Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 736 An irresistible trap

"So, how can I help you?"

Surtroch asked.

Now that Wang Daoyi has arrived here,

Naturally, he wouldn't say anything to make things difficult or help.

The gang still needs to help.

"It's very simple. Recover the Star-Eating Whale before it causes an irreversible situation."

Wang Daoyi didn't say a very precise plan, but made a general request.

What happened before made him know, [Those who fool fate will be fooled by fate]

He thought he had deduced the prophecy very well, but in the end, Tianli discovered his little trick.

This very intuitively illustrates that the more you do in front of a given destiny, the more mistakes you make.

The best way is to not control the small details and strike hard at key points.

Plans like Fukalos are very good,

The key points of the prophecy were perfectly implemented, but the results were completely different.

Wang Daoyi needs to learn this method of acting with ease.

"Irreversible situation? You have to explain this to me clearly. What does irreversible mean?" Surtroki rolled his eyes under the armor.

What does irreparable mean?

Wang Daoyi frowned and thought deeply,

As long as Fukalos' plan goes well, then Villette can fully control the power of water and forgive the Fontaine people's original sin.

Therefore, melting should not happen,

Then, the biggest danger is that the Star-Eating Whale stirs up sea water that submerges Fontaine.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi understood the seriousness: "Ten minutes after the seawater floods Fengdan, if it still doesn't recede, you will need your help."

According to the prophecy, as long as the sea water floods Fontaine for one minute, it will be enough to melt all the Fontaine people.

Wang Daoyi slowed down the time to ten minutes because he had considered that the Heavenly Law had strengthened the Star-Eating Whale, which might affect the length of time Navilette and the travelers had to deal with it.

If the Star-Eating Whale has not been dealt with after ten minutes, it will not be too late for Surturoch to take action again.

If it takes more than ten minutes, the seawater may cause too much damage to the land of Fontaine.

"Ten minutes? Okay, I remember." Surtrock nodded.

On the side, Silk curled his lips: "How about I go, teacher."

Surtrock glanced at her: "What do you want to do next?"

Silk was stunned: "It's okay."

"Then why don't you hurry up and look at your apprentice? How long has he been fighting in the sea of ​​​​fetus? Why don't you feel sorry for your apprentice at all?" Surte Lodge cursed.

Silk was a little dissatisfied and looked at his teacher: "That's not what you said when you left me in a group of monsters."

Wang Daoyi listened happily,

Good guy, these feelings are of the same origin,

At the beginning, [Ji]'s favorite thing was to rush into the community of abyssal things and start killing people.

He probably taught Silk like this too,

As a result, when Silkko educated Dadalia, he also used this desperate fighting education method.

Well, it has a very sense of heritage.

"Can ordinary monsters compare with that stupid fish? Besides, can your apprentice's combat power compare with yours?" Surtrock cursed again.

Silk didn't bother to reply. He rolled his eyes at his teacher, stretched out his hand, opened the portal, and got in directly.

After Silkko left,

Surtrock shook his head: "You are so old, and you still look like a little girl."

Wang Daoyi smiled: "This shows that she regards you as her support."

A strong woman usually only shows off her temper in front of her father or husband, whom she can rely on.

As for other men, you can only see their tough side.

"Hahahaha, you are right." Surtrock laughed, very satisfied with Wang Daoyi's statement, and then said, "Let Silk look at it first, and if she can't solve it, I will take action. "

Then his face became slightly solemn: "There seem to have been some changes in the abyss recently. The ancient will we came into contact with seems to have become active."

Wang Dao's eyes narrowed: "You mean..."

Two thousand eight hundred years ago,

Wang Daoyi and [Ji] entered the abyss together. Later, they came into contact with the purple stars, hoping to gain knowledge outside the world from them.

In one of the purple stars, Wang Daoyi once came into contact with a great will, which was like reality and illusion.

It was an infinitely huge black snake.

[Stars adorn its scales, and nebulae surround its body. He comes from the end of the universe and goes to the beginning of the universe.

It is the origin of all mysteries and the end of all destruction,

The black snake that surrounds, the black snake that circulates,

The universe leaves its shadow, and all sentient beings sing its honorable name. 】

After returning from the past, Wang Daoyi forgot this memory for a long time.

Until today, it was mentioned again by Surte Lodge.

"I actually forgot about this?" Wang Daoyi felt a little unbelievable in his heart.

If Surte Lodge hadn't mentioned this matter, he would have really forgotten this experience.

"Is a power higher than mine affecting me?" Wang Daoyi made a guess, and then immediately shook his head in denial.

Then his eyes gradually brightened, "It's my subconscious protecting myself."

That black snake should be a very high-ranking being, possibly the incarnation of the will of the abyss.

Therefore, after subconsciously recognizing the danger, he immediately blocked this memory.

Probably, in order to avoid his excessive curiosity and in-depth study of the will of the abyss, which would lead to unknown dangers.

This kind of shielding is not complete, so when Surte Lodge mentioned it, Wang Daoyi immediately remembered it.

Although Wang Daoyi didn't say it clearly, Surte Lodge also knew what Wang Daoyi wanted to say.

