Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 698 Meeting Andrius on the Road

Wang Daoyi didn't know what happened on the real timeline.

Time has come to the fifteenth day of advent.

Half of the one-month time-travel period has passed.

During these fifteen days,

Wang Daoyi saw Xumi's alliance of three gods and saw Amon's crushing battle against ordinary demons.

I also saw the profound wisdom and awareness of the King of Flowers and the King of Trees.

After coming to Liyue, he joined the Liyue God Department and participated in the killing of Baqiu and Chi.

He also obtained from Morax and Hargentus the secrets about how heaven maintains the operation of Teyvat.

I also know the importance of the power of the three realms.

I also saw the legendary Wuyaksha, the awake Dragon King Ruoduo, and the dazed Marcusius.

In the past fifteen days, we have gained a lot.

"So you're leaving?"

Fa Nan looked at the Lord of Secrets with some reluctance.

It's not that I have any special feelings.

It’s just that this guy, the Mystery Master, really seems to know everything.

He also speaks well and can make small desserts.

He is a very friendly demon god to Fa Nan,

Of course, the most important thing is that with the mysterious master, she can follow him from time to time to find the end.

She admired him the most.

"Well, both Baqiu and Chi have been eliminated. Liyue will usher in a period of rapid development for the time being. I just want to go out and take a look around."

Wang Daoyi looked at Fa Nan and said.

Fa Nan was still a little unhappy: "Then when will you come back?"

Wang Daoyi's eyes flickered slightly,

He didn't know when he would come back. Perhaps, once the one-month deadline was up, he would go back to the original timeline.

Probably this separation was the final farewell between him and Fa Nan.

I looked at Shuiyaksha, who looked gentle as water but was actually lively and cute.

Wang Daoyi thought about it for a moment, then said: "I don't know when I can come back, but I'll give you this thing. Just take it with you. We will meet again one day."

Fa Nan heard the sound and looked,

The Master of Mysteries stretched out his right hand, and a thirty-six-sided gem appeared in his palm.

"What is this?" Fanan looked curious.

"The crystal of consciousness, to be precise, is the interception and preservation crystal of the true spirit consciousness. I once used it to cut my own consciousness and use it to communicate with friends far away. However, its greatest role is to protect the true spirit of the holder. "The Mystic Lord explained.

He wanted to try something,

If we say that Fa Nan has always carried this crystal,

Then, after Fa Nan falls into madness, this crystal will automatically take effect.

It will intercept the true spirit of Fan Nan who finally wakes up, and then protect her,

If no other unexpected events occur,

When Wang Daoyi returns to the original timeline,

Perhaps based on the connection between oneself and the crystallization of consciousness,

Find the protected true spirit of Fanan.

With this little bit of true spirit in hand, it may not be impossible to resurrect the enemy.

As for why we only give it to the yaksha and not every yaksha,

Mainly because of fear of heavenly principles,

To put it bluntly,

Wang Daoyi can try to protect Yaksha's true spirit, can't Morax not do it?

So why didn't Morax do it?

Forcibly blocking the arrival of death is sometimes not a good thing.

The view of life and death in the Rebirth Hall is, in a sense, inherited from the emperor.

Looking at the beautiful gems in the hands of the Lord of Mysteries,

Fa Nan didn't care about true spirit protection or anything like that.

He put the gem away with a smile.

"Remember, the gem cannot be too far away from you, otherwise it will disintegrate."

Wang Daoyi didn't want this gem to be used by strangers.

Fanan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I know, this is a gift you gave me, I will definitely keep it well."

Then he carefully put the gem into his clothes,

I don’t know what the structure of her clothes is. Anyway, after the crystals were put in, no traces were visible.

"Okay, just send it here, I'm leaving."

Walking outside the camp, Wang Daoyi waved to Fanan.

Fa Nan also stopped and watched the Master of Secrets leave.

camp center,

"He's gone." He finally said.

Morax looked indifferent: "Just leave."

After all, he hesitated: "That crystal..."

Morax directly admitted: "It's my method. I didn't expect that I would even teach this in the future."

