Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 700 The world was once a reincarnation

Leaving the Gale King City,

Wang Daoyi was not in a good mood.

to be honest,

He could see that Dickapian really loved his people,

And His people are also trying to accept God's heavy love.


Love that has not been communicated is like a mountain that can fall at any time.

When this love loses its balance, Juyue falls.

At that time, there will be no winners, only mutual harm.

【Demon Lover】

Like a blessing, like a curse,

If they get along well, then Liyue and Dijun have a contract that lasts for thousands of years and complement each other.

The Gale Demon God and the people of Gumund did not get along well, and ended up tormenting each other.

In a trance,

Wang Daoyi wanted to see other civilizations - Fendenir.

Kao and Red King believe that gods are superfluous things.

Now, Wang Daoyi wanted to go to a godless country to see if gods were really superfluous.

Snow Mountain·King City——Shar Fendenir.

After being destroyed by nails falling from the sky for more than a hundred years,

This once most prosperous human city welcomed new guests.

In the past, Shar Fendenir was not covered by wind and snow, but maintained its natural greenness, and the power of the ancient silver trees supported the country.

It's a pity that after the sky nail fell,

Not only was the city destroyed, but the original green and lush scenery also disappeared.

The ancient silver trees supporting the royal city were directly obliterated by the Sky Nail.

It is said that the princess of Fendenir found the silver branch after the disaster and wanted to save her home.

But no one knows the final result.

Wandering on the ruined walls,

Wang Daoyi glanced at everything around him.

At this point in time, Shar Fendenir's destruction will only last more than a hundred years.

Many ruins that have been damaged in later generations are still somewhat intact.

As one of the earliest civilizations,

Charles Fendenier undoubtedly has a very high artistic achievement,

Walking in the dilapidated royal city,

Wang Daoyi saw a large number of carvings on the ruins scattered around.

Like other civilizations, Shar Fendenir also likes to carve the history of its development on stone walls and pass it on.

Wang Daoyi's eyes passed over these broken stone walls.


He seemed to see something interesting,

A gorgeous crown is carved on a broken stone slab.

"Is this... a ceremonial crown?"

Wang Daoyi is no stranger to the ritual crown. It is an important ritual instrument belonging to ancient civilizations.

However, he did not expect that he could actually see it among the ruins of civilization.

A thought in my mind,

The stone slab with the ceremonial crown carved on it flew up from the snow and came to Wang Daoyi.

The stone slab does not look old, it should be a remnant of the Fendenir civilization.

Looking at the stone slab, Wang Daoyi couldn't help but stretched out his hand,

His fingertips lightly touched the ceremonial crown on the stone slab,

Deep in the soul, the authority shook slightly,


Countless noisy scenes flashed before Wang Dao's eyes,

[Shar Fendenir’s happiness will surely last forever, just like the silver tree that runs through the earth and never fades!

——The cheering people surrounded the king of Fendenir and shouted in the royal city. 】

[The frost and snow that froze the mountains like spikes shattered the trees that shaded the mountain country. Later, the darkness that flooded the continent like a tide broke the branches where the raptors rested. And the eagles also fell together with the birds in the raging malice.

——The disaster that destroyed civilization came, and Fendenir was powerless to fight back. 】

[Great sky, we have committed an unforgivable sin, but I pray here that this should not be the fate of Fendenir!

——The priests of Fendenir screamed to the sky from the top of the snow-capped mountains, but the sky did not respond. 】

[When the daughter of the Snow Burial City withers away along with the fruitless silver branches, the stranger who is destined to wield this sword to cut through the ice and snow is looking for answers in the distance.

——The princess tried to heal the earth's veins and graft silver-white branches to save the ancient tree. After the failure, someone from a foreign land arrived. 】

[Cross the frozen door and walk down the deep corridor. He broke off the silver branches to bring hope to the snow country.

——Accepting the princess’s prayer, the warrior from a foreign land took the snow-buried star silver to the deep corridor to seek the last hope. 】

[The warrior in a foreign land finally ends his futile journey,

Dark blood dripped from the blade of the sword,

My heavy feet stepped on the unfamiliar snow path,

When the tired stranger finally returns to the palace of the mountain country,

Those who wash away the dust for him only have empty echoes of death.