Nodding slightly, he continued: "The energy inside the abyss has become much more active recently. Some friends who are doing research in the abyss say that there have been changes in the abyss. The most important thing is that I can vaguely feel it. The original great will.”

Wang Daoyi has a big head,

First, Heavenly Reason woke up and planned to design himself,

Then the will of the abyss became active again,

Why are all these bad things happening together?

"Will the will of the abyss do anything bad?" Wang Daoyi asked.

When it comes to things like the Will of the Abyss, he really doesn't know as much as Surte Lodge.

However, Surturoch also shook his head: "I don't know, the will of the abyss is too mysterious. In the past two thousand and eight hundred years, I have never had direct contact with it.

However, according to my other friends, something may have happened in the sky that stimulated the will of the abyss, so he woke up. "

Wang Daoyi was slightly startled,

The sky stimulates the abyss?

But... the recent actions in the sky are all related to him.

"What virtue and ability do I have, let the sky and the abyss revolve around me." Wang Dao's mouth twitched, feeling like he wanted to vomit blood.

After complaining, Wang Daoyi corrected his attitude.

Reality is not a game, being targeted by two big guys, Tianli and Abyss,

It can really kill you if you're not careful.

In this case, it would not be the worst thing if I died, but I would be afraid that my family and friends would be hurt as well.

"[Ji], I still need you to help me continue to pay attention to the will of the abyss. I suspect that its activity may be related to what I am doing." Wang Daoyi said with an ugly face,

Being targeted by both Abyss and Tianli really put a lot of pressure on Wang Daoyi.

"It seems that you have indeed done something extraordinary. Don't worry, it involves the sky and the abyss. I think some of my friends will be happy to help observe." Surtroch said.

Who are his friends?

[Gold] Reindot, [Prophet] Visefnir...

They are all existences pursuing a certain limit in the world of Teyvat.

They are all interested in the sky and the abyss.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll go ahead and treat you to a drink when the matter is over." Wang Daoyi thanked him.

Surte Lodge: "Okay, those guys don't drink. We won't be back until we are drunk."

The two chatted for a while,

Only then did Wang Daoyi let the four-legged dragon and snake open the door of the abyss and leave the abyss.

Time passed quickly, several days and nights passed by,

Everything seems to have calmed down,

The imaginary target from the sky never came,

The predicted actions of the Will of the Abyss did not happen either.

Even in Fontaine society, no one seems to talk about the prophecy anymore.

It seemed like everything was over.

But anyone with any knowledge knows that everything is the calm before the storm.

Qianhe Sandland·Underground Base.

"The magic circle activates preparations, and everyone will leave the node after completing the preparations."

"The interference has been eliminated...the interference group has evacuated the node."

"The leyline fluctuations have stabilized...the leyline group has evacuated the node."

"The circular inspection of the array nodes has been completed, and the inspection team has evacuated the nodes."

"The preparations have been completed. The magic circle can be opened at any time. Please ask the Lord of Red Sand to enter the center of the circle."

In a core room of the underground base,

A large number of formation patterns are engraved here,

In the center of the room stands a huge throne.

If you ignore the formations, someone might be able to recognize that this room is almost a one-to-one replica of the main temple of the Red Sand Temple.

"Then I'll get on." The Lord of Red Sand looked at the people beside him and walked towards the throne in the center.

Wang Dao and others did not speak, but looked at him seriously.

Walking to the throne, the Lord of Red Sand did not hesitate, turned around and sat down directly,

The next moment, the formation patterns in the room gradually lit up, and the magic circle was activated.

"The magic circle is being activated and the nodes are starting to run. There may be vibrations. Please prepare for each department."

Void orders began to be issued to various departments.

On the throne of God,

The Lord of Red Sand looked solemn, and a huge amount of information flashed in his eyes.

As the center of the formation, he will bear the greatest pressure after the formation is activated.

To use an inappropriate metaphor,

[Deception] The magic circle is equivalent to a skyscraper, and the Lord of Red Sand is the only load-bearing pillar.

"The magic circle has been started successfully, the nodes have been activated, and re-inspection is in progress."

The voice of the void echoed in everyone's ears again.

Having the void is convenient, it can handle normal detection, and there is no need to use manpower to complete it.

Soon, another few dozen minutes passed,

The voice of the void sounded again.

"The re-inspection is completed, the magic circle has taken effect, and law-level shielding is carried out within the coverage area."

The construction of the [Deception] array, which has been in preparation for nearly a year, has finally been completed.

It seems like it didn't take long, but if you think about it carefully, it only took two years for Wang Dao to become a god.

With the help of all parties, the already mature Hagentus technology,

It took nearly a year to accumulate so many bonus points. You can imagine how difficult this project was.

Before Wang Daoyi could test the effect of the magic circle with his own hands,

The voice of the void sounded again,

"I have received information from the outside. Your Majesty Wang Dao, Your Majesty the Little Lucky Grass King, is calling you. Do you want to get through?"

Wang Dao was stunned one by one: "Nasida is looking for me, the Lord of Red Sand, to hide the array patterns and disguise the temple, and then connect to the void."

