Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 729 Dream Replacement

within the ruins,

Ying, Navia and Paimon crossed the dangerous broken wall area,

Come to the depths of the ruins,

A tall tower appeared in front of them.

"The servant said that the clues about the original womb sea are in the tower in front?"

Paimon said happily.

I found traces of clues without encountering any danger. This is undoubtedly something worth being happy about.

Navia glanced at the tall tower opposite from a distance and nodded slightly: "A very ancient building may indeed contain clues."

I am not as optimistic as these two guys.

She looked around first, then looked at the road ahead.

There was a hint of caution in his eyes: "There is only one stone bridge ahead, and it looks very dangerous."

The stone bridge in front of them had a lot of cracks on it, and it looked like it might collapse at any time.

Of course, it is not the stone bridge that is dangerous, but the water below the stone bridge, which is full of colors polluted by the original sea of ​​​​fetuses.

"It is very dangerous, but if we are fast enough, we can rush over." Navia calculated.

According to their strength, even if the stone bridge collapses, they can rush over in a short time with the help of stones as a stepping stone.

"Yeah." Ying nodded, thinking it was okay. Then she thought about it, "Navia, you rush forward."

This is not to let Navia take the risk first.

But because once two people rush onto the stone bridge, the stone bridge may collapse at any time due to the influence of external forces. Therefore, the first person to run over will definitely have more time than the second person.

The second person to run will bear the risk of the first person running.

Ying was not afraid of the water of the primitive fetal sea, so she let Navia go first.

Navia glanced at Ying with some emotion, but did not refuse: "Okay."

She knew that this situation was not the time to give in. It was about ensuring her own safety and not holding back.

"Then, get ready and let's rush."

Ying started to move her hands and feet.

What they don't know is,

Someone who had come all the way was now a little dumbfounded.

"Huh? That's not how [the script] is written!"

Invisible not far behind Ying and others,

Wang Daoyi had a toothache.

According to the [script],

When Ying and Navia rushed across this stone bridge,

Navia will fall into the water due to the breakage of the stone bridge, and then come into contact with the water of the original womb sea. When she is about to die,

She will be protected by Miles and Silver who have [dissolved], and coupled with the authority of Navila, they will forcefully rescue Navia from the fetal sea water.

This is the original [script] and [plot].

Originally, Wang Daoyi had already thought about it.

When Navia falls, he will protect Navia, then pull her into the dream through [Dream Power], and project the [plot] that should happen in the [script] into Navia's dream. .

In this way, even if the [script] is completed, the development of the [plot] is guaranteed.

But what is the situation now?

Ying and Navia did not rush onto the stone bridge rashly, but held a discussion.

And Ying even proposed that Navia should be in the front and he should be in the dangerous position at the back.

In this way, I'm afraid there won't be a scene of Navia falling into the water.

And the [script] has also undergone important [plot] changes.

"...Sure enough, fate is hard to fool. I thought I could control [the script] and become a director, but in fact, I only got a glimpse of the future, and the future is still changing."

Wang Daoyi's mouth twitched slightly and he began to think about how to bring the plot back.

If the plot of this scene is lost, then when they question Funina later, there will be one less piece of evidence.

There will also be gaps in the push for prophecy.

This is not allowed by Wang Daoyi.

"First of all, we must ensure Navia's safety, and secondly, we must let her touch the water of the original fetal sea under Ying's gaze..."

Wang Daoyi thought for a moment and looked at the tall tower on the opposite side of the stone bridge.

"As an ancient relic, it is appropriate to have broken protection devices."

As long as a broken protection device is installed on the ruins tower,

When Navia rushes across the stone bridge, knock her back a few steps to ensure she falls.

As for how to get the protective device, Wang Daoyi couldn't be bothered.

Just rub it with your hands.

"I feel like a conspirator, plotting against others."

Wang Daoyi cursed secretly, and then started to take action.

Although it is really bad to plot against Navia like this, in order for Fukalos' plan to be completed smoothly,

It’s better to feel wronged to Navia.

Flying invisibly across the stone bridge, Wang Dao landed on the high tower. With a thought, the rock buildings under his feet began to change.

