Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 714 After returning

Timeline: Two thousand eight hundred years ago.

Location·Chenria Royal City.

The annual knight selection is over,

During the cruel selection, many young people disappeared into the deep underground passages, and their lives ended at the youngest age.

But some people return with honor,

Some people hunt monsters, and some people collect materials.

Some people draw maps,

Depending on the type of knight selected, each young man has different tasks.

Among them, hunting monsters is the most dangerous.

He didn't care at all that the blood was flowing down his arms and dripping on the ground.

Hilda looked a little dazed,

On the high platform, Lord Alberich was congratulating them on completing the knight's trial.

The surrounding crowd also gave applause and flowers.

Because the fragrance of Tivat spreads throughout the square,

But Hilda was a little unhappy.

She looked into the crowd and couldn't find that figure.

"Hilda, Hilda."

A call came to her ears, and Hilda was in a trance. When she recovered, she realized that Lord Alberich had already arrived in front of her.

"My lord," Hilda called.

Old Alberich looked at the girl in front of him and glanced at the blood remaining on her body. He didn't know whether it was her own or the monster's.

"Knight Hilda, congratulations on completing the assessment. I hope you can continue this honor in the future." Old Alberich first wished.

Hilda looked respectful: "Thank you for your blessing."

Old Alberich nodded, then looked around at the excited crowd, and finally set his sights on Hilda again:

"Knight Hilda, here I declare to you the will of the great King of Camrea. On behalf of King of Camrea and the Kingdom of Camrea, I will grant you the name of [Rivendale] again."

Knight title, back?

Hilda was in a trance for a while. What she had been thinking about came back like this?

She didn't know whether it was joy or bitterness that welled up in her heart. She raised her head and looked around, trying to find the figure, but she couldn't find it.

The people around thought Hilda was looking at them and applauded the young titled knight.

Old Alberich took a small box from the person next to him.

Open the box to reveal the exquisite noble seal ring inside.

"Take it, child, this is the glory that belongs to [Valley]."

Hilda withdrew her gaze and placed her gaze on the noble signet ring. Suppressing her inner uneasiness, she smiled and took the noble signet ring: "Thank you, King Kanria, thank you, thank you all..."

Hilda didn't know how she came back from the imperial square.

After discovering that Wang Daoyi did not appear in the square, her heart was filled with uneasiness.

I returned home in a daze, opened the door, and looked at the empty space inside.

Hilda wanted to call Wang Daoyi's name, but found that she didn't know his name at all.

Sad tears fell from the corners of his eyes and fell on the ground, turning into tears.

The crying girl sat on the stool, but found something on the table.

He quickly wiped away his tears and picked up the parchment letter on the table.

On the parchment are the words left by that person. The handsome Kanreiya words show the other person's extremely high cultural quality.

But Hilda felt nothing.

She carefully read the letter left by Wang Daoyi, and tears flowed down again.

As a girl who lost her parents early,

Wang Daoyi was the first person she had fallen in love with in so many years.

Originally she thought she could keep this person, but in the end, it was all in vain.

"If, if I didn't go to some knight trial, he wouldn't have left."

The girl fell into deep self-blame.

Tears dimly streaked across the letter paper,

I finally saw Wang Daoyi’s last words,


I have not forgotten the gift I prepared for you,

It's on your bedside cabinet, remember to pick it up.

By the way, I took the [Intivat] you left in the room with me.

Finally, I wish you get back the title of knight, and I wish you a happy life in the future.

——Unknown traveler

Early autumn of Canria 200. 】

"A gift for me?"

Hilda's heart moved and she quickly walked to her room.

Entering the room, sure enough, the [Intiwatt] placed beside the bed was gone. He had taken it away.

There was a small box on the bedside cabinet.

Hilda quickly walked over, carefully picked up the box, and slowly opened it.

In the box, there is a bunch of bracelets,

On the black filaments, there are not very delicate gems strung together.

"Is this a gift for me?"

