Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 711 Abyss Evolution Method

Arrival on the twenty-eighth day·Spiral Deep Realm.


The huge sound shook the entire deep realm,

The violent elemental power tore apart the surrounding space,

The strong human being ignores the surrounding elemental storm and rushes through the field like a ray of light.

The incredible physical impact on the body of the abyssal thing,

It actually crushed the carapace of the abyss into pieces,

The originally ferocious thing from the abyss was smashed into pieces.

There are creatures from the abyss who want to support the monsters in the field, but it is too late to mobilize the power of the abyss to gather elemental power.

He was swept into the battlefield by the elemental storm roaring in the distance, and then torn into pieces by the rampaging terrifying figures.

By the time the elemental storm subsided, the vast secret platform was already covered with debris.

"Hahahahahahaha, so cool!"

[Ji] was breathing heavily, but looked very excited, with a cheerful smile on his face.

"[Secretary], working with you is indeed the right choice."

Facing [Ji]'s praise, Wang Daoyi's expression remained unchanged and he walked over from a platform not far away.

Precisely avoiding the remains of flesh and blood at his feet, he walked to the center of the field,

"This is the last level of the abyss. The earth's veins have been violent many times, and finally calmed down here. If we want to enter the abyss, this is the last possibility."

While Wang Daoyi was speaking, he stretched out his hand and flicked it slightly. Inexplicable waves extended from his hand and swept across the entire venue.

Then wisps of purple energy emerged from the debris on the ground and converged on Wang Daoyi's palm.

As the energy was extracted, the remains of these abyssal things dispersed like dust.

It belongs to the broken bones and the ashes.

"Then what can you do?" [Ji] asked.

Under the 12th floor, the real entrance to the abyss is hidden.

It's not that [Ji] didn't know the news, it's just that he couldn't open it even if he knew it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't need to stay here for more than a hundred years.

"You said before that there are three ways to enter the abyss, right." Wang Dao flashed a purple ball of light in his hand, with a smile on his lips.

"That's right, we either lose our bodies and become distorted, or we are actively invited by the abyss, or we let things from the abyss open the door for us." [Ji] has a deep memory of these three methods, which he has analyzed over the past hundred years.

"We didn't see any Abyss Stars all the way, which shows that in the eyes of the great will mentioned by You, our strength has far exceeded that of the Abyssal Things. Such a crushing battle is not in line with the blessings of the Abyss Stars. , so it is obviously impossible to use the Abyss Star to attract the Abyss to open the door."

"And voluntarily giving up the body and falling into the abyss obviously does not meet our requirements."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi's smile became more obvious: "Then, in fact, we have only one choice, and that is to let the thing in the abyss open the door for us."

[Ji] frowned: "But we have tried it more than once. It is impossible for those things in the abyss to cooperate with us."

After fighting this way, Wang Daoyi and [Ji] have naturally tried this method.

But just like what [Ji] said, as long as the things in the abyss find that the two of them are unwilling to give up their human form and twist into the monsters of the abyss, they will directly turn against them.

Even if they are beaten to death, they are not willing to help open the door to the abyss.

On the fourth, eighth, and eleventh levels, Wang Daoyi experimented three times, and was rejected by the thing from the abyss three times.

In the end, these creatures from the abyss would rather commit suicide than cooperate with Wang Daoyi.

It can be seen from this that it is impossible to let the things in the abyss help open the door.

"No, although those guys did not cooperate with us, I feel that it is not that they are unwilling, but that someone does not want them to be willing."

The smile on Wang Daoyi's lips never disappeared.

"What do you mean?" [Ji] was a little confused.

“It would make sense if one or two creatures from the abyss are unwilling to cooperate with us because they hate us.

But after this trip, at least one or twenty abyssal creatures would rather die than cooperate. Haha, what a joke. A group of guys who are not determined and fell into the abyss, but all of them would rather die than surrender. Do you think it's normal? "

[Extremely] looking dazed,

When Wang Daoyi said this, he reacted as if it was really abnormal.

