Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 743 Paying homage to the Star God

From the moment [Heavenly Law] appears to the two parties starting to communicate,

Wang Daoyi never believed in Him.

To put it simply,

[Tianli] How could he reveal his secret to Wang Daoyi just for the sake of a mere maintainer?

And this secret also plotted against the seven most powerful demons in Teyvat.

What does this mean?

It shows that in the eyes of [Tianli], Wang Daoyi, who knows this secret, has only death.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi has not only been guarding against him from the beginning, but has also been speeding up the analysis of various advanced concepts of destiny that emerged behind [Tianli].

[Destruction] [Preservation] [Happiness] [Synchrony] [Nothingness] [Memory] [Hunting] [Intellect] [Abundance]...

Behind the throne of Tianli, the concepts of the above destiny are the most numerous and obvious.

The high-level concepts affected by these fates are intertwined with each other, causing waves of echoes.

And there is a lot of destiny power left,

[Breeding] [Gluttony] [Order] [Pure Beauty] [Balance] [Endgame] [Exploration] [Mystery]…

The power of these destiny paths, some are more, some are less, but they all exist behind the throne of heaven, echoing the previous concepts of destiny.

In Wang Daoyi's eyes, the Throne of Heavenly Reason, which contains many concepts of destiny, is like a barrel filled with countless kinds of explosives.

It looked like it was going to explode at any moment.

But under the control of heavenly principles, this wooden barrel is unexpectedly safe.

But as time went by, Tianli withdrew his power from it, and these concepts of fate began to gradually become irritable.

"Don't you want to feel their power? Come on, try the pressure I have carried for thousands of years."

[Tianli] pointed at Wang Daoyi with one hand from a distance, and the concept of destiny behind the throne was like a flood when it was released, rushing towards the target.

"What a crude technique."

Seeing the torrent of concepts sweeping over him, Wang Daoyi not only did not worry, but instead complained.

[Tianli] This method of using advanced concepts to form a torrent to attack,

To put it nicely, it’s called being crushed by the general trend.

The ugly thing is that it has no technical content at all.

It’s not even as good as the previous method used by the Maintainers to use the power of [Destruction] to strengthen the Scarlet Star.

He did not exert the true power of those destiny concepts at all, but only used these concepts to impact Wang Daoyi.

The rolling torrent swept over,

The surrounding space began to distort, and the void was torn apart,

Although it has no technical content at all, its power is definitely not weak.

But Wang Dao did not dodge, letting these concepts wash over his body,

"I have always agreed with the point of view that no matter how many times I simulate it, it is never as satisfying as experiencing it in person."

Feeling the painful groan coming from every elemental force in the divine body,

Wang Dao pulled an ugly smile from the corner of his mouth, it was too painful.

Different concepts of destiny constantly invaded his divine body, and each destiny wanted to transform Wang Daoyi into their shape.

[Destruction] threatens all fates with bared teeth and claws, hoping to monopolize this body and turn it into a virtual pawn.

[Tonghe] brings harmony from the depths of the universe, tells Wang Daoyi the beauty of clusters, tells the unity of the family, and shows the great will to accept and integrate with all things.

[Memory] wandered in Wang Daoyi's mind, staring covetously at the memory guarded by authority.

[Hunting] roamed every corner of the divine body, hunting for every force that harmed it. It told Wang Daoyi: "Anyone who deceives me, I will repay him twice as much."

[Abundance] swayed its vitality carelessly, healing every scar in the god's body. However, under this endless vitality, part of Wang Daoyi's elemental power began to mutate.

Dozens of different concepts with different fates held a conference in Wang Daoyi's body.

And in the outside world,

Wang Daoyi's divine body collapsed for a while, recovered for a while, became sluggish for a while, and then surged in power.

Not to mention Wang Daoyi himself, even the [Tianli] opposite had never seen such a scene.

"How could someone... be able to hold so many concepts of destiny in their body?"

[Tianli] I found that I couldn't understand this guy Wang Daoyi.

Is this really a demon god that Teyvat can raise?

