Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 716 Go Home

Sumeru, the descending demonic mountain, the giant statue of ruins.

The golden stream of light stays here,

Wang Daoyi's tall and straight figure emerged in the void,

Looking at the huge ruins of the colossus,

Golden streams of light began to escape from his eyes,

"Hilda cares so much about the title of [Riverdale], so she can't leave her noble signet ring behind..."

The demon-level divine thoughts descended suddenly,

Cover the entire Demonic Mountain,

The terrifying divine thoughts without any cover-up swept across like a natural disaster.

Some of the monsters living in the Demonic Mountains were crushed into powder by the terrifying divine thoughts that rolled in before they even had time to react.

These monsters became the price of sorrow for the great god.

Many adventurers who ventured into the Demonic Mountains only felt their hairs standing on end, as if something dangerous or terrifying had passed them by.

Standing in the void,

Wang Daoyi's eyes followed his spiritual thoughts and swept across the huge ruins in front of him.

[The authority of time] is paired with the [authority of inquiry]. Under the power of the two authorities,

A faint trace extended from the amber in Wang Daoyi's hand.

"Sure enough, it's still there."

In a flash, Wang Daoyi's figure disappeared.

Inside the ruins colossus, in a certain mechanical room,

A black snake knight stands here quietly, like an ancient statue.

"Got you."

Wang Daoyi's figure appeared in the room.

Looking at the dark blue knight in front of him, Wang Daoyi was slightly silent.

Since he is looking for the noble's signet ring, and the signet ring is on the other party's body,

In this way, the identity of the other party is naturally self-evident.

The last descendant of the Hilda family, Ingehilda.

It is estimated that what the Knights of Camria recovered back then was not only the noble signet ring, but also the remains, or in other words, the fallen body of Ingehilda.

Wang Daoyi's expression darkened: "I'll take you home."

The towering knight noticed the arrival of the outsider, and his stiff body began to move slowly,

"Enemies, kill!"

A dry sound came from the Black Snake Knight's throat.

She is no longer the glorious knight of Canria,

Today, she is the Black Snake Knight with faint memories.

Perhaps, in the next second, she will turn into a dark empty shell and lose the last of her soul.

"The blood descendants of Rivendell should not end up like this."

Facing the big sword slashed by the Black Snake Knight, Wang Dao did not dodge. He stretched out his hand and grasped it slightly, and the vast brilliance bloomed, tightly wrapping the Black Snake Knight.

"I once taught Hilda how to fight, and I have told her many times that this kind of wide-open and wide-open attacks leave holes for people."

Wang Dao looked nostalgic and said softly.

Then he stretched out his hand, and dazzling light bloomed in his palm,

"In the name of light, come back, [Daughter of the Glen] Ingehilda."

The complete authority of the elements shows His endless power,

The vast light penetrates the sky and the earth, guiding the confused soul back to her body.

In the dim light, a girl wearing knight armor opened her eyes.

"Where is this?" She looked around in confusion,

Her memory still stayed in the time when she was caught in the dark beast tide.

"This is five hundred years later, [Daughter of the Glen] Ingehilda, I'm here to take you home."

Wang Daoyi said softly.

Ingehilda's soul was slightly stunned, and then she looked at Wang Daoyi: "You are?"

"I am...an unknown traveler." Wang Daoyi replied.

Ingehilda was slightly in a trance: "Unknown traveler?"

She seemed to remember something, and was looking for something on her body in a panic: "Where are the things left by our ancestors?"

She searched anxiously, but couldn't find it.

As soon as Wang Dao stretched out his hand, Amber floated: "No need to look for it, I have already seen it. I feel Hilda's heart."

Ingehilda relaxed this time, and then she looked at Wang Daoyi: "Hey, you are so young. You are really extraordinary. Thousands of years have passed, and you still look like this."

Wang Daoyi was slightly startled: "Has Hilda left any trace of me?"

"According to the legends left by our ancestors, you are very handsome anyway." Ingehilda curled her lips.

Wang Daoyi's mouth curled up slightly, and he accepted this description.

As she said that, Ingehilda looked at Wang Daoyi, as if she wanted to say something.

Wang Daoyi frowned: "Do you have anything to say?"

Ingehilda nodded: "If you are really the unknown traveler, then Hilda, the knight of [Glenn], has a message for you."

Wang Daoyi looked serious: "Please tell me."

"Hilda, Knight of [River Valley], I hope that future generations will say something to you after seeing you..."