Before, he thought it was because the things in the abyss hated people like him who were so persistent, so they were unwilling to cooperate.

But on the other hand, these guys who fell into the abyss, except for those who actively chose, are all people with weak will.

Such a person would rather die than surrender, which is a bit ridiculous no matter how you think about it.

"So, is there someone behind them?" [Ji] looked at Wang Daoyi.

Wang Dao nodded: "Yes, there must be a threat more terrifying than death, so they would rather die than surrender."

After saying that, Wang Daoyi looked at [Ji]: "Who do you think it could be?"

[Extreme] looks ugly, can threaten these abyssal things here,

Who else could it be but that great will?

"The Will of the Abyss." [Ji] gritted his teeth and popped out four words from his mouth.

Wang Daoyi smiled and nodded: "I'm not sure, but it must be a high-ranking existence in the abyss. Only such an existence can make these abyss creatures not even afraid of death."

[Extremely] His face was ugly, but he quickly calmed down. As a strong person, he still has basic expression control abilities.

"Then what solution have you found now?" He looked at Wang Daoyi and asked.

Wang Dao nodded: "I thought of a way."

"Please tell me, if you need any help, I can do it." [Ji] immediately answered.

"Haha, that's not necessary. All the necessary materials have been prepared along the way."

Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and showed the abyss energy ball in his hand.

[Extreme] was puzzled, and then his eyes widened: "You don't want to absorb the energy of the abyss and then forcefully open the entrance to the abyss, do you?"

"No, absolutely not. You have seen the erosion ability of the power of the abyss. This is too dangerous. I would rather wait for another few hundred years than let you take such a risk."

Saying that, [Ji] also wanted to grab the abyss energy ball in Wang Daoyi's hand.

It seems that Wang Daoyi will swallow the energy ball the next moment,

Dodging [Ji]'s snatching hand, Wang Daoyi gave him a funny look: "I'm not stupid. How dangerous is the power of the abyss? How could I not know? Besides, I won't take such a risk. Do you think too much."

[Ji] was stunned for a moment: "Hey, don't you want to absorb the energy of the abyss?"

From [Ji]'s point of view, in the current situation, if you want to open the door to the abyss, only one of the two people can fall into the abyss.

And Wang Dao still holds the abyss energy collected along the way in one hand, and it looks like he is going to take a risk.

"Of course it's not me." Wang Daoyi glared at him, and then started to talk about the plan,

"The power of the abyss corrodes all living things. Not only flesh and blood creatures will be corroded, but also elemental life, and even mechanical life.

Therefore, as long as we find an elemental life, control it, let it fall into the abyss, and then let it open the door for us, that's it. "

[Ji] frowned: "First of all, there seems to be no other life here except us. Secondly, how can we ensure that the elemental life will listen to us?"

Wang Daoyi grinned: "As a scholar, the technology of element creation is still not difficult for me."

"First use element fragments to create elements, and then use abyss energy to create abyss. The specific steps are..."

Wang Dao first introduced the steps of elemental creation and abyssalization to [Ji].

Of course, he actually didn't tell the whole story and hid some steps.

The creation of elements to obtain elemental life is actually just a foundation.

What's more important is to make the elemental beings still obey his orders after transforming into the abyss.

This involves the issue of the ownership of the power of the abyss.

If you directly use the abyss energy ball in your hand to infect elemental life,

Then the final result is probably that the elemental life will lose control after turning into the abyss.

But how could Wang Daoyi not be prepared?

Once, he obtained a piece of abyssal knowledge from the hands of the prince of the abyss, Kong (Chapter 603).

This knowledge called [Abyss·Evolution] has basically never been used by Wang Daoyi.

And now, it's time for it to come on stage.

Use this knowledge to use the abyss energy in your hands to [evolve] an abyssal elemental life, so that this elemental life will not get out of control.