Why does his style of painting look a little different from other demon gods?

At this time, Wang Daoyi only left a trace of his spiritual thoughts to guard against [Heavenly Principle].

His attention had completely shifted to the depths of his soul.

A metallic phantom passed through the endless universe, crossed countless imaginary spaces, and came to the depths of his will.

He looks like a head made of metal, with small eyes, and the cochlea is flashing with red light. It looks like a head-shaped computer.

(The red light is actually the position of the cochlea, which has its head turned sideways)

"Unknown life forms in unknown airspace."

He looked at Wang Daoyi's will projection and made a mechanical sound like thunder.

Wang Dao's eyes flickered slightly: "Master Bo Shi?"

Wang Daoyi learned about this image from the Jin people.

Of course, the more reason why Wang Daoyi confirmed the identity of the other party was because when this phantom appeared, the disordered concepts belonging to [intellect] that originally followed the torrent of concepts stopped directly, and then began to move towards this phantom. Shadows gather.

"You know my name, you have been in contact with interstellar civilization." The shadow of Bo Shizun did not seem to be as difficult to communicate with as the golden man said.

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly, then let go: "I came into contact with Si Yan, a golden man from Xianzhou."

"Immortal boat... hunting... is calculating... no trace of the hunting star god has been found. 99.8% of it is an accident."

On Bo Shi Zun's projection, red flickered slightly.

"An accident brought you into contact with the knowledge of interstellar civilization, which allowed you to understand the existence of destiny, and then you came to the point of analyzing destiny..."

The red light next to Bo Shizun's cochlea began to flash rapidly,

"Calculation error, answer rejected, unknown variables not included, restart calculation..."

"The planet data is being read...Suffering from a large number of disordered fate concept interference, processing..."

As the red light projected by Bo Shizun on the cochlea becomes more rapid,

outside world,

The torrent of concepts that originally washed over Wang Daoyi like a torrent suddenly slowed down.

far away,

[Tianli] looked frightened: "Star God?!?"

Countless concepts of destiny stagnated beside Wang Daoyi, like silk threads that were stilled.

Wang Daoyi is in the sea of ​​consciousness,

The phantom of Bo Shizun once again made a mechanical sound,

"The interference has been eliminated, re-read the planet data... Teyvat... Dragon Clan... Power..."


Bo Shizun's mechanical sound suddenly stopped, and then Wang Daoyi discovered that the eyes on the projection suddenly started to move.

"[Immortal]...Dragon, that's it..."

I don’t know what information the machine head actually read.

He no longer makes that stereotypical mechanical sound, and his voice and eyes become more dynamic.

After two or three breaths, he stopped talking to himself and turned his head to look at Wang Daoyi:

"Everyone who meets me will ask me a question. So, do you have anything to ask?"

"Can I ask any questions?"

"Are you sure you want to ask this question?"

Wang Daoyi:......

It was obviously very lively just now, why did it suddenly become rigid again?

Wang Daoyi suddenly had an idea as he complained silently in his heart.

"I want to know, my enemy outside, the guy named [Tianli], what exactly does he want to do?"

The shadow of Bo Shizun was slightly silent, and the red color next to his cochlea began to flash again, as if he was calculating whether he could tell Wang Daoyi the answer.

for a long time,

"Calculation: Harmless.

Answer: He is collecting dragon powers in an attempt to become a new dragon. "

It wasn't as long as Wang Daoyi imagined, but Bo Shizun's one sentence was more shocking than a long speech.

Making a gesture of swallowing, Wang Daoyi looked at Bo Shizun's projection stiffly: "The [Dragon] you are talking about..."

"It is [Immortality]. Your planet is very special. It actually contains a concept of [Immortality] belonging to dragons. That's why the dragon clan with great power appears. As long as all the power belonging to dragons in the depths of the world is seized, The concept of [Immortality] can reappear. At that time, as long as you grasp the most fundamental concept of [Immortality], the [Heavenly Principle] in your mouth will have the possibility to become the [Immortal] Star God."