Hilda held up the bracelet and put her hands on her chest, tears falling down again.



Location·Da Chisha Sea·Chisha Headquarters·Temple

Time shattered suddenly, and a terrifying time storm rolled up, but it was suppressed by the Lord of Red Sand on the throne of God.

A figure appeared from the long river of time, it was Wang Daoyi himself.

The long-haired Wang Daoyi strolled out of the long river of time and came to the real space.

With Wang Daoyi's departure, the originally turbulent river of time gradually calmed down.

"What a loss." Wang Daoyi muttered.

He sent the Star-Eating Whale to [Ji], but the reward for the Maintainer of Heavenly Law has not yet been given.

He raised his head slightly and looked towards the sky,

"Huh, when I go to Sky Island, I have to get this reward back."

Wang Daoyi thought to himself.

On the throne of God,

The Lord of Red Sand stretched out his hand, and another divine throne rose, and then motioned Wang Daoyi to sit down: "Sit down and tell me, what's the harvest?"

Wang Daoyi retracted his gaze from the sky, walked over and sat down, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, the harvest is good, let's talk slowly."

Synchronize the events after the advent to the Lord of Red Sand,

Wait for the Lord of Red Sand to digest and absorb,

"There is such an inside story. Sure enough, in this day and age, too many things have been covered up."

The Lord of Red Sand digested everything Wang Daoyi said, and then couldn't help but sigh.

Regardless of the attitude of Morax and Hargentus towards the laws of heaven,

Or the truncated past of Istaru,

Or maybe it’s Kanria’s immature past,

These are things that are impossible to talk about now.

Not to mention that in the end Wang Daoyi also came into contact with the maintainer of heavenly principles and the secrets of the abyss. These are the biggest secrets among the big secrets.

"Let's not talk about my harvest. How are you doing here?" Wang Dao looked at the Lord of Red Sand and asked.

"Everything is still normal. Currently, Ying and Paimon have been sent to Merlot Petersburg by Navilet."

The Lord of Red Sand began to tell Wang Daoyi what had happened in the past month.

"I asked Nasida to help find a few places where the water of the original womb sea leaked.

The most serious one is Merlo Petersburg. With Navilette watching over there, nothing will happen.

In other places, such as Baisong Town, I have been prepared. When disaster strikes, I will rescue people.

In addition, the servants are also hoarding a large amount of supplies. It seems that she is also preparing to intervene in this disaster. However, it seems to be positive so far.

Fu Nina is already prepared, and when the time comes, she will give a perfect curtain call. "

After listening to the Lord of Red Sand's story, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly.

These are all the instructions he had given to the Lord of Red Sand before he left. Everything is on track, which is good.

After thinking for a while, Wang Daoyi asked again: "What about our own affairs?"

Chisha's own affairs probably include many aspects such as people's livelihood development, external development, technological updates, and underground bases.

"Chisha is still developing steadily. We sent an envoy to Fontaine together with the Order Council before. With the help of Funina, we formally concluded a commercial alliance with Hailu Port. There has been huge development in terms of taxation and property.

The development of the edge of the world is still normal. However, we have received information that the Fools have begun to withdraw their troops. After you and Ms. Alice solved the rift in the world over there, the number of monsters has been greatly reduced, and the Fools have gradually withdrawn their troops. , but Mondstadt is still stationed, they seem to be looking for something,

With part of the knowledge from the Fontaine Academy of Sciences, our mechanical processes have greatly improved. Many mechanical units have been able to be miniaturized and refined. In addition, the red sand energy crystal has been developed to the second generation, which has improved energy storage and stability. All have been greatly improved.

In addition, Albedo came to Chisha, and Nicoreed told him about the spaceship plan. With the efforts of him and Nicoreed, our alchemist staff increased massively, which also increased our technological development. speed.

Regarding the underground base, it is completely on track. Abedo, Nicoreid, Abatuyi and others are discussing the drawings of designing a spaceship.

There has been great progress in aerospace materials and energy and power.