The flat stone slabs slowly rise,

A strange device appeared at Wang Daoyi's feet,

"Well, it's too new. It needs to be aged a bit."

Following Wang Daoyi's actions, an ancient and broken protective device soon appeared here.

"Well, it is very reasonable that there is a protective device in the ruins that only has the power of a final blow."

After finishing all this, Wang Daoyi nodded with great satisfaction.

And on the other side,

Ying and Navia are also ready to sprint.


Navia shouted softly and rushed onto the stone bridge, followed closely by Ying.

As they expected,

This ancient stone bridge can no longer withstand movement.

When Navia ran past, the stone bridge immediately shook, and pieces of stone began to crack and fall from the stone bridge.

Navia didn't look back and rushed forward.

These were all included in their previous discussions.

Following Navia, facing the crumbling stone bridge, her expression remained unchanged, and wisps of blue wind elements began to surround her.

The wind lifted her body, making her look even more light.

What seems like a dangerous situation is actually very safe.

Seeing that Navia was about to rush through the dangerous area and reach the other side, everyone had smiles on their lips.

Then, the two of them saw a sudden burst of light on the tall tower opposite.

Immediately afterwards, Navia at the front seemed to be hit.

The whole person flew back.

Ying's pupils shrank, the wind element on his body shook violently, the wind wings spread out behind him, he quickly adjusted his posture, and was about to grab Navia's hand.

But it's a pity that even if Ying's reaction speed is fast enough,

But Navia flew back faster.


Ying exclaimed and reached out to reach Navia's hand, but she didn't know if there was an accident. It seemed that the wind element wrapped around the wings of wind shook slightly.

Let Ying turn around a little slower,

And it was this point that made the two men's hands miss by the slightest bit.


Ying let out an unwilling cry,

And on the tower behind them,

Wang Dao tapped lightly with his fingertips,

Navia, who fell into the fetal sea, only felt her skin being slightly burned and her mind went blank.

The accident happened so quickly that she couldn't react.

With a flash of consciousness in her mind, Navia seemed to have fallen into the endless deep sea.

"Am I being dissolved?"

"Is this the place after death?"

"That's good, I can finally do it, I'm not so tired anymore."

Navia's thoughts were confused and she didn't know how many things she had thought about.

In a daze, a familiar yet unfamiliar scene appeared in front of Navia.

"……here it is?"

Navia came back to her senses, and two familiar people appeared in front of her.

"Miss, why are you here alone in a daze? If I hadn't come to pick you up, would you have stood here until dark?" Miles asked.

Navia frowned, feeling something was wrong, but she couldn't remember it.

Silver: "Maybe the eldest lady just wants some private time."

Navia scratched her head: "Hey, did I fall asleep?"

Miles nodded: "It seems so."

Silver: "It's not impossible. It's just that you, the eldest lady, suggested that you want to go out for a walk.\

,""Oh, I can't remember." Navia frowned and thought deeply, "Hmm, could it be that I was confused? I didn't take a nap today, right?"

She frowned slightly, but she couldn't remember why she was here, and she didn't know what she was doing here.

The familiar yet strange feeling made her wonder inside.

"What are you thinking about?" Silver asked.

In the end, Navia also shook her head at the two assistants: "Oh no, it's nothing. I was just thinking, why are we out for a walk?"

Mellors started to explain: "If you still remember, Mr. Givony once asked us for assistance. Some foreign traders had debt disputes with him. That matter was settled not long ago."

Silver also nodded: "Let's go out for a walk and take a look at the aftermath of the Givoni incident."

Navia suddenly realized that some scattered memories came to mind, and she nodded quickly: "Ah, yes, it seems that there is such a thing."

At this time, two people appeared from the side for some reason. They looked at Navia with smiles on their faces: "Oh? Miss Navia! And Mr. Miles and Mr. Silver, haha, see you there." It’s great to meet you.”

As soon as Navia saw him, his name came to mind: "Mr. Givoni, how are you doing recently?"