After a pause, Master Bo Shi added another sentence: "After calculation, he has even completed a convergence, but for some reason, it seems to have failed.

According to his new plan, the next time authority gathers, he has an 87% chance of completing the mastery of [Immortal] and becoming the [Immortal] Star God.

But because of your appearance, this probability is currently infinitely approaching zero. "

Wang Dao twitched the corner of his mouth,

Rounding it all off, I kill a star god?

Moreover, Tianli has actually completed the gathering of the [Immortal] divinity and carried out an act of ascending to the Star God?

Good guy, the laws of nature are actually hidden so deeply?

Wang Daoyi kept thinking in his mind,

The first time Tianli impacted the Star God... it should have been after the Second Dragon King War.

[Dragon King] The revenge of the Nibelungs completely failed, and the authority of the Dragon Clan was completely seized by heaven.

So the [Heavenly Principles] began to gather the [Immortal] divinity and attack the throne of the [Immortal] Star God.

But how did He fail?

If we deduce it directly, there are no clues.

But if we push forward from later generations, it seems that we can also draw some conclusions.

First, when the Heavenly Law attacked the throne of the [Immortal] Star God, it happened to coincide with the birth of the second-generation Dragon Kings. Under Teyvat's rules, these second-generation Dragon Kings occupied part of the power of the Dragon King as soon as they were born, resulting in the [Immortal] divinity. Disintegrated, Tianli’s attack on the [Immortal] Star God failed.

But there is a bug in this conclusion, that is, Apep, this old guy survived the Dragon King War. If heaven has taken away his Dragon King authority, then how did he survive? Use the adaptability of the Grass Dragon to adapt to the form where the power was taken away, and then survive? Or...Apepu is not the Dragon King who holds the power of grass at all?

Wang Daoyi doesn't know the above issues.

Second, when the Heavenly Law attacked the throne of the [Immortal] Star God, something was missing. It was most likely energy, and it was a massive amount of high-level energy. With the birth of the second-generation Dragon King, the power of the elements began to become unstable.

Therefore, Tianli deconstructed the [Immortal] divinity into seven elemental powers, cast it into seven thrones, promoted the war between demons, selected seven demons, and asked them to govern Teyvat, so that these thrones could be used from The human world draws power, and on the other hand, Heavenly Law begins to purposefully intercept the power of destiny and descend on Teyvat. He seals all these concepts of destiny into his throne as fuel for the second attack on the [Immortal] Star God.

This conclusion is also a bug in Apep, but it is more complete than the first conclusion. It tells the reason why [Heavenly Law] gathered the power of the Dragon King into a divine throne,

It is to gather more energy, collect the power of the human world, and use it to attack the throne of the [Immortal] Star God.

"But no matter what the possibility is, if [Heavenly Law] wants to attack the [Immortal] throne in the end, it must take back the complete power of the elements and gather the [Immortal] divinity..."

"Damn it, no wonder the seven gods are secretly resisting the law of heaven. It turns out that the law of heaven really wants their lives."

Wang Daoyi was not sure whether the Seven Consuls had discovered Tianli's plan.

But it is certain that the seven ruling powers of the first generation were aware of Tianli's evil intentions.

"Not only the seven rulers, but also the first-generation Dragon King and the second-generation Dragon King. The power of the elements needs to be gathered, and the 'help' of the Dragon Kings is indispensable. And if [Heavenly Law] wants to gather the [Immortal] divinity, the Dragon Kings must be cleaned up." The object is just like the original Dragon King War."

"The reason why Tianli doesn't want anyone to leave Teyvat is probably because he was tricked by the First Dragon King War. The Dragon King left Teyvat with authority, which resulted in him never being able to perfect the [immortal] divinity. Therefore, in the second After the War of the Second Dragon King, He completely isolated Teyvat. Whoever dared to peek into the outside world, He would directly use Sky Nails to repair the crack, cutting off everyone's sight and destroying the local civilization."

"So, it seems that Heavenly Law controls Teyvat, but in fact... Heavenly Law is the enemy of the whole world."