Back then, Wang Daoyi wanted to communicate with Inazuma's Yae Shenzi through his wife.

Zhongli taught him the consciousness cutting method,

The thirty-six-sided crystal is a magical creation that preserves consciousness.

Morax threw the blame to the future Zhongli.

Finally, he showed a smile: "Heh, maybe you did it on purpose?"

Morax denied: "Life and death are inevitable, and it is not a good thing to violate life and death."

After all, he stared into the other person's eyes and said, "Then why don't you stop him from crystallizing difficulty."

Morax: "..."

Finally, he showed a "disdainful" smile: "Duplicity."

After all, it became clear that Morax was supportive of the Mystic Lord's attempt to defeat the Difficult Crystal.

Even, if you think about it more deeply,

The secret method that the future Morax gave to the Mystic Lord may have been the idea of ​​the present Morax.

Although it sounds like some time to argue,

But in the final analysis, this possibility is not only possible, but also very high.

Don't look at the fact that the current Liyue God Department is responsible for handling affairs after all, while Morax is only responsible for fighting.

But after all, I know that as the sole master of the Liyue God System,

Morax's wisdom is never weaker than anyone's.

"I'm going to work first!"

Looking at Morax who was silent, he finally smiled and turned to leave.

After finally leaving, Morax was slightly silent, and finally looked up at the sky: "Life and death are insurmountable, but there must be a glimmer of hope..."

After leaving Qingce Mountain, following the path of later generations, you only need to pass through Wuwangpo and then step through the stone gate to reach Mondstadt.

However, in this current era, Wuwangpo has not yet become independent.

On the maps of ancient people, Wuwangpo was still part of Qingce Mountain.

And Shimen, an important level connecting Mondstadt and Liyue, also doesn’t exist yet.

There is only one mountain trail that can barely travel between the two places.

Arriving at the location of the stone gate in later generations,

The sharp cold wind blew through the narrow gap in the valley and hit Wang Daoyi's face.

"Huh, with this kind of temperature, no wonder there are still frozen trees left in the ruins here in future generations."

In later generations, Wang Daoyi, together with Xiang Ling, Ying, and Paimeng, solved a frozen tree left over from ancient times in the ruins around here.

It now seems that Mondstadt in this era is really suitable for the growth of monsters like the Frozen Tree.

Along the path of the cold wind,

The royal road walked towards Mondstadt,

The Mondstadt of this era was not yet the great plain of later generations;

There are many steep peaks,

Under the howling wind and snow, this place is like a place of death.

Except for a few monsters in the wind and snow, almost no living creatures can survive here.

"It's really dead quiet."

Wang Daoyi stood in the wind and snow,

As a demon god, this coldness naturally cannot harm him.

In later generations, Mondstadt walked through the stone gate and saw green on the edge.

But now Mondstadt is completely white.

"According to time, the War of Freedom started around 2,600 years ago, and it is now 2,800 years ago. Therefore, the one who rules this area now should still be Diehlappian, and his domain should currently be at the location of the Wind Dragon Ruins. .”

Diekalapian, the Demon God of Tornadoes, Demon God of Gale Winds, King of Gale Towers, Lord of Gale Winds, Lone King of Gale Towers, and Tyrant.

In later generations, He has many names, and most of them are not pleasant.

But for now, he is still the only demon god who protects the people of Gumund.

I figured out the location.

Wang Daoyi quickly adjusted his direction and began to head towards the ruins of the Wind Dragon of Later Times.

And at this time,

At the location where Wang Daoyi was about to pass by,

A giant beast like a mountain is taking its children to hunt monsters in the wind and snow.

A giant wolf with a shoulder height of two meters and a body length of more than four meters was running in the wind and snow.

Surrounded by a huge wolf pack, a giant furry beast nearly ten meters tall roared in terror.

Obviously they were much taller than the wolves, but at this moment they were like a defenseless little girl surrounded by several big men, full of despair.


The long roar of the wolf comes to mind,

The wolves began to change their formation,

They purposefully separate groups of prey to facilitate hunting.