Givony's face was full of smiles: "Great. Thanks to you, those annoying guys finally understand that I am not the person they are looking for at all. I am not even a guarantor!"

Then he looked helpless: "They come to the door all the time, and Oberna next door is tired of it!"

On the side, Myles nodded slightly: "Sometimes you have to use your strength to make people calm down and listen to you."

"Haha, that's it. Oh, right, Benetti! What did you say you wanted to give to Miss Navia last time?" Givoni said with a smile, and then looked at the girl next to him.

"Oh, please wait!" Benetti quickly took out some seeds and flowers from her pocket, "Miss Navia, these are the flower seeds I prepared, please accept them. They are very good varieties, blooming The flowers are very big and beautiful.”


Navia's mind sank slightly, as if another memory was about to emerge, but it was quickly suppressed again.

Before Navia could say anything, Benetti continued: "Those things in our family can't be solved without you. Don't be dissatisfied with your insignificant thoughts."

Navia had no time to care about the feeling in her mind, and quickly thanked Benetti: "You actually cultivated it with your own hands? Thank you, I will accept it. Miles, we should still have some flowers at home. Basin?"

Miles stroked his chest slightly: "As long as the eldest lady wants, there are as many empty flowerpots as you want."

Navia smiled: "Then it's settled, replace the ornamental plants with these given by Mrs. Benetti!"

Miles nodded: "Okay."

Navia looked at the things and people around her, and she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure it out.

An unfamiliar feeling of familiarity appeared in her mind,

Then she looked at Benetti: "...Madam, I heard you right, your name is Benetti?"

Benetti nodded: "Yes, Miss, what's the matter?"

Navia thought hard, but in the end she couldn't remember anything. She could only smile and said, "It's nothing. Although it's the first time we've met, your name sounds familiar, hahaha. I probably talked to your husband last time. I heard about you when it happened."

But she still had doubts in her heart.

(I must have heard this name somewhere... recently. It can't be wrong.)

Then she raised her head and glanced at Baisong Town,

(By the way, why are there so few people around here? Where has everyone gone?)

When she was wondering and thinking,

Silver said: "Miss, pay attention to the time, we have more important things today."

"What happened?" Navia looked confused.

Then someone immediately ran over and said, "Miss Navia! So you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time. Please go to the opera house as soon as possible. Your case is about to go to court."

Navia became even more confused: "...my case? I...do I need to go to the opera house for something?"

Silver: "That's true, Miss. The time is approaching, let's set off."

Although Navia was still puzzled, she still chose to believe everyone: "Huh? Okay."

Drowsily, Navia felt her mind sinking slightly, and the scene in front of her was completely different.

When she came to her senses, she had already appeared at the Opéra Opéra.

Navia led Silver and Miles forward, and the Fontaine audience around her cheered.

Navia looked around and saw people who seemed familiar to her.

But unlike the usually packed opera house, there were only a few dozen people in the theater at this time.

And seeing Navia's appearance, the audience was very excited.

Esson: "Look, it's Navia! She's here!"

Yolene: "And those two followers, my God is finally here!"

Navia noticed the expressions of the audience, and she felt increasingly strange.

(There are so many people coming to see the trial, and what’s going on with their expressions? Why are they so excited?)

(Corina, Desiree, Ryan Weir, Yolene, Esson...so many people are here to see?)

(And what exactly happened? Why do I have no memory of the alleged case?)

While thinking about it, Navia looked up at the trial seat.

"Judge...Huh? Master Villette isn't there?"

Full of questions, and guided by Silver and Myles, she stood in the dock.

Seeing Navia's behavior, the audience began to talk in low voices.

Navia looked at the chattering audience below, couldn't help but frown, and then said: "Stop whispering! Someone tell me, where has Mr. Villette, the judge, gone? And why am I standing in the dock?"

At this time, the man standing in the plaintiff's seat spoke.

Rilvian: "Dear Miss Navia, you haven't realized what mistake you have made? Then let me state it."

Navia frowned slightly, leaned forward, and looked at the other person. She really wanted to know why she was here.

