Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 733 Tianli, are you awake?

Take control of authority and analyze legal principles.

Facing a target that can be called an absolute defense,

Wang Daoyi had a smile on his lips,

Now that we know the other party’s details and operating logic,

Then he who holds the [Power of Light] and the [Power of Time],

It couldn't be easier to crack this dark building.

[The Power of Light] was slightly shocked,

The lines in the dark wall changed rapidly, and the [Rune of Light] that originally belonged to the operating system quickly melted under the power of authority.

As part of the power of [Light], [Rune of Light] cannot escape the control of [Power of Light].

Under Wang Daoyi's will, the [Light Rune] that provided energy support for the [Time Rune] was erased from the dark wall in just a few breaths.

The erasure of [Light Rune] caused a chain reaction.

The disordered lines in the wall were broken one after another, and large areas of the lines were destroyed.

In less than a few breaths, the dark building that was originally an absolute defense collapsed in front of Wang Daoyi.

"You didn't even make a backup plan? Do you not care, or do you have confidence in your skills?"

Watching the dark building gradually collapse, revealing the strange device inside,

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but feel a little strange.

If the contents inside are not important, then the owner of this place still uses very superb technology to protect it.

But if what's inside is important, the people who set up the protection didn't even have a backup plan.

As soon as Wang Dao destroyed the existence of [Rune of Light], the entire defense collapsed.


With thoughts flashing in his eyes, Wang Daoyi thought of a very possible reason.

"Isn't this thing just left for me?"

There are two very big loopholes in the defense system of the dark building.

One is [Light] and the other is [Time].

And it just so happens that both of them are in the hands of Wang Daoyi.

If the person who set up the defense knew that these two powers would be in the hands of Wang Daoyi in the future, then the things left behind by the defense he set up might be specifically for Wang Daoyi.

"Let me see what this is, and then I'll know if it's specially reserved for me."

Wang Daoyi shook his head, throwing away all the strange speculations in his mind, and looked at the strange device exposed after the collapse of the dark building.

This is a device made of an equilateral triangle.

Below is a golden base with a large number of high-level runes engraved on it.

A polyhedral gemstone is inlaid on top,

There are a large number of energy lines between the base and the gems, which seem to be conducting some kind of energy transmission.

In Wang Daoyi's sight,

A magical wave escapes from the device in front of you,

After letting go of his body's defenses, these waves submerged into Wang Daoyi's body.

"Well, the activity level of my 'cells' has decreased? No, it's because the metabolic rate has slowed down."

As a scholar, Wang Daoyi naturally knows how to calculate the length of life.

Theoretically, the speed of life metabolism affects the corresponding life span.

The main theory for this conclusion is based on the study of cell metabolism.

So, what is metabolism?

(Part of the metabolic diagram)

In the words of a previous life: Metabolism is the general term for a series of orderly chemical reactions that occur in organisms to maintain life.

These reaction processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structure, and respond to the external environment.

Metabolism is basically divided into two types. One is catabolism, which can break down large molecules to obtain energy (such as cellular respiration);

One is anabolism, which uses energy to synthesize various components in cells, such as proteins and nucleic acids.

These two types of metabolism allow organisms to continuously exchange matter and energy.

Similarly, once the exchange of matter and energy in an organism stops, the structure and system of the organism will disintegrate, that is, it will die.

So, back to reality, the fluctuations emitted by the strange device can slow down the metabolic rate. What does this mean?

The life span of the representative is extended.

Cell metabolism has a limit. Once the metabolism reaches the upper limit, the cells will completely collapse and the person will die.

But if the metabolic rate is slowed down ten times, then the length of life will also be extended ten times.

I could live for a hundred years, but now I can live for a thousand years.

Of course, this doesn't come without a cost.

Life metabolism is delayed, and the price paid by life is a slowdown in action speed.

The exchange of substances and energy produced after metabolism is delayed will not be enough to support the operation of the living body.

As a result, life will fall into deep sleep to reduce energy consumption.

Those who can move can live for a hundred years, and those who can sleep can live for a thousand years.

This is the price.

