Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 757 The first clues appear

When Qin received the evidence submitted by Diluc and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce,

The atmosphere in the entire Knight Order dropped.

Doctor, this name is not familiar to Mondstadt people,

But the people from the Knights are no strangers at all.

Many knights have been exposed to those events in the past,

Some of the former victims were even friends of these knights.

For example, Amber, her good friend Cole was once the doctor's experimental subject.

The Doctor conducted very vicious experiments in Mondstadt, which left a deep impression on the Knights.

"What do you think?" Qin looked at everyone,

"First of all, if it is confirmed that that guy is back, then we need to monitor all the fools first." Lisa said, "A base that can conduct human experiments will not need less supplies, and we need to monitor the flow of supplies. "

"Leave it to the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. Your monitoring of material flow will easily attract attention. Leave it to the Chamber of Commerce and no one will be suspicious." Xingqiu said directly.

If the government monitors the flow of materials, people will definitely notice it.

But if it is an investigation by the Chamber of Commerce, it is a business behavior and will not attract the attention of special personnel.

Qin nodded to Xingqiu: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is also for our people." Xingqiu did not forget that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce also had people kidnapped. If it was a biological experiment, those people would be in danger.

Then, everyone started talking again, and many plans were put forward.

Diluc remained silent.

He did not have a good relationship with the Knights.

Qin's eyes fell on him: "Senior Diluc, do you have anything to say?"

Diluc shook his head: "The plan is very good, implement it as soon as possible, I will investigate alone..."

Just as he was saying,

The door to the conference room suddenly opened: "Acting Captain, it's not good, there is another kidnapping case."

"What?" Qin stood up immediately.

The others also stood up in disbelief.

It's daytime now, so carrying out kidnappings during the day is a bit too arrogant, isn't it?

Moreover, the Knights have stepped up their patrols in the past few days.

This is a crime committed against the wind.

For a moment, everyone in the Knights was angered.

"Three hours ago, a truck was found in the wild. The owner of the truck disappeared. There were no signs of fighting around, which is consistent with the scene investigation of the previous kidnapping case." Knight Report reported.

Qin said with a cold face: "Has the identity of the owner of the cargo been investigated?"

The knight shook his head: "I haven't found anything, but the goods on the truck are not missing. There are many Liyue products among them. They should be small businessmen from Liyue."

Hearing this,

Xingqiu immediately said: "Captain Qin, although I trust the Knights very much, if this matter remains unresolved, Feiyun Chamber of Commerce will definitely report it to Qixing."

Qin Yin gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, Your Excellency Xingqiu, you have also seen it. Now we have some clues, and we will detect it as soon as possible."

Xingqiu nodded, then glanced at Diluc.

Diluc said: "Let's do this. I will take Mr. Xingqiu and Mr. Chongyun together to see the scene of the crime. Qin, you and everyone in the Knights will arrange the plan as soon as possible."

Qin glanced at Diluc gratefully: "Okay, thank you, senior."

Soon, everyone in the conference room was busy.

Xingqiu and Chongyun followed Diluc to the latest crime location.


At an angle invisible to ordinary people, under the distortion of light, Wang Daoyi was following behind them.

A few people jogged all the way and soon arrived at the address in the message.

An ordinary path,

A truck was abandoned on the side of the road. The tarpaulin covering it was not removed, but the owner of the truck was nowhere to be seen.

"The footprints around." Diluc lowered his head to check, and then his face darkened, "The footprints are all destroyed, they are all the footprints of the knights."

This is why Diluc has always looked down on the Knight of the West Wind.

Especially after the Grand Commander took away most of the elites,

The professionalism of the Knights of the West Wind is beyond recognition.

Chongyun also lowered his head and looked at it: "The footprints are very new, no more than three hours old. In addition, there are no signs of fighting. The owner of the goods was directly robbed. The intervention of elemental power or other means cannot be ruled out."