Under Navia's gaze, Rilvian slowly opened his mouth and recounted Navia's [crime]:

"As everyone knows, Miss Navia is the successor of Mr. Kares, the head of the Thorny Rose Society, and the leading figure in our Baisong Town."

"Since you took over the Rose of Thorns Society, you have been treating us just like Mr. Kales did in the past."

“Those who need help pray to the Society of Thorns, and you will answer us.”

"Not only you, but also your stewards, subordinates, and almost every member of the Thorny Rose Society are fighting for the happiness of Baisong Town."

Facing these [crimes], Navia just felt baffled: "If that's the case, then am I not a completely good person?"

Rilvian nodded, with a hint of malice and fanaticism in his eyes:

"You're right! Miss, that's why you have to be accused!"

"You have helped so many people solve their problems. You and we are one and inseparable!"

"The whole Baisong Town is a huge home, and everyone is closely connected."

"And you are so important, we must not lose you!"

"So, a fair court will find you guilty and let you stay here with us forever!"

Navia had a strange look on her face. She always felt that what the other party said was strange. She said with some confusion: "Ahem! Although these words are correct, I have indeed done a lot for my hometown Baisong Town, and I am also willing to share it with you. Together. But is this something that needs to be discussed here?"

In Navia's view, this should be a matter for Baisong Town and should not be discussed in the Opikli Opera House.

Moreover, she should not be in the dock.

If you do good deeds and become a defendant, wouldn't that be contrary to Tiangang?

The plaintiff opposite smiled: "Oh... If you think so, I have no objection."

The audience in the audience also cheered,

They...they are eager for Navia to join them.

It is the pure water spirit that has lost its human form and its ultimate desire for Navia.

If everyone stopped being human, then it would be fair and just.

"That's great, Miss Navia!"

"She wants to stay with us!"

Navia looked at the audience below and felt that something was wrong.

(They, these familiar people, why are they laughing?)

Just at this time,

The two assistants beside Navia, Silver and Miles, suddenly showed a look of pain.

It was as if the deepest emotions in my heart that had been hidden began to explode.

Something started to show up.

"I, I seem to remember! I understand, this trial is"

"No. Wait, no, it shouldn't be like this!"

The performance of the two made Navia couldn't help but look back: "Silver? And Miles? What's wrong with you guys?"

Silver quickly said: "Miss, don't plead guilty! This is a trial to keep you here forever!"

Hearing what the two said, Navia's pupils shrank sharply: "Wha, what?"

At this time, on the plaintiff's table, Rilvian looked at Silver and Miles angrily: ""What are you talking about? ! Our opinions are very clear and unified! Court, please judge her! Find her guilty! "

The audience below also started shouting. : "Stay, Navia! You are one of us!"

The enthusiasm of the audience and the strange atmosphere in the opera house made Navia tremble in her heart.

With these shouts, Navia's consciousness gradually blurred, as if a warm cluster was about to wrap her up, and then...devour her,

As her consciousness gradually blurred, she could no longer figure out what was going on.

Mellors immediately stepped forward and said loudly. : "I want to exercise my right to defend! You only know the kind side of the young lady, but you don't know that she also has a completely independent mind while being kind!"

Silver also said: "The eldest lady was born free and independent, and will never be bound by anything. Even the death of Mr. Kares could not hinder her progress! The things she did cannot prove She considers herself to be part of a group! She is just an individual, extending a gentle helping hand to others! Please make sure you understand the difference!"

Silver and Myles' defense did not win the cluster's forgiveness, but instead aroused the cluster's dissatisfaction.

Rilvian looked at the two consciousnesses that were separated from the cluster indifferently: Really? As an individual? But don’t forget, we are all Fontaine people, this is the country of justice and the country of water!

Even if Miss Navia did it voluntarily, it does not affect the fact that this beautiful soul will eventually return to everyone.

Water will accept everything and integrate everything! Naturally, she will accept her kindness!

In the kingdom of water, everything will be measured, and eventually, everyone will be integrated into one.

And when a unified opinion appears, that opinion represents [justice]! "

Is justice for the majority just justice?