Ingehilda paused slightly, then suddenly loudly said: "Liar, you liar, you clearly promised to wait for me when I come back, you liar."

After shouting, Ingehilda calmed down her expression before speaking: "This is what the ancestors left behind. I don't mean to curse anyone."

However, what surprised Ingehilda was that the person in front of her was not only not angry, but also smiled.

Wang Daoyi nodded slightly: "I accept this liar."

"...You really deceived your ancestors." Ingehilda said in surprise.

Wang Dao glanced at her and said, "If you are going to die, stop gossiping like this."

The pure white soul was gradually dissipating. Wang Daoyi used the power of light to recall Ingehilda's soul, but he could not reverse life and death.

Death is death, and the return of the soul is only a brief encounter.

After hearing what Wang Daoyi said,

Ingehilda's lips curled up: "Hmph, then you called me back just to hear a scolding?"

"I just feel guilty." Wang Daoyi shook his head: "Rest in peace, I will take you home."

Then, before Ingehilda could continue to speak, he stretched out his hand and the light elements gathered, wrapping Ingehilda's soul.

With the support of the light element, her soul should be able to hold on until Wang Daoyi sends her back.

Looking at the remains of the Black Snake Knight who fell to the ground, he stretched out his hand and a noble seal ring flew out and fell into Wang Daoyi's hand.

Stoney desert, underground space, black gold sun gate,

Wang Daoyi walked out of the earth channel.

His gaze swept across,

Soon, an unusual aura attracted his attention.

For him who had just returned from the abyss not long ago, this aura was already too obvious.

His right hand reached out and grasped the void,

The light elements gathered together and turned into a huge palm,

The fingers of the giant elemental palm were slightly bent, and they grabbed the open space not far away.

The three-color elements exploded, and a Sin Baptizer was pinched alive from the void by Wang Daoyi.

"No, no, Lord of Red Sand, I have never offended you."

Holding the palm of the golden element, the Sin Baptizer's face showed no expression, but the panic was very obvious.

"Oh, as the lord of the desert, you are hiding on my territory, can't I deal with you?"

Wang Daoyi sneered, and with a thought, the Sin Baptizer flew in front of him, held by the elemental hand.

Looking at the Sin Baptizer in front of him, Wang Daoyi nodded slightly. This abyssal life was indeed very similar to the first abyssal thing he and [Ji] killed in cooperation.

"This is our homeland..." The Sinful Baptist just wanted to argue, but considering that his life was in the opponent's hands, he could only bow his head in submission, "I'm very sorry for invading your territory. I belong to the Prince of the Abyss, please let me go."

Wang Daoyi raised the corner of his mouth, "If you weren't Kong, I wouldn't bother to care about you."

"Oh, stop talking nonsense, either die or open this door for me."

The Sin Baptizer was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "Do you want to enter the ruins of Kanria?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Just ask if you can open the door!" Wang Daoyi said angrily.

Originally, he recorded the entrances and exits of Camria's ley lines.

Unfortunately, that was the leyline point from 2,800 years ago.

But at this point in time, Kanria has been plowed by Tianli and the Seven Gods.

Just like there is basically no earth vein fluctuation at the location where the Punishment Nail fell,

On the ruins of Kanria, not to mention the entrances and exits of the earth vein passages, even the earth veins are probably gone.

It was completely destroyed.

"Ahem, cough, cough, don't use force, don't use force." Feeling the elemental palm gradually exerting force, the Sin Baptizer quickly shouted.

It's a pity that Wang Daoyi didn't listen to it, and the elemental palm continued to use force,

There were bursts of cracking sounds from the abyssal armor of the Sin Baptizer.


The Sin Baptizer cried out in agony.

This feeling of being squeezed to death like a bug is really painful.

It wasn't until the Sin Baptizer couldn't even cry out in pain that Wang Daoyi thought about it and slowed down his palms slightly.

"Huh~" The Sinful Baptist took a deep breath and let out a lucky cry: "I survived."

"Have you considered it? Open the door or die." Wang Daoyi asked softly,

As he spoke, the elemental palm began to exert force again.

The Sin Baptizer quickly stopped him: "No, no, Lord of Red Sand, I can't open this gate either. This is the sealed gate of the motherland, and only His Highness the Prince is qualified to open it."

After hearing the words of the Sin Baptizer, Wang Daoyi's expression did not change.

Of course he knew that the other party couldn't open the door, and he also knew that Sora could.