"The goods are porcelain and some silk. They are indeed merchants from Liyue. There are marks on the silk. We can check later to see if we can find the identity of the victim." Xingqiu also checked the truck.

"Although I don't like the Knights, there really is no more information here." Diluc looked gloomy.

"Daoyi, have you found anything?" Xingqiu asked.

Although he couldn't see Wang Daoyi, he knew Wang Daoyi was here.

"A little."

The light was slightly distorted, and a hazy figure emerged, very blurry, and the face could not be seen.

In order to prevent the perpetrator from seeing Wang Daoyi and frightening away the mastermind behind the scenes,

Wang Daoyi will avoid appearing in his true form and try to use blurry projections.

In this way, even if someone sees it, they will not contact Wang Daoyi immediately.

"The truck came from the direction of Liyue and was not traveling very fast. You can see that the rut marks are very even. Therefore, the owner of the cargo did not notice the attack and made no move to escape.

Except for the footprints of the Knights, there are no more footprints of other people around.

But I observed that there seemed to be traces on the rocks not far away,

The perpetrator launched a sneak attack on the cargo owner from a distance, directly incapacitating the cargo owner, and then took the cargo owner away in some way. "

The hazy figure pointed to a large rock in the distance.

Diluc immediately walked over and checked.

Then he walked back and nodded to everyone: "The traces have been erased, but you can still tell that some kind of crossbow was set up. It's not big. The crossbow arrows used should not be fatal. They may be coated with poison or something." potion."

"So, the process of committing the crime should be that someone was lying in wait here until someone came in, then he launched an attack and then took the person away." Wang Daoyi said.

Xingqiu frowned slightly: "What are the characteristics of their attack?"

Diluc shook his head: "This is a business road. Generally, only businessmen traveling to and from Liyue will go there. They are targeted attacks."

"Aiming at Liyue?" Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at each other, and both saw the unswerving look in the other's eyes.

"It's not necessarily targeting Liyue. It's just that Liyue and Mondstadt have the largest land caravans and are the least likely to attract attention. If they attack maritime merchants, the noise will definitely be bigger." Wang Daoyi didn't think that the other party was targeting Liyue. Maybe they were simply looking for someone to attack who was not easy to find.

It is normal for Liyue merchants to stay away from home for ten and a half days when they come to Mondstadt to do business.

Moreover, most of the people they attacked were small businessmen, and no one contacted them when they disappeared.

But if you attack a big merchant or maritime merchant, it will be too easy to be discovered.

Xingqiu and Chongyun came to Mondstadt because people from the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce were kidnapped.

The mechanism of large chambers of commerce determines their internal inspection agencies.

While these institutions are fighting corruption, they are also ensuring the personal safety of their employees.

"This is the only way for the Liyue Trade Road. If the other party has been setting up an ambush here, then their base should also be able to come here." Diluc has sufficient experience in dealing with such rats in the darkness.

"Do you have a map?" Xingqiu asked immediately.

Diluc smiled: "No need for a map, I remember everything."

Then he thought for a while and continued: "From here, to the west is the territory of Chenxi Winery. I don't think the other party dares to build a base on my territory, and to the east is Qingquan Town. We can go and ask the town later. Have you found any strange people online?

A little north of us is the Running Wolf Territory. It is impossible for the old wolf to watch the bad guys acting like monsters on his territory, so it can be ruled out for the time being.

Then to the south, after crossing several hills and a large plain, is the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, probably close to Mianlong Valley, but there are people from the Lawrence family there. Although Lawrence and the people of Mondstadt have not completely reconciled, they It was impossible for Yora Lawrence to ignore the security issues in that area. "

"So, what we need to investigate next is Qingquan Town?" Xingqiu asked.

He couldn't wait to catch the murderer.

Diluc nodded and was about to speak,

I saw the blurry light and shadow move slightly, and looked into the distance: "Someone is coming, it seems to be the Knight of the West Wind."