There has never been a right answer to this topic;

But at this time, the cluster was already impatient,

They want to swallow Navia crazily, swallow this precious soul,

Destroy Navia's personality and turn Navia into one of them.

"Now, I represent everyone! Our opinions are completely unanimous! Now, pronounce the sentence with everyone's justice! Navia should stay, Navia and [us] are one!"

Rilvian shouted, echoing the shouts of the audience below.

Regarding the will proposed by the group will, Myles immediately angrily said: "Is this what you call justice? It's so funny!

You are just jealous that the eldest lady still has a chance to exist as a real individual!

Don’t forget how much you longed to be called independent and free individuals! "

Hearing these words, all the audience in the Obi Clay Opera House stood up together!

Now they are not separate individuals, but acting as a whole. They seem to be independent, but they form the will of the group.

They are now more like an insignificant part of a decaying insect nest,

But it is these insignificant parts that form the terrifying aggregate monster of the swarm.

Everyone pointed their fingers at Navia and the other three at the same time: "Are you going to disobey our [justice]?!"

Faced with this gruesome scene, Silver showed no fear. He retorted loudly: "If that justice is not correct at all, there is no need for us to recognize it!

We too can have our justice! We will protect the eldest lady, this is how we implement justice! "

At this moment, Navia, whose consciousness had been a little blurry, listened to the argument between the two sides. She finally remembered everything gradually!

A name that I had never heard of before but somehow sounded familiar to me. , the sparse crowds in the streets, the strange-smiling audiences in the opera house, and... Miles and Silver who died for her!

At this moment, Navia finally understood the truth of everything!

These people in front of me are all people who appear on the list of victims!

All of them, whether it was Givony, Benetti, Rilvian on the prosecution stand, or even Miles and Silver next to her, were all dead!

The moment Navia recognized this reality, the collective will seemed to feel her emotional fluctuations.

"Stop resisting, this is a noble judgment!"

"Those things happened, she shouldn't be left alone in the lonely town of Baisong!"

The bodies of those spectators with enthusiastic smiles changed completely at this moment. In the waves of water, these people suddenly turned into a group of pure water elves!

These creatures born from the water rushed to the dock and surrounded Navia, Miles and Silver.

"You actually said we were jealous? Ha, how could she be an independent individual?"

"She should belong to us!"

Seeing this strange and terrifying scene, Navia involuntarily took a step back.

Mellors and Silver followed closely and protected her behind them.

At this critical moment, a deep and majestic male voice suddenly came from high above the trial seat!


As the sound of the scepter hitting the ground resounded throughout the Obi-Claire Opera House, all the noisy voices fell silent in an instant!

The supreme judge, Navilette, appeared on the trial bench at some unknown time!

"Ah, what is this voice?" The pure water elves scattered away as if they had encountered a natural enemy.

Villette glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "No noise is allowed in the court!"

"Everything you just stated in court is just a farce and does not constitute a trial at all!"

"Today's court hearing ends here, and any participant who is not approved by the court is not allowed to raise objections!"

Under the authority of Villette, the pure water elves could only fade away.

"Thank you, Lord Navilette!" Miles thanked him sincerely.

Without saying anything, Villette immediately looked at Navia and said, "While there is still time, Miss Navia, please leave with me."

"But..." Navia, who had now remembered everything, looked at Miles and Silver hesitantly.

She already knew in her heart that this might be her last meeting with them. "

Go quickly, young lady! Now is your only chance to get out of here! "

"You can't bear to leave us two, right?" Seeing Navia's expression on the verge of tears, Miles realized that his joke was a little too much, and he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry, when I thought it was the last time, I couldn't bear it. I couldn’t help but want to make a joke.”

"Myles Silver." Navia could no longer suppress the sadness in her heart, and her eyes were blinded by tears.

Vaguely, she saw the two figures also transformed into pure water elves in a trance.

"Time is running out, come here quickly!" Villette said anxiously, the time to say goodbye finally arrived.

The two of them smiled and said their last goodbyes to Navia: "Goodbye, Miss" and "Take care."

