandelion as the wind flower dedicated to the God of Wind.

Along with Ying, the star of the Wind Flower Festival, and Qin, the acting leader, they presented dandelions together and placed them in front of the statue of the God of Wind, and wisps of breeze began to blow.

The dandelions in front of the statue are like small white umbrellas, which begin to flutter in the wind.

The God of Wind received the gift, he was very happy and sent down the wind of freedom.


In the square, among the flying dandelions, the people of Mondstadt began to cheer.

Although the wind is bound to come at this time of year, they can hardly conceal their excitement every time.

This is probably the time of year when they are closest to the God of Wind.

"Brother Dao Yi, is this wind really blown by the God of Wind?" Xiang Ling asked curiously.

Wang Dao nodded: "Of course, that guy's eyes are always fixed here. At the end of the Wind Flower Festival every year, he will blow the breeze to tell the people of Mondstadt that he is always here."

Xiangling nodded as if she understood: "In that case, the God of Wind also sees what happened these days?"

"Of course, not only did he see it, he even pushed it." Wang Dao smiled and leaned into Xiang Ling's ear, "otherwise, why do you think Xin Yan suddenly heard the call of the wind?"

Feeling the hot air blowing by her ears, Xiangling's ears turned a little red, but she quickly reacted: "So... Brother Dao Yi must have intervened."

Xiang Ling is still very smart. Although there is no evidence, since Wang Daoyi is clear about everything, he must have intervened.

"Ha, I just gave the seeds a little time to germinate. The real 'mastermind' is still that guy Barbatos."

If Yula is really kidnapped back to the desert, Wang Daoyi will naturally not mind taking the blame and being the mastermind behind the scenes. But now that all the benefits have been taken by Barbatos, Wang Daoyi will naturally not take the blame.

"I don't understand." Xiang Ling shook her little head. She didn't understand what was going on between Wang Daoyi and Fengshen, but she didn't care.

Leaning her head on Wang Daoyi's shoulder, Xiang Ling looked at the stage of the Fenghua Ceremony,

After the dandelions in the sky were accepted by the God of Wind, the Wind Flower Festival was successfully concluded.

But no one has any intention of leaving this year.

Everyone is waiting for the girl to appear.

However, what came up next was not the Youra everyone wanted to see, but a strange band.

As a rock singer, Xin Yan usually performs most of her performances in Liyue by herself.

But this time, with the help of an accomplished bard, she now has a band that is, if not professional, very enthusiastic.

Most of these bards have traveled to many countries and have seen various musical instruments. It couldn't be better for them to complete the music.

Seeing Xin Yan on stage, the friends around him immediately became excited.

Xingqiu didn't look like a young master at all, waving his hands and cheering,

Yun Jin didn't look like an opera master. She also made trumpet-like hands with her hands and cheered for Xin Yan.

There were also many tourists who came to play. They didn't care about the changes in Mondstadt. When they saw the performance, they immediately cheered.

It is human nature to join in the fun.

Xin Yan stood on the stage, glanced down slightly, and saw his friends cheering him on.

Turning his eyes slightly, he looked at more viewers,

Everyone's emotions are like different colors, exposed in front of Xin Yan's eyes,

Excitement, anticipation, suspicion, and all kinds of emotions.

Xin Yan knew that many of these people were not here for him. They most likely wanted to watch Miss Youla have fun.

However, even so, Xin Yan will not give up his performance.

There is also the rebellious spirit of Miss Yora in my songs.

Thinking of this, Xin Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he turned his head and gave the minstrel band behind him a look.

next moment,

The fiery and explosive music that belongs to rock music is remembered on the stage.

Different from Mond's gentle and gentle poems like gentle breeze and drizzle,

Like blazing flames, like rock cracking rock, for the first time in a real sense, it appeared under the statue of the God of Wind in Mondstadt.