After saying that, Wang Daoyi's light and shadow fluctuated and disappeared.

"Didn't the West Wind Knight go to investigate other aspects? Why did he come here?" Xingqiu was a little confused.

Diluc: "Maybe you have found some important clues, please let us know."

Sure enough, after a while, a West Wind Knight ran over: "Three people, three people..."

He was out of breath.

Xingqiu knew that Diluc didn't like the Knights, so he took a step forward: "Speak slowly, Knight, what happened?"

The visitor took a breath, and then said: "A missing person has returned, and he pointed the finger at Lawrence."

Everyone was slightly shocked,


"Yes, he said that he was kidnapped by Lawrence and managed to escape with great difficulty."

Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at each other, confused, and could only look at Diluc.

Diluc also frowned: "It's unlikely. The Lawrence family has been purged once by Yora Lawrence, and their main force has been sent to the grand leader. How can they still have the intention to kidnap?

Besides, although the Lawrence family does not have a good reputation, their methods are indeed good, especially after Yura came to power and promoted many young and promising people.

How could they possibly let a kidnapped man escape from their territory? "

Listening to Diluc's words, the knight who reported the news also nodded: "Captain Qin also said the same, but many civilians already know about this matter, and now public opinion is very unfavorable to Lawrence."

Xingqiu raised an eyebrow: "Is this... trying to divert the Knights' attention?"

He smelled a different smell from this matter.

Diluc also nodded: "It is very possible that provoking conflicts between the people and Lawrence is a very insidious method. It seems that the actions of the Knights have made the mastermind nervous."

The Laurence family left Mondstadt under the leadership of Yula, and for the first time they admitted their mistakes to the Knights.

But that doesn’t mean everyone has forgiven Lawrence;

If it were revealed at this time that Lawrence had kidnapped a foreign businessman,

Then, the trust that Yura had finally built up would collapse in an instant.

The most important thing is that this is not Lawrence's fault, so Lawrence cannot be regressing.

Both sides will definitely be at war with each other.

"Wait a minute." Chongyun suddenly said, "If the other party can put the kidnapped personnel at Lawrence's station, then does it mean that their base is not far from Lawrence's station? After all, one person needs to be transported to another It’s not an easy thing to do in this place.”

Xingqiu and Diluc's eyes lit up.

What Chongyun said makes perfect sense.

Generally speaking, if a person carries another person on his back and walks on the road, he will definitely attract more attention than if a person walks normally.

It would be even more eye-catching if the person being carried or transported was still unconscious.

And now while the Knights are still searching around, a kidnapped person appears at Lawrence's station.

Whether the person is placed inside or outside the station, it shows that the kidnapper's real station cannot be too far away from Lawrence's station.

"Go to the snowy mountains to investigate?"

"Go to the snowy mountains to investigate!"

Xingqiu and Diluc spoke together.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling a little tacit understanding.

Then Diluc looked at the knight who reported the news: "Please go back and tell the acting captain that we have new clues. In addition, ask her to send someone to inform the Lawrence family and cooperate with our investigation. Also tell the citizens of Mondstadt that the Knights An investigation into Lawrence has begun."

Diluc thought very comprehensively,

They can not only investigate the mastermind behind the scenes, get the Lawrence family to cooperate, but also appease the citizens of Mondstadt's dissatisfaction with the Knights.

The knight who reported the news also reacted and nodded immediately: "I'll go right away."

After saying that, he turned around and ran towards Mondstadt.

After the knight left, several people rushed towards the snow-capped mountains without any further delay.

at the same time,

In the city of Mondstadt, some citizens who were still dissatisfied with Lawrence began to protest against the Knights, demanding that the Knights rescue the kidnapped businessmen.

The reason they gave is simple,

The kidnapping of businessmen has caused some prices in Mondstadt to start to rise.

The citizens of Mondstadt need high-quality and cheap goods.

The Knights were supposed to keep the merchants safe.