The furry giant is determined to resist, but not far away, the terrifying giant wolf lying in the wind and snow is telling it that resistance will only lead to extinction, and only by running away can there be a chance of survival.

The furry giant beasts that did not dare to resist quickly fell one after another under the siege of the wolves.

Until the giant wolf lying not far away raised its head and let out a long howl,

The wolves that had been killing each other gradually slowed down.

Finally, a particularly tall furry beast escaped from the encirclement with its heavily wounded group.

They were able to escape not because they ran fast, but because the giant beast had the intention to let them go.

The hunt is successful,

The giant wolves pulled the largest prey and dragged it in front of Andrius.

Andrius, Wolf of the North Wind, Wolf of the North Wind, Guardian of the North Wind, King Wolf of the North Wind, Lord of the Running Wolf, King of the North Wind, King of the Running Wolf, Old Wolf.

Currently, in the land of Mondstadt, he is the only one who dares to compete with Dickapian for the authority of the Wind God.

Looking at the prey in front of him, Andrius used all his strength to stand up in the wind and snow.


Several little guys wrapped in simple fur rolled out of Andrius's hair and fell into the snow,

It's a toddler, a human cub.

In an era when the Seven Consuls have not yet been confirmed,

All gods bear the responsibility of loving their loved ones, and Andrius is no exception.

However, compared to other demon gods, the Wolf King is special.

He only takes in abandoned babies among humans and some wanderers who have lost their protection.

Andrius believes that humans bring only disappointment, but innocent babies are innocent.

The wolf pack chooses the child, and if the child also chooses the wolf, then they will form "Lupika" - the fateful family.

Wolves also fully understand that people will feel lonely if they are not around others.

Therefore, when children grow up, if they choose to leave the wolves and want to return to human society,

The wolves will also bless you.

The glorious broken tooth is a parting gift from the wolves. It is said that it really has the magic power to protect peace.

A few little ones wrapped in fur were squirming in the snow,

But soon, a lactating female wolf came over and took these little ones into her arms.

The human cub lay happily in the warm embrace of the female wolf, sucking in the fragrance of life.

But Andrius' eyes kept looking into the distance,

Over there, there is a tall tower.

"I hope you don't mind interrupting me."

While the wolves were eating, a figure walked through the howling north wind and snow and came to the wolves.

Andrius's handsome wolf head turned around: "Beifeng told me that you are not a creature here... tell me your purpose, strange demon."

The wolves began to restless. They put down their prey and gathered behind the king wolf.

As long as the king wolf roars, the wolves will also charge when facing the devil.

And in the hidden corner,

The nursing female wolves picked up their cubs and began to retreat, including the human cubs.

Protecting cubs is a gene engraved in the lives of wolves.

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm." Wang Daoyi stretched out his hands and gestured to his empty palms.

This action can reduce the opponent's alertness.

An empty-handed person is always safer than a person with a weapon.

Of course, Andrius didn't think so. The other party was a demon, and it didn't matter whether he was armed or not.

Seeing Wang Lang's still wary eyes, Wang Daoyi smiled: "I'm from Liyue, you can call me - the Lord of Secrets."


The cold color in Andrius's eyes narrowed slightly,

As Mondstadt's next door neighbor to the Liyue Divine System, Wang Lang had naturally heard of it to some extent.

"Master of the Mystery, although Morax's name is loud, he can't control it here." Andrius snorted coldly, but also put away his hostility.

He did not doubt whether the other party was fake.

Generally speaking, with the pride of a demon god, he would not put his name under the name of other demon gods.

"What are you doing here? I have no contact with you, right?" Andrius said.

As soon as Wang Dao walked in front of the huge body of the king wolf, he didn't notice anything outside. He sat down on the spot, reached out to fish out a giant wolf, and started to stroke it: "I was just passing by. I originally wanted to see the lonely king in the tower. .”

"Look at that guy Dick Lapian? Humph!"

Wang Lang's cold snort contained very obvious dissatisfaction.

In fact, there is no actual conflict of interest between Wang Lang and the High Tower Lone King.