By the way, all the suppressing tools have been completed and the [Deception] array can be deployed at any time. "

The Lord of Red Sand slowly recounted the developments in the past month.

Generally speaking, it is all good news: people's livelihood is stable, development is successful, science and technology progress, and plans are smooth.

"Okay, very good, thank you for your hard work."

"Ha, we are one body, there is nothing to say about hard work."

The Lord of Red Sand shook his head, then stretched out his hand a little on his chest, and several streams of light appeared,

"Now that you are back, I will continue to guard the temple and return these things to you."

【The authority of time】

【Power of Light】

[The power of authority]

The three powers exuded endless brilliance, and the aura of terror filled the temple.

Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and took two of the rays of light: "I took back the time and light. As for the authority, I will give it to you first."

Anyway, the important thing is that they are on the same timeline. The authority between the two of them can be shared, and it actually doesn't matter who they put it on.

The Lord of Red Sand did not shirk, nodded, and took back the [power of authority].

"Well, it's comfortable."

With the return of authority, the disappeared power gradually filled Wang Daoyi's body.

The endless light elements nourished his body as if coming home,

It's like a super sports car. The engine was replaced by an ordinary car's engine. Although it can still drive, it can't drive fast.

Now, the authority has returned. Not only has the engine turned into a super engine, but the oil has also been filled up for you.

The divine body full of power made Wang Daoyi groan in comfort.

"Oh, by the way, Nasida sent a message not long ago. It seems that something went wrong. She asked you to come over when you come back."

"Nasida? Okay, I understand." Wang Dao nodded.

Although he didn't know what Nasida wanted to do with him, the other party would not let him go without any reason. There must be something that Wang Dao could solve immediately.

After the two of them informed each other about everything, the temple fell into silence.

Wang Daoyi got up from the throne and stretched. This month's time and space travel was still a bit troublesome.

"I will go back to Liyue to rest for two days, and then I will go find Nasida. If Nasida urges you, please inform me."


A faint blue earth channel emerged, and Wang Dao disappeared into the temple, leaving only the Lord of Red Sand sitting alone on the throne.

Liyue·Eating Tiger Rock.

The bustling streets are always bustling with people.

Wang Dao, who had disappeared for nearly a month, appeared here and was quickly discovered.

No, it was discovered by the little cutie.

Guo Ba, who was doing somersaults at the entrance of Wanmin Hall, smelled Wang Daoyi's scent.

He immediately turned his round body and ran towards Wang Daoyi.

While running, Guoba felt a little strange.

Why do you feel a special sense of familiarity when you see Dao Yi today?

Just like... seeing Zhongli Keqing from the Hall of Purity.

Little Bear was a little puzzled, and then shook his head. If he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking.

He ran to Wang Daoyi on his short legs and grabbed his thigh. Two bear paws left two black palm prints on Wang Daoyi's white clothes.

"Lulie~ (Miss you~)"

Wang Daoyi smiled and bent down, hugging Guoba: "Hahaha, I miss you and Xiangling too."


When Wang Daoyi mentioned Xiang Ling, Guo Ba immediately shouted,

According to its description, Xiangling was "unforgivable" and did not give it food every day and always made it work...

In short, it's just bad.

While Wang Daoyi was listening, he took advantage of Guo Ba's weight.

Well, it's a lot heavier again.

Come to think of it, the accusations in Guo Ba’s mouth,

Probably no snacks, no midnight snacks, etc.

And the work is probably to make it lose weight.

Anyway, this is always the case when children complain.

Holding the rice cake in his arms, he walked closer and walked into Wanmin Hall.

Guo Ba’s complaining voice immediately became quieter.

If Xiang Ling heard the complaint, he would be beaten.

Since marrying Wang Daoyi, Xiangling's maternal glory has become more and more important.

But she had no children, so she could only devote all her maternal brilliance to Guo Ba.

He raised Guo Ba as a child, but he spoiled Guo Ba by tossing him.