But the problem is, he can't find time.

His eyes turned to the Sin Baptizer again: "In this case, you are useless."

As he spoke, Wang Dao had a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, and he made it very clear to the other party.

The Sin Baptizer quickly said: "No, no, Your Majesty, I can help you contact His Highness the Prince."

What I want is your words.

With a thought, the giant palm of the elements released,

"I'll give you three minutes. If you don't come, you can die."

Wang Daoyi threatened very calmly,

Even if he didn't show a vicious look, the Sin Baptizer would not dare to ignore this threat.

Because the Sin Baptizer knew that if His Highness the Prince had not come, the demon in front of him would really kill him.

The Sin Baptizer began to glow with a blue-purple light,

The light glowed with layers of haloes, and these haloes disappeared into the void.

After half a minute, the Sin Baptizer stopped.

"I have sent out the message that if His Highness the Prince is willing to meet with you, he will come."

In other words, if Kong is unwilling to see Wang Daoyi, then the Sin Baptizer will die and will not continue to summon Kong.

Although the Sin Baptizer is afraid of death, it respects the Prince of the Abyss more. It completely conveyed what happened here,

He did not choose to deceive Kong Lai in exchange for his own life.

Afraid of death, but not completely afraid of death,

Wang Daoyi's expression remained unchanged: "I don't care, as long as he doesn't come, you will die."

"No need, I'm already here."

An empty voice came from the void,

The abyssal portal opened, and a group of abyssal apostles came out first.

Then Sora walked out of it.

"Your pomp is not small." Wang Daoyi curled his lips.

Prince Abyss gave him a cold look: "Let go of my people first."

Wang Dao waved his hand, the golden palm dissipated, and the Sin Baptizer, who was pinched half to death, fell down.

Soon, two apostles of the abyss supported it, and the legendary gate of the abyss flashed, disappearing here with it.

Although it didn't kill it, the erosion of the light element was not that easy to bear.

This sinful baptist will have to train for a long time.

Look at this man after he sent away the guilty baptizer,

Only then did Prince Abyss look at Wang Daoyi again: "You want to enter my homeland? My homeland is just a piece of ruins. What can attract a god like you?"

There was wariness in his eyes, as if he was afraid that Wang Daoyi would do something bad to the remaining land of his homeland.

Wang Daoyi shook his head: "I just want to go to the Royal City of Kanria. If you are worried, you can follow me and monitor me."

He wasn't going to explain his and Hilda's story to Sora.

The less people know about this time traveling thing, the better.

"What if I don't open the door for you?" Kong's eyes flashed slightly.

Wang Daoyi raised the corner of his mouth: "Then I will forcefully break in. How many times do you think this door can withstand my attacks?"

The brilliance condensed in Wang Daoyi's hand. It was obviously just a light ball as big as a light bulb.

But it radiates as much power as the sun.

Kong's pupils shrank, and then his expression returned to normal: "In that case, let's go together."

After saying that, he looked at the apostles of the abyss beside him: "You go back first, things in the abyss cannot stop."

The apostles hesitated;

Putting His Highness the Prince and the dangerous Lord of Red Sand together is unsafe no matter how you look at it.

Kong shook his head: "Even if you look at Ying's face, the Lord of Red Sand will not hurt me."

Wang Dao nodded: "Of course, I have no reason to hurt you."

Wang Daoyi's attitude towards the Prince of the Abyss, Kong, is very clear. He is neither an enemy nor a friend. This is Ying's story and he will not interfere too much.

If he didn't want to send Ingehilda home this time, Wang Daoyi would not take the initiative to contact Sora.

"Your Highness, please be careful."

The apostles of the abyss warned, the abyssal portal opened, and they disappeared inside.

Wang Daoyi's expression remained unchanged, but he also smelled the smell. On the other side of the portal was the abyss.

Thinking of the abyss, Wang Daoyi also felt a little nostalgic, wondering what happened to [Ji] and the four-legged dragon and snake.

"Okay, let's go."

After watching his men leave, Kong greeted Wang Daoyi.

After recovering from his nostalgia, Wang Daoyi followed Sora's footsteps.

The Prince of the Abyss approached the Black Gold Yaoyang Gate and just stretched out his hand to push it gently.

The heavy door opened a gap,

A vast atmosphere came from the door.

"The smell of my motherland is really nostalgic." Sora murmured softly.

Wang Daoyi's expression remained unchanged and he said nothing.