"I don't think this was done by the Lawrence family." Qin's face darkened.

In a corner of the office, Lisa flipped through the books in her hand: "Obviously, this is to divert the energy of the Knights."

"We can't be fooled." Qin said firmly, "This will destroy the trust that was finally established between the Knights and Lawrence."

After a pause, Qin's eyes were filled with worry: "Yora has already suppressed the Lawrence family once. If she does it again, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on."

Not everyone has the ability to launch a purge against blood relatives. Whether it is inner pressure or pressure from public opinion, it is enough to crush a person to death.

"So, we need a way to continue the investigation and at the same time get rid of those people who have been misled by public opinion." Lisa said.

Qin nodded: "Do you have any ideas?"

Lisa closed the book: "I think Mr. Diluc will give you a surprise."

"What?" Qin hasn't reacted yet,

There was a knock on the door, and the knight who reported the news came in: "Acting Captain, Master Diluc asked me to come back to report something.

Mr. Diluc also has two distinguished guests from Liyue. They believe that the attacker's base may be near Lawrence's station and have already gone there to investigate. He hopes that the acting captain can help inform the Lawrence family to cooperate, and then inform the citizens , we have begun an investigation into the Lawrence family. "

"Really? That's great. As expected of senior Diluc." Qin immediately understood what Diluc meant.

She looked at the purple phantom aside and asked:

"Lisa, please inform Amber and ask her to make a trip to inform Yora and ask the Lawrence family to cooperate with the investigation.

In addition, Charlie, help me issue a notice to tell the citizens that we are already investigating.

All information is subject to the results of the investigation. "

"Okay, okay, then I'll go." Lisa stretched lazily, then nodded and walked out the door.

Here in Mondstadt,

The scout knight quickly rushed to the snowy mountain,

Within the city, public opinion guidance also began.

And on the other side,

The investigation team also entered the snow-capped mountains.

"Well, it's cold."

"Ah, so comfortable."

Xingqiu and Chongyun let out completely different sighs.

This is not their first time to the snowy mountains, but they have different feelings every time they come.

Diluc glanced at the surrounding terrain: "We should be below the Sleeping Dragon Valley now. Going west, we can reach Lawrence Station."

"Then let's go." Xingqiu rubbed his hands. Although it was very cold, for the holder of the Eye of God, he was still in an accepting atmosphere.

A few people continued on their way,

And behind them,

The invisible Wang Daoyi cast his sights on the top of the snow mountain,

"Did you use the power of the Sky Nail to cover up my perception?"

In Wang Daoyi's perception, the place where the sky nail fell on the top of the mountain was still cold and had no special aura.

But he just suspected that the mastermind behind the scenes might have used the power of the Sky Nail to hide it from his perception.

After all, if there is anything in the entire snow mountain that can block the perception of Wang Daoyi and Wendy, it is the Sky Nail.

"The traces appear before my eyes."

Wang Dao's eyes flashed with gold,

In the air, different colors appeared in his eyes.

Each trace of different colors represents a person passing here.

Everyone leaves a different atmosphere and traces.

Perhaps these traces are very weak, but under the power of [Inquiry], they are very obvious.

"Well, we also did special trace elimination. Are you trying to prevent something?"

Wang Daoyi's lips curled up slightly, feeling that he had guessed correctly.

This time around Mondstadt, it was the Doctor who was behind the scenes.

After all, the doctor has seen Wang Daoyi’s terrifying pursuit ability.

That’s why people are asked to eliminate traces all the time.

Traces appeared and disappeared in front of Wang Dao's eyes.

In the end, only a few of the most frequent traces remain,

Part of it leads to Lawrence's station,

It should have been left by someone from the Lawrence family.

And the other part leads to the top of the snow-capped mountains,

Wang Daoyi's guess was correct. The mastermind behind the scenes was indeed hidden on the top of the snow mountain.

I smoked a wind-type big sister with a noble status, woo woo woo woo

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