——When the warriors from a foreign land returned, the judgment was over and the ancient country was completely destroyed. 】

[Even here, is there nothing left worthy of my protection? You in the sky, you just want to see the tragic situation of the desolate life. In this case, I will entertain you with the song of steel and blood.

——The warriors in a foreign land weave crowns from silver branches, leave behind the great swords they used to fight, and turn around to go down the mountain, looking for a place full of strife and battles. 】

"Is this how a godless country will perish?"

Digest countless images,

There was a hint of complexity in Wang Dao's eyes, and he murmured softly.

This is not the first civilization to be destroyed at the hands of heaven, and naturally it will not be the last.

The country destroyed by the sky must have violated the interests of the lowest level of the sky.

After previous exchanges with Morax and Hagentus, Wang Daoyi now knows one thing. At least from the standpoint of the human world force, the sky is consistent with him.

Protecting the balance of the three realms and maintaining the operation of Teyvat is the bottom line that Tiantian adheres to.

The destruction of Fendenir was obviously due to the development of the Silver Ancient Tree, which affected the existence of the earth veins.

The earth veins are an important part of the power of the human world.

This may be one of the reasons why Sky destroyed Fendenir.

Regarding Fendenir's demise, Wang Daoyi didn't want to comment too much.

But for the final scene,

The image of the warrior in a foreign land leaving here with a crown surrounded by white branches made him think a little.

If he guessed correctly, this foreign warrior was probably the ancestor of the Imon Loka family, the founding family of New Mondstadt in later generations.

Wang Daoyi kept thinking in his heart.

"Findenir is not a godless country." A soft voice sounded behind Wang Daoyi.

With a sudden shock in his heart, Wang Daoyi turned around suddenly: "Who?"

Someone could actually hide from his perception and get close behind him.

"Who? Ha, I am [Eternal Wind], you can appear here, you should be very familiar with me."

The eternal wind?

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly and kept flipping through the information about this word in his mind.

Then, he raised his head, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.


The Eternal Wind, or in other words, the Eternal Wind, is the ruler of time. One of the names of Istaru is also an alternative way of writing the Thousand Winds of Time.

"Shh, keep your voice down, we are conspiring."

Istaru let out a 'shhh' sound, and then whispered.

Wang Daoyi was still a little shocked. Although he was already very familiar with Istaru,

But this was still his first official contact with this great god.

"When I guided Fendenir to establish a country here, it was really a prosperous scene. Unfortunately, in the end, they still embarked on the old path of reincarnation."

Istaru had no manners at all and just sat there in the snow.

The icy wind and snow seemed to have no effect on her.

"This... Fendenir is your country?" Wang Daoyi's eyes widened.

"My country? That doesn't count. I have led many countries, including White Night Kingdom, Fendenir, Heguan..."

Istaru raised her chin proudly, but then lowered it quickly: "It's a pity that they were all destroyed."

"Uh..." Wang Daoyi hesitated, "There shouldn't be one in Baiye Kingdom now, right?"

Istaru rolled her eyes: "Is there any difference to me?"

Wang Dao was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

For Istaru, there is no difference between the future destruction and the present destruction, because she runs through the past and the future.

However, Ancient Crane Temple is actually related to Istaru, which is a new piece of information.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Daoyi continued: "Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this, right? I can smell the time curse on you from across the timeline." Istaru kept rolling her eyes, as if she disliked Wang Daoyi very much.

"I came here to pursue the secret." Wang Daoyi said.

Istaru glanced at him: "I came here to cover up your aura."

Wang Daoyi: "Huh?"

"Do you want to look at where you are standing? This is where the Sky Nail fell. If I hadn't covered your aura, the Maintainer would have arrived by now."

Wang Daoyi: "Huh?"

"Ah, what, let's go, let's talk somewhere else." Istaru pointed her fingertips, and the world suddenly started to spin.

When Wang Dao reacted again and again, he was no longer in the snow mountain.

Pieces of mirror-like space are folded and connected together, reflecting various bizarre scenes.

Wang Daoyi: "Where is this?"

Istaru: "The narrow space of time, the special space formed by the folding and intersection of countless timelines, is also my small room."