And the door to the abyss can be opened.

And the reason why Wang Daoyi didn’t confess to [Ji],

One reason is because it's not necessary, [Ji] really can't help,

Another reason is also because when it comes to [Abyss Knowledge], it’s best not to show off.

Listening to Wang Daoyi talking about the creation of elements and the transformation into abyss,

[Extremely] I feel like my head is getting big.

As an ultimate warrior, [Ji] is not stupid, and is even very smart, but his intelligence is used on things that interest him.

The creation of elements and the transformation into the abyss, for [Ji] it is like a sports student doing advanced math. It knows me, but I don't know it.

"Stop, stop, just tell me what you want me to do."

[Ji] waved his hands repeatedly, as if he didn't want to recite sutras anymore.

Being interrupted, Wang Daoyi smacked his lips a little unsatisfactorily.

Knowledge lies in sharing,

Sharing knowledge is a pleasure for scholars.

And being interrupted to share is a very unpleasant thing.

However, after looking at [Ji]'s big head, Wang Daoyi just said softly: "This is all valuable knowledge."

The implication is that ordinary people can’t hear it even if they want to.

[Ji] rolled his eyes: "I know these are precious knowledge, but I don't understand. If you talk about martial arts and other knowledge, I can discuss it with you."

Wang Dao glanced at him: "Humph, you reckless man."

From the mage's contempt for the warrior.

[Ji] is not annoyed, knowing that Wang Daoyi is joking: "If you don't need my help, I will go and rest. I was covered in filth from the beating just now."

His battles were all straight forward. He crushed so many things from the abyss, and his body was stained with a lot of residue.

Wang Dao nodded: "You can go and rest. Just leave it to me."

[Ji] He was not polite, turned around and left, packing up aside.

After [Ji] left, Wang Daoyi turned his attention back to his hands.

He looked at the abyss energy ball in his hand and estimated its energy level.

"With so much abyss energy, ordinary elemental creatures may not be able to bear it."

This is not the first time he has carried out abyssalization.

When he first obtained [Abyss Knowledge·Evolution], he created elements, created a crystal butterfly, and then transformed into the abyss.

The final result was that Crystal Butterfly couldn't bear the power of the abyss and collapsed.

Therefore, for element creation this time, at least one high-level elemental life must be created. Low-level elemental life like crystal butterflies and slimes cannot survive the abyss.

Thinking of this,

Wang Daoyi put away the abyss energy ball, then waved his hand, and a metal-colored magic weapon book appeared.

"Although I don't have the Dust Song Pot or the Elemental Fragments with me, there is no lack of elemental power with the Forbidden Exploration Codex."

As he spoke, Wang Daoyi looked at the platform at his feet again.

"The deep spiral platform built by the ancient ancestors is itself a kind of altar, so it can be used directly."

There are different levels of elemental creation,

Low-level elemental creatures, such as crystal butterflies and slimes, can be created by Wang Dao with his bare hands.

But high-level elemental beings, like Wind Eagle, need the assistance of the magic circle altar.

Wang Daoyi didn't bring the Chenge Pot with him, so naturally he didn't bring a large amount of mola.

However, the deep realm platform left by the ancestors can also be used as a magic circle altar with slight modifications.

After looking at the platform at his feet, Wang Daoyi began to deduce in his mind, and soon the transformation plan was deduced.

With a thought, the rock elements gathered in his hand and turned into a carving knife.

"Most of the runes engraved on the deep platform are for sacrifices and offerings. This part needs to be modified.

The runes for Elemental Ascension and Elemental Settlement also need to be redrawn.

Well, the estimated modification time is half an hour. "

Wang Dao glanced at it and immediately started to move.

Not far away, [Ji], who was packing his clothes, saw Wang Daoyi's actions and his eyes widened in confusion.

I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all.