"After slowing down metabolism, the body falls into sleep, and all metabolic energy is used to supply the brain, so thinking can continue to function."

"In this way, when Fa Lushan fell into the ruins, it was equivalent to not eating or drinking for a very short period of time."

"However, I don't know what technology this device uses? Could it be time?"

Wang Daoyi guessed in his heart.

Using the power of time, it is possible to slow down metabolism.

It can even be done by directly pausing metabolism.

But once time is suspended directly, the thinking of the person being delayed will definitely be suspended as well.

It cannot be like now, the body's cell metabolism slows down, but the brain's thinking remains unchanged.

"The wave emitted by this device should be a distorted time wave that specifically targets the cell metabolism of living organisms to achieve life-sustaining effects."

"The advantage is that the life-sustaining effect is very good. For people who are dying, this is the last hope.

The shortcomings are also obvious. It cannot break through the underlying logic of life. Cell metabolism is delayed, mobility will inevitably decrease, and the body will fall into a deep sleep.

Hmm... the life-sustaining cabin equipment used as a spaceship seems to be very good. "

After taking a look at the device in front of me,

After removing the defense of the dark building, the device has no means of protection and can be put away directly.

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and put the device into the Chensong Pot.

Then he thought about it again.

"First of all, it is certain that this is probably the pre-production research institute of Eternal Oasis technology.

What the Red King wanted was eternal tranquility. This kind of life-support device could not be achieved. Therefore, the Red King later gave up here and turned to using the Sky Nail for research.

Istaru also gave up here, but he chose to preserve the technology after research.

However, it doesn't seem like this thing was specially left for me, or is it that Istaru saw me in the future and wanted to leave Teyvat in a spaceship? "

While Wang Daoyi was still thinking,

There are changes in the ruins again,

In the ruins that originally had no air flow,

A wisp of wind blew,

The sudden change quickly attracted the attention of scholars.

"The wind is blowing in the ruins?"

Some scholars stretched out their hands curiously, wanting to feel the flow of the wind.

And when the wind blew from his hand,

Although the palms were originally dry due to lack of maintenance, they began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The young scholar's palm lost its activity and became like an old man's hand.

"Everyone, be careful, there is something wrong with the wind."

The young scholar's eyes were frightened, but he did not panic. Instead, he loudly reminded others.

The Chisha warriors immediately took action to surround and protect the scholars.

However, in the face of the wind of time, this protection has no effect at all.

The gentle breeze brings extremely terrifying effects,

The strong Red Sand warriors grew old quickly,

The bulging muscles gradually withered,

The strength in the body gradually disappears,

From a strong man to an old man.

Time has never been a force that mortals can resist.

"My God!!"

Faced with this irresistible force, in the end the Chisha warrior couldn't help but shout to the gods in the distance.

Hear the call,

As soon as Wang Dao came to his senses,

The wind of time blows slowly around me,

It felt quite comfortable when it blew on him.

Unlike the mortals who were blown away, the wind of time blew on Wang Daoyi, no different from the warm spring breeze.

Considering the immortal life of a god, the effects brought about by the wind of time can basically be ignored.

Not to mention, the power of time lies in the hands of Wang Daoyi.

However, although it is just a comfortable wind to him,

But Wang Daoyi quickly responded to the call of his people.

His figure flashed,

He appeared in front of Chisha warriors and scholars,

Looking at a group of gray-haired old people, Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "The status of time is still too high for you."

Looking at these people looking like they are going to die of old age,

Wang Daoyi shook his head and thought:

The power of time comes,

Time starts to flow backward here.

From old to young, the familiar strength and vitality returned to everyone's bodies.

Feeling the power of reversing time,

Both the Red Sand warriors and scholars looked at the Lord of Red Sand with eager and awed eyes.

"Okay, get out quickly, this place is going to be destroyed."

Feel the conflict coming from the wind of time around you,

Wang Daoyi knew that after he took away the core device,

The different flow rates of time inside and outside here are about to conflict.

According to his original experiment on the power of time,

Time flows at different speeds, and after a conflict occurs,

Next, a time storm should appear here.

The current wind of time is just a prelude.