Istaru felt much more relaxed after returning to this space.

He no longer rolled his eyes at Wang Dao.

"Okay, tell me, why did you go to the place where the Heavenly Nail fell? Don't you know that He would sense it there?"

If Heavenly Law is monitoring Teyvat, then the places where these Heavenly Nails fall are the most critical monitoring points.

That's why Istaru came in time to bring King Daoyi back.

"Sorry, I just wanted to see what it would be like in a country without gods." Wang Daoyi said softly, not knowing why he wanted to apologize to her.

Istaru: "Now that you know it, how do you feel?"

"I still don't understand, are gods really superfluous?" Wang Daoyi frowned.

Fendenir, who has no gods, seemed to be developing well at the beginning.

If it weren't for the punishment imposed by heaven, Fendenier might have continued to develop.

"If you want to understand this problem, you must first know why demons appear." Istaru said, "Do you know who guided humans before the concept of demons appeared?"

Wang Daoyi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The envoy of Sky Island?"

"Yes, the envoys of Sky Island, to be precise, are the four rulers of heaven including me." Istaru confirmed Wang Daoyi's statement, and then continued, "Then you know, the civilization we lead , what’s the ending in the end?”

What was the final outcome of ancient civilizations?

They were ancient civilizations, so they must have perished.

Looking at Wang Daoyi's eyes, Istalu smiled: "It seems that you know, yes, the civilization we guided has been destroyed."

Speaking of ancient civilizations that perished,

Wang Daoyi thought of several civilizations that forged ritual crowns.

"Ignorance leads to civilization, civilization leads to desire, and desire leads to destruction. Human beings are constantly reincarnating."

"The appearance of the devil is to break this cycle of reincarnation."

Istaru waved his hand gently, and lines of light and shadow began to appear,

Although it was very blurry, Wang Daoyi could still understand that the picture that appeared on the light and shadow was a picture that had appeared in the past.

In the picture, the long ice age ends, and warm flames begin to burn on the earth:

[In the distant era of unknown time, at this time, the eternal freeze is beginning to thaw, and new fires are beginning to light up,

People on the earth can directly receive revelations from Sky Island, which are messengers of God who provide guidance and answer questions to people in the world.

The sky is never stingy with food, clothing, housing, transportation, firewood, rice, oil and salt.

People's lives gradually became richer, and they regarded this as a gift from God, the kingdom of heaven, and were extremely grateful.

But material satisfaction cannot conceal spiritual emptiness.

Human beings began to seek more knowledge, drama, opera, poetry, novels, and even the truth of the world.

Changes are beginning to happen, and the pursuit of the unknown will not stop.

Tian Tian is confused, why, why are you still not satisfied? I will give you whatever you want.

The messenger of God told people: "Your life will become better. Everything is moving in the direction set by God. There will never be any deviation. Stop looking for changes."

This is used to comfort (numb) people and allow them to accept God's gifts with peace of mind, without having too many doubts and curiosity.

Curiosity is human nature and a condition for the progress of the species. This nature makes people question the angels - will such a beautiful future have an end?

But the messenger of God did not tell them, and his silence was deafening.

So, when they couldn't get an answer from the God's Throne on Sky Island, they decided to choose a priest.

Let the priest wear a ceremonial crown made of branches of the earth's veins and go deep into the earth's veins,

They want to get the answer from the abyss from the altar in the earth's veins and the abandoned ancient capital.

In the end, people's actions angered the sky, so destruction came and the era ended. 】

"This is the age of [Fire Sacrifice]. We have given mankind all material needs, but material satisfaction has left mankind spiritually empty. In the end, driven by unsatisfied spiritual desires, mankind approached the abyss, and the sky destroyed the world of this era. civilization."

Istaru spoke softly, slowly recounting everything they had done to humans in that era.

Immediately afterwards, the light and shadow in His hands began to change again,

The flames burning the past in the projection gradually extinguished, and wisps of sweet rain fell from the sky:

[At this time, the old fire will be extinguished, and the sweet rain will begin to fall.

People have forgotten the destruction of the last era,

The messenger of the gods descended from the sky again,

Messengers guide people to build civilization, plant seeds, and reap joy.