There was a flash of light in the room, the array patterns gradually disappeared, and the entire room suddenly became exactly the same as the Red Sand Main Temple.

Even the feeling of outside light filtering through the windows is simulated.

Then Void answered Nasida’s call,

A projection appeared in front of Wang Dao and others.

"Daoyi, huh? Everyone is here. What did you do? The Dama Mountain area was disconnected from the World Tree just now, and then it was restored."

Nasida saw Albedo and Nicoreid standing around Wang Daoyi, as well as the Lord of Red Sand on the throne.

But she didn't think much about it and directly asked about what happened just now.

Just now Nasida was connecting to World Tree, and then she suddenly found that the Dama Mountain area was directly disconnected. Before she could check, it returned to normal.

Nasida suddenly thought that Wang Daoyi might have done something.

"I just experimented with something new and it's over." Wang Daoyi did not say it directly.

Nasida blinked her big eyes and did not ask further: "That's it, okay, as long as nothing happens."

After a pause, Nasida seemed to suddenly remember something and looked at Wang Daoyi: "By the way, a group of people came back from the expedition camp at the edge of the world for personnel exchange. They also brought news that Ms. Alice was coming. I looked for you."

The expedition camp at the edge of the world is a joint project between Chisha and the Imperial Academy.

It was Wang Daoyi himself who led the people to open it up.

But later on Wang Daoyi didn’t pay much attention to him.

But the expedition camp has been sending back pioneering achievements in a steady stream.

This gives the expedition camp a high status both in Chisha Headquarters and in the Imperial Academy.

Many people want to try their luck there.

So there was a rotation system for development personnel.

However, these are no longer managed by Wang Daoyi.

However, Wang Daoyi was somewhat interested in the information brought back by the development personnel.

Lady Alice came to see him.

Since the last time they cooperated to repair the rift in the world, the two have not been in contact again.

This time Ms. Alice suddenly came to see him, wouldn't there be any big problem again?

"Okay, I understand. When this period of time is over, I will go there." Wang Daoyi thought that when Feng Dan's prophecy was over, he would go to the edge of the world.

But Nasida shook her head,

"You don't need to go there. According to the returning pioneers, Ms. Alice came back with them."

"Ah? Ms. Alice has come to Xumiru?" Wang Dao's eyes narrowed, a little surprised.

Although I still have a good impression of Ms. Alice, after all, she is Keli's mother.

However, Wang Daoyi never doubted the other party's destructive power.

Keli can blow up a mountain cliff into a slope. Do you think Ms. Alice's destructive power can be smaller?

The example of Wind Dragon Ruins is right before our eyes.

"Yes, not only did she come to Xumi, but I also lost her whereabouts." Nasida said helplessly.

Wang Daoyi: "Huh?"

"According to the returning personnel, Ms. Alice borrowed the teleportation circle in the camp to come with them, but after they came back, Ms. Alice disappeared.

I checked the surveillance of the Liuli Jing Workshop and found that Ms. Alice went to see the [God of Positive Opportunities] and then disappeared. I thought she had probably left the Liuli Jing Workshop. "

Nasida explained the matter clearly, and then continued to guess,

"I think she might go to the desert to find you."

Regarding Nasida's guess, Wang Daoyi understood in his heart that it was not possible, but definitely possible.

If Keli still has a survival code to abide by.

Then Ms. Alice is really the representative of lawlessness.

Probably apart from her duty of guarding the world barrier, she does other things out of curiosity and interest.

So, are there few interesting things in the desert now?

Wang Daoyi himself knows his situation, there must be quite a few.

Whether it is the reactivated canal system,

Apep is still living in the underground palace of Qianhe Sand Land,

Or the eternal oasis in Dama Mountain,

Even the increasingly prosperous underground base,

It's all very interesting stuff,

It can completely arouse Ms. Alice's interest.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi felt a little bad. He had to find Alice quickly.

Otherwise, I'm afraid something unexpected might happen.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi did not dare to neglect, and turned to look at Albedo and Nicorette: "I will leave the next test to you, I will go find Ms. Alice."

Abedo nodded, fully understanding Wang Daoyi's worries: "Say hello to Aunt Alice for me."

"Okay." Wang Daoyi responded, then turned and left.

Qianhe Sandy Land·Oasis Canal,

"There are so many fish. If Keli were here, she would be very happy."

Bare feet, stepping on the water,

Ms. Alice smiled happily,

"Humans and dragon lizards live in harmony. I didn't expect the Lord of Red Sand to have such a skill. I thought only Nata could do it."

Looking down at the water,

Not only are there large schools of fish swimming by,

At the bottom of the canal, there are also alien dragon lizards swimming around.

"There is also this canal. I really didn't expect that it could be reactivated after it was exhausted." Ms. Alice's words were filled with a hint of wonder.

Then, she rolled her eyes and seemed to think of something interesting: "If the canal is diverted and water is poured into the Red King's Tomb, I don't know if it will be full."

"Sorry, Ms. Alice, although the red sand does not prevent outsiders from exploring the desert, I think your destructive exploration method is still open to question."

Wang Daoyi's figure emerged behind Alice.

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