At Wang Daoyi's urging,

The scholars took one last look at the wall with the time formula engraved on it with some reluctance, then picked up the materials they used to calculate the formula before and hurried out of the ruins.

Chisha's warriors also protected the scholars and began to retreat.

Wait until everyone has left,

Wang Daoyi turned around and left,

The power of time's authority fades,

No more suppressing the time conflict here,


The timelines of different flow rates began to break,

The wind of time, which was originally like a gentle breeze, gradually became violent,

In just a few breaths, a tornado-like time storm took shape and began to destroy everything in the ruins.

Wang Daoyi stood in the void,

Watching the ruins disappear bit by bit under the sweep of the storm of time,

It was like a dilapidated building. The building materials were blown away by the strong wind, and in the end, not even the foundation was left.

"Looks like there's nothing more."

Watching the dilapidated ruins turn into a void of nothing,

Wang Daoyi shook his head, he thought there might be more things hidden here.

The figure flashed and disappeared into the void,

Beyond the ruins,

The scholars and Red Sand warriors who had just escaped from the ruins were already packing their things.

As soon as Wang Dao appeared, everyone quickly gathered around.

"My God." Red Sand Warrior shouted.

Wang Dao nodded: "Is everyone okay?"

"No one was hurt, everything is fine." the soldiers replied.

"Well, the power of time is not pleasant. After this mission is over, you should take a good rest for a while." Wang Dao looked at them and found that there were indeed no superficial wounds. He warned them, and then looked at the scholars, "伱The same goes for you, don’t rush into research, take good care of yourself first.”

Everyone leaned over: "Thank you for your concern, my God/Your Majesty."

"Well, I'll leave this to you. I'll take the first step."

Wang Dao waved his hand, turned and left.

"Pack your things and prepare to return to headquarters."

After Wang Dao left, the camp became busy again.

Chisha headquarters,

Wang Daoyi returned to the temple.

"How's it going to come back so soon? Is there any harvest?" the Lord of Red Sand asked.

Wang Dao waved his hand, a sacred throne rose, and he leaned on the sacred throne: "A little, but not much."

Then he communicated with the Lord of Red Sand about what he had learned in the ruins.

"Life-support device? Oh, just right. Abedo and the others were talking about developing new life-support equipment before, but it seems that they won't need it." The Lord of Red Sand said with a smile.

"Huh?" Wang Dao glanced at him, "You said, Abedo and the others said they want to develop a life-sustaining equipment?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" The Lord of Red Sand was a little confused.

Wang Dao's eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded slightly: "If there is no matter about this ruins, then naturally there will be no problem, but I just found the life-support device from the ruins, and you told me that Abedo and the others were going to do it A life-support device, don’t you think it’s a bit of a coincidence?”

After hearing what Wang Daoyi said,

The Lord of Red Sand also looked serious,

After a while,

The Lord of Red Sand spoke slowly: "So, is this thing really left by Istaru specifically?"

"Oh, if you want to know this, just ask about the research progress at the underground base." Wang Daoyi said.

If the development of life-sustaining equipment goes smoothly, it is simply a coincidence.

If the development of the underground base fails, then this life-support device must have been specially left by Istaru.

"I'll get in touch right away." The Lord of Red Sand moved quickly and used the void terminal to send an inquiry to the underground base.

The Lord of Red Sand asked,

The underground base quickly responded,

A large amount of information was condensed and sent over.

If the Lord of Red Sand hadn't stopped him, maybe Nicoreid would have come over in person.

"The information has been sent. You are right, the development of life-support equipment is not going well." The Lord of Red Sand said with a strange expression.

Wang Daoyi raised his eyebrows: "What are the details?"

"Albedo and Nicolaide overcame the difficulties of individual life-support equipment and built life-support warehouses, but there has been basically no progress in group wide-area life-support equipment."

"Oh, sure enough, Istaru saw some future. He probably thought that we needed such a device, so he teamed up with the Red King to make it, and finally left it in the ruins, waiting for me. Go get it.”

"But can our fate still be observed?" the Lord of Red Sand asked.

As gods, they have already broken away from the destiny system.