People's lives have become more prosperous, with abundant products and adequate food and clothing.

All the laws of the earth operate in an orderly manner according to the arrangements of the gods above the sky. This law will not change even after thousands of years, and there will definitely not be any change.

But is this really the case?

People on the ground have begun to have questions and worries about everything at present. Even if it is a one in 10,000 possibility, will the prosperous life they have now change?

Will it become barren in the future? Regardless of the residences they own, will those noble altars and palaces be like the altars and ancient capitals often buried under the abyss, accompanied by the pure white branches of the earth?

As a result, people questioned the gods' messengers and prayed to the gods to tell them their future destiny.

And the messenger of the gods fell silent once again.

Unable to get the answer, people were very worried about the future. In order to know their future fate, the priest wearing a crown of earth vein branches went underground to seek answers...

People's actions angered the sky, so destruction came and the era ended. 】

"This is the age of [Water Sacrifice]. In order to avoid the spiritual emptiness of the [Fire Sacrifice] age, we no longer provide unlimited materials, but we begin to guide human beings to produce themselves. As a result, civilization becomes richer, but at the same time, , is the fear of the future. Human beings are afraid that one day they will lose this kind of life, and they are afraid that one day disaster will strike, so they begin to seek answers from the abyss, and the final result is that the sky ends this era again."

There was pity in Istaru's eyes. In her opinion, this era was the most beautiful era. People lived a prosperous life and had a good spirit. However, due to a reason that would not get worse in the future, they went to destruction.

Then, the light and shadow changed again, the rivers and seas brought by the rain began to dry up, and the thunder began to shine in the sky:

[At this time, the rivers and seas dry up, and thunder begins to rumble.

People have once again forgotten the destruction of the previous era,

The gods in the sky come again,

This time, the gods in the sky promised people God’s love, prosperity and wisdom.

And after people have the wisdom given by the gods, their lives have become richer than ever before.

But it also brought them pride and dreams, as well as more questions.

Why does fire burn, why does wind blow, why does water flow, why does thunder shine,

Why does the sun rise, why does the moon set,

Why do gods live in the sky, and why do humans only stay on the earth?

They began to be curious about the gods in the sky, began to question the authority of the gods, and even wanted to go to Sky Island.

Even the gods who are favored by the people on earth are very angry. This is the trespass of the sky by humble and despicable ants. Questioning the eternal rule of gods is an unforgivable crime.

A disaster more terrible than the one in the previous era has struck,

In an instant, countless civilizations were destroyed.

In order to appease the anger of the messenger of the gods, the priest who wore a ceremonial crown made of leyline branches went to the depths of the earth, hoping to obtain the wisdom (method) that could solve the problem from the silver-white leyline ancient tree. 】

"This is the age of [Thunder Sacrifice],

In the age of [Water Sacrifice], people end up fearing the future.

Therefore, in this era, we have given mankind [love, prosperity and wisdom],

But this also inspired the greatest characteristics of human beings, doubt and greed. They questioned the authority of gods and were greedy for the authority of gods.

Then the sky came down with punishment, darkness and ice fell on the earth, and the world fell into endless ice.

In order to appease the sky, human sacrifices put on their crowns and went underground. "

Seeing Wang Daoyi's slight silence, Ista said expressionlessly.

Sacrifice to fire, sacrifice to water, sacrifice to thunder...and finally sacrifice to ice, and the era before the sacrifice to fire was to sacrifice to ice!

Is this the reincarnation of Teyvat? No, it should be said, the reincarnation of humans in Teyvat.

"If you see the former sacrificial site, you will find that there are already countless sacrificial crowns there.

This is an eternal cycle. We have tried for countless epochs, but no matter how we try, humanity will eventually perish. "

Istaru said a little unhappy.

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly. He knew that this destruction did not mean that human beings were really destroyed, but that human beings would eventually violate the taboo points of heaven.

"So, the birth of the Demon God was originally driven by heavenly principles?" Wang Daoyi looked at Istaru.

Only Xueshan clearly mentioned the guidance of Sky Island. I guessed the Ancient Crane Temple. The main reason is that the identity of the moon god is not sure. For information about time governing and guiding ancient civilizations, you can go to station B to search for this cv14790675

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