"Lu Lie, Lu Lie, Lu Lie. (Xiang Ling, Daoyi is back.)"

Guo Ba struggled and jumped out of Wang Daoyi's arms, then rushed into the kitchen.

Soon, Xiang Ling, with her hair in a woman's bun, walked out of the kitchen holding the rice dumpling.

Looking at Wang Daoyi, who was dressed in white with two bear paw prints on his face, Xiang Ling's eyes were as tender as water. She walked to Wang Daoyi's side, put down the rice cooker, and stretched out her hand to straighten the man's collar.

"I'm back." Wang Daoyi said with a smile.

Xiangling nodded gently, her eyes full of tenderness: "Well, thank you for your hard work."

Xiang Ling didn't know where Wang Daoyi went or what he did.

But she knows that what a man who returns home needs most is his wife's tenderness, not questioning.

The two hugged each other, and the atmosphere gradually turned pink.

At the entrance of Wanmin Hall,

Master Mao, who had just returned from delivering food outside, suddenly stopped and saw the two people at the door of the kitchen.

The old father's eyes widened, then he looked happy and waved to Guoba not far away.

Guo Ba was a little puzzled, but he still ran to Master Mao.

"Let's go, grandpa will take you to eat delicious food." Master Mao picked up the rice cake, turned around and left.

Although he didn’t know why Master Mao turned into his grandfather, Guo Ba stopped struggling when he heard the delicious food.

As Master Mao walked, he said cheerfully: "Hold my grandson, hold my grandson, hey hey hey, hahahahaha."

He was originally a little dissatisfied with Wang Dao not going home for a long time, but he suddenly became happy.

I was thinking about holding my grandson.

After Master Mao walked away,

Xiangling blushed and broke away from Wang Daoyi's arms.

"It's all your fault for letting dad see it."

"Haha, the authority of the child is almost integrated. It's time to give daddy a child."

Wang Dao smiled and looked at Xiang Ling's eyes getting hot.

Xiangling's whole body softened when she was looked at like this.

She has no ability to resist her husband.

Xiangling's shy face is like the most charming medicine, Wang Daoyi's heart is filled with heat,

With a thought, the door of Wanmin Hall was closed and the fire in the stove was extinguished.

Reaching out his hand, Xiangling fell into his arms,

With a movement of footsteps, the door to the boudoir opened automatically.

[Xianyun makes tricks, flying stars spread hatred, and Yinhan is far away in darkness. Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win over countless others in the world.

Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, and I can’t bear to look at the Magpie Bridge on my way back! If the love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night? 】

That night,

I don’t know where Master Mao went with the rice dumplings.

Didn't come back at night,

However, Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling were not worried.

At night in Liyue Port, there are also Qianyan troops patrolling.

Moreover, Master Mao is a well-known figure in Liyue Port, and with Guo Ba by his side, he is unlikely to encounter any danger.

Don't worry about the whereabouts of your old father.

Xiang Ling sat at the dining table with a shy face.

My whole body was sore and weak, and I looked at Wang Daoyi who was busy in the kitchen, and I secretly thought savagely.

Wang Daoyi, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was in high spirits, whistling, chopping vegetables and arranging plates, and taking care of the soup stock simmering on the boiler.

The sweet whistle echoed in the kitchen,

This does not look like a god at all, but looks like a weasel that has stolen a chicken.

Xiangling's pretty face darkened slightly when she heard Wang Daoyi's whistle, but it quickly turned rosy again.

He took another hard look at the busy figure in the kitchen, and showed a bit of expectation and shyness.

The complex and changeable emotions and thoughts of her daughter's family are vividly displayed on Xiangling's face.

"Here comes the old chicken soup~"

Xiang Ling was having a change of mind when Wang Daoyi came out of the kitchen with fragrant old chicken soup.

"Hehehe, this soup is very tonic, drink more."

Wang Daoyi laughed softly.

Xiangling glared at him, stretched out her hand, took the soup, and took a gentle sip.

The broth enters the stomach, and a hint of warmth ripples out.


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