As a pure martial artist, [Ji] watching the king's way and drawing the magic circle is like a sports student watching the country dance master. I can only say that I don't realize how powerful he is.

Time passed, and soon, a large number of runes were carved on the originally flat platform.

These runes are connected together and shine under the influence of elemental power.

After checking and confirming that there is no problem with the magic circle,

Only then did Wang Daoyi summon the "Secret Book of Forbidden Exploration" again.

Touch the secret book lightly with your fingertips,

next moment,

Vast rock elements spurted out from the secret book,

When the secret book was cast, it absorbed the sea of ​​rock elements covering an area in Liyue.

Later, it was consumed and replenished, but in general, the rock elemental power contained in the secret book is very terrifying.

Under Wang Daoyi's control, vast rock elemental power poured into the magic circle.

Then with a thought, the magic circle started to move.

The incoming elemental power began to react,

Under the influence of the magic circle, the yellow rock elemental power began to polarize.

Part of the elemental power gradually brightened and began to rise upwards,

Part of the elemental power gradually deepened and began to sink downwards.

Different from the original cautious creation of Wind Eagle,

Now Wang Daoyi, controlling such a magic circle is simply relaxing and enjoyable.

"Before, the Wind Eagle was made because the wind element was suitable for flying units, but now that the rock element was created, let's build a ground unit."

Wang Daoyi was thinking while controlling the magic circle.

And the elemental power in the magic circle began to gradually change,

The rising elemental power slowly gathered, and a bright elemental crystal began to form.

The settled elemental power also formed a deep elemental crystal.

If Wang Daoyi had not intervened, the two elemental crystals would have evolved independently, eventually becoming a giant rock crystal butterfly and a giant rock slime.

However, it is impossible not to intervene.

With a thought, the bright rock element crystal above shattered instantly.

There seems to be a mournful cry, and a life disappears before it is born.

The bright rock element crystals turned into little bits of light debris, falling on the deep rock element crystals below,

There are a few more light spots on the originally dim rock element crystal.

"That's it."

Seeing the changes in the rock element crystal, Wang Dao thought about it, and the strong rock element power began to surround the rock element crystal.

Just like 3D printing, a huge elemental life with a golden body, a slender body, a dragon's head and a snake's tail, and four limbs began to gradually appear.

Because it is just a ‘tool’ used for abyssalization,

Wang Daoyi did not carry out any special design, and the whole design was imitated by the dragon lizard.

However, in the final result, Rock Element Creation made fine adjustments on its own.

Rather than talking about a dragon lizard, in the end, it should be called a four-legged dragon snake.


The four-legged dragon snake roared, announcing his birth to the world.

Wang Daoyi looked at it and nodded slightly. This four-legged dragon snake was stronger than after the birth of the wind eagle.

After the birth of the Wind Eagle, its life level was probably level 55. This four-legged dragon snake had at least a life level of 60+.

However, this is better. The life level is too low to withstand the influence of the power of the abyss.

"so amazing!"

[Ji] came to Wang Daoyi's side and looked at the four-legged dragon and snake in front of him with interest in his eyes.

The four-legged dragon and snake team is nothing to [Ji], but Wang Daoyi's method of creating life is indeed a bit shocking to [Ji].

"It seems that I really should learn more techniques." [Ji] said to himself.

"Knowledge is never enough. The more you learn, the better you will naturally be." Wang Daoyi agreed softly.

"Next, I'm going to abyss it, please step aside."

"Okay, okay." [Ji] responded twice and took a few steps back.

Wang Daoyi looked at the four-legged dragon and snake in front of him, and the four-legged dragon and snake also looked at him.

Just like Feng Ying saw Wang Daoyi for the first time and regarded him as his master and father,

The same is true for the four-legged dragon and snake.

He stretched out his hand and scratched the four-legged dragon snake's head: "Little guy, next, I am going to give you more powerful power, you must hold on."

More powerful power is one of the common pursuits of elemental beings.

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