If I have to say it, the only thing is about the authority of Fengshen.

But Wang Lang’s dissatisfaction with Lone King is mainly due to Lone King’s rule over human beings.

Many people in later generations said that the conflict between King Wolf and Lone King was due to the position of the God of Wind.

But in Wang Daoyi's opinion, it's not the case.

You can tell from Wang Lang’s subsequent choices,

When the tower collapsed, Andrius did not choose to become the God of Wind.

The Wolf King, who thinks that he hates humans, feels that he cannot describe the happy life of humans, so he is not qualified to become the King of Wind in the world.

He left authority to Barbatos, the spirit of the wind.

But does King Wolf really hate humans?

Wang Daoyi felt that the answer was no.

If King Wolf really hated humans, he wouldn't adopt those abandoned children.

Wang Daoyi's palm brushed against the giant wolf beside him,

From the memories of this giant wolf, Wang Daoyi read many scenes.

That is the scene of King Wolf bidding farewell to human children.

When the grown-up children choose to return to human society,

Farewell to their king wolf, his eyes were so gentle.

Therefore, the real reason why the King Wolf went to war with the Lone King was because of the human beings who were unable to get up under the tornado of the Lone King.

Wang Lang has never lived up to his duty as a lover.

"You don't seem to like him." Wang Daoyi rubbed the giant wolf's head and looked at Andrius with a smile.

Wang Lang rolled his eyes very obviously: "That guy is egotistical and irritable, and he also looks aloof. Who would like him?"

"Your words don't sound like you're scolding him, but rather you dislike him for not living up to expectations." Wang Daoyi heard a different taste from Andrius' mouth,

Wang Lang seemed to be scolding the lonely king, but there was always a hint of hatred in his tone.

After hearing Wang Daoyi's words, Wang Lang curled his lips, snorted coldly, and did not continue to speak.

The young demon who was petting the big dog smiled slightly and guessed: "Is it because of humans?"

Wang Lang was dissatisfied with Lone King's attitude towards humans, and therefore went to war with Lone King. This was Wang Daoyi's guess.

And there is a reason why Wang Lang hates Lone King as much as iron.

Compared with the power struggles in other countries,

The environment here in Mondstadt is harsh and the competition is much smaller.

Diehl Rappian almost made a wild start,

He stayed in Old Mondstadt, and then the ancient people of Mondstadt who had escaped from the wind and snow came to visit, and they naturally became His people.

And in this land of wind and snow,

The only one who can compete with him for the position of Wind God is the North Wind King Wolf.

But Wanglang has his own ethnic group.

Therefore, if Dick Lapian is willing to lower his head and listen to the voices of his people,

Even if it's only for a moment, even if you only hear one sentence,

Perhaps, the position of the God of Wind belongs to him.

Of course, maybe He has heard the voices of his people,

However, under His authority, the wind has no freedom.

Therefore, Diehlappian chose to let the unfree wind die and let the free wind flow.

The two most unchangeable characteristics of the Demon God are [lover] and the other is his [authority].

The demon god of tornadoes and the lonely king of the tower cannot give freedom to his people.

This is His authority.

Perhaps, when the ancient people of Mondstadt knelt before the lonely king, and when the lonely king accepted them as his people,

All tragedies are doomed.

"Oh, aren't you going to see Him? Go ahead. When you see Him, you will understand."

Wang Lang showed a disgusted expression, showing great disdain for the lonely king.

"I'm looking forward to it." Wang Daoyi couldn't help but smile.

Wang Daoyi had barely come into contact with the King Wolf of the North Wind in later generations.

And the lonely king of the high tower is the first strange demon god that Wang Daoyi will see when he comes this time.

In later generations, His tower has become Tvarin's lair,

His kingdom is deserted.

Then it is said that in his stories, he is a well-deserved villain.

But now, even from the hostile demon god, Wang Daoyi has not heard any bad words about him from Wang Lang.

Maybe Dick Lapian is not perfect,

But in this era, He has indeed protected the mortals of Gumund.

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