"You don't have to observe our destiny, you can also observe other people. Chisha is a big group, and neither you nor I can represent it." Wang Dao said.

When he was observed by Nico, Wang Daoyi understood that unless you do nothing and have no contact, those who are proficient in time and destiny can still observe you through other traces.

Just because gods are unobservable does not mean that people or things that come into contact with gods cannot be observed.

"Okay, then the next step is to hand over this device to them for imitation?"

"Well, the next Fontaine disaster may come in handy." Wang Dao nodded.

The two were chatting,

Suddenly, the void terminal next to Wang Dao's ear flashed rapidly,

Someone is calling him,

next moment,

Nasida's shadow appeared in the temple,

"Dao Yi, please come to Jingshan Palace immediately, something happened."

Anxious voices sounded in the temple.

Wang Dao frowned: "I'll be right away."

He didn't ask anything now,

This was the first time Nasida called him with such an anxious voice.

It means that what happened in Nasida's mouth is probably not a simple matter.

"Please help give the life-support device to Nikolaid and the others. I will go to Jingshan Palace." Wang Daoyi handed the thing to the Lord of Red Sand.

The Lord of Red Sand nodded: "Okay."

He also knew that Nasida would not call Wang Daoyi over for nothing.

Something very important must have happened.

Jingshan Palace,

Wang Dao came in a hurry,

I found that besides Nasida, there was another acquaintance here.

"The Great Sage of Conquering Demons? Why are you here?"

When I was young, I saw the mandrill appearing in Sumeru.

"The emperor asked me to come to you, but you are not here, so I can only visit the Little Lucky Grass King first." Mandrill looked slightly cold, as if he was not used to the 'climate' of Sumeru.

"This immortal has sent very important information, and I have confirmed it." Nasida also said.

Wang Daoyi looked straight at Mandrill.

Mandrill's lips moved slightly: "The emperor said that something strange happened on Sky Island."

Sky Island? Something strange? ? ?

There was a hint of shock and a hint of disbelief in Wang Dao's eyes.

"Tianli has woken up?"

When something unusual happened on Sky Island, Wang Dao's first thought was that Tianli had awakened.

There was a hint of worry in Nasida's expression: "It can't be confirmed yet, but the strange movement is true. The World Tree's connection with Sky Island has been severed."

"Huh?" Wang Daoyi looked at Nasida.

Tianli itself has lost most of its power, and its control over Teyvat has declined drastically.

The World Tree is almost Tianli's last monitoring of Teyvat.

Now, the connection between World Tree and Sky Island has been severed. This may really be a big change.

"I guess it may have been when I was cleaning up the inside of the World Tree that I woke up Tianli. However, because of some considerations, He did not fight back against me. Instead, he directly cut off the connection between the World Tree and Sky Island."

Nacida said,

Previously, in order to prevent those messy things from modifying the content of World Tree at will, Nasida

He directly used his authority to clear out all the unknown wills in the World Tree.

This incident even caused quite a stir among the gods and many rulers.

Many people believe that it was the God of Grass who fired the first shot against heaven.

"Did Sky Island take the initiative to cut off the connection?" Wang Daoyi asked Nasida.

Nasida nodded: "Yes, the contact was actively cut off over there."

Hearing this answer,

Wang Daoyi fell into deep thought.

If it is said that heaven has indeed awakened,

But instead of suppressing the 'rebels' on Teyvat, He took the initiative to cut off the connection with the World Tree.

What does this mean?

In fact, I have only written a small part of the theory of metabolism. After all, it would take a paper of tens of thousands of words to write a clear theory of metabolism. This is definitely not a good one, so there are loopholes in the expressions in the article. Please enjoy it. Just watch it, no need to delve into it

In addition, some readers reported that the plot changes in Fontaine were too few, and even the pursuit of one expression and one paragraph was too rigid, which was much worse than the previous plot revisions. This was actually intentional on my part, as there had been foreshadowing before, [ Those who fool fate will be fooled by fate.] However, since it has been pointed out, I will correct it. Next, I will try to skip the original plot and skip it in small paragraphs. Thank you everyone for your corrections.

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