Wang Daoyi calculated carefully. If his guess was correct,

Then, those beings with a little bit of strength in Teyvat seem to be enemies of [Heavenly Law].

"The time is coming." The phantom of Bo Shizun suddenly interrupted Wang Daoyi's thinking, "I'm leaving. Wang Daoyi, are you willing to accept my invitation and join the [Genius Club]?"

genius club,

As soon as Wang Dao knew about this organization, Jin Ren Si Yan admired this organization extremely, especially the guy named Screw Gumu. When Jin Ren talked about him, he was like a fanatical star-chasing fan.

What impressed Wang Daoyi even more was another scholar named [Elijah Salas].

As for why he was so impressed, it was probably the first time Wang Daoyi came into contact with something that he couldn't understand in a short time, which was his works.

Synaesthesia beacons and ultra-long range remote sensing,

It actually allows the natives of Teyvat to communicate with the golden people of the cosmic civilization.

It's incredible.

According to the information recorded by Jinren Siyan,

The two technologies of synesthetic beacons and ultra-long-distance remote sensing have become the cornerstones of communication among modern cosmic civilizations.

In other words, there is no problem in calling [Elijah Salas] the father of modern civilized communication.

Of course, according to Jin Siyan, when these two technologies began to be officially used, [Elijah Salas] had been dead for hundreds of years.

However, this does not prevent Wang Daoyi from admiring this scholar.

The most important thing about knowledge is communication, and this scholar solved the communication problem of the entire universe.

Let go of the prehistoric worldview and gain a golden wheel of merit.

"As far as I know, the members of the Genius Club are truly at the limit of their intelligence and belong to the top existences in the universe. Although I am very confident, I still want to know why you invited me?"

Wang Daoyi did not agree directly, but questioned Bo Shizun.

This is the truth. Wang Daoyi doesn’t think he can compare with those real geniuses.

Part of why he got to where he is today is luck, and part of it is due to the [authority of inquiry].

He himself is, at best, not a stupid person.

"The world's definition of a genius club is not my definition of a genius club, because genius is never defined."

Bo Shizun said something like a tongue twister, and then continued,

"Every being who is invited to the Genius Club by me has their corresponding characteristics. These characteristics are the reasons for my invitation. Otherwise, the universe is very big, but there cannot be only eighty-five geniuses, including For those of you who didn’t join.”

"[Happiness] once tried to give the power and wisdom of Joy to a bug, trying to get the bug to join the Genius Society, but obviously, he failed. The one who had the entire power of [Happiness] A bug with intelligence does not meet the requirements to join the genius club, and when I found out about it, the bug was already dead."

After a pause, Bo Shizun's voice became slightly more solemn: "And you also have such unusual qualities."

What qualities do I have?

Wang Daoyi was confused and couldn't understand the so-called characteristics mentioned by Bo Shizun at all.

What kind of existence are you?

Wang Daoyi actually has a very clear self-awareness.

As a human being, he cares about his family, values ​​his friends, likes to read and drink tea, and is just a very ordinary ordinary person.

As a god, he loves his people, protects civilization, and likes unknown knowledge. He can be regarded as a qualified god.

"I... agreed."

Looking at the increasingly dim projection of Bo Shi Zun, although Wang Daoyi still couldn't figure out what qualities he had, he still nodded.

"I will send a message to the other members of the Genius Club. Maybe, someone will come to visit you."

The shadow of Bo Shi Zun completely disappeared into Wang Daoyi's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the power belonging to [Intellect] is extremely docile in Wang Daoyi's body.

"This is... the power of the [Intellectual] Envoy?"

"Master Bo Shi gave me the identity of an envoy?"

Feeling the docile conceptual power of [Intellect] in his body, a hint of surprise appeared on Wang Dao's eyebrows.

Bo Shizun, seems to be a little too kind to him?

There were so many star gods, but he came directly,

Not only was he invited to join the Genius Club, but he was also directly given the status of an envoy.

In this world, can there really be something for no reason?

"Trait...what exactly is it?"

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