The figures of Navia and Navilette disappeared into this space.

after a while,

Wang Daoyi’s figure emerged,

His face was a little pale: "It's still a little difficult to pull the elemental dragon into the dream. I don't know if Villette saw anything."

"But it doesn't matter. Just tell the information about the Fontaine people and the pure water elves and the situation of dissolving into the water of the original womb sea through Navia's mouth."

"As for Villette... I probably won't have time to study whether this dream is normal."

turn out to be,

Not long after Navia fell into the water and Wang Daoyi pulled her into a dream,

Then Villette also rushed here,

At the critical moment, Navilette used his authority to pull Navia out of the fetal sea water.

But Navia never woke up (she was pulled into the dream by Wang Daoyi.)

Navilite mistakenly believed that it was the original sea of ​​​​fetus that was dissolving Navia's will, so he used his authority to try to pull Navia back from the sea of ​​​​fetus.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi followed Villette's idea and introduced his will into the dream space disguised as the seawater space.

Thanks to Wang Daoyi's previous visit to the original womb sea, his disguised dream space has not been seen through.

There was also the scene later where Villette forcibly rescued Navia.

In general, although this scene's [plot] deviated greatly from the [script], it was still brought back to the normal [plot] by Wang Daoyi.

in reality,

When Navia opened her eyes again, the travelers and Paimon in front of her were looking at her with worried faces.

"Ah, Navia! You finally woke up!" Pamon said in surprise.

"You're awake and you seem to be fine. That's great."

At this time, Navilette also appeared in front of her.

Navia looked around in panic, but did not find Miles and Silver: "I, I seemed to have had a dream in which Miles and Silver were still alive, and they were going crazy. Protected me during the trial.”

Villette sighed softly upon hearing this, and then explained to her what exactly happened just now. : "The position you were in collapsed just now. When I arrived, I saw Miss Navia falling towards the water."

"Originally, you were supposed to dissolve in the water immediately, but I" Villette paused slightly. He felt something was wrong, but he did not say it, but continued. , "I vaguely saw two pure water elves catching and protecting you. The time was short, even though it was only a moment, it also created an opportunity for me. Without them, I would not have been able to rescue you before your consciousness dissipated. .”

Villette frowned slightly. He felt that the color of the two pure water elves he saw seemed a little wrong. They did not look like pure water, but were somewhat similar to ordinary water element creations. There were even some golden light spots inside. Like...the light element of the Lord of Red Sand.

But he still did not tell the news, but kept it to himself.

He knew that if the Lord of Red Sand intervened and didn't want everyone to know, it might be related to Funina's plan.

Then, even if he goes to find the Lord of Red Sand, the other party probably won't admit it.

Paimon and Ying were shocked by this information from Villette: "Wait a minute, pure water elf? Is this what happened at that time in Vashe? The dissolved person became a pure water elf."

Villette nodded and acknowledged the traveler's guess. Then, he looked at Navia and said, "Maybe those two are the people you dreamed of."

"..." Navia's voice began to tremble, "I always said I didn't need their protection, but I didn't expect that they would still protect me even if they died."

Several people fell silent. What happened to Miles and Silver made them all a little sad.

In order to let Navia be alone for a while and calm down.

Villette and the traveler walked aside knowingly and began to exchange information with each other.

According to what Navilette said, he rushed to Baisong Town as agreed with the traveler and found that there were many fools and soldiers there who were providing disaster relief.

Surprised, he chatted with the servant who happened to be present. Only then did he learn that the traveler and Navia were investigating this ancient ruins, and then rushed over.

After a while, Navia regained her composure, and everyone studied the device on the tower that had previously knocked Navia away. Afterwards, they found nothing and could only move on.

After everyone has left,

Wang Daoyi's figure gradually emerged,

"The loopholes in Navia's plot have been fixed. Now, go back and talk to Funina."

Then, he turned around and disappeared into the ruins.

I'm so dizzy that I can't even check for typos. If there are typos, please mark them and I'll correct them later.

I have to continue to see a doctor, so updates may be in the evening in the next few days.

I try my best not to do pigeons, and code as much as I can,

It won’t be divided into chapters, just give it as many codes as you like.

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