Xin Yan plucked the strings of the guitar, and a low singing voice came from her mouth,

Like the omen before the angry river bursts its banks, like the depression before the spring thunder,

"The story I want to tell today,

It happened in ancient Mondstadt,

The girl sighed under the yoke of the nobles,

She comes from the southern wilderness,

Born free and in chains,

Although the body is restrained by the tyrant,

The free soul never stops


The originally gentle wind became violent,

The clear sky gradually darkened,

It seems that unspeakable terror has befallen this place,

Thick dark clouds covered the sky in an instant,

With Xin Yan's singing, Mond seems to have returned to an era once ruled by decadent aristocrats.

The tyrannical nobles oppressed the people of Mondstadt and squeezed the last of their freedom.

However, before people panic or their emotions explode,

Xin Yan plucked the strings, and the originally suppressed voice suddenly changed,

The sound of explosions, like the clash of gold and iron, like thunder in spring, echoed throughout the Fengshen Square.

"That is the never-ending wind, that is the shining heart,

The girl took up the sword of defiance, and the wind god sang to her,

Taking advantage of the strong wind, wind and flames intertwined,

By the oath of freedom, the flag of decay has fallen.


The high singing voice is like a blazing flame,

It was like the girl who raised her sword against the decadent nobles a thousand years ago reappeared in this square,

An unimaginable and terrifying momentum rose into the sky,

Break through the dark clouds, break through the strong wind, break through the shackles,

Suffering will never end,

The villain was finally defeated,

The flags of freedom and resistance are flying over Mondstadt,

Sunshine, breeze, and all the beauty return to Mondstadt.

on the stage,

Xin Yan slowly plucked the strings, and the originally fiery and high-pitched singing gradually calmed down and became soothing.

"O sinful man, O sinful blood,

Have you realized your mistake?

O those who resist, O glorious blood,

Do you know your own path?


In the auditorium,

Yun Jin frowned slightly: "This is not rock and roll."

As Xin Yan's friend and number one fan, Yun Jin can naturally tell whether a song is rock or not.

Although the previous singing is a bit strange, Xin Yan's singing still carries her strong and fiery emotions.

But the last part of the soft chant was completely divorced from the concept of rock and roll that Xin Yan once described to her.

"Of course it's not rock and roll, it's poetry, poetry that is very characteristic of Mondstadt." Wang Daoyi answered from the side.

With a glimmer in his eyes, he looked at Xin Yan on the stage,

He had never been aroused, so he immediately recognized that Xin Yan was singing to Youla.

Connecting the story of Vanessa's rebellion against the old aristocracy and Laura's rebellion against Lawrence's imprisonment,

In this way, when the people of Mondstadt react, they will naturally sympathize with Yura subconsciously.

Although it won't 'whitewash' Yura, it will give her a lot of impression points.

Wang Dao raised his head and looked at the guy on the statue of the God of Winds.

Although he couldn't see the form, Wang Daoyi knew that the lingering wind was Barbatos.

"This guy has really calculated everything."

Although he was a little unhappy, Wang Daoyi had no intention of ruining Wendy's plan.

After all, although Xin Yan was taken advantage of by Wendy, Xin Yan was also happy with it.

When Wang Daoyi was thinking randomly,

On the stage, Xin Yan's performance also reached the final stage,

"The lion cub lifts his head in the wind,

Finally freed from the shackles,

People of Mondstadt, please do not be bound by prejudices,

Go forward, toward freedom and resistance,

The wind will wait at the end of the dream..."

The song ends,

There was some silence in Fengshen Square,

After three or two breaths,

The violent cheers suddenly came to mind,

Although it is the first time for many people to listen to this exotic song,

But Xin Yan's performance completely conquered them,

The story in the song tells that they ushered in that tragic era,

Everyone seemed to see the red-haired girl with determination in her eyes, walking alone in front of the towering castle, raising the long sword in her hand towards the decadent old nobles in the castle.

freedom and resistance,

It is a topic that the people of Mondstadt can relate to most.