Stepping into the gate, the heavy door slammed shut, blocking the way back.

However, neither Wang Daoyi nor Kong paid attention.

Stepping into the remains of Cairnria,

Wang Daoyi looked at this land,

Ruins and broken walls are not enough to describe the dilapidation here.

Corpses strewn across the fields are not enough to describe the tragedy here.

There was scorched earth everywhere, and it was still burning even five hundred years later.

There are wreckage everywhere, and even five hundred years cannot erase their resentment.

"Five hundred years ago, heaven and the gods came and destroyed everything here..."

Sora's voice was a little sad,

"But once upon a time, this was the proudest glory of mankind, Canria, my homeland..."

Wang Dao's eyes fluctuated slightly, but he did not respond to Kong's words.

He took steps and walked into the ruins.

“When I came here, it wasn’t that empty.”

When Wang Daoyi was sent to the Royal City of Kanria by Istaru, the Royal City of Kanria was only the size of a town.

But now, the underground kingdom of Kanria is really as broad as a new world.

His eyes roamed over this remaining land,

Wang Daoyi is looking for vague points in his memory,

"This is the knight training ground."

Although great changes had taken place, the scattered weapon fragments still allowed Wang Daoyi to recognize the location of the knight training ground.

"This is the Institute of Self-Regulatory Institutions."

Different from the rough craftsmanship in memory, the development and advancement of Canria's mechanical technology can also be seen in the remaining fragments.

"This is the Leyline Energy Research Institute."

Naturally, all the crude earth vein energy extractors were gone. The terrifying power destroyed everything here. Only a few holes were left, indicating that earth vein energy had been extracted here.

"Then, Hilda's home should be... right here."

at last,

Wang Daoyi stood on the ruins,

Among the masonry everywhere, a pile of stones looked particularly awkward.

"So, you have kept this stone house?"

With a bitter smile, Wang Dao thought with every thought,

Pieces of gravel flew away,

They keep piling up,

One wall, two walls, three walls, four walls,

A roof, a stone table, and two stone benches.

"I'm sorry, I'm back to witness your glory, [Rivendale] Knight Hilda."

Wang Daoyi took out the amber wrapped in the parchment letter and bracelet, and carefully placed it on the stone table.

Then he took out the noble seal ring [Valley] representing the Hilda family and placed it on the stone table.

After a short pause, Wang Dao held his hand in the air, and a small pink-white flower appeared in his hand.


"I'm back."

After murmuring softly, Wang Daoyi placed the gradually softening flowers on the stone table.

With a tap of your fingertips, the power of time comes and the little flower stops decaying.

Finally, Wang Daoyi took out a ball of light,

The light faded, and Ingehilda's hazy soul appeared here.

"I sent your child home, Hilda."

There was a trace of confusion on Ingehilda's face, and then she quickly became excited: "Here, this is home, but, why is it like this?"

When Ingehilda went on an expedition with the knight marshal Amfertus, Camrea was in chaos, but it had not yet been destroyed by heaven.

In her memory, Canria should be a beautiful kingdom full of flowers.

"Sorry, I didn't protect everyone."

Sora, who had been silently watching Wang Daoyi's actions, finally couldn't control his emotions after Hilda's soul appeared.

Ingehilda turned around and looked: "His Royal Highness?"

"I'm sorry, I failed everyone." Sora looked pained.

The memory of the destruction of his homeland began to appear in his mind.

Ingehilda: "No, no, Your Highness, you are hope, we all firmly believe in it."

Kong's expression became more and more painful: "Hope. Hope, yes, hope. I promise you that the motherland will return."

Wang Daoyi looked at them from the side with an indifferent expression.

He was apologetic to Hilda, and that was because Hilda really cared about him for two thousand three hundred years.

But for Ingehilda, Wang Dao just regarded her as a friend's child.

The destruction of Kanrea was even more insignificant to Wang Daoyi.

The purpose of Wang Daoyi's trip was just to send Hilda's relics home.

And Ingehilda is also a kind of relic.

"Kanria has not yet perished, right? Your Highness, you are still here after all."

Ingehilda's soul begins to escape.

Kong stretched out his hand slightly, but couldn't save anything.

"I assure you, brave knight, that the motherland will surely return."

Kong whispered slightly as he looked at the spiritual light floating in the sky.

"Come on, it's time for us to leave."

As soon as Wang Dao turned around, the power of time came and froze the small stone house.

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