Of course, some people noticed that the descriptions of the old aristocracy in the song did not seem to be used as villains like previous poems.

It seems that a different old aristocracy is sung in this 'rock' song.

An old aristocrat who...can admit his mistakes.

Thinking of this, many Mondstadt people shook their heads, feeling that it was impossible.

Can an old aristocrat still be an old aristocrat if he admits his mistakes?

Many people know that for thousands of years the people of Mondstadt have not forgiven those old nobles. Why?

Isn't it because the old nobles never admitted their mistakes?

The most representative one is Lawrence.

Many people have come into contact with Lawrence, and his superior attitude is the reason why they have been rejected by the Mondstadt people.

Amid the cheers and applause of the audience,

Xin Yan led the minstrel band and bowed to the audience before leaving the stage.


The atmosphere in Fengshen Square began to solidify gradually.

Everyone knows that next, it is time for Lawrence to take the stage.


After Xin Yan stepped down, Yora Lawrence also came to power at the same time.

When Yura passed by him,

Xin Yan hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "Come on!"

Although she still didn't know what happened, she still noticed something.

Xin Yan, who had discussed the spirit of rebellion with Youla before, had a good impression of Youla.

That's why I say this here.

Youla paused for a moment, then moved her lips slightly: "Just now, thank you."

Passing by Xin Yan,

Yula stood on the stage under the statue of the God of Wind,

First, he bowed slightly to the towering statue of the God of Winds.

Then he turned around and looked at the countless Mondstadt people in Fengshen Square.

One after another, eyes with disgust, resistance, and inexplicable meaning stared at Yula.

If it is a person with poor psychological quality, he will probably collapse immediately.

Being disliked is not a big deal. A normal person would just be annoyed and angry for a while and then look away.

But if you are hated by everyone, then it is more harmful than a sword.

Explain using some words that Wang Daoyi knows,

That is human flesh, Internet violence, cold violence, and social death.

These are things that can really drive a person to death.

Killing without blood is often worse and more vicious than killing with blood.

What’s even more ridiculous is that most people who force people to die really have no subjective malice.

They are driven by collective will.

To be honest,

If Sumeru, the person who plays with swarm consciousness, comes to Mondstadt to conduct experiments, and if Barbatos doesn't interfere, he may be able to pack the Lawrence family away.

The Lawrence family has been targeted for thousands of years, and their need for social recognition has reached the point of extreme desire.

standing on the stage,

Youra lowered her head slightly and tried her best to make eye contact with everyone's eyes.

She cannot escape, she must accept the disgust and resistance of every Mondstadt,

Only by accepting it can you apologize and be forgiven.

If the person who made the mistake does not accept the disgust of the victim, then what right does he have to ask the victim to forgive him?

"I, Yora Lawrence, the current head of the Lawrence family, declare here on behalf of the Lawrence family:

The Laurence family admits all mistakes in the past and apologizes to every Mondstadt citizen who has been harmed by the Laurence family.

In ancient times, all the mistakes made by the Laurence family will end here,

Lawrence's ancestors once led the people of Mondstadt to open up New Mondstadt. This was the beginning of Lawrence's glory.

But the decadent Lawrence has exhausted this glory,

Only sin remains of past glory,

The Lawrence family will no longer deny the existence of evil;

As a price, as a sincerity of apology,

First, the Lawrence family will give up all valuable assets in Mondstadt, which will be taken over by the Knights and used to support the lonely elderly people in Mondstadt.

Second, the Lawrence family will completely move out of Mondstadt and go to the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain. We came out of the wind and snow, and we will go back to the wind and snow.

Third, the Lawrence family will give up their so-called titles of nobility until we regain our glory. "

Yula's apology statement is not too long.

But no one from Mondstadt in the Fengshen Square refuted or scolded him.

The emotion on many Mondstadt faces was not hatred, nor forgiveness